HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401028_REGULAR64 1. U.inutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hall on October 28, 1940 at 8:QO o'clock P. E. The meeting vas called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Xinutes. of the regular meeting held on Octaber 14, 1940, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on October 21, 1940 vere read, on motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded by '2yatt and carried. The Village pay roll advances having been carefully noted and found correct, mere on motion Ylillson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt and carried. I&. E. A. Arne on behalf of the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. suggested that the company might contact some member of the Council for permits in lieu of regular proceedure in order to give quicker service to new subscribers. that no trees would be trimmed without written kermisaion, that any poles not properly set would be moved and promised the best of co-operation on behalf of the company. It was agreeable to the members of the Council for the President to pass upon such temporary permits . Dr. Arnold Xartin, Er. Fisher and others again appeared before the Council regarding lov place in Kellogg Avenue between 52 and 53 Streets. The President advised that at a meeting of the Soad and Bridge Committee engineer's survey had been studied which would raise the low'spat one foot and lomer 52nd Street in places between Kellogg and Tooddale. Ur. Pisher advised he had filled his lot about 5 feet and that to raise the grade of ICellog, ~j. ave. one foot his entire front lawn would have to be raised one foot. After discussion it was moved by Moore the progosition be referred to Road and Bridge CommiP;tee with power to act, seconded by Irgens and carried. He assured the Council Sophis B. Stenson appeared before the Council to request permission to move the Judkins cottage from Oaklawn Avenue to between 61st . and 62nd on Brookview, vhereupon it vias moved by ESoore the matter 'be referred to Building Commissioner vith power to act and arrange details, seconded by Irgens and carried. Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its ' adoption: X€€EB.XAS, petition of a majority of the oaners of real property fronting on that part of Concord AvenurJ, described as follows: That part of Concord Avenue lying betveen the north line and south line of Lot Seven (7) , Block Four (4) , Hanson & Parks Jl'irst Addition to Village of Edina, extended westerly across said street, has been duly filed with the Village Council and said Council did meet at the time and place specified in a Notice duly published and posted, and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of said street be cacated; now, therefore, BE IT REEiOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of 2dim9 that such partion of Concord Avenue as hereinbefore described, and as the same is noxv dedicated and laid out vithin the corporate limits of said Village, be hereby vacated. The motion to adopt ~7as seconded 'by Eoore and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, Fnherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so,the resolution nas adopted, President of Couxpdl . .. . .r 65 BBessrs, Carl M, Elanson and B, M. Parks appeared before the Council concerning extension of water main on Vooddale Ave. from Golf Terrace to 54th 3t, The Council being reluctant to enter into any proposi.tion whereby the Country Club District Service CO. night receiye back the cost of water main extensions either through cannection charges or excessive water rates, after discussion it mas moved by Xoare, that the President appoint a committee to study the proposition of water main extensions and report to the. Council, seconded by Irgens and carried. Application of Einneapolis General Electric for permission to install underground cable across Browndale Avenue and Edgebrook Place, was on motdon %loore he referred to the President, seconded by Willson and carried. ChaiPman Tlillson presented cost of road oiling in Hilldale Addition where Nr. Nerrill Hutchinson had deposited his check with the Village in amount $3249.08 ta cover any and all estimated costs. It was thereupon moved by Willson that costs for road tar having been ?1782.5fleand cost of sand having been 318.8@, total $1801.38, that rebate/made to Nr. Hutchinsan in amount Rl447.70 being the difference betadeen the amount received by the Village and the amount spent by the Village for road oiling, seconded by Moore and carried. Trustee Irgens offered the following resolu-biBn and moved its adoution : Yt%D3E:AS, the Engineer selected by the Village Council has calcu- lated the proper amount to be specially assessed upon and against the following tracts or parcels of land in said District: Lats Eighteen (18:) to Thirty-eight (381 inclusive, Colonial Grove Second Addition to the Village of Edina; Lots One (1) to Eight (81 inchsive, Edina Caurt, an addition to the Village of Edina, as supplemental assessment, made necessary by reason of error and mistake made in the original assessment affecting said tracts and parcels of land, and determined by resolution adopted by this Council an October 14th, 1940. That said Engineer has calculated the amount to 'be specially assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land above described, and a tabulation thereof has 'been duly prepared and filed with the Village Clerk, in duplicate, as a proposed supplemental assessment,,and has been laid before the Village Council at this present meeting, held more than ten (10) days after the filing thereof; now, therefore, BE IT AESOLTEB, that said proposed supplemental assessment is hereby approved, and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hennepin Caunty Revien on the 31st day of October 1940, that the Village Council will pass upon said proposed supAe- mental assessment at its next regular session to he held at the Village Hall on ITovember 12th, 1940, at 8 :OO o *clock P. M. The motion ta adopt was seconded by Becorder Noore and the vote was upon the question of the adcrpt.ion of the resolution, wherein there vere five ayes and no nays, and sa the resolution mas adopted. - - Village RecQrder Trustee ‘Jillson offered the following resolution and moved its BE IT REiOLYXD by the Yillage Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, as follows: (- adoption; 1. The engineer heretofore duly selected by this Council for such.purposes, has, with the assistance of Alex Creighton, calcul- ated the proper amounts to he ion of seners in Sewer every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land nithin said District in accordance vith the provisions .of law, and has prepared 2nd filed with the Village Clerk tabulated statements, in duplicate, showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to he specially assessed and the amount calculated against the same. ly assessedlfor the construct- of said Tillage against 2. Matice has been duly published, as required by lam, that this Council vmld meet in regular session at this time and place to pass on the proposed assessment. 3. Said proposed hssessment has, at all times since its filin&, been open to inspection and copying by all persons interested and the opportunity has heen given to all interested persons to Eresent their objections, if any, to such pro~osed~assessment, or to any item thereof, and na objections haae been filed. 4. of land enumerated indszid proposed assessment, was, and is, sgecially benefited by the construction of said semer in Sewer District Bo. 5, in the amount in said proposed assessment set opposite the description of each such Pot, piece or parcel of land respectively, and that said amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces or parcels of land therein described. This Council finds that each of the lots, pieces, or parcels 5. That such proposed assessment is affirmed, adopted and con- firmed, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed #assessment are affirmed, adopted and confirmed as the proper speaial assessment for each of said lots, pieces or parcels of land respectively. 6, That said ‘assessment so affirmed, adopted and confirmed shall he certified ta by the Village Clerk and filed in his office and shall thereupon be and constitute the special assessment for the construction of sewers in Sewer District No. 5; that the amount assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land shall hear interest from the date hereof until sitme has been paid, a% the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum. 7, ing in the year 1941, and continuing until all of the said install- ments shall haae been paid, each installment to he collected vith taxes collectable during said year by the County Auditor. . ..-- That such assessment shall he payable in ten (10) equal annual installments, payable on the 1st day of June in each year, beginn- ”.- ’I 8. in the office of the County Auditor of Hennepin County, a certi- fied statement of the mount of all of such unpaid assessments, and the amount which will be due thereon, on the 1st day of June in each year. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to make up and -file The motion Lo adapt vas seconded by Trustee Irgens, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there nere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas ada.gt ed Village Recorder Xoore offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RE3OLKED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hen- nepin County, lfinnesota, as follows: 1, The engineer heretofore duly selected by this Council for sucb purposes, has, with the assistance of Alex Creighton, calculated the proper amounts to be specialllt assessed for the construction af sewers in Sewer District No, 6 of said Village against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land mithin said District, in accordance with the prlmisions of law, and has prepared and filed with the Village Clerk tabulated statements, in duplicate, show- ing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specially assessed and the amount calculated against the same. L 2. Notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council would meet in regular session at this time and place to pass on the proposed assessment, 3. Said ,ro&osed assessment has, at all times since its filinf;, been open ta inspedtion and copying by all persons interested and the opportunity has been given to all.interested persons to present their objections, if any, to such pmposed assessment, or ta any item thereof, and no abjections have been filed, 4, ahis Council finds that each of the lots pieces, or parcels of land enumerated in said proposed assessment, mas, and is, special- ly f?enefit,ed by the construction of said sewer in Sewer District Ea, 6, in the amount in said proposed assessrnent set opposite the description of each such lot, piece or parcel of land, respectively and that said amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces or parcels of land therein described. 5. That such proposed assessment is affirmed, adopted and con- firmed, and the sus fixed and named in said proposed assessment are affirmed, adopted and confirmed as the proper special assess- ment for each of said lots, pieces or parcels of land respectively, 6. That said assessment so affirmed, adopted and confirmed shall be certified to by the Village Clerk and filed in his office and shall thereupon be and constitute the special assessment for the construction of sewers in Sewer District Roe 6; that the amount assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land shall bear in- terest from the date hereof until same has been paid, at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum. 7. That such assessment shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments, payable on the 1st day of June in each year, beginn- ing in the year 1941, and continuing until all of the said install- nerltd shall have been gaid, each installmeat to be collected with taxes collectable during said year by the County Auditor. 8, That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to make ug and file in the office of the County Auditor of Hennepin County, a certified statement of the anount of all of such unpaid assessments, and the anount which will be due thereon, on the 1st day of June in each year, The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Wyatt, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution I‘ was adapted. 68 Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : 33.23 LT LBBSOT;\T”J) by the Village Council of the Village of Xdina, Eqmepirq .County, Sinnesota, as folloms : 1, The engineer heretofore duly selected by this Councll for such purposes, has, with the assistance of Alex Creighton, calcu- lated the proper amounts to be speciallycassessed for the const- ruction of semers in Sewer District No. 7 of said Village against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land sithin said Distficx in accordance vith the provisions of law, and has prepared’and filed with the Village Clerk tabulated statements, in duplicate, showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specially assessed and the amount calculated against the same, 2, Xotice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council would meet in regular session at this time and place to pass on the proposed assessment. 3. Said proposed assessment has, at all times since its filing, been open to inspection and copying by a11 persons interested and the opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections, if any, to such groposed assessment, or to any iS;ein thereof, and no objections have been filed. 4. of land enumerated in said proposed assessment, was, and is, specially benefited by the construction of said sewer in Sewer District Xo, 7, in the amount in daid proposed assessment set apposite the description of each such lot, piece or parcel of land, respectively, and that said amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces or parcels of land therein described. This Council finds that each of the lots, pieces, or parcels 5. That such proposed assessment is affirmed, adopted and coa- firmed, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed assessment are affirmed, adopted and confirmed as the proper spedial assess- ment for each of said lots, pieces or parcels of land respect- ively. 6. That said assessment so affirmed, adopted and confirmed shall be certified to by the Village Clerk and filed in his office and shall thereupon be and constitute the special assessment for the canstruction of severs in Sewer District Xo. 7; that the amount assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land shall bear in- terest Prm the date hereof until same has been paid, at the rate of five per ceut (5$) per annum. 7, That such assessment shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual installments, payable on the 1st day of June in each years beginn- ing in the year 1941, and continuing until all of the said install- ments shall have been paid, each installment, to be collected aith bxes collectable during said year by the County Auditor. 8, Thst the Village Clerk is hereby directed to make up and file in the office of the Couhty Auditor of Hennepin County, a cert- ified statement of the amount of all of such unpaid assessments and the amount nhich will be due thereon, on the 1st day of June in each year, The motion to acioqt vias Eecolided by T~i~tee Tyatt, and the . vote vas ujjon the question of the /ad! option of the resolution, aherein there Bere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution %as adopted. President of Councz . :, -. >?P .. 69 Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption x BE IT 3Z;OLYED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Benaepin County, Minnesota, as fallows : 1. The total cost of sewer construction in Sewer District Bo. 5, tagether with all incidental expenses, has heretofore been deter- mined by resolution of this Council to he the sum of :9990.00. 2, The Village Council has determined that the entire cost of said imgrovements shall be paid by special assessments levied against the property in the District benefited thereby, in the amount of ;9990.00. 3- In order to provide for the payment of the cost of said im- provement, and in anticipation of the levy and collection of special assessments, and in order to defray the e:rpense incurred and to be incurred in the making of said improvement, it is here- by determined to issue and sell $9000.00 sewer warrants to be dated November lst, 1940, to bear interest at the rate specified by the successful bidder, payable senli-annually, and to mature serially on Jqnuary Ut, in the amount of g500.00 in each of the years 1943 to 1951, both inclusive, except the year 1941. All warrants maturin; after January lst, 1945, ta be subject, Lo re- * demgtioti of said date and any interest payment date thereafter at par and accured interest. The Village shall furnish.the printed marrants and the legal opinion of Xessrs. Fletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Coleman eC Barber , without cost to the purchaser. Said warrants shall be 18 in number and numbered from I to 18, both inclusive, and in denomination of $500.00 each, both interest and principal to be payable at a suitable bank or trust company to be designat- ed by the successful purchaser. 4. The Village Attorney is hereby directed to cause notice to be sent to the principal bond houses in the cities of Xinneapolis and St. Paul, inviting sealed bids for the purchase of said warrants to be placed in the hands of the Village Clerk prior to a meeting of the Village Council, to be helf on November 4th, 1940, at 7:30 P. E., for the purpose of considering such bids. The motion Lo adopt was seconded by Village Clerk Eoore, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution trvherein there vere five ayes and no nays, and sobthe resolution mas adopted. - Village Recorder Trustee Irgens offered the folloming resolution and moved iks adoption t BE IT RE3OLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County EJinnesota , as follows : 1, The total cost, of sewer constructkon in Sewer District Xo. 6, together with. all incidental expenses, has heretofore been deter- mined by resolution of thks Council to be the SM of ',;28?5,00. 2, The Village Council has detemined that the entire cost of said improvements shall be paid by special assessments levied against the property in the District beneffted thereby, in the amount of :)2875.00, 3, In order to provide for the payment of the cost of said h- pravement, and in anticipation of the levy and collection of s.gecial assessments, and in order to defray the expenses incurred and to be incurred in the making of said improvement, it is here- by determined to issue and sell ,!)2500.00 sev?er warrants to be dated Kovemher lst, 1940, to bear interest at the rate specified'by the successful bidder , payable siimi-annually, and to mature serially an January lst, in the amount of $250.00 in each of the years 1942 to 1951, both inclusive. All warrants maturinp; after January lst, 1945, to he subject to redemption on said date and any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest. The Village shall furnish the printed warrants and the lepl opinion of Eessrs. Eletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Coleman & Barber, aithout cost to the purchaser. 3aid warrants shall be 10 in number and numbered from 1 to. lQ, both inclusive, and in the denomination of $250.00 each, both interest and principal to be payable at a suitable bank or trust company to be designated by the successful purchaser, 4, The Village Attorney is hereby directed to cause notice to be sent to the principal bond houses in the cities of Einneapolis and 3t. Pqul, inviticg sealed bids for the purchase of said warrants to 736 placed in the hands of the Village Clerk prior to a meeting of the Village Council, to be held on November 4th, 1940, at 7:30 P, E. for the purpose of considering such bids. The motion to adopt was seconded by Village Clerk Ekoore, and the vote vias upon the question of the adoption of the resolution mherein there were five ayes and no.nays, and so the resolution mas adapted , &44AO- 4. Preskdent 02 Council ATTEST : Village Recorder m+ Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : BZ ET RESOLVED by the Village Cauncil of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Elinnesota, as follows : 1. The total cost of sewer construction in Sewer District 1?0..7, together with a11 incidental expenses, has heretofore been deter- ubed by resolution of thia Council to be the sum of ..;19,935.00. 2, The Village Council has determined that the entire cost of said im-Jrovements shall be paid by special assessment levied against the property in the District benefited thereby, in the mount of $19,935,00, 3. provementa and in anticipation of the levy and collection of special assessments, 2nd in order to defray the expenses incurred and to be incurred in the making of said improvement, it is hereby determined to issue and sell ~18,000,QO sewer warrants to be dated November lst, 1940, to bear interest at the rate specifie'd by the successful bidder, payable semi-annually, and to mature serially on January Ut, in the amount of $2000.00, in each off numhered year from 1943 to 1951, both inclusive, and in the year 1950+ and in the amaunt of $1500,00 in each even numbered year from 1942 to 1948, both inclusive. All warrants maturing after January lst, 1945, to be subject to redemption on said date and any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest, .The Village shall furnish the printed warrants and the legal opinion of Uessrs, Eletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Coleman, B Barber, without cost to the purchaser, Said warrants shall be 36 in number and numbered from 1 to 36a both inclusive, and in the denomination of .3500.00 each, both interest and principal to be payable at a suitable bank or trust comgany to be designated by the successful purchaser. In order to provide for the payment of the cost of said im- - 4, The Village Attorney is hereby directed to cause notice to he sent to the principal bond houses in the cities of Bl[inneapolis warrants to be placed in the hands of the Village Clerk prior to a meeting of the Village Council, to be held on November 4th, 194Q, at ?:3Q 2. 55. , for the purpose of considering such bids. the vote was uQon the question of the adoption of the resolution, was adopted. and St, Paul, inviting sealed bids far the purchase af said rl The rnation,to adapt was seconded by Village Clerk Noore, and . wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution It was moved by Boore that the Village Attorney be directed to cantact all Twin contact all Twin City bond and investnent houses for purpose of obtaining best possible sale of special assessment warrants to be offered for sale on Xovernber 4, 1940, at 7:30 Pelf. seconded by Irgens and carried. It was moved by Irgens that the resolutian adapted by this Council October 14, 1940, directing the construction Lot I, Block 3, Bruce- wood Addition is herebyresciii&e.d-, seconded by Eoore and carried, Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : VHEEiEAS, the Village Council has been petitioned by the owner of - property fronting an the SQuth side af Vest 50th Street and East of Bruce Avenue, for construction of a sidewalk at said location, now, therefore, BE 1% RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that it is necessary and expedient to construct a sidewalk on the South side of %est 50th Street, upon anddong the property of said petitioner as hereinafter described; that such sidewalk shall be five (5) feet in width, and constructed in accordance with stand* ard Village sidewalk specifications adopted October ?th, 1940, and now on file with the Village Clerk; the Village Engineer is hereby directed ta set stakes designating the exact location af said walk. BE IT BURTHER RESOLVED, that the name of the owner of the lot, part of lot, or parcel of ground fronting the street where said walk is to be constructed is as follows: Eane of Owner H. R, Burton Descri-ption of 2roperty Lot Block 2, Brucewood Addition. BE IT PURTm RESOLVED, that the pititioner having waived all notices required by law before construction of said sidewslk by the Village that the Street Commissioner is directed to prodeed immediately VJith the construction of'. said sidewalk by Vorks Progress Administration day labor, and 'chat the cost of materials shall he assessed against the above described property in three (3) annual installments, as au.t;horized by Chapter 161, Laws of 1901, The motion tb adopt was seconded by Village Clerk Eoore, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolutiion, wherein tihere were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution '' mas adopted, t President of CoNil ecctrder read letter by Oscar Gaarden dated October 12, 1940 and comment on same by Thomas Vennum, dated Octaber 14, 1940, on mis- take of the Country Club District Service Company, billing sewer users for treatment and sewer maintenance charges by the City of Minneapolis, as of July 1, 1940. Letter dated October 12, 1940, by B. V. rflilder regarding his side- walk and private driveway, was referred to 3oad and Bridge Gomuittee for attention. .i Application Minneapolis Gas Light Company for permission to lay 340 feet of 6tr gas main in and along Concord Avenue South of Golf Terrace, Gas on motion 'ri'illsan be granted subject to arrangement of repair and replacement of streets, seconded by Irgens & carried. After discussion it was moved by Villson that the overhead doors for Tool Rouse and Garage, approved by architects, be amarded to Gardner Hardrrare Co. as per bid for the Stanley door at '$?08,00, checks of other bidders returned, seconded by Irgens & carried. Recorder read communication by League of Einnesota I-lunicipalities extending invitation to attend the League regional conference at rihite Bear Sake on October 30, 1940. Chairman Sanitation Camittee reported slowing down of installatian of severs in Districts #6 and 7,mherein Villson moved chairman be authorized to take up the matter mith the Barnett and aecord Company, seconded by Irgens and carried. After discussion, it was moved by Villson that the pay of Louis Stolzman, as assistant Road Foreman, be set (Z $125.00 per month, seconded by Xoore and carried. Mter discussion it mas moved by Trustee Irgens that Public Ex- aminer be requested to extend audit of Village accounts to cover seriod Xovember 15, 1939 to November 15, 1940, seconded by Recorder lioore and carried. Chairman Villsan brought up the matter of adequate facilithes for , snow ploving for the ensuing year, After discussion it mas moved by Irgens that bids be advertised for one 3 ton truck and Snov plow for same and also Vtt plom for new caterpillar No, 12 road grader, at a recessed meeting of this meeting, to be held on Xovember 4, 1940, seconded by Vyatt and carried, Xo further business to come before this meeting, the President de- clared the meeting recessed to meet again at the sme time and place on Xovenber bt 1940. Village i': e c or d er --.