HomeMy WebLinkAbout19400923_REGULAR39 Ninutes of the regular meeting af the Council of the Village .of Edina, held in Grange Hall an September 23, 1940, at 8:OO clock Po Me The meeting was called to. order by the President, the roll called and all members oif the Council were present. Plllinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on September 9, 1940 were read. On motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Petition to grade West 55th Street between Beard and Drew.Avenues received, read and referred to Road and Bridge Committee. Nr. John Person, tax-payer, was present to advise the Council he was nat satisfied with the administration of Village affairs and that the Village boaks should be audited. He was advised that such anr:audit ilvas already in progress. After a somewhat lengthy discourse on the part of Mr. Person, the President suggested the advisability of hiring a hall, whereupon he sat dovtn and the meeting progressed, Mr. Lewis Jones stated to the Council: that the Cahill School building was available as an election polling plaE6. Committee and Village Engineer for plans, profiles, and estimate Xr and Nrs L, H, Clough,,presented petition signed by more than 40 residents representing a majority of the property affected requesting that a sanitary sewer be installed on 54th Street, duller Street, 55th Street, Beard Avenue, and Prance Avenue, which on motion Uoare, be received and referred to Sanitation of costs, seconded by Irgens and carried, Xrs Grabaw and Xrs Schossam, requested that garbage collection be extended to the area embracing,Xerxes Avenue to France and 54th to 58th Street, .'Jhereupon it mas maved by Moore be referred to Sanitation Committee for attention, seconded by Irgens and carried. Mr. O'Dell petitioned for a street light on Vest 44th Street between Glen Place and Browndale, which was referred to lighting committee. - I I The Village pay roll. advances and pay of Judges and Clerks for September 10, 1940 Primary election, having been carefully noted and found correct, were on motion Willson, ,?were on motion villaon they be duly allowed and ardered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. It was moved by Willson that August Relief iin amount b346.84 be paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. It was moved by Irgens that bills and accounts of Lateral Sewer District No. 7, represented by Recorders warrants Numbered 35 to 38 both inclusive be paid, seconded by Irgens and carried, hks. L. R. Nolan requested transfer of both "On Sale" and "Off Sale" 3.,2 Malt liquor licenses to new location at 3926 \Vest 50th Street, which was referred to Police Cornittee. Application af Grace Hickman dated September 9, 1940, for trans-- fer af Iton Salet1. and Wff Sale" 3-2 malt liquor licenses issued to Harry C. Toms 4930 Prance Avenue, was un recommendation of Chairman Irgens of Palice Committee, be granted, seconded by Noore and carried. Application was made by Grace Hickman far transfer of mechanical amusement license, issued to,Harry C. Tams, 4930 France Avenue and duly referred to ?&lice Committee for report to Council, Dr, Arnold Hartin, advised the Council of how spot in Kellogg Avenue between 52nd and 53rd Streets, which after discussion was referred to Raad and Bridge Committee. f Application byydneapolis General Electric Company for permission to install one pole on Ryan Avenue South of 62nd Street, was on motion Irgens be granted, seconded by Moore and carried. Recorder requested to write Wilkinson Finance Company, in reply its letter dated September 12, 1940, that curb and gutter will be installed in front of Lot 16, Flhite Oaks 4th Addition, as soon as possible . Due and posted notice having been given Trustee Irgens offered the follovling resolution and moved its adoptions mereas, petition of a majority of the owners of real pr.operty fronting on the alley described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot One (l), Block Six (6) , %Iendelssohn;' an addition to the Village of Edina; thence South- erly along the Easterly or rear lot lines of Lots One (1) to Zive (5), inclusive, Block Six (6), said Addition, to the South- east corner of said Lot Bive (5); thence Easterly to the South- west corner of Lat Six (6), Block Six (6), said Addition; thence Nartherly along the Westerly or rear lot lines of Lots Six (6) to ten (lo), 38oXusive, Block Six (6), said Addition, to the Xozthwest corner af Lot Ten (lo), Black Six (6); thence Westerly to the point of beginning; has been filed with the Village Cauncil and said Council did meet at the time and place specified in a Hotice duly published and < posted, and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of public that said portion of said alley be vacated; nos, therefore, Be it resalved, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the alley hereinbefore described, and as the same is now dedicated and laid out within the corporate limits uf said Village be hereby vacated . The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Trustee 't'lillson and the vote vas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution wRherkn there aere five ayes and no nays as folloms: Willson aye, Vyatt aye, Xoore aye, Westerberg aye, snd.so declared duly passed and adopted. Irgens aye, Application Einneapaais Gas Light Company for permission to lay 420 feet of 3" gas main on (old) Id'elson Avenue, 214 feet on Grove Place, and 580 feet on Ruthledge Avenue was on motion Irgens %e granted, seconded by Villson and carried. Communication by Xr. D. 17. Wallace, dated September 12, 1940, with reference to noisy people along Test 50th Street and Brance Avenue J in the early morning hours was referred to Police Committee for attention. Letter by Oscar Gaarden dated September 21, regarding water main extensions was on motion Irgens be referred to Village Attorney, seconded by Eoore and carried. i--- c rr --Besolution fixing assessments for cost of installing sepef: and water mains in Edina Court- Trustee Willson offered the folloaing resolution and moved its adopt ion : VHEBEAS, a petition signed by a majority of all owners of real estat;e.bounding upon both sides, and by the owners of Fore than one-half of the frontage of the street known as Edina Court, was heretofore filed with the Village Council, requesting the install- ation of sewer and water mains in said street; that the Council deemed it necessary and expedienL to construct and install such semer and naterimains in and'a96ng Said Edina Caurt, and that the work has now been completed; therefore, be it and installing saker mains and sewer mains ih and along Edina 3ESOLVXD, that for the purpose of paying the cast of constructing I Court, a street situated within he Village of Edina, and Cannection L of said water and sewer mains with the existing water and sewer J.S mains with the existing water and sewer main at Wooddale Avenue and Vest 50th Street, this Council does hereby levy and assess the whole of the expense of making such public improvements upon the follaeing discribed lots or parcels ocf land, which are hereby declared to be specially benefited by such improvements : Name of owner Henry W. Darr Henry V. Darr Henry W, Darr Henry W. Darr Henry W; Darr Henry ;Yo Darr. ,Henry W, Darr Henry V. Darr Subdivision Edina Court Edina Court Edina Court 'Edina Court Edina Court Edina Court Edina Court Edina Court Lot number Amt of Assessment 3 250.00 250 . 00 250 00 250.00 250 000. 250 00 250.00 250 .OO Further ResoAved, that the levy and assessment upon the lots or parcels of land hereinbefare described shall be payable in five annual installments with interest @ 5% per annum. The motion to, adopt was seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote was upan the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays as follows: Irgens aye, Willson aye, Wyatt aye, Eifoore aye, and Westerberg'aye, and so* the resolution was adopted. Attest: Presid'6pt of Caunc --Resolution fixing assessments for cost of.installing sewer mains I( in Abbott Place-. Trustee Irgens offered the following resolutian and moved its adoption: WKEREAS, a petition signed by a majority of all owners of real estate baunding upon both sides, and by the ormners of more than one-half of the frontage of the street knawn as Abbott Place, was ation af sewer mains and house coknections in said street; that install such sewer mains and house connections in and along said Abbott Place, and that the work has now been completed; therefore, be it and installing sewer mains and house connections in and along Abbott Place, a street situated within the Village of Edina, and connection of said sewer mains with the existing trunk line at Statim 14465s this Council does hereby levy and assess the whale af the expense of making such public impravements upon the follow- ing described lats or parcels of land, which are hereby declared to be spedially benefited by such impravements: Name of owner Subdivision Lot nmber Amt crf Assessment ThomasE;ViEhtrow. -,White Investment Lot 1 and N.5 (I. JEI heretafore filed with the Village Council, requesting the install- -3 the Council deemed it necessary and expedient to canstruct and F4 RESOLVED, that for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing Company's Hidden feet of L0.t 2, Valley Block 1, 0 84.00- Lot and Block Assessment Xame of owner E,H.EcIaughlin Subd ivis ion Vhite Investment Company's Hidden Valley S. 45 feet of Lot .1 2, and Ne 15 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, $ 84.00 Vhit e Investment Company's Hidden Valley 8, 35 feet of Lot 3, and Ne 25 feet of Lot 4, Block 1, 8 84.00 John B.Bushnel1 Federal Invest- 'rnent Company White Investment Company's Hidden Valley So 25 feet of Lot 4, and Ne 35 feet Lot 6 and Sa 15 feet of Lot 5, Block 1, of Lot 5, Block 1, $ m.00 ' 3 84.00 Bederal Invest- ment Company Vhit e Investment Companyts Hidden Valleg George E.Connery Lot 1 and Na 5 feet of Lot 2, Block 2,. 1:) 84mOO mite Investment Company *s Hidden Valley Xinnesoka Bederal Savings and Loan Association White Investment Company *s Hidden Valley S. 45 feet of Lot 2, and Ne 15 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, 8 84.00 Einnesota Pederal mite Investment Savings and Loan Company's Hidden Association Valley Sa 35 feet of Lot 3, and Nm 25 feet of Lot 4, Bhck 2, 3 84.00 Ethelyn &€a Lund White Investment Company's Hidden Valley Sa 25 feet of Lot 4, and that part of Lot 5 lying Nm of a line running from a point in the Vi line thereof distant 32-& ft. S, from the XV dorner therof to a paint in the E, line of Lot 5 distant 52$ ftm S. from the NE corner thereof, Black 2, $ 84-00 t Lot 6 and that part of Lot 5 lying S. of a line running from a point in the We line therof dis- tant 32* ft, Sa from the Npc carner therof to, a point in the Em line of Lat 5 distant 52* ft, S, from the NE corner there- 1.- of Block 2, $ 84.00 E'ederal Company Hidden Valley Hazel Lynam Vhite Investment Lot 7, Block 2, Company's Hidden Valley $ 84,OO Federal Invest- Vhite Investment Lot ''A'' rnent Company Company's Hidden Valley ? 3 84.00 I Eurther resolved, that the lev4 and assessment upon the lots or parcels of land hereinbefore described shall be payable in five annual installments mith interest @ 5% per annum. The motion to adapt vas seconded by Trustee 17yatt, and the vote gas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherin there were five ayes and no nays as follams: Irgens aye, Villsan aye, Vyatt aye, Noare aye, and Vesterberg aye, and so the resolution mas adopted, Attest : Village Recorder \ 43 It mas moved by V~illson, that advertised bids be taken for lumber far Village Tool House and Garage as per list and plans and specifications of the architects, seconded Irgens and carried. Lt mas moved by Willsan, that advertised bids be taken for Plumb- ing for Village Tool Hause and Garage as per plans and specific- ations of the architects, seconded by Irgens and carried. It mas maved by Willsan, that advertised bids be taken for Over- head Doors for Village Tool house and Garage as per plans and specifications 'by the architects, secanded by Irgens and carried.. Eetiticm received for oiling Vest 55th and 56th Streets, and referred to Road and Bridge Committee. It was moved by Moore that the sum of $&OOO.OO be loaned to Lateral Sewer District No. 7 fund, from General Funds for cob stnuctions costs, and to be repaid in sale of Sewer District Bo. 7 Warrants, seconded by Irgens and carried. 1% was moved by Irgens that the assessor be autharized to employ such help as necessary to complete the 1940 assessment, seconded by ;'Jillson and carried. An application mas submitted by Thorpe Bros.,Inc., omners of the abutting lots on East Sunny Slope Road, to permit the laying of ;3, pipe line for conveying water frpp the present terminus of the water line nom installed on said street, from the intersection of Yooddale \Yay and said East Sunny Slope Road northerly to lot pour f4)3 Block Six (6), in Sunny Slope Section, Country Club District. After discussion and consideration, Trustee Irgens moved the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, that leave of license to lay a water pipe along East Sunny Slope Road, as above set forth, be, and hereby is, granted to Thorpe Bros., Inc., upon the following conditions: A. A bond or undertaking shall be filed with the Village Cauncil in such amount 5ts it may designate, to hold the Village harmless from any damage or injury to person or property, resulting from the open- ing of said East Sunny Slope Road and the laying of such water pipe. B. The entire chat of said improvement shall be paid for by Thorpe Bros., Inc.r$ and they are hereby enjoined from selling, or attempt- ing to sell, or otherwise disposing of s'aid water pipe, hereafter, to any individual, firm or corporation except that they may enter into a contract with Country Club District Service Go. agreein7 I;fh"t if the latter will turn over to Thorpe Bros, Inc., one-half ($ the gross revenue derived from the users connected to the above line for a, periodf:of ten (10) years, then Thorpe Bras., Inc., shall, at the end of said period, convey their ownership in said line to said Country Club District Service Company; and provided further, that if the Village of Edina shall acquire from Country Club District Service Ca. such interest, Bf any, as it may have in the present water system in the Village of Edina, or shall install its own system at any time prior to the expiration of said ten-year period, then and in that event, Thorpe Br0s.k Inc., shall convey their ownership of the pipe line above described to the Village, and its contract with Country Club District Service Company herein contepplated shall be made sub- ject to such arrangement. I C. The Trench ta be opened for the laying of the water pipe herein contemplated shall be filled in and covered, and the street put in condition satisfactory and acceptable to the Village Council. The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Willson and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays as folloms: Tyatt aye, rjloore aye, nesterberg aye, and so the resolution was adopted. Irgens aye, Willson aye, Attest : P I , .. $4 I --I: &. . - .. .. . '. --.: * -*-- -RESOLUTION DIRECTING CALCULATION OF ASSESSElENT FOR SB41E?3 DISTRICT NO. 5-- Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: \WEEtEAS, the Village has determined to proceed v&th the construction of a sanitary sewer in Sewer District No, 5, hnd the contract therefor has been let; now, there- fore, be it RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as follows: 1. 2, That the cost of constructing said sewer is hereby determined to be the sum of $9990.00. That the cost of constructing the district sewer in said District is $2150.00. Said district sewer is not used as a lateral sewer and the entire cost shall be assessed against all the land in the Sewer Distyict subject to assessment, according to special benefits. The cost of constructing all lateral sewers in said District is $7840.00, and the same shall be assessed against every piece or parcel of land abutting thereon, subject to assessment. B. H. Bradley is hereby designated as'Engineer selected by the Council to forthwith calculqte the proper amount to be specifically assessed against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within said Sewer District, in accor- dance with the provisions of law. Then said Engineer shall have finished his calculations of the proper amount to be specifically assessed, he shall prepare and file with the Village Clerk tabulated statement, in duplicate, showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specifically assessed, and the amount he has calculated against the same, which shall be Itaid before the Village Council for approval at the next regular meeting to be held not less than ten (10) days thereafter, and the Clerk shall cause notice of the time and place of said meeting to be published, as required by law. I 3. 4. 5. The motion to adopt was seconded by Village Clerk Noore, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no on was adopted. a/kc& -President of ViUag- Cil- --RESOLUTION DIRECTING CALCULATION OF ASSESSbENT FOR SE3'LEB DISTRICT NO. 6-- Trustee Millson offeredthe following resolution and moved its adoption: I~S, the Village has determined to proceed rrith the construction of a sanitary sewer in Sevrer District No. 6, and the contract therefor has been let; now, there- fore, be it RESOLVEXI, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as follows: I, 5 That the cost of constructing the entire sewer in said District, as a lateral sewer, is $2875.00 and said amount shall be assessed against thd. abutting property in the manner provided for assessing laterdl severs. forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specifically assessed against every assessable lot, piece, or parcel of land vrithin said Sewer District, in accordance iuitli the provisions of law. When said Engineer shall have finished his calculations of the proper amount to be specifically assessed, he shall prepare and file with the Village Clerk tabulated statement, in duplicate, showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specifically assessed, 'and the amount he has calculated againsk the same, which shall be laid before the Village Council for approval at the next regular meeting to be held not less than ten (10) days thereafter, and the Clerk shall cause notice of the time and 2, B, H. Bradley is hereby designated as Engineer selected by the Council to r 3. 4 place of said meeting to be published, as required by law. __- I-. * . . .. " i -- .7wx=* 1. - -p.o.".". - - I II . --: . .. - - - --- I-- r_ - I--. - ~ ~__- -- _- - - c--- The no-Lion to adopt y;as seconded by Village Clerk Zoore, zrrd the vote 1,vas upon tha question of the adoption of the resolu-tion, ;;herein t'nere were five ayes and vas adop$ed. ~. n....*- , " - .T -1.. *. 1 f .-,- .-. - - -Village Clerk- --RESOLUTION DIRECTING CALCULATION OF ASSES- FOR SERER DISTRICT NO. 7-- Village Clerk Xoore offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEXEAS, the Village has determined to proceed with the construction of a sanitary sewer in Sewer District No. 7, and the contract therefor has been let; rio~?, there- fore, be it I RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as follows: 1, 2. I 2- That the cost of constructing said sewer is hereby determined to be the sum of $19,935.00. That the cost of constructing the district sevier, if used solely as a lateral, yiould be $4l45.45, and said amount shall be assessed against the abutting property in the manner provided for assessing lateral sewers. The amount of cost, over and above the cost of such lateral sewer, by reason of construct- ing such server as a district sdvrer, is $6748,10, and said cost shall be assessed against all land in the entire Sewer District. 3. B. H. Bradley is hereby designated as Engineer selected by the Council to . forthwith ca)cula$e .$he-pzp.per wyoqt to be ,s,pqifically as,sessed,..ag%ins$-+G ~ every assessable 169, piece or parcel of land rJithin said sevreP'D2&&tY i, in accordance with %he provisions of lax. 4. When said Engineer shall have finished his calculations of the proper amount to be specifically assessed, he shall prepare and file vrith the ViiLLage Clerk- tabulated statemen€, in dupXZcZ$&F sho&g %e proper des$ptio$?$%$cG%fi3 eveq _lot, piece or parcel of land to be specifically assessed, and the amount he has calculated against the same, vrhich shall be laid before the Village Council for approval at the next regular meeting to be held not less than ten (10) days thereafter, and the Clerk shall cause notice of the time '1 & - and place of said meeting to be published as required by law. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Wyatt, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. , Attest: