HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401125_REGULAREinutes of the Xegular meeting
of the Council of the Villace
of Edina, duly held in Grange
Hall on Bov. 25, 1940 at 8:OQ
otclock p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the Eresident, the roll called and
all members of the Council mere gesent.
The 3ecorder advised that the.minutes book containing rninutes of the
Examiner in cannection ;1ith audit of Village affairs for the pror
ceeding year; ahereupon the President declared the reading of the
rninu.t;s r:ould be dispensed Yiith at this meeting.
The Village pay roll advances having been carefully noted and found
corsed%. it vias moved by ;'iillson, they be duly alloned and ordered paid '
secanded by Irgens and carried.
, last meetings of the Council were in the hands of the hblic I
The matter of extending gas main for gas unit head of Tool House and
Gzrage FCLS dijcuaaed viith the sevcral represeniives and leLt with
Road & Bridge Committee €or further study and report to the Council.
IW. Sriedman appeared before the Council to request permission to
raise and to extent out from building, the present EdinsL Theatre sign,
referred thereto hy the Building Commissioner. After discussion it
I;ias moved by Irgens that permit be granted, subject to complyance with
installation requirements of City of Uinneapolis Code, seconded by
Eoore and carried.
It was moved by Irgens, that hearing on petition to rezone lot 20
iluditor*s Sub. #172, be referred to regular meeting of the Council to
be held on December 9, 1940, seconded bylfoore and carried.
It vas moved by Xoore, that hearing on petition to rezone lots 1,2,3,
15,16, and 17, Block 7 TinEdale's Brookside Addition be referred to -- regular meeting of the Cou&il to be held an December 9, 1940,
seconded 5y Irgens and carried.
Xessrs. fianson and Parks and Attorney 7angs-#ad, appeared before the
Council regarding installation of water mains in streets abutting
their pro,oerty. The Council being reluctant to enter into any
arrangement siherein the cost of vater mains nould be reflected in the
cost of mater sold throughout the village. After discussion the
matter r;as left for Village Attorney Holten prepare contract
according to tentative agreement.
Eessrs. C. E. Hanson &Bo I&. Parks owners of majority of frontage
of frontage on "Jooddale Ave. from Golf Terrace to Jest 55th Street,
2etitioned for water main extension, ahich vas referred to Villade
Communication dated llovember 22, 1940L by residents af Colonial Grove
uzs read concerning streets in said Addition, and referred to Village
Attorney ;to reply.
Chairman of Sanitation Committee moved that bids be taken at the
December 9, 1940, meeting of the Council, for removal, hauling, and
disposal of kitchen garbage for the year 1941, upon such terms and
conditions the Cauncil in its descrition may impose; motion seconded
by Villson and carried.
Chairman lighting Committee reported suggested recommendations for
street lights as follows:
1, One light at the east side af Vernon Avenue near the north
Village limits.
.. .* c
2, Beplacing the present light at Josephine 9c Hopkins Road (UcGuire's
place) with a smaller light and moving the present light to Eden
Avenue and Highway 100.
3. Eermission w.as granted the ?ewer Company to move a light on
Interlachen Blvd, to Oooper Ave,
To install a new light on Spruce Place east of Blake Road about two
blocks. 4.
5. To install a light on Russell PC Benton Avenue.
6. Ta install a nevi light at the junction of riindsor and Kent, $(est-- -7r
Chester Knolls,
7, To install three lights in the vicinity of 58th St. ?c Beard Ave.
Thereupon Xoore mo8ved the recommendation be concurred in, seconded by
Irgens and carried.
The proposition by Council of Village of St. Louis Park regarding future
fire protection in Edina outside af the protected area was read. After
discussion, the Xecorder was requested to,:inquire if the $2,000.00
annual stand-by service charge was cotrrect, members of the Council
considering same excessive.
Application accompanied by fee of 3, I, Ryan having previously been
made in form for license to operate 16 bowling alleys under Village
Ordinance regulating same, it thereupon moved by VJillson the license
be granted, seconded by Irgens and carried.
8. To install light at Halifax & 51st,
9. To install light at Indianola and Juanita.
10. To install light at Xndianola and 51st.
11. To install light at Indiansla and 52nd.
12, To install light at Juanita and 51st,
13. To install light at Juanita and 52nd.
14. Ta install light at Einnehaha Boulevard and 52nd.
15. To install light at Olinger and 169,
16, To install light at Gleason and 169.
17, To install light at 70 street and Hwy. 100.
Current Bills and accauhts of Lateral Sewer Districts lTumbers 5,6,&7
having heen carefully noted and found correct, it was moved by Irgens
they be duly allomed and ordered paid, seconded by Eoore and carried.
It was moved by Irgens that bids for window glass for Tool house &
Garage be called for, secanded by Yfyatt and carried.
Recorder r'ead comtmication from South Harriet Park Garden Club
requesting that a warming house be provided at Public Skating rink at
54th 6cXinnehaha Creek. After discussion it was moved by Irgens that
Ben B, Ifoare, Village Clerk, and Trustee Villson be, and hereby are,
authorized and directed ta erect and establish a warming house at or
near the skating rink at 54th Street and Xinnehaha Boulevard, at Vest
50th Street near the Xinnehaha Creek bridge, and at Eirroe Lake- the
latter to 'be lacated upon such premises as may be secured with the
permission of private owners.
A care taker shall also be secured fQ2 maintenance of said warming
houses, but in establishing the same the Village does not assume any
liability for the safety of the children who mag avail themselves of
such facilities . Secanded by EQare and ~ carried .
110 further business to come before the meeting at this time, the
President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the szme time
and place on Bovember 26, 1940.
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Village aecorder