HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400812_REGULAR.. 27 Ehutes of the regular meeting af the Caurrcil of the Village of Edina held in Grange Ea11 on August 12, 1940 at 8:OO o'clock P. M. The meeting was called ta order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Minutes of .the regular meeting of the Council held on July 22, 1940, and the recessed portion duly held on August 5, 1940, were read, on motion Irgens, they be approved as read, seconded by Wyatt and carried. This miscellaneous bills upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Willson they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt and carried. They are as follows: Lyle Signs Inc. Road Signs $ 27.90 Thompson Lumber 'coo Lumber 2 025 mnneapolis G,E. Co. 3u1y electric service 597.55 Barey 's Shelf station Truck service 5/22-7/20 37.08 J. D, Adas Ca, grader blade 11.83 Country Club Floral Co. Flowers for park 9.00- E, IT, Harris Gas & oil - July 109.44 Nieland Auto Service Service Ford truck 1.75 BucT's Texaco Service Gas for B,&B. 4.63 Cfty of RabbinsdaXe %PA Sewing project 10 . 50 Joseph Smith 210 000 Glacier Sand & G, (20. Road sand arid graver 671.26 "Jay W, Craigg Co, - Road ail 7/1-7/31 l339.00 Sim~,a Strand Rent tool house 7/15-8/15 15 , 00 Hennepin County Review Printing & Publie notices 29.70 Heranepin County Paor fam service to 7/31 138.00 * Alex Cr e ight on Building Inspector fees- July 121.82 Oscar Roberts Sand-Gravel Abbott . Place sewer 123.44 WilXiams Hardware Co, Mails Abbott Place sewer 6.30 J, A. Danens & Son Gas Abbott Place sever 71 . 50 IYorthXey Crib & Silo Co,994 Banhole blacks Abbott Place Se~~111.75 Landers MQrbLom Tool house well. 140 feet @I $1.50 Lateral Sewer District #7 Loan from General Fund 2500oOO E;rama Tedman Gas for R,EB. ?/l6-8/2 8.58 Baker Wg, Cai, 400 lbs. plwmbers spun oakum 44.00 A, A. Skadski Supply co.615 IBs, Kalkite compound 32.60 Christensen Company Limate 4.00 Oscar Roberts Co, Sand & Gravel 26.32 Loosen Plumbing Co. Lahor counting sewer connectors 16 080 Barco Oil Co; Gas for B.833, 2.20 J, A, Danens 8c Son 147 90 John Lyon Refund purchase police cap 2.00 Edina Garage . Police car service 11 . 00 H. A. Rogers -Blue prints tool house 3.42 Truck & shovel hire 7/9-7/25 w-. , ' F--' N.-W. Bell Telephone Co.Wa, 6567 and 5494 llt6O Tharpe Bros. Inc. Aug rent tract affkce & phane 13.70 Qi Miller-Davis Go. Office supplies & printing 28.05 Garvey Hardware ROB, supplies 6 040 Edina Hardware R.&B, sugslies 21,51 County Relief Board July relief 370 26 Suburban Hennegirj Graybar Electric Go. Batteries for Police 4.68 City of MinneagoPis Fire Dept. service 8/3 8,67 Tatax $ The Rad and Village Pay rolls having been carefully checked and found correct; were an motion Irgens, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded-by Wyatt and carried, they are as follows: Carl Vesterberg Preiiident - -*.: -, c, Ben B, Moore Recorder George A. Willson Trustee Victor Irgens Trustee Hlvin S. Wyatt Trustee $ 50.00 35.00 '35 ,OO 35.00 9OoOO 28 I J, J, Duggan Dr R;P, Erickson Clarence 0, Halten T. E. Tilly Helding Dah1 W, So Heydt John Lyon R, J, Johnson S, J. Roberts P. Dahlgren Xohn Tracy L, Stoxman Elonald Eort 0, a, Spande Sarm EcCready H, Ensley E, Xerfeld lEO Berfeld Thomas Gobel Silas Herrett Carl Carlsan Jas , EcXellis Arthur Peters en A-, C, Stringer Treasurer 30 000 Health Officer 30eOO Village Attorney 175,OO Villzge Narshall 170.00 Police officer 150,OO Police officer 150 000 Police officer 140 0 00 Street Commissioner 175,OO Utility man 140 -00 Tractor operator 135.00 Asst , Tractor operator 125.00 Asst , Road foreman 124.80 Asst, Road foreman 129 ,OO Park labor 144 , 00 Road labor 107.,00 Road labor 115 00 Road labor weeds 121080 Auto milage veed inspector 22 0.8 5 Road labor weeds 10 000 81,OO 60,OO Road labar weeds Han & teaa Truck hire ' 205-25 I - Garbage collection WA - R,8cB, (August) It vas moved by Irgens that accounts of Joint Sewer District Bo, 1 as represented by Redorder's marratits numbered 305 to 323, both inclusive, be paid, seconded by Vyatt and carried, It vas moved by Villson that any business properly coming before the Council at this meeting and not disposed of by 11:30 POX, be .considered at a recessed meeting of this regular meeting to be held at the same time and place on August 19, 1940, seconded by Wyatt and carried . It vas moved by Billson, that the petition to vacate a portion of Cooper Ave, duly referred to this meeting from the July 22, 1940 meeting, be referred to the August 19, 1940 partion of this meeting of the Council, seconded by Wyatt and carried, %in, Burgraff, requested permit to build a garage to be used for temporary living quarters, the proposition being refsrred to August 26th meeting, Petition received from residents of Bruce Avenue and Bruce Place far mad ailing whereugon Irgens moved it be seferred to aoad and . Bridge Committee, seconded by QJyatt and carried, *- '.- 3a *. Petition received from residents Bruce Avenue and Bruce Place for 2 ornamental street lights mas on motion Wyatt, he referred to Lightning Committee, seconded Noore and carried, Eetition received from Nessrs. Hanson &Parks to vacate St, Zahns Avenue nctrth of Golf Terrace, -whereupon Trustee Irgens moved the petition be received and both posted 8c published notice of hearing be given to be held at time of regular meeting of the Council on August 26, 1940, seconded by Noore and carried. Robit, FlilEims requested that he be given a building permit for grivate residence propased to: be built at corner of \Test 54th Street and Oaklawn henue having a side entrance only Qn \Test 54th Street, After discussion the matter was referred back to building corn-- ais$ioner, I The president naw announced that the time had arrived for the consideration of bids for the purchase of .$20,000 warrants on account af Joint Sewer District No. 1. The Clerk presented an affidavit shoving publication of a notice of the sale of said warrants in the official nemspaper, which Has examined and found saitsfactory, and ordered placed on file. sealed bids were received but bidders were checks were deposited, Thereupon the said bidders were called No present and certified .I. ':I - .7 29 upon in rotation until all had completed bidding, when it was found that the highest and best bid of each bidder was as follows: . Name of Bidder Interest Rate Amount of Bid C. S. Ashmun Company 2% 3 20,000.00 First National Bank & Trust Co. l$% 20,200.00 'Wirs-Shaughnessy & Co. 2% 2Q,l50.00 20,250 00 1 ) I$% 2% 20,201.00 Kalman & Co. Allison-Williams Company Northwestern National Band & Thrall West Company After due consideration of said bids Trustee Irgens introduced the following resohutian resolution and moved its adoption: Trust Camgany I B33 IT RESOLVED by the Village Bouncil of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, that the Bid of Allison-Williams Company, Northwestern National Barn and Trust Company of Mime- apalis, and Thrall Vest Company, jointly, for the purchase of #20,000 Jaint Sewer District Ha.. 1 Warrants, dated August 15, 1940, at a premium of $203. for said warrants, bearing interest at l$ per cent is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid, and is hereby accepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with said bid said warrants shall be payable at the main office of the Northwestern National Bank and Trust Company of Einneapolis and shall consist of 40 warrants of the denomination of $500 each, numbered from 66 to 105, both inclusive, and substantially in the same form as the warrants! heretofore issued on account of Joint Sewer District Xo.1. BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Clerk shall cause said warsants to be printed, and the President of the Village Council and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute . said warrants and to affix the Village Seal, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved, lithographed or facsimile signatures of said officers. BE LT FURTHER RESOLVED That when said warrants have been fully executed as required by law and by this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser upon receipt of %he purchase price, and the purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application thereof . P' BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that said warrants shall be payable primarily from special assessments heretofare levied in Joint Sewer District No. 1, but the full faith and credit of the Village is hereby pledged to the payment of said warrants and the interest therean as the same shall become due, and the Treasurer shall. pay said warrants QU~ of any funds of the Village available therefor in event there shall be insufficient funds in the special fund heretofore created. u,r K p'r- T-= e< The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Willson, andmpon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: President Westerberg, Recorder Moore, and Trustees Willson, Wyatt, and Irgens, and the following voted against the same: None, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. I, Pr e s id emt / Attest : Village Recarder * f I\ Bids, as advertised for, were 'received and opened for construction of sanitary sewer &water in and along Edina Court, according to plans, profiles and specifications by.B. H. Bradley Village Engineer, and as follaws : Christ Jensen certified check for $300.00 Installation sewer $1158.00 Installat ion water main 856.00 Barnett &- Record Comgany, certified check for $25a.00 Installation sever $1015.00 Installation vater main 800.00 Whereupon it was moved by Noore that the bid of the Barnett & Record Company be accepted, that the President &Recorder be authorized and empowered to enter into contract for and on behalf of the Village Council and that certified check of Christ Jensen be returned, seconded by Irgens and carried. After discussion it was moved by Irgens that the sum of $2500.00 be temporarily loaned from the General Bund to Lateral Sev+er District Bo. 7 Eund, and that President and Recorder be authorized to sign checks along with Treasurer for payment of such bills and accounts arising from installation sanitary sewers in said Lateral Sewer District No. 7, smonded by Wore and carried. It was moved by Irgens that bills and accounts of Lateral sever District Bo. 7, as shown by Recorders warrants numbered 1 to 10, both inclusive, be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried, It vas moved by Irgens that application by H. H. Gregg for license to sell "Off Sale" 3.2 malt liquors until Xarch 31, 1941, be granted up'on payment license fee of :25.00, seccrnded by Xoore and carried . M Checks in amounts of $1879.94 and $459.75 from F. 3. Eckhmd and Hansen & Parks, respectfully, were received in payment for materials for road ailing in 17hite Oaks:.and Golf Terrace and turned over to Village Treasurer for deposit in General Fund. After discussian it was moved by Noore that Joint Interception sewer be extended from manhole located Vest af Tooddale Avenue and North of Wooddale Avenue Bridge at Minnehaha Creek in a - Zesterly and Northerly direction a distance of 1790 feet as shomn by plans and profixes of B. H. Bradley, Village Engineer, motion was seconded by Villson and carried. It vas moved by Vlillsan that estimate of Barnett & Record Co. in amount $291,20 foz 125 feet wet and 125 feet of dry sewer trench . excavation far Abbott Place sanitary semer, certified as correct by Bo H. Bradley, Village Engineer be duly allowed and ordered . paid, seconded by Xoore and carried. Appli.c&tion of Northmest Bell Telephone Campany for permissian to lay underground cable in and along Vest 50th Street to serve Sunny Slope addition vas on motion Irgens be granted upon conditions no pavements be undermindd or cut, seconded by Willson and carried. The hour of 11:30 2. E. having arrived, the President declared the meeting ~XGIZBX&+,- recessed to meet again at the sane time and place on August 19, 1940 at 8:OO o'clack P. E. Village Recorder