HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400805_REGULARXinutes of the Recessed portian
of the Regular July 22, 1940
meeting of the Council of the
Village of Edina duly held in Grange %ll an August 5, 1940, at 8rOO orclock P,M,
The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present.
Hearing on peket-i;on to vacate a portion af Cooper Avenue, wherein
bath published and posted notice had duly been given, first came before the Council, After discussian, study of maps and plats by
all concerned, it was moved by Eoore, that the proposition before
the Cckuncil of vacation a portion of Cooper Avenue be continued to the next regular meeting of the Cauncil to be held on August 12,
1940, seconded by Irgens and carried.
Village Attorney Hdten presented signed and praperly executed contracts covering excavation of sewer trench in Lateral District Semers numbered 5, 6, and 7, whereupon it was moved by Emre, the
certified checks accompaning bid of S. J. Groves &Sons Company
in amount $2000,00 and Barnett &Record Company, in amaunt of
$1500.00, be delivezed to Village Attorney for return, s'ecanded by Irgens and carried,
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
The Village Council. of the Village of Edina, in Hemepin County, Xh'mesota,, does ordain as fCIllQW8 :
Section 1. That certain real estate and territory within the corporate limits of the said Tillage of Edima is hereYcy created and established as Sewer District No. 8, and shall consist of and in-
clude the territory and real estate .lying within said Villagerof
Edina, described as fallom, to-mitt
Commencing at a point in the center Line of StatenHighphy 2$0.2!0
(West 50th Street) which is distant 830 feet Sauthwesterly measured
along said cente2 l2ne fro= the center 'line of TISJooddale henuet
thence Westerly along said center line Qf State Highway No,2Q to its intersection with the West line of Section 18, Township 28, Range 24;g&hence South along the West Tine of said Section 18 to
the Narthwely line of Hapkins Road. as platted in Tingdale Brothers Brookaide,.Hennepin County, Einn.;-thence Westerly along %he Borth- erly line of said Eupkins Rogd to the Sauthwest corner af Lot,?,
' Block 8, Tingdale Brothers Brooksib,; thence North to .thq BortN- west corner of said Lot 7; thence West.alung the South\lines of
Lots .2, 3, & 4 in said Block 8 to the Easterly right of Way line of the Ninneapolis Northfield afid Southern Railyay; thence North along
said railway right of may line to the center lJne of Best 48th Street; thence West.along the South line of Brookside Terrace and the South line of Clevelands Subdivision of &ma Abbott Park to the Sau.thvJeat corners of Lot 12 in' Black 2 of sai.d Cleveland's
Subdivision; thence North to the Southwes% corner of Lot ,9 in Block,
15 of said Cle$eland(s Subdivision; thence East to the Southweat mrner of Lot 13 in Block 14 of said Cleveland's Subdivision, thence
North along the center line of said Black 14, and .the same extended
to the Southerly line of Lot 19+, &ma Abbott Park; thence:Eas&erly
.along the Southerly line of said Lot 19, to the Sautheast tamer, thereof; thence Eorth along the East line af said Lot 29 to the Northeast corner thereof ;. thence East along the Borth l&ne crf Se.&-icrn
28, Township 11'7, Range 21 to the Rorth'east corner of said Section
28; thence South along the East XLine of said Section 28 to the North; west corner of Section la4 Townshlp 28, Range 24; thence East along
the North line of said dectiolz 3.8 to the Eortherly right of way lkne
of the Ninnea&lis & St. Paul Suburban Railway Ca:, ; th'eace South- - westerly along said railway right of way Line to the West line of
said Section 18; t2ience South along the Vest* line of said Section 18
to the Northwest corner of Lat 7, in Block 3,Of Country Club District, Brawn Section; thence Easterly to the. most northerly corner of Lot 18,
- A r'd
-tt;~ct>- +C b-b ~/XJ tf 4- 2-i~ 7; *hz
BIoek 4, Country Club District, Bramn SecP;ion; thence Soukheasterly
to the most Ehsterly corner of said Lot 18; thence Southe@sterly to
the Rorthwest corner of Lot 7, Block 6, Sunny Slope Section, Country
Club District; thence Northeasterly along the rear line of said
Baock 6 to the northeast corner sf Lot 5 in said Black 6, thence
Southeasterly along the rear lines of Blocks 6 and 3 in said Sunny Sloge Section to the most Easterly corner of Lot 9 in Block 3 of
Sunny.Slgse Section; thence Southeasterly along the Vesterly share
line of Einnehaha Creek to the point of beginning,
Reference is hereby made to the Rlats of said Additions on file and
of record in the office af the Register af Deeds in and for said Hennepin County ,
Section 2, That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of
ordinances and resolutions inconsistent with the provisions of thka -
ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed,
from and agter its passage and publication,
Section 3. That this ordinance be in full force and effect
The motion to adopt was seconded by Recarder Emre and the vote
nas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there were five ayes and rlo nays as folloms:.Irgens aye, Wyatt aye, Willson aye, €bore aye, and Festerberg aye and so the resolution Bas
1 -
Village Recorder
Trustee Irgens offered the fallornine; Resolution and moved its
adoption : u
BE IT RESOLVED, that B, H. Bradley of Einneapalis, Einnesota, .
be and he is selected as the Village Gngineer of the Village of Edina
in connection with the construction and erectian of sewers in Sewer
District No. 8 of said Village, and said Engineer is directed to draw
plans and specifications for such sewers, and tabulate the result of the estimate of the cost of such sewers, and report the same th the . .- Village Council. Such plans and specifications shall be filed with the Village Clerk before any proposals for work thereunder shall be
advertised, 2-
a. . The motion to adopt vias seconded by Elaore and the vote vas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there
were five ayes and no naysr as follovs: Irgens aye, Vyatt aye, Ellson
aye,*Il[loore aye, and Westerberg aye, and SQ the resolutian was adopted,
It vas moved by Irgens that the Village council af the Village of Edina that the bond submitted by Justice of the Peace, Lo E. Geba,
with the 7ideXity and Casualty Company of Bew York, as surety, and
the bond submitted by Charles 33, CarrolI, Justice of the Peace, with Columbia Casualty Cmpany as surety, each being kn the amaunt sf
$500.00, together with the suretiea thereon, are approved. The motion was seconded by Villsoa and carried.
Application of H, H. Gregg, for Qff Sale license to sell 3.2 malt
liquors, received, read and placed on file for action at the next
regular taekting of the CounciP,
Applications sf Ninneapolis Gas Light Cornpang to lay gas mains in
and along Circle West, East Sunnyslope Road, Puller Street, Spur
Road, Circle East, and Orchard Lane, numbered 3418, 3419, 3421, and
3432, were on motion Irgens be granted subjeck to completian within
30 days and that the Company wmauld accept and pay Village billing for road repairs and materials per gentlemen's agreement, seconded by Willson and carried,
Discussion was had on subject of establishing more voting districts in complyance with State requirements whereupon Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
.Be it hereby resolved by the Village Council of the Village of ECIina:
That the district election places for all elections hereaf$er held
in the Village of Edina be designated as fol3.Lsws.
District Number 1, All pnrtim of the Village of Edina, lying north
af west 50th street and east of a line commencing 200 feet West of
the center hf the intersection of Wooddab Avenue and West 50th Street
thence BTbrth 400 feet, thence East to the center of Wooddale Avenue,
thence prajected Northward to the center af Wooddale Avenue and the
North Village limits,
v. 1 Voting Places. East entrance to Edina School located at west 50th street and Yboddale Avenue.
District Mm'ber 2. AI1 that partion of the Village of Edina lying
aouth of west 50th street and east of State Highway Ember 100 and
Villaon Road,
Voting ,Place. St, Peters Lutheran Church, Basement Puller, and
Fra,nce azenue South, District amber 3, All that portion of the Village of Edina, lying
west of State Highway Number 100, Willsan Road and State Hiahwas - Nmber 169, including Grange HalP site,
Voting Place, Grange Ball, Eden Avenue and State Highway Number 100,
north of west 50th street, east of State Highway Mwn'ber 169, and
Voting Place. West entrance to Edina School, located at west 50th
street and Wooddale Avenue.
-*-I District Number 4. All that portion sf the Village of Edina, lying
4 \ West of boundries of Election District Ember ane (1). cx
The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Maore and the
vote was upon the question of the a-doption of the Resuhtion wherein
the vate on being taken found 5 ayes and 0 nays as follows: Irgens
aye, Willson aye, Wyatt aye, Paore aye, and Westerberg aye and so
declared duly passed and adopted,
Attest i
' I 1).
Village Becarder
It was moved by lrgens that the President aFpoint a committee tQ make a comprehensive survey af the Village and repozt to the Gouncfl
mith reference to establishing five or six Election Districts,
seconded by Maore and carried.
no further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn
carried at 11:50 P. E. 1
Village Recorder