HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401021_REGULARItinUtes of the recessed portion pf the regular 10/14/40 meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hall on Oct. 21, 1940, at 8:OO o*clock P.E. The meeting vas called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present except Trustee Irgens vho nas absent on account of death in his household, I The matter of estimating and considering all items of VillsLge ex- pendature for the coming year, mere each carefully considered, After much discussion Trustee TJillson moved that the folloning items and amounts be set for the ensuing year and that the tax levy for 1941, for all.Village purposes be set at .$89,905.00, VILLAGE 02 EDLXA; EINNESOTA,. BUDGETS ABD EXPBlSES BOR L941 Annual for Bud et xonth Year* 1 Council A Salaries - Council $2*0 Treasurer 360,OO 11 ?- D It Attorney 900000 C 11 Health Officer 360 008 E It As s e ss or 1,400000 E lt Village Clerk (full . time ]1,800.00 G EngineeringtkPlanning Expense 1,000.00 ET Special Legal Expense 3,500 -00 $ 12.260.00 s I1 Police Department A Salaries - Officers $ 7,980.00 B Oil and Gas - Police Car 650000 C Remirs & Greasing 300 .OO D Reserve for New Car 400 . 00 E Eiscellaneous Expense .. 350.00 8 9,680.00 111 Garbage Collection 8 5,000.00 IT Electric Service A Street Lights - Overhead $ 5,000.00 C Cascade Pump 500 , 00 33 It It - Ornamental 2,500.00 D Eiscellaneous 150.00 $ 8,150,OO V Fire Dept. Service 3 1,200.00 VI Park Board > 1,000.00 VET Election &sense 3 500,OO VI11 Insurance 3 1,200.00 500 e00 IX Rents 8 Y',X Printing and Office Supplies 8 600 e00 XLI League of Pinn. Eunicipalities 3 75.00 XI11 Eiscellaneous 8 1,000.00 XN Relief &Public 'gelfare A - Poor Pam 8 100 000 B - Direct Relief 8,OOOoOO C - Baergency 500 .OO 4; 9,200.00 .- 33 Construction 8 mintenance Division A Pay R011 3 16,000.00 . B Road Oiling &Patching;' 6,000.00 C Gravel, 1,000 000 6' 3 D E I? G H I J Annual Budget Xonth Tatal ( Culverts 500 -00 Equipment Rental 2,000 moo Snow dence & Accessories 300 000 Bniscellaneous Supplies & Tools 1,200 ,OO Repairs to Equipment 800 .OO Gasoline & Oil 1,500 ,OQ Truck XVLI Village Hall '$ 6,000sO0 XVTII Village 2'00.1 House Site 640.00 ,. Grand Total 89,905.00 Building Inspect ion . , . Pee Basis Plumbing Inspection . . . Fee Basis The motion was seconded by Trustee Wyatt, the roll called and all members present voted in favor and thereon duly declared carried. . After discussion on the matter of purchase of truses for tool house and garage and wherein Wprks Pragress Administration had taken bids- it was moved by Wyatt that check in amount $540.00 be dramn payable to the Treasurer of the United States in full pay- ment of Village of Edina portion of Cost of steel truses for Village tool house and garage, seconded by Willson and carried. It was moved hy Noore that Treasurer's check No. 11851, payable to Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board in amounk of $834.46, be declared cancelled and that check in amount 3487.62 be issued in lien thereof, seconded by Vyatt and carried. - No further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn carried at 12:30 A. N, P Village Recorder