HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401014_REGULARNinutes of the regular meet-
irzg of the Council of the
Village of Edina, held in
Grange Hall an October 14,
1940 at 8:OO o'clock P.X.
The meeting was called ta order by the President, the roll called
and all members were present.
llfiinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on September 23, 1940 and the recessed portion of the same nreeting duly held on
October 1, 1940, were read.
read, seconded by Vyatt and carried.
On motian Irgens they be approved as
The miscelleaneous bills upon being duly checked and found correct,
were an motion Irgens, they be duly a1XLamed and ordered Paid,
seconded by T?illson and carried. They are as follows r
Simon Strand Rent tool shed 8/15-10/15 .$ 30.00
A. B. Anderson Sign Go. 7 signs (elections) 8 .UO
Borey 's Shell Stat ion Truck service 5.85
Hustod Co. Steel windovs, tool house 57.75
W. E. Ziegler Go. Tract or repairs 4.22 a. W. Bell Telephone Co. Wa. 6567 8/19 & 9/19 23 . 50
Alex Creightan Bdg. permit fees $September1 164.72
5t,irrchfield, UackalL, Prof easionali services on account
Grouse, & Noore Cauntry Club Dist, Service Cow 1000 -00
Hennegin County Review Printing and publishing 27 . 20
2. A, Archer Truck repairs 4/2-6/l? 6.40
E. B. Thomas Elec'tric Paark & supplies 9/16 26 045
J. D. Adam Co. Wader parts 8.15
&ma Tedman Gas far Xoad 8c Bridge 30 . 59 29.22 City of Idlinneapolis E'ire service 9/27 25 . 70 Home Awning 8 Shade Cow Eleckisn curtains
K. V, Xohmson Culvert Co.Road culverts 100,44
Suburban Hennepin.County
*Relief Baard August & September direct relief 834 . 46
Republic Creosoting Co. ?bad tar 8/13-8/20 1124.63
Lyle Signs Inc. Road sfgns I' ' 82.79 Gity of Einneapblis Annual 'fire.*protectian stand
Fillmore & Bradley I- 6 x 10 'Ui -So Blag - 6.75
Hoff Rubber Stamp Cow Village stencil &- supplies '3.01
&Eller-Davis Co. Binder for assessments 5.25
J. A. Danens h San
Nalaney Ave. 155,OO
S. 5. Groves & Sans Cow Rental-2 pumps Abbatt Place SeNer
Edlna Hardmare Road and Bridge 9/11-9/20 3'7.88 George Shilsan Truck hire 8/29-9$30 -92.31
Villiaks Hardware Cow Steel rods, tool house 38.61
Harriet Sheet Xetal CQ. 5 ballot boxes 26,4l
gay W. Craigg Cow Road ail '9/8-9/18 1080 000
", ' by 'service 2, '(I 173 . QQ
Shovel & truck hire 9/3-9/9
City of Rabbinsdale WI?&'-Sewing project 7/16-8/15 - 7;ao
Itrlay,-1940: - * ' 100;00~
Crown Iran Warks Coal h0J.e ring cover 5.50
Garvey Hardware Road & Bridge supplies 9/5-9/30 21.10
Harriet Sheet metal Go. Chimney thimbles .75
W . And er s on Truck 62 driver on 9/6 10.88
\lTillia;ms Hardware Co . XaiLs 3.28 W. 11. Ziegl-er Co. 4.63
DSiller-Davis CQ. Office supplies d voting booths . 80.55
ka Tedman
E. Ve Earris 128.79
H, @, AZdss CGsrecting fire protection area map 5.60
lfinneagolis G. E, Co, ELectric Service September 641.32
V. D. Creighton Asst, Assessor 53 days 265 .QO
Roy Arnston Asst. Assessor 37 days 185 . 00
Phillips PetmLem Co. 500 gallons distillaee Road & Bridge 32.50
Sly-Pox Films Trailer for Selective Service 10.85 232.70
Ready Eixed Concrete Cow Xixed concrete 9/11-9/30
E. J. BllcDonald 216 CU. yards gravel Rural Hennepin Caunty
Surplus Cam. Comm. August surplus cas es 23 096
Imnice lf 41170 Road & Bridge
Gas for Road and Bridge
Gas for Road and Bridge & Police
Th~rpa Brathers Bent tract office & phose 13.05 24.28
N. W. Bell Telephone Caw Wa. 5494 twncz months 4.00
Sever Dist. %TO. 7 10/14
Sever Dist. EO .' 6 10/14 Alex Creighton Semer Dist. Xo. 7 9/23
St. Peters Luthekan
3.t. Peters Church
C, R. Blackburn
Edmard Port
Eks. 01af E. Bye
Elorence H. Jewett
Robert Norell
Laura Dirks
Orline Christopher
J. J. Duggan
B. H. Jerjett
J. B. HaYrunond
J, H. Baucher
dlvina Eoleen
Evelyn Vinson
i'rances Buresh
Ees. John V. YouQg
Vera Goellelman
NePlie Strate
Christ Larson
Lillian Lundquist
Bs. E. C. Lampman
Sigrid Tiesterberg
Kathrine Aldritt
J. TI. Newburn
Albert E'armer
Clara Goadacre
Agnes Swensen
Alex Creighton
Eaude Blackburn
B. T. Land
Lee Williams
Ers. Byran Kell
Gladys Gar 1s on
Krs .Earl Spencer
Ethel EiicCready
Loan from General Eund
Loan from General Bund
180 days assessor Loan from General Eund
Rent 9/10/40 election
Rent 9/10/40 election
Special officer &booths
Election booth 9/10 Counting- Clerk 9/10 election
Counting Clerk 9/10 election
Counting Clerk 9/10 election
Clerk 9/10/40 election Clerk.9/10/40 election
Judge 9/10/40 election
Judge 9/10/40 election
Judge 9/10/40 election
Counting Clerk 9/10/40 elect ion
Counting Clerk 9/10/40 election
Counting Clerk 9/10/40 election
Clerk 9/10/40 election
Clerk 9/10/40 election
Judge 9/10/40 election
Judge 9/10/40 elect ion
Judge 9/10/40 election
County Clerk 9/10/40 election
County Clerk 9/10/40 election
County Clerk 9/10/40 election
Clerk, 9/10/40 election
Judge 9/10/40 election & booths
including return of ballots
-Judge 9/10/40 election & return
of ballots
Clerk 9/10!40 election
Judge 9/10/40 elect ion
Judge 9/10/40 ,election
Judge 9/10/40 election
Judge 9/10/40 election
Clerk 9/10/40 election
Clerk S3/1@/40 election
Counting Clerk 9/10/40 election
Caunting Clerk 9/10/40 election
Counting Clerk 9/10/40 election
1QOQ.00 900.00
3000 .QO
8.20 8.20 8*20 I
7. TO
3.50 8 *20
7 i70
7 .Yo 7.70
3 000
3 .oo .. 3 .oo
The Road & Village $ills. upon being duly examined and faund correct,
mere on motion Villson, they be duly. allowed and ordered paid,
seconded by Irgens and carried. They are as foxlaws:
t 3
Carl Vest erberg
Ben B. Eoore
George A. Billson
Victor Irgens
A. S. Wyatt
John J. Duggan
Dr. R. F. Erickson
T. E. Tilly
Hi'lding Dah1 * IT. S. Heydt.
John V. Lyon R. J, Johnson
S. J, Rgberts
P. Dahlgren
John Tracy .L Stcrlgman
0. E. Spande
Ronald Pork
Sam EcCready
E. Ensly htt Eerfeld
Silas Eerrett
jaws EcEellis
James EeBellis
Preaident October
Recorders Qctober
Trustee, October
Trustee, October
Trustee, October
Treasurer, October
Health Officer
Village XarshaP1
Police Officer,
Police Officer
Police Qff icer:
Street Commissioner
Utility man Tractor operatb
Asst . Tractor operator
Asst, Road for6an
Asst. Road foreman
Asst. Road foreman
Road labor
Road labor
Veed inspector ~
Road labor (seeds)
Truck hire
Labor vith truck
1 --
-) 50 .OO
30 .OO
30 .OO
170 .OO
15Q .QO
.-. 9a.oo . - I.
35 000
135 ,OO
14Q :oo
131.00 -
139 .OO
*70 ,oo
80.00 .
128.75 r
53 I
Thomas Goble Road labor 42.00
Carl Carlson Labor with team 120.00
Arthur Petersen Garbage collection 333 . 32
A. C. Stringer Raad and Bridge-WA (September) 25.00
Clarence 0, Holten Pillage Attorney 75.00
Frank Voods Road Tabor 22 .oo
Total Road &Village$
' It was moved by Irgens that bills and accounts of Lateral Sewer Dist.
.?So. 7, having been duly checked and found correct as represented by Recorder's warrants numbered 55 to 56, both inclusive, be paid,
seconded by Vyatt and carried.
It was moved by Irgens, that bills and accounts of Joint Sewer Dist.
No. 1, having been duly checked and found correct as gepresented by
Recorder's warrants #333 to 335, both inclusive, be paid, seconded
by Vystt and carried.
Er. E. C. Bayer, 54th and Zenith Appeared before the Council to
dbte in connection VJith assessment for sanitary sewer in amount of
$84.00 on Lat "AttHidden Valley Addition, that he did not receive
any bebefit as the sewer was located on the South line of his prop-
erty and low grade of his lot and that it was necessary on account
of his Glot being larger than a lot, to run a longer sewer than
ardinary. The original petition for the sewer was produced wherein
Ur? Bayer was a signer, whereupon the Council decided the lot was
benefited and that the proposessed assessment could not be dismissed.
Mr6 George Howard, requested a building permit to remodel old tem-
porary 3 room house located on rear lot 3, block 4, Codes' High-
view Park. The Building Inspector advised he had not issued a
permit but had visited the premises and advised Mr. Howard a permit
would be necessary if work was to proceed. After discussion the
Council was not favorable to the issuance of a permit, as such
would be a violation of the Zoning Ordinance.
Application of D. C. Carmickiel 8900 France Avenue, Bloomington,
for license to operate 4 pin ball machines in the new bowling alley
building of S. Ryan. after discussion it was moved by Wyatt &he
application be rejected and license refused, seconded by EJToore and
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adop-
Es.1 e-3 FCIEREAS, the Village Council has been petitioned by the owners of
property fronting an the south side of -(lest 50th Street, between
the wesk line of Bruce Avenue and the east line of the property of
Church of St. Stephen, for construction of a sidewalk at said
location; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Counell af the Village of Edina that
it is necessary and expedient to construct a sidewalk on the sauth
side of West 50th Street, upon and along the property of said pet-
itioners, as hereinafter described; that such sidewalk shall be five
(5) feet in vidth and constructed in accordance with standard village
sidewalk specifications adopted October 7th, 1940, and now on file
mith the Village Clerk; the Village Engineer is hereby directed to
BE IT FURTBER RESOT;YEID, that the names of the onners of a31 lats,
parts of lots, and parcels of ground fronting the stre& Qbre said
walk is to be constructed, are as follows:
.set stakes designating the exact location of said walk.
David E. Thomas Lot; 25, Block lt. Bruceaoad Addition,
Ea1col.u A. Eanuel Commencing nil the S line of k7. 50th
Street, ap a point 393 ft, E from W
line of 3%; thence E along said
street line 208.5 ft,; thence - a
South at right angles 150 ft ; thence at
an angle of 81' 30t to the right 88.55
ft to the center line of Uinnehaha
Creek; thence up said Creek to a point
in a line parallel riith 'U line of SI?&
and running Sly. from the point of
beginning; thence Kly. to beginning;
Section 18, Township 28 Range 24.
BE IT TURTHEFt RESOLVED, that the petitioners having waived all
notices required by law before construction of said sidewalk by
the Village, that the Street Commissioner is directed tp proceed
immediately with the construction of said sidewalk by Vorks
Progress Administration day labor, and that the cost of materials
shall be assessed against the above described property in thzee
(3) annual installments, as authorized by Chapter 167, Laws of
1901 6 I
The motion to adopt was seconded by Village Clerk Eoore, and the
vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, where-
in there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vJas
ad opted .
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adap-
7imM, the Village Council has been petitioned by the omners af
prpperty fronting on the south side of West 50th Street, between
the east line of Bruce Avenue and the east line'of Juanita Xvenue,
far construction of a sidemalk at said location; nom; therefore,
BE IT RESdLVED, by the Village Council. of the Village of Edina thqt
it is necessary and ixpedient to construct a sidewalk on the south
side of West 50th Street, upon and along the property of said pet-
itioners, as hereinafter described; that such sidenalk shall he
five (5) feet in midth and constructed in accordance with standaed
village sidewalk specifications adopted October 7th, 1940, and now
on file with the Village CleTk; the Village Engineer is hereby
directed to set stakes 'designating the exact location of said walk.
BE IT BURTHER RE3OLVED, that the names of the oaners af all lots,
parts of lots, and parcels of ground fronting the street %here said
walk is to be constructed, are as folloasr
... .
BE IT PURTHER RESOLVEDz that the petitioners having naived all
notices required by lav before construction of said sidenalk by
the Village, that .the Street Commissioner is directed to proceed
immediately with the construction of said sidewalk by Vorks
Progress Administration day labor, and that the cost of materials
shall be assessed against the above described progerty in three
(3) annual installments, as authorized by Chapter 167, Laws of
The motion to adopt was-seconded by Village Clerk Xoare, and the
vote mas upon the ques€ion of the adoption of the resolution, where-
in there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was
%adopted, .
\ Village. Clerk
A hearing upon objections to the assessment made in a resolution
adopted by the Council on September 23rd, 1940, to pay for the cost
of constructing and installing sewer mains and holnse connections in
and along Abbott Place, a street situated within the Village of
Edina, having been fixed for October 14th, 1940, at Grange Hall,
the usual meeting place of the Council in the Village of Edina, and
published and posted notice of said hearing having been duly given,
this matter next came up for consideraizion.
Xr. 1\11. Bayer owner of Lst White Investment Company's Hidden
Valley Addition to the Vilrlage of Edina, Hennepirz County, Einnesota,
appeared to objeat to the assessment against his lot, the swn
of @84.00.
very deep, his residence being constructed near the front of said lot and the lateral sewer extending alQng the rear of his lot, he
laying of a sewer from his residence to the rear end of his lot to
connect with the lateral. The Clerk produced the petition signed
by property owners fronting 01n Abbott Place, requesting the Village
to construct the sewer, to which was subscribed the name af Er.
X. C. Bayer, Oiwner of said Lot 'tA'*, which petitfan and signature
thereto was mhibited to Xr-. Bayer. He acknowledged having signed
the petition and did nat complain that the cost assessed against
his lot was excessive, whereupon the Council advised him that they
could not concur in his abjection.
His objection vas based on the fact that his lot being
, vmuld, therefore, be required to incur an abnormal cost for the
There being no objection by anyone else whose pro.perty will be
affected by said assessment, Trustee Yillsoln offered the following
resolution and maved its adaption:
iiESOLVED, that the assessment levied against the lots or parcels
of land fronting upan Abbotk Place, as more fully'described in a
resolution adopted by this Council on September 23rd,, 1940L he,
and the same is, hereby confirmed, and the Village Clerk shall
certify the same to the County Auditor in and far Hemepin County,
'The motion to
note was upon
wherein there
'was. adopted .
adapt was seconded by Village Clerk Xoo-re, and the
the questicrn af the adoption of the resolution,
were five ayes and no nays, and so- the resolution
A hearing upen objections to the assessment made Zln a resolution
adopted by the Council on September 23rd, 1940, ta pay for- the cast
{ pf constructing and installing water mains and sewer mains in and -
along Edina Court, a street situated vithin the Village of Edina,
having been fixed for October 14th,l3.940, at Grange Hall, the
usual. meeting place of the Council, in the Village of Edina, and
pubIished and posted notice of such hearing having been duly given,
tWs matter next came up for consideration. There being no objec3-
ion by anyone whose property will be affected by said assessment, Trustee Villson offered the folloning resolution and moved its
adopt ion :
REBOLYXD, that the assessment levied against the lots or parcels
of land fronLing upon Edina Court, as mo.re fully described in a
resolution adapted by this Council. on September 23rd, 1940, be,
and the same is, hereby canfirmed, and the TTillage Clerk shall certify the same to the County Auditor in and for Hennepin County,
Xinne s ota ,
The motion to adopt was sectonded by Village Clerk Xoore, and the vate vas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution,
wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution
was adopted.
Recosder Eoore suggested in view of funds to be received for
Semer user charges that his bond be increased, whereupon and
after discussion, Trustee Irgens moved the Recorder's hand be
increased to $3000.00 premium to he paid'by Village, seconded by
Xoare and carried.
It was moved by Irgens, that in accord vim the Seaer Rental
Ordinance, adopted July 1, 1940, that the Xidland National Bank
and Trust Company, of Xinneapolis, Xinnesota, be designated as
depository of Sever RBntal Bunds of the Village of Edina, seconded
by Bfloore and carried.
Recorder presented check in amount of $48.65 i;n full payment far
Trunk Sewer assessnent, West 65 feet of Lot 16, Block 1, Country
Club District, Broan Section, being $47.70 for balance of principal
and 9Sp interest from June 1, 194Qs which vas turned over to
Village Treasurer for deposit in JQht Sever District Eo, 1 fund,
It vas moved by Xoare, that the
ed frm General Pund ta Lateral
Irgens and carried.
It was moved by Irgens that the
ed from General Pund to Lateral.
Xoore and carried,
sum of $3Q00,00 be tempcarariXy loan-
Serrer Fund No. 3, seconded by
sum of $1000~00 be tkmporarily loan-
Sever Bund No, 6, seconded by
It mas moved by Irgens, that application for transfer of L, R, Nolan
license from former premises to 3926 West 50th St,, be granted,
secanded by i7yat.t; and carried.
It was moved by Irgens that mechanical amusement license hereto-
fore issued ta H. C, Toms be transferred to Grace Hickman, at
4930 France Avenue, seconded by Wyatt and carried.
Recorder Boore offered the folloqing resolution and moued its
ad opt ion t
lTEEWAS, a trunk line sewer has Been canstructed in Joint Sewer
District No, 1, in the Village of Edina, and the cost thereof has
been assessed against all the benefited property in said Joint
Ser~er District Ho. 2; and
1 \-, an error and mistake was make in such assessment, in
that certain property in said District vas assessed in an amount
less than its full and true benefits and less than other property
similarly situated and benefited; nom, therefore, be it
RESOLY'ED, by. the Village Council of the Village of Edina that an
error and mistake in such assessment was make, with respect to
the folloming tracts or parcels of land:
Lots Eighteen (18) to Thirty-eight (38) inclusive,
Calonial Grove Second Addition. to the Village of
Ed ina ;
Lots One (1) to Eight (8) inclusive, Edina Court,
an addition to the Village of Edina.
PljRm RESOL'IIE=i), that the Village Engineer be, and hereby is
directed to calculate the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece, or parcel of land hereinbefore described, to
correct such error and mistake; and he is further directed to
prepare and file with the Village Clerk a tabulated statement,
in duplicate, showing the proper description of each and every
slot, piece, or parcel of land to be specially assessed, and the
amount he has calculated against the same, which shall be knovn as
the proposed supplemental assessment roll.
The motion to adopt was secanded by Irgens, and the vote was upog
the question of the ado.ption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas adopted.
1 Village Clerk
Discussion mas had on the subject of Building Inspector furnish-
ing bond, whereupon it ~7as moved by Irgens that the Village
Building Inspector hereafter give bond in amount $1000.00, with
premium to be paid by the Village, seconded by Noore and carried. .a@
5 9.
--~~OLUT~ON ISPPROVLLUG PIkOPOSED ASSESSEIIFINT TOR 3E"JEL'I DIST . NO . 5'-- ._-- *- - Trustee Irgens offered the folloaing resolution and moved its adop-
tion :
V/HEXEA4S, the wngineer selected by the Village Cauncil has calcu-
lated the proper amount to be specially assessed for sewer con- 3truction in the streets in said Sewer District, and has calcu-
lated the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece,
or parcel of land, and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared
md filed with the Village Clerk, in duplicate, as a proposed
&ssessment, and has been laid before the Village Council at this
,oresent meeting, held not more that ten (lo] days after the filing
thereof; now, therefore,
BE I'll RE'SOLXED, that said proposed assessment is hereby approved9
and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published, in the
Hennepin County Review, on the 17th day of October, 1940, that
the Village Coancil will pass upon said proposed assessment at
its next regular session, to be held at the TJillage Hall on Oct-
ober 28th, 1940, at 8:OO orclock P. No
The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Willson, and the vote
was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there were five ayes and no nays, and so thr resolution was adopted.
1 Village Clerk
Trustee Irgens offered the following res'olration and moved its adop-
TIHEBEAS, the engineer selected by the Village Council has calcul-
ated the proper amount to be specially assessed for sever construct-
ion in the streets in said Sewer District, and has calculated the
amaunt to he specially assessed against each lot, piece, or parcel
of land, and a tabulation thereof has heen duly prepared and filed
with the Village Clerk, in duplicate, as a proposed assessment,
and has been laid before the Village Council at this present meet-
ing, held 11Qt more than ten (10) days after the filing thereof;
now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVEID, that said poposed assessment is hereby approved,
and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published, in the Hennepin County Review, an the 17th day of Octaber, 1940, that
the Village Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at
its next regular sessionp to be held at the Village Hall on Octo
ober 28th, 1940, at 8200 o*c=lock 2. KO
The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee IYillson, and the vote
VJaS upon the question sf $he adoption of the resolution, wherein
there were five ayes and no nays, and go the resolution was adop-
. __ Village Clerk --* .-__ .
“--.s.*.-’ * -. . Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adop-
tian t
Whereas, the engineer selected by the Village Cauncil has calcul-
ated the proper armaunt to be specially assessed for sever const- ruction in the streets in said Sewer District, and has calculated
the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece, or
parcel of land, and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared
and filed aith the Village Clerk, in duplicate, as a proposed assessment, and has been laid before the Village Council at this
present meeting, held not more than ten (10) days after the filing
thereof; non, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that said proposed assessment is hereby approved,
and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published, in the
Hennegin County Reviem, on the 17th day of October, 1940, that
the Village Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at
its next regular session, to be held at the Village Hall on Oct-
ober 28th, 1940, at 8:OO o’clock P. E.
The mo.tion to adopt mas seconded by Trustee Willson, and the vote
was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there vere five ayes and na nays, and so the resolution was adop-
Village Clerk \
Trustee Irgens offered the folloning resolution and moved its
XXiLWS, 2etitioii of a majority of the owners of real property
fronting on that part of Concord Avenue, described as follows:
That part of Coword Avenue lying between the north
EIanson and Parks First Addittion to Village of Edina,
extended westerly across said street,
ad apt ion : -.
w-- -
line and south line af Lot Seven CY), Block daur (4), -+ -
has been duly filed uith the Village Cauncil and said Council did meet at the time and place specified in a Notice duly published and
posted, and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the
interest of the public that said portion of said street be vacated;
now, therefare,
BE I’T sIE30LVEi2, by the Tillage Council of the Village of Edina,
that such poftion of Concord Avenue as hereinbefore described, and
as the same is no- dedicated and laid out within the corporate
limits of said Village, be hereby aacated.
The netion to adopt vas seconded by Xoore and the note mas ugon
J the question of the adaption of the resolution, wherein there were
fiae ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted.
dent of Counci
I- . Village Recorder
At 1.:00 A. N. the President declared the meeting recessed to meet
agaiq at the same time and place on October 21, 1940, for further
consideration of Yillage expenditures and t& determine the amount
of annual tax levy for all Village purposes for the ensuing year.
Village Recorder