HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401007_REGULAREinutes of the recessed portion of the regular Septmeber 23, 1940 meeting of the Council duly held on October 7, 19401 in Grange Hall at 8:OO o'clock P.M. --Resolution ordering sidewalk-- adopt ion : Recorder Poo.re offered the following resolution and moved its Whereas, the Village Council has been petitioned by the owner of property fronting on the south side of West 50th Street and the. East side af Yooddale Avenue, for the construction of sidewalk at said location; now, therefore, Be it resolved, by the Village Council 03 the Village of Edina, that it is necessary and expedient to construct a sidewalk on the south side of West 50th Street and the east side of Wooddale Ave, upon and along the property of said petitioner as hereinafter described;' that such sidewalk shall be five (5j feet in width and cQnstructed .in accordance with standard Village side@%lk specific- ations adoyted OctoBer 7th 1940, and now on file with the Village Clerk;.the Village Engineer is hereby directed to set stakes designating the exact location of said walk. parts of lots, and parcels of graund fronting the streets where. said walk is to 'be constructed, is as follows: Be it further resolved, that the name of the awner of all lots, - -Name of owner-- -Description of property- Church of St. Stephen Commencing at the WFI corner of Sq; thence Ely along the No line thereof 393 feet; thence S parallex with VI line thereof 97 ft..to center line of Kim- ehaha Creek to m line of 5@$; thence N to beginning, except street, Section 18, Township 28, Hange 24. Be it further resolved., that the petitioner having waived all notices required by law before construction of said sidewalk by the Village, that the Street Cammissioner is directed to proceed immediately with the construction of said sidewalk by Vorks Progress Administration day labor, and that the cost of materials shall be assessed against the above described property in Lhree (3) annual installments, as authorized by Chapter 167, Laws of 1901. The mation to adapt was seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote was upon the question crf the adoption af the resolution, wherein there mere five ayes and no nays as follows: Irgens aye, 'GJillson aye, Wyatt aye, Moare aye, and Westerberg aye, and so the resolution was ado@ted. Ee,' T- . Attest: -9 Vidlage Recarder 0-Resolutian ordering sidewalk-- Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption t Be it resolved, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that it is necessary and expedient to construct a sidemalk on thg south side of Vest 50th Street, from the terminus of the present sidewalk, immediat;el;p west of Halifas Avenue, tol Wooddale Avenue and West 50th Street ; such sidemalk to be five (5) feet in width and constructed in accordance with standard village sidewalk specifications adopted October ?thy 1940 and nom on file vith the stakes designatfng the exact location of said malk. Village Clerk; the Village Engineer is hereby directed to set 3. - I Be it further resoxved, that said sidewalk shall be completed Be it further resolved, that the names .of the owners of aXl lats, by December 16, 1940. parts af lats, and parcels of ground fronting the street where said walk is to be constructed are as follows: -Name of owner- =Lot and bloclc- -Additian- Henrietta A. Varnhalt Lot 3 and V. 60 feet Ste$ens 1st Add- of Lot 2, Black 1, ition except road, P, A. Xora Lot 1, Black 2, Stevens 1st Add- ition e Stevens 1st Add- ition Ralph W. Cove11 W, half of Lot 2, Black 2, Columbia Paving and E. half of Lot 2, Stevens 1st Add- Sideaalk Company Black 29 ition Ralph W. Cave11 Lot 3, Block 2, Stevens 1st Add- Thorpe Bras. Lot 1, Black 3, Brucendad Addition Thorpe Bros. Lot 27, Block 29 Brucenood Addition except road, ition I Bruc ewood Add it ion Thorpe Bros. Lot 1, Block 29 David E. Thomas Lot 25, Black 1, Brucewod Addition Ealcolm A. Nanuel Commencing on the S line of V. 50th Street, at a point 393 ft. E. from v. line of SIT&; thence E. alang said street line 208.5 ft.; thence S. at right angles 150 ft. ; thence at an angle of 81' 30' to the right 88.55 ft. to the center line of Einnehaha Greek; thence up said Creek to a point in a line parallel with q. line of s@ and running Sly. frompthe point of beginning; thence NLy. to beginning, Section 18, Town- ship 28, Range 24. Be it further resolved, that if said walks shall not be fully constructed in the manner and within the time herein prescribed, the Village Council may order same ta be done by the Street Cammissione'r or by contract. ,p.. . 47 The motion to ado.p, was seconded by Trustee WiPlson an1 the %ate was upon the question of the adoption of %he resolution, wherein ' there were five ayes and no nays, as follows; Irgens ayes %ZPl.soni aye, Wyatt aye, &ore aye, and Westerberg aye, and sa the resolu- tion was adopted. Bids as duly advertised for were opened and read aloud as follows: Pockrant Lumber Co.. Check $I 70,OO Bid total $ 1397,OO Justus Lumber Co, Gheck 80.00 Bid total 1503.50 Thompson Lumber Co . Check 80.00 Bid total 1380.00 Gust Hoaglund Cash 20 .OO Plumbing $ 235.00 Add i tfaZ. .~CDWlddiJh?@: 140.00 total # 375.00 Loosen Pluabing Co, Plumbing ' 282.63 Add. for XcDanald Pump 152.50 total $ 435.15 Joel B. Jackson Check 35.75 Overhead Dcrars $ 715.00 Gardner Hdw. Ca. Na deposit with I bid but put up $36.00 in cash when bids were Tr 108 -00 opened n Whereupon it was moved by Eowe that all bids be referred to Raad and Bridge Committee for tabulation and recommendations, seconded by Irgens and carried. Several residents 0.f Bruce Avenue South of 50th Street complained about condition of their street as a result of the Gas Company digging up the newly oiled pavement to repair gas leaks 'in gas main, The passibility of gas killing Parkway trees and other shrubs was also mentioned. After discussion the matter was referr- . ed bjt the President to the Road and Bridge Committee and Village Eessrs. C. M. Hanson and B. E. Parks, presented suggested plat of. Hanson and Parks Golf Terrace, 2nd Addition which after study and duscussion was referred back for suggested changes and future co.nsiderat ions. w Attorney . Nrs. Hollander and W. Petersan, presented a bill in amaunt af $8.00 for sodding part of slope in the roadway of Baloney Avenue in front of Lot 20 Mendelsshan's Addition, after discussion matter mas referred by President to ViPlage Attorney and Road and Bridge Committee, Bids for materials and plumbing for Tool House and Garage having been tabulated, it was moved by Willson that adpertised bid of Thompson Lumber Company in aihount $1380 be accepted and checks of other bidders returned, seconded by Vyatt and carried. It was maved by Willson that advertised bid of Gust Haoglund, for plumbing and &Donald pump f0.r Tool House and Garage in amount $375.00 as per plans and specifications thereof, be accepted, seconded by Irgens and carried, I€ was moved by Eoore that specifications for public sidevalks, hereazter laid out and constructed in the Village of Edina, shall be per specifications by Village Engineer Bradley as follms: --Specifications for cement Sidewalks-- 1 I 3kt erials : I I. Cement. The cement shall meet the requirements of the specifica- tions for Portland cement of the American Society for testing &kerial.s, 2. Sand. Sand shall paSs a No, 4, screen and be free from foreign matter, excepting loam or clay, which will be permitted if the quantity does not exceed five (5) per cent and when these ingred- ients do not occur as a coating on the sand grains. . Not more than 40% shall be retained on a 80. lo sieve, or 35% pass a Bo. 10 and be retained on a No. 20 sieve; No. 20 and be retained on a Xo. 30; No. 30 and be retained on a No. 40; no, 40 and be retained an a No. 50 sieve. Not more than 20% shall pass a No6. 50 sieve, or 70% pass a No. 10 and be retained on a No. 40 sieve; Bo. 20 and be retained on a No. 50 sieve. I- 3, Stone. Stone shall be crushed from clean, sound, hard, durable rock, be screened dry through a 9 inchmesh, and be retained inza & inch mesh. 4, Gravel. Gravel shall be clean, hard and vary in size from that retained on 8 & inch mesh to that passing a 3 inch mesh. Unscreened gravel shall be clean, hard and contain no particles larger thah 2 inch, must be determined and corrected to agree with the requirements for concrete. The proportions of fine and coarse particles 5. Vater. Water shall be reasonably clean, free from oil, sukph- uric acid and strong alkalies. 6. Lumber. $arms shall be of lumber, free from warp, and not less than one and five-eighths (1 5/8') inches thick,, 7. Setting. grades, and their upper edges shall conform with finished grade of the sidewalk, which shall have sufficient rise from the curb to provide proper drainage; but this rise shall not exceed of an i'rmch per foot, except mhere ordered by the Village Council. - in the full width of the valk and at right angles to the side forms. 9. Expansion Joints. take the place of the cross farms at least once in every fifty (50) feet linear of sidewalk. When the sidemalk has become suffic- iently hard, this parting-strig shall be removed and the joint filled with suitable material prior to opening the walk to traffic. Similar joints shall be provided mhere new sidewalks abut curbing or other sid eaalk. 10. 'Vetting. All forms shall be thoroughly wetted before any material is deposited against them. 11. Xinumum thickness. In no case shall the thickness of the malk be less than three and one quarter(32) inches. The forms shall 'be well staked to establish line and 8, Cross dorms. At each block division, cross farms shall be put .- ...- Ametal parting-strip on -2 inch thick shall - I 12. Preparation of Sub-base, rammed, and all. soft spots removed and replaced by Some suitable hard material. The Sub-base shall be thoroughly 13. Bills. When a fill exceeding one foot in thickness is required it shall not exceed six (6) inches in thickness, and shall have 49 a slope of not less than one (1) to one and a half (1*). of a11 fills shall extend at least twelve (12) inches beyond the sidemalk, The top 14. Wetting Sub-base. While compacting, the sub-base shall be thoroughly wetted and shall be maintained in that condition until the concrete is deposited. I Qhe Onnrse Sidewalk: 15. Prapartions. part of cement, two (2) parts of sand and four (4) parts of gravel or crushed stone. 16. Xixing. The ingredients shall be,thoroughly mixed in a batch mixer of approved type. One course work shall be composed of one (1) 17. Retempering. 18. Depositing. The concrete shall be deposited within sixty (60) minutes a@er being mixed and shall be spread evenly and tamped Retempering will not be permitted. * until mater flushes to the top. 19. Finishing. The concrete shall be firmly compacted by tamping and evenly struck off and smoothed to the top of the mold, this tamping shall be continues until the excess water is removed. Then the surface shall be floated with a wooden float to produce an even and gritty surface. 20. Separation of blocks. After the concrete is floated it shall be cut into squares of the same length as the width of the sidewalk. The cut shall be perpendicular to the surface and extend the entire depth of the sidewalk. The jo,ints so made and also also the outer edges of the sidewalk shall be finished with a jointing tool. 21. Driveways. Driveways shall be ma&e of the same material and manner as the sidewalk but shall be six (6) inches in thickness. I 22. Protection. Vhen completed, the sidewalk shall be kept moist and protected from traffic and the elements for at least three (3) days. The forms shall be removed with great care, and upon removal earth shall be banked against the edges of the walk. Hotion seconded by Willson and carried. After discussion it was moved by Irgens that the Recorder, as chief Registrac of the Village of Edina, under the Bederal Select- ive Service Act of 1940, be authorized ta make necessary expendic- tures to conduct the registration on October 16, 1940, seconded by Villson and carried. It was moved by Willsoin that permit be granted IvIinneapolis Gas- Light Cornpan$ far permission to; lay 598 feet of 3" gas main in and along Hawkinson Avenue from Interlachen Road to "Jest 51st Street, seconded by Nasre and carried. .. . Xa further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn carried at 1:OO A. X. Village Recorder