HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401108_REGULAREinutes of the recessed portion of
the regular October 28, 1940, meet-
ing of the Council of the Village of
Edinn, duly held in Grange Hall on
November 8, 1940, at 8:OO otclock
2. E*
The meeting mas called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present.
Bids, as advertised, were opened and read aloud for one 3 ton truck as per specif icatians as f olloms :
lhck-International Eeotor Truck Corporat ion--Certif ied check 3135.00 Qne-Kmk Xodel Em per specifications with: 23732.26
3316 26
2111 . 26
Heil Eodel 11 bady & tmin cylinder hoist
Vith Heil Eodel SLll Bady and SL2 hoist
Get after deducting trade-in 2 ton Dodge
With 5t. Eaul body & hoist to conform to
c -. Net after deducting trade-in 2 ton Dodge 2442 26
-specif ications-Bet after deducting trade-in
Internatianal Harvester Company--Certified check for $113.05
One-DB-50 International truck per specifications : 32815 . 76
twin cylinder hoist $ 331.00
. .Trade in allcraance 1937 Dodge truck motor T42-7309 * $1900 . 00
Add for Beil SL-11 dump body with SL2 Heil hoist
Add for Heil"11 XodeE' dump body mith Heil No&
Xotar Power Equipment Company-Certified check for $150.00
One General Eotors Heavy Duty truck Eodel ACX603 with Heil
dmp body complete aith,Heil No, 4 hoist @ $3723.00
net $2513.00 Less trade-in allowance Dodge truck 1210 00
I Alternate Quotation t
Truck to above specifications rtith Keil SLll body &
$3307 . 00
Less trade-in alloaance Dodge truck 1125.00 net d2182 . 00
Hodel dL2 hoist @
Bids received and read aloud for truck snom ploq as follow:
T. V. Roshalt Coo--Certified check for $25.00
One (11 Sargent one way # 10R2 sith front frame push
Subject 2% cash discount. bars and hydraulic lift 0 3 471,oo
Boschert-Ingersoll kc.--Certified check for 825.00
One American QS3 mounted complete with shoes $ 390.00 1-
Less 2% cash discount, -1-
One American qPS mounted camplete with rollers 405,OQ
George T . Ryan Company--Cert if ied check Tar $20 ,OQ --
(4ue idode& la0 ail rianson complete aitn.hand
hydraulic lift and mounted
Oae Eodel 35 Tfansan rigid plow complete with
. hydraulic lift and mounted
:'J'm. E. Ziegler Company--Certified check for $30.00
3 330.00 .
I One Frink EbdeT 2543 complete & installed
One Bros Eodel 106-l? complete & installed
Less 2% cash discount
3 478.00 3 534-50 3 435.00
One 3Eink Eodel 30-SB complete EC installed
Er- Bufort Olson, 0x1 behalf of: Chaa. Olson & Sons Co,, spoke in
favor of the twin Heil hydraulic hoists and Heil bodies for trucks,
Bids received and read aloud for rV' plom for mounting on Ca&er-
pillar Ho, 12 Eotor Grader as follows:
L 83
George T. Ryan Company-4Cestified check far $50.00 Qne %anson Kodel n51 WG motor grader snow ,and
model MP4-12 ft, motor grader tving complete & mounted )908.00
Allmance far Caterpillar 30 tractor with Vrk snow plow %lOO.OO
@lowance for Fordson tractor with only one unit to
-be traded in on purchase of snow plow and wing 3 50.00
2 80.00 Add extra far hand hydraulic plow
Vfm. H, Ziegler? Co,--Certified check for $50.00 One caterpillar V-type snow plow for standard leaning
.wheel front axle, and Caterpillar Snow Wing, complete
deliaared and installed on #12 Caterpillar motor grader$889.00
Allowance on Eordson tractor 50 . 00
Immediate delivery, 2% cash discount
ulovlrance 30 tractor &V plow 3100 .oo I
Bids on having been publicly opened, the several representives
occupied an adjoining room and ane at a time each gentlemen spoke in
behalf of his equipment, Xr. Allen far &Tack truck, HislZilel for
interirational, ID. Bewberg far GeneiEal. Xotors, Xr. Bsshalt for T. W.
Roshalt Company, Nr, Bloomquist for Barcheitt-Ingersoll Ca. , Xr.
BoZLit for George T. Ryan Go., and Xr. Poley for V. €I. Ziegler Go.
t'Jhereu2on it was 'moved by Naore, the bids he referred to Road and
Bridge Committee far inspection and recommendations to the Council,
seconded by Irgens and carried.
President School, Board, of Independent School District $17, Em.
Heron, School Board Trustees Zait and Rolfness and Superintendent
Glover, appeared before the Council with reference to proposed
street running East and West between the School 12 acre tract and
Hansen's & Parks, 2nd Additian extending from Highway 100 and Concord Ave.,after discussion and study of plots it vas tentatively agreed that the 60 foot street should go in, with each owner donating
30 feet and that Hansen &.Park'aould turn pike a traveled 30 ft. roadway along the center line also agreeable to Br. 8. E. Parks,
Nr. S. I. Ryan tendered check in amount $160.00 in connection with
application for license to operate bowling alley and which would be
acted upon at the next regular meeting of the Council.
It was moved by Xoore, that as the next regular meeting of the Council would fall on the second Honday in Mouemher, the same day
being Armistice Day, that the meeting be hela at the regular time
and place on Tuesday November 12, 1940, seconded by Irgens and carried,
Eo further business to come before the meeting, motion to adjourn
carried at Ut50 P. X. ar",? e-2
Village Recorder .