HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401104_REGULAR73 Einutes of the recessed portion of the regular Oct. 28, 1940, meeting of the Council of the Yillage of Edina, duly kifeld in Grange Hall on November 4, 1940 at 8:OO otclock P. U. The meeting was aalled to order by the President, the roll called and all rnenbers of the Council were present. dealed bids for sale of special assessment sewer warranibs OD account of sewer District No, 5, 6, and 7 were received frm Thrall-%est Company and Allison-Rilliams Company bidding jointly ; Harold E. Vood CarnGany, and Piper, Jaffray and Hopwood, each accompanied by certified check in amount of ?~500.00. 9 I The bids upon being opened ,. read aloud and tabulated , Trustee YGBBEAS, sealed bids for the purahase of sewer warrants in the amount of d>29,500,00, on account of Sewer District Eo, 5, 6, and 7, have been submitted to the Village Clerk, each accompanied by good gaith check in the amount of $500.00, from the following bidders : i Irgens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Name of Bidder Interest Rate Amount of Bid Thrall, West & Co. and Allison-Villiams Go . 4@ 3 29,567.00 Harold E. Woad & Go, 3+$ -8 29,535.00 Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood 2+% $ 29,651.00 now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVXD by the Village Ca.unci.1 of the Village ofadina, Henne-pin County, Ninnesota, that the bid of Piper Jaffray eC Hopwood, for the purchase of $ 29,500.00 sewer warrants dated Novemher lst, 1940, which bid is to gurchase said warrants, bearing interest at two and me-half per cent [2-@) per annum, at a price of @ 29,651.00, % is hereby found, determined and declared to be the bid deemed most favorable, and is hereby accep$ed. . The motion to adapt was secoEded by Clerk Xoclre and the v0t.e was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. It was thereupon moved by Eoore that the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders 'be returned, seconded by Irgens and carried, Village. Clerk goore offered the following resolution and moved its adoption :: BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council. of the Village of Edina, Eemepin County, Einnesota, as follows: 1. Sewer District No, 5, in the amaunt of $9000.00, said warrants .l;o I The Village shall issue its negotiable coupon sewer warrants on 74 1 be 18 in number and nunbered from 1 to 18, both inclusive; all of said Qarrants to be in the denomination of $500.00, bearing interest at the rate of 2* per cent per annum, payable Berni- 'annually, in accordance Yiith appropriate interest coupoas tQ be thereto attached, and to mature serially on January lst, in the years and amounts as follows : $500.00 in each of the years 1842 and 194'7, and $lOQO.QQ in each of the years 1943 to 1951, both' inclusive, except the year 1947. 2, Bath principal and interest of said marrants shall be payable at Northmestern Xational Bank and Trust Company, Kinneapolis, Einn. and said warrants and the coupons thereto attached shall be in substant.ially the 4ollowing form: UNITED STATES OF AUERICA STATE OF HIITNESOTA COUXTY 03' HENNE3IN VILLAGE OF EDINA Sm DISTRICT N0.5 WAXRAhTT Number i;500. 00 The treasurer of the VillaEe of Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, will pay to the bearer hereof from Sewer District Eo.5 Bund of said Village the sum of BIVE HUNDRBD DOLLARS in any coin or currency nhich on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts on the first day of January, 194-, aith interest therean at the rate af %per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first i5ay of January and the first day of July in each year, in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at: Zorthvrestern Eational Bank and Trust Company, Einneapolis, Einnesota, This warrant is one of a series of varrents in the aggregate yrincipsl amount of 39000.00, issued by said Village pursuant to 1 and in Tu11 conformity vith the constitution and laws of the state or" Einnesota thereunto enabling, including Chapter 35, Laws of Xinnesota for 1915 and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto for the purpose of defraying the expense incurred and to be incurred in laying semers in said District and in anticipation - of the collection of special assessments heretofore duly levied against the benefited property in said District for the constr- uction of sewers and is payable out of a fund designated as Zund . of Sever District Xo, 5, into which fund all proceeds of said assessment are required to be paid. All sarrants of this issue maturing after January las, 1945, are subject to redemption on said date and any Interesb payment date thereafter, at par arid accrued interest, u&on thirty (30) days' prior notice to the Bank vhere the v;arrants are payable. It is hereby certified and recited khat all acts, conditions and things required by the conseitution and laws of the State of Einnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this warrant, have been done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as required by laws and that this marrant, together with all other indebtedness of said Village outstanding on the date named herein and on the date on the actual issuance and delivery hereof, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitation of indebtedness. IN S'JITEESS 2EE3OB, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, by its Village Council has caused this rrarrent to be signed by the President of the Village Council and countersigned by the Village Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be excuted and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and has caused this warrant to be dated as OS Eovember lst, 1940. .c '.A" .- .. . I / President of Council - Countersigned : Vil-lage Clerk On the first day of January, 19-, the Village of Edina, Henncpin County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at Northwestern National Bank and Trust Company, Einneapolis, Ninnesota the sum of Dollars (1 >, being the installment of interest then due on its Sewer District No. 5 ;:arrant dated Eovembdr lst, 1940, TJo. . President of Council Caunters igned : P Village Clerk 3. Said warrants shall be printed under the direction of the Village Clerk and the Prisident of the Village Council and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said warrants and to affix the village seal, and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be executed and authenticated by the printed or engraved or-lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers. 4. and by this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application of said purchase price. Then said warrants have been fully executed as required by law 5. from money collected rrom special assessments in said District, and the Clerk and Treasurer are authorized and directed to cause said warrants and the interest thereon to be paid out of any moneys of the Village so derived from said special assessments. Said warrants and interest thereon shall be payable solely The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Irgens, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, mherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas adopted . 9 ATTEST : ilbage Clerk Trustee Jrgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoptiob't - BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina .. Hennepin Cou-nty, Ennesota, as follows : on Sewer District Moo 6, in the amount of $2500.00, said warrants to be 10 in number and numbered from 1 to 10, both inclusive; all clf said marrants to he in the denomination of :250.Q05 bearing interest at the rate of 2-$- ger cent per annum, payable semi- annually, in accordance with appropriate interest coupons to be thereto atkached, and to mature serially on January lst, in the years and amounts as follovis : 825Q,QQ in cash of the years 1942 to 1951, both inclus iue . L 1. The Yillage shall issue its negotiable coupon sewer warrants B 2. at Northwestern Hatianat Bank and Trust Company, PTinneapalia ESincesota, and said warrants and the coupons thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: BQ$h princigal and interest of said warrants shall be payable UNITXD STATES OF AEERICA STATE OP ~JI~SOTA COUNTY OB m1-m VILLAGE OB EDINA SEXEi DISTRICT N0.6 'TilAi3RUT Ember 825Q .QQ The Treasurer of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesot-a, will pay to the bearer hereof from Sever District Bo. 6 3-d of said Village the sum of TVO HUKD@D FIFTY DOLLAE€S in any coin or currency vhich on the date of payment is legal tender f;dr public and private dehts on the first day of January, 194-, pith interest thereon at the rate of 2-& percent per annm, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and the first day of July, in each year, in accordance qith and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest cuupons 'as they severally become due, both princigal and interest being payable at: I Northwestern National Bank and Trust Co. , Xinneapolis, Uinnesota. This warrant is ane of a series of rvarrants in the aggregate principal amount of ;)2500.00, issued by said Village pursuant to and in full conformity mith the constitution and lavm of the State of Yinnesota thereunto enabling, including Chapter 35, Lams of Einnesota for 1915 and acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto for the purpose of defraying the expense incurred and to he incurred in laying severs in said District and in anticipation of the collection of special assessments heretofore duly levied against the benefited property in said District for the construc- tion of sewers and is payable out of a fund designated as Bund of 8ener District ITo. 6, into vhich fund all proceeds of said assessment are required to 'be paid. All aarrants of this issue maturing after January lst, 1945, are subject to redemgtiou an said date and any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest, upon thirty (30) days' prior notice ta the Bank mhere the aarrants are payable. c It is hereby certified and recited that a11 acts, conditions and things required by the constitution and lams of the State of Einnesota, to be done, to happen, and to 'be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this warrant, have been done, have happened and have been performed in regular and.due form, time and manner as required by lags and that this warran%, together with all other indebtedness of said Village outstanding on the date named herein and does not exceed any atatutory or constitutional limitation of indebtedness on the date of the actual issuance and delivery hereof, n IhT TJITBBSS \7XEZXOF, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, by its Tillage Council has caused this warrant -to be signed by the Presiden-k of the Village Council and contersigned by the Village Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and- authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said ofTicers, and has c.aused this warrant to be dated as of November lst, 1940. CQuntersigned : 'fillage. Clerk No . 5 On the first day af January, 19-, the Village of Edina, flennepin County, Ninnesota, will pay to bearer at Northwestern 3Tat ional Bank and Trust Company, Ninneapolis , Xinnes ota the sum of dollars ($ ) , being the install- ment of interest then due on its Sewer District EO. 6 -@arrant dated November lst, 1940, Eo. , of Council/ . Cauntersigned : Village Clerk 3, Said warrants shall be printed under the direction of the Village Clerk and the President of the Village Council and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said warrants and to affix the village seal, and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be executed and authenticated by the print- ed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signature of said officers. 4. 'ifhen said warrants have been fully executed as required by law and by this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchas- er thereof upon receipt of the purchase price and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to %he application of said purchase 5. from money collected frarn special assessments iii said District, and the Clerk and Treasurer are authorized and directed to cause said warrants and the interest thereon to be paid ou-t of any moneys of the Village so derived fram said special. assessments, E* 1 gy. h price. 4:- 1 w Said warrants and interest therean shall be payable solely m The notion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Wyatt and the vote was upan the question of the adoption af the resolution, wherein there mere five ayes and no nayss and so the resolution was adoptee?, ATTE3T t I Trustee Xyatt offered the following resolution and moved its BB IT AESQLWD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Henneg% Caunty, Xinnesota, as follows : 1, The Villfage shall issue its negotiable coupon sewer warrants on Seaer District No, 7, in the amount of ~18,000.00, %aid warrants to he 36 in number and numbered from 1 to 36, both inciusive; all of said aarrants to be in the denomination of g5QQ,OQ, bearing interest at the rate of 2-& per cent per annum, gayable semi-annually, in accordance with apprapriate interest coupons to be thereto attached, and to mature serially on Jan- uary Ut, in:the years and amunts as follow : / adoption: I $2000.00 In each odd numbered year from 1943 to 1951, both.inclusive, and in the year 1950, and .,$15Q0.00 in each even numbered year from 1942 to 1948, both inclusive, 2, Bath- prim9pal and interest of said sarrants shall be pay- able at Northwestern National Bank and Trust Company, ffiini?eapol%s, Einnesota, and said warrants and the coupons thereto attached shall be in substantially the f olloviing f orm : UNITED STATES OF ABIERIG.4 STATE OB U:IC"ESOTA COUNTY OF lBN"IN VILLAGE OF EDLNA SElYER DISTRICT NO,? '('TARRADT Number $500 , 00 The Treasurer of the Village of Edina, Rennepin County, Einnesota, will pay Eo the bearer -hereof from Sewer District No.? Fund of said Village the sum of FIVE HUBD3ED DOLLAEiS in any coin or currency which on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts on the first day of January, 194-, with interest thereon at the rate of 2% per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and the first day of July, in each year, in accordanee mith and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they se-iierally become due, both principal and interest being payable at: NorthsJestern National Bank and Trust Company, Xinneapolis, Einnesota, This marrant is one of a series of warrants in the azgregate - ijrincipal amowit of 318,000.00, issued by said Villade pursuant ta and in full conformity with the constitution and lams of the State or" Uinnesota thereunto enabling, including ChapteB 35, Laws af Xinnesota for 1915 and acts amendatory thereof and sppple- mental there-to for the purpose of defraying the expense incurred and to be incurred in laying severs in said District and in anticipation of the collection of special assessments heretofore duly levied against the benefited property in said District for the construction of severs and is payable out of a fund designated as Fund of Seser District No, '7, into which fund all proceeds of said assessment are required to be paid. issue maturing after January lst, 1945, are subject to redaption on said date and any irrterest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest, upon thirty (30) days* prior notice to the Bank where the aarrants are payable. All warrants or" this It is hereby ceriiified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the constitution and lams of the State of Einnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to znd in the issuance of this warrant, have been done, have hapgened and have been performed in regular and due I^orm, the and manner as required by laws and that this warrant, together mith all other indebtedness of said Village outstanding on the date named herein and on the date of the actual issuance and delivery hereof, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitation of indebtedness. rn BITi$BSS \=OF, the Village of Edina, Kennepin County, IEinn- esota, by its Villagel Council has caused this warrant to be signed by the Eresident of the Village Council and countersigned by the ViUage_Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the . interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and has caused this warrant ta be dated as of November Ut, 1940. * Gounteraigned : I Village Clerk No . 9 On the first day of JanuitEy, 19-, the Village of Edina, Hennegin County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at Northwestern National Bank and Trust Company, Minneapolis, Einnesota, the stam. of Dollars ($ ), being the install- men$ of interest then due on its Sewer District Eo, 7 'FVarrant dated November lst, 1940, No. e Countersigned : I Village Clerk 3. Said warrants shallk printed under the direction of the Village Clerk and the President of the Village Cauncil and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed $0 execute said warrants and to affix the Village seal, and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be executed and authenticated by the printed en,raved, or lithographed facsimile signature of said officers. 4. vken said warrants have been fully executed as required by law and by this resolution they shall be delivered to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase grice and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application of said purchase price. ea f$2 +==I 5. Said warrants and inkerest thereon shall. be payable solely fron money collected frown special assessments in said District, and the Clerk and Treasurer are authorized and directed to cause said warrants and the interest thereoneto be paid out of any moneys of the Village so derived from said special assessmentso The motion to adopt was s.econded by Trustee Irgens, and the vote was upon the qrxestion of the adaption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so:;the resolution was adopted I ATTEST : Village Clerk ..J. Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: VJERE-G, pursuant to petitions duly filed mith the Village Council, s.igned-by the property ovners shose names are hereinafter set out, requesting construction of a sidewalk in front of their respective praperties, in mhich petitions notice, required by lam before con- struction of the sidewalk by the Village, gas waived, and the petitioners agreed that the cost might be assessed against their properties; and I YMiLG3A3, pursuant to resolution of the Village Council heretofore duly-adopted, construction of said sideralk has been completed within thirty (30) days prior hereto, on the sough side o€ Zest 50th Street, upon and along the property of said petitioners; nov, therefore, 3E IT iIESOLVED, that said walk is hereby accepted and the a- asess- able cost therefor is determined to be 3644.75. BE IT PULITHER IIEJOLV3D, by the Village Coui-icil of the Village of Edina, that it hereby determines that the amount of benefits caused by said construction to each lot, part of lot, or parcel of ground frontin$ on the portion of the street shere such walk *as CO~LY Grucceu , are as ~'0110ws : Lot 'and Block Addition Owner Amount of Benefits Lot 25, Block I, Brucewood Add. David E. Thomas 3 82.00 Comencing on the S. line of P?. 50th Street, at a point 393 feet E. from V. line of SBJ; thence E. along said street line 208.5 feet; thence S. at right angles 150 feet; thence at an angle of 81° 30' to the right 88.55 feet to the center line of Einnehaha Creek; thence up said Creek to a point in a line parallel with B. line of SE2 and running SLY from the point of beginning; thence Nly to beginning; Section 18, Township 28, Range 24 P$alcolm A. Uanuel 3 110.00 Lot 1, Block 2, Brucewood Add. H. R. Burton 3 75.00 Lot 27, Black 2 Brueewood Add. Xary G. Skaaren $ 75.00 Commencing at the F?? corner of SEk; / -. - thence Sly along the 11. line thereof b- -7, 1 O\ L, . 393 feet; thence 3. pgallel mith FJ, line thereof 97 feet to center line of Xinnehaha Creek; thence SVly along Creek to :.7. line of SE&; thence N. to beginnin,, except street, Section 18, Township 28, Range 24. I1 d' Church of St. Stephen $297,75 BB €E BELTIilR REJOLVED that there is hereby levied against each $ lot, part of lot, or parcel of ground above described an assess- ment in the sums respectively therein set forth, which shall be a charge against the same and, as in State, County, and Trillage taxes, payable in three (3) installments, the first of ahich shall be due concurrent with taxes collectable in the year 1941. The motion to adopt bas seconded by Recorder Xoore and the vote vas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there ivere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution mas adopted, - I Pre'sident of Cufm til ATTEST : Village Recorder \ 110. further business to come before this meeting at this time the $resident declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place at 8 :QQ F, M. o Cclock, November 8, 1940, Village Recorder ,