HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400722_REGULAREnutes of the regular meeting; of the Council sf the Village of Ed-, held in Grange Hall on July 22, 1940, at 8:00 orclock P,E. The meeting was called to order by the PresLdent the roll called and all members of the Council mere present, EllinUtes of the regular meeting of the Council held on July 8, 1940 were read, on motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded by Willson and carried. Application of ma Tedman, for Off Sale license to sell, 3,2 malt liquor having been madB at a previous meting, it mas moved by Irgens the application be granted and license issued to bfarch 31, 1941, upon payment af license fee of $5.00, seconded by Villson and carried, I&, Broom, presented petition for installatiun of curb and gutter in and along Indianola Ave. from 50th to 51st streets, which on motion Irgens, be received and referred to Road and Bridge Committee, seconded by Edoore and carried, I Er, Broom, presented petition for oiling of Xndianala Aver from 50th to 51st streets which onmotion Irgens, be received and referred to . Road and Bridge Committee, seconded by Edoore and carried. The Village pay roll advances having been carefully noted and found correct, vere on motion Willson they be duly alloved and ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried, It was moved by Irgens that Joint Sewer District Ho,1 warrants numbered 303 and 304 for pay be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Tillson and carried. I Xr. Rittenheuse requested that a working grade be established at Shermood and 63rd street in front lot 2 block 7 which was referred to Road and Bridge Committee. V, E. Herrick appeared before the Council to advise the local E’ederal Housing Admhistratbo mas hesitant to grant a loan for new house at N,E, corner 66th and Brookview on accaunt of an outside to.ilet’ in the neighborhood, after discussion it was agreeable to all that the Recorder advise BHA that sanitary sewers vere being installed at this time and that agter completion the Council will demand connection thereto. Edr. Eerrill Hutchinson requested that a black top pavement be applied in all materials such as oil, sand and gravel were furnished free the labor and equipment, The request being agreeable and was referred to to the Road and Bridge Committee for attention, 3. Je Ecklund also appeared to request that oil be applied to streets in ante Oaks Additions and upon same basis as Golg Terrace, which being agreeable was referred to Road and Bridge Committee fur attentian, -- 3 -- ’ to streets in Hilldale on same basis as used in Golf Terrace where- by the lot owners and others and the village road cren furnishing ~ . .- -5. ?-- Petition for hearing on vacation of portion of C:oopr Avenue next cane before the CGuncil, After discussion it vas moved by Irgens that due posted and published notice be given for hearing to he held on August 5, 1940 in Grange Hall at 8:OO o*cPock POX. seconded Eoore and carried, Letter by Prudential Realty Co,, dated July 8, 1940, concerning grading Xerxes Ave. 65th to 66th streets, read and referred to Road and Bridge Committee, Application by Uinneapolis Gas Light Coo for permission to install gas mains in and along Fuller Street, Circle Ave. West and East Sanny SloBe Road was laid on the table pending meeting of Gas Ca. representive nith Road and Bridge Committee concerning replacement and repair of streets. After discussion regarding installation of Sanitary Sewer and water main in and along Edina Court, it was moved by Bllacrre that bids be called for as of August 12, 1940.on basis of contractor to furnish all, according to plans and specifications by Village Engineer Bradley, to be financed out of General fund with fall cast to be assessed against the benefited property, seconded by Willson and carried. Trustee Irgens offered the folloying Resolution and moved its adopt- ion: RESOLUTIOX PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE AWD SALE OF,SEPJER WARRANTS BE IT RESQLm by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hemepi@ County, Xinnesota, that the Village shall forthwith issue and sell $20,000 additional Sewer Warrants on account of Jaint SeweE District No, 1, of said Village, said Warrants %a be forty in number and numbered 66 to 105, both inclusive, and in the denomination of $500 each, to bear date August 15, 1940, ta bear interest payable semi-annually on'the first day of January and the first day of July in each year, both interest and principal to be payable at a suitable bank or trust company to be designated by the sucessful bidder, and said warrants to mature on January 1, in the amount of $2500 Trt each ,odd'numbered year from 1943 to 1949, both inclusive, and $2000 in i each even numbered year from 1942 ta 1950, both inclusive, without opt ion of prior paymept , BE IT NRTHER RESOLTIED that the Cauncil shall meet on Monday, the 12th day of August, 1940, at 9:OO o'clock E.X. for the purpose of receiving and considering bids for said warrants and effecting a sale thereof, and the Clerk shall cause two weeks published notice of such sale to be given by publication in the official newspaper of the Village, which notice shall _specify that said warrants will be general obligations of the Village, and the full faith and credit shall be pledged for their payment, and that the Village will furnish the printed warrants and the legal opinion of Messrs. Bletcher Darsey Barker Colman &Barber, without dast to the purchaser, The motion to. adopt the resolution was seconded by Edoore and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the Resolution wherkin there were five ayes and no nays as follows: aye, Wyatt aye, Eoore aye, and Vesterberg aye, and so declared duly passed and carried. Irgens aye, willson Attest : It vias moved by Irgens that the Village Council 09 the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Hllinnesata, does hereby give its consent to the Country Club District Service Company to install, construct and extend its water systern within said Village as follaws: Commencing at a paint in Tfdest 50th street approximately 200 feet Tlest of the Southeasterly carner, Lot 5, Block 4, Sunny- slope Addition, thence Westerly along said Vest 50th Street to the intersection af Vest 50th Street and Vest Sunnyslope Road, thence northerly along said West Sunnysloge Road to the narth line of Lot 12, Block 5, Sunnyslape Addittan, produced westerly. The authority herein granted is upon the specific condition that any contributinn-paid to said Country Club Service Company by Thorpe Bros. to defray costs of canstruction of the ivater main Berein. .contemplated shall not be capitalized by said service company; and in the event of acquisition af the gater utilities of said company by the Village the depreciated value of that portion of the extension so paid for,lby Thorpe Bros,, shall be given to the Village. Seconded by Moore and carried. 22 - .-, The hour-pf midnight having arrived the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place in Grange Hall on August 5# 1940 for further consideration of the problems at hand, Village Recorder