HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400826_REGULAR33 \ I Uinutes of the re& r meeting of the Council of the 7 Village of Edina, held in Grahge Hall on August 26, 1940, at 8300 O'C~OC~ Po E. The meeting vas called to order by the Eresident, the roll called and all members of the Councll mere present. Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held an August 12, ' 1940, and the recessed portion af the same meeting held on August 19, 1940, were read, On motion Irgens, they be approved as read seconded by Wyatt, and carried. Residents of Schaefer Road, presented petition that a 100 foot set back be established, vhich arter discussion was referred to Village Attorney Holt en. Bk. &U~S. Eanuel and others appeared before the Council to object to installation of public sidewalk on South side of Vest 50th Street betmeen Wooddale and Bruce he. favor thereof, after discussion the matter was left far future consideration of the Council. Er. Ben Parks appeared in Residents along Vest 55th St. stated they desired the street main- tained between €laird & Drew, which Cauncil thought could do mhen the road grading crew was in the neighborhood. Ashley Brooks presented application for license to aperate 2 add- itional taxi cabs under the present taxi cab ordinance and was referred to Police Committee for report at Sept. 9thmeeting.. Geraldine and WS. Sargent, owners of the land, requested per- mission to. build house across the rear end of lot facing East at South-west corner of Best 52nd Street and Halifax ilve. Mter discussion the matter of obtaining easements for establishfng a 60 foot street vas referred to Road and Bridge Committee, - -. Petition received from mners Lots 1 to 10, inclusive in Block 6 Eendessohmfs Addition for vacation of alley, on motion Irgens, the' petition be received and bath published & posted notice be given, seconded by Willson and carried. Discussion was had with S. S, Thorpe, Jr, concerning installation of mater mains in Sunny Slape Section, wherein the Council would be advised that Thorpe Bros. owners of the land, would in event of purchase of the water mains in the Sunny Slope Section by the Village, turn some over to the Village free of any charge. Noble Shattack on behalf of the South 'Eilinneapolis Chapter of the South Einneapolis Chapter of Isaac Walton League, appeared to advise the Council the chapter desired to install a trap shooting layout on the Schillinger farm and that he was advised Village had no ordinance prohibiting the use of this property for such purposes, Uembers of the Council e,xpressed no opposition to the praposition ahen used as a private club. 0- RESOLUTXON VACATING STREET == Recorder Eoore offered the fallawing resolution and moved its adaptian t THEREAS, petition of a majority of the owners of real property fronting on that part of St. John's Avenue, described as follows: *I - . Beginning at the Northwest ("7) corner of Lot Six (6), Block One (l), Hanson and Parks Birst Addition to the Villsge of Edina, thence Westerly to the Hortheast (NE) corner of Loit One (l), Block Three (3) of said Addition; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Lot; One (1) to the Southeast (SE) corner of said Lot On& ; (1') ; thence':hEasteKk.y to C the Sauthwest (SW) corner. of Lot Six (6), Black One (I), said Addition; thence Mortherly along the wes- terly line of said Lat Six (6) ta the paint of be- ginning ; has been duly filed with the Village meet at the time and place specified posted, and has heard all interested the interest of the public that said vacated; now, therefore, Council and said Council did in a Notice duly published and persons, and it appears in portion of said street be BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that such portion of St. dohnfs Avenue as hereinbefore described, 2nd as the same is now dedicated and laid out within the corporate limits of said Village, be hereby vacated, blfotion to adopt seconded by Willson. The vote was upon the question of the adoption of the adoption of the resolution wherkin there were five ayes and no nays as follows: WilZsctn Bye, Irgens aye, Vyatt aye, Emre aye, Jvesterberg aye, and so the resolution was adopted, u Attest: Village Recorder Gene Caop,er advised that all concerned with the petition to vacate a portion af Cooper Ave. had agreed on a settlement of the prop- osition, wherein it was moved by Xoore, that the Council concur in the settlement and that the Fresident &Village Recorder be authorized and empowered to sign, seal, and give Quite Claim deed to the not used portion of Cooper Avenue on behalf of the VilZage Council, seconded by Willson and carried without desenting vote. The Village pay roll advances having been carefully noted and faund correct. were on motion Willson, they be duly. allowed and ordered paid, seconded Irgens and carried. It was moved by Irgens that labor accounts of Lateral Sewer District.Ho. 7 as represented by Recarder's warrants 11 to 15, both inclusive, be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Moore and carried. Checks having been received for sole of $2QY000,0Q Village of Edina Joint Sewer District Ea. 1, 12% warrants, in amount $20,211.69, including premium, and interest, as of August 26, 1940 for deposit in Joint Sewer District No. 1 Pund, it was moved by Irgens that cheek be drawn on Joint Sewer District Eo, I, in amount @9,500,00 in favor of General Pund in full repayment of funds temporarily loaned, seconded by Pjroore and carried, It was maved by Wyatt, that check be drawn on Jaint Sewer District No. 1 in favor of the City of Ninneapolis for sewer charges as Sewer Rental charges 7/1/38 to! 6/30/40 inclusive #3,O56,70 Charge for Naintenance EinneapoJis semers period 12/18/37 to 6/30/40 inclusive $1,242.90 f OllQwS t Bond, interest Disposal Plant and Outlet charge Secanded by Dlloore and carried. due 7/15/40 $1,525.74 Total. $5,825.34 34 I a Letter dated August 20, 1940, from Ee&l-l Hutchinson enclosing check in amount 33,249.08, for payment of materials required far raad oiling of all streets in Hilldale per estimate, was received. After discussion of phases of road oiling Trustee Willson moved the check be returned, which was declared lost for want of a second, It was thereupon agreed the check be turned over to Villsge Treasurer for deposit in General Fund and that the road oiling be done at the earliest opportunity. It mas moved by Irgens, that the Recorder be authorized to sign application for electric service for lights and recording devices at Xerxes andLVest 54th St, measuring chambers, seconded by Wore and carried. Application Minneapolis Gas Light Company f,or permission to lay 1370 feet of 4" gas main in and along Halifax Ave. North of Vest 54th St. and 634 feet of 4" gas main in and along West 55th Street betmeet Prance and Drew were on motion Irgens, be granted subject completion 30 days and agreement to replace & repair streets.;; seconded Wyatt & carried. . Communication from City of Ninneapalis enclosing blue print shawing new and suggested grade of West 54th Street between Xerxes and Zeneth received and referred to Road and Bridge Committee, After-discussion andrconsideraCion it-mas moved by frgens the ._ falltaa7ing be :appofnted Judges and Clerks far the September 10th Primary election, the November National election and annual Village election in December. B, T, Land Agnes I Swensen Christ Larsen Alex Creighton Kathrhe Aldritt '*.- + -Nellie S.lcrate Eaud Blackburn Clara Goadacre Vera Goettelman Lee Villiams J, B, Hammand Francis Buresh Brieda Kell Orline Christapher Xrs. Job V. Young Albert 0. Farmer Laura Dirks . J, J, Duggan 3ohn W, Xewburn B, H. Jewett and the follaDing be appointed Counting Clerks: Gladys Carbon Xrs, E, C, Lampman 0-lvina Noleen Xrs, Earl Spencer Sigrid Westerberg Robert Norell Xrs Olaf Bye Evelyn Vinson Ethel XcCready Lillian Lund quis t Joseph Baucher Florence JeRet t seconded by Noare and carried, *. .. ~ No further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn carried at 1:.;5 A. E. i" Village Recorder