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Einutes of the recessed portion
of the IIovember 25, 1940, meeting
of the Council of the Village of
Edina, duly held in Grange Hall
on Kov. 26, 1940 at 8:OO o'clock p.m.
The meeting was called to ordes by the President, the roll called and all members af the Council viere present asRere Treasurer Duggan and
Xessrs, Zhales and Ursen of the State Public Examiners Office.
The audit af books and accounts of Recorder Hoore and Treasurer hggan
Tor the fiscal year Kovemb,er
f/&!g> dr** a ~ - --A &''L++; After discwsian by all!;it was
on Eovember 15, 1939 was 38820.99 as
statement of that date. Receipts for the year in General hnd,
inclu-d ing an overage of ,380.79 from previous years was $110 , 380 91
Total receipts \119,582.69 Total disbursments were ;111,687.47 leaving
net cash balance 3s of Bovember 15, 1940 of '"7,895.22 rtith no unpaid
marrants or General Village obligations outstanding.
Balances in other Village Sunds were given by the Public Examiner as
folloms :
Lateral Seide: Districts No, 1 and No. 2.
Balance 11/15/39
Received 12/30/39, County Treasurer
12/30/39 , Paid Assnrt. Jarrants
Balance - 11/15/40
bteral Sewer District No, 3.
Balance 11/15/39
l2/30/39 Received County Treasurer
Paid Assmt. Varrants 12/30/39
. Balance 11/15/40
$3 , 744 -28
$994 , 28
Lateral 3eaer District No. 4,
Received 12/30/39 $2,074.78
12/30/39 Paid Assmt. Tarrants I, 1'/!3.00
Balance 11/15/40 31,029.32
Balance 11/15/39 \
Lateral Sewer District No, 5,
Beceived 11/15/40 Sale of warrants
3isburs ements 11/15/40
Balance 11/15/40
$9,050 .OO
$8 , 70 7 , 75
La%eral Sewer District No. 6
10/16/40, Loan General Zund ;31,000.00 3qceiv"ed 11/15/403 Sale of 'ilarrants 2, Ci17.90 $3,517.90
11/15/40 Paid General Bund .f31,000.00
11/15/40, Disbursements 1,440.16 2,440 -16
Balance 11/15/40 81 ,O 77.74
Received 8/20/40 , Loan General Xund
LRteral Sever District No,?,
$2,500 .OO
9/13/40 It 11 It 1,500 ,OO
II It 3,000.00
11 3,000 ,OO
11 18,100 , 00
tl 9/24/40 1t
lt lO/l6/40 ti It
11/15/40 It 11
11/16/40 Repayment General Fund laam
and Disbursements
3alance 11/15/40
8,264 -22
9 3:
Joint Sewer Diskrict Eo. 1,
Balance ll/15/39
Received ll/30/39 lst, Natl Bank
tl 4/17/40 Laan General Fund'
It 8/28/40 Sale of Varrants
11 6727/40 I1 ?t It
11/15/4Q, Repayment of General Pund
Balance 11/15/40
Loans and Disbursements
~54,27"Z082 I!
8,500 .OO
1.000 000
82, '743.93
The Crier Bund( A cantingent fund not deriaed fro-m tax manies 1
Balance 11/15/39 %?.9Q
Diab.urs ernent 9/9/40 36.90
Balance 11/15/4Q 351000
Sewer Rental $undo
Keceipts. ta and balance at 11/15/40 $1237.55
Discussion mas tad on the subject of quarterly billing for Sewer
user charges mhereupon Trustee Irgens offered the following
amendment :
RESOLVED, that the time of payment provided for in the Sewerage
Ordinance adopted July lst, 1940, shall be changed from a quarterly
payment ta a semi-annual paylzient, and the Village Recorder is hereby
directed ta render to the owners, lessees, or occupants of the
property covered by said Ordinance, semi-annual bills for the sewer
rental charges set forth in said Ordinance.
upon the cuestion of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there
were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted.
The motion to adopt vas seconded by Xoore and the vote vias
Village 3eco.rder
Chairman riJillson reported on thorough investigation of truck snow
plows per bids 11/8/40 and recommended the purchase of the Sargent
model_ LOR2 8 '9467.46 - 2% f.0.b. Edina and maunted on our truck
complete with 10 days delivery and that the checks of Geo. To Ryan
. Company, Borchertt SC Ingersoll and 8. H'. Ziegler Company; unsuccess-
ful bidders be returned, secanded by Irgens and carried.
No further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn carried
at 11:45 a.m.
Village Recorder