HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401209_REGULARElinUtes af the regular I meeting of the Council of the Yillage of Edins, duly held in Grange Xa11 on December 9, 1940, at 8tOO olclock p. m. qThe meeting %as called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council vere present. Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on ilovemher -35, 1940 and the reccssed portion of the same meeting duly held on Bcmmber '16, 1940, were read. It was suggested that lots 3 and 15, Block 7, Tingdale Brothers, Brookside BdditioG, be deleted from petition presented to rezone for gas service station ahereupan it was moved by Irgens, they be approved, seconded by Xyatt and carried. The Soad and Village pay rolls having been carefully noted and found to be correct, it mas moved by dillson, they be duly alloned and ordered paid, seconded by tVyatt and carried. They &re CLS fo1loi.s: Carl ,:esterberg Ben B. xoore George A, Slillson Victor Irgens A. 3. Yiyatt J. J. Duggan Dr. R. 2. Erickson T. E, Tilly Ii. 5. Heydt Hilding Dam John Yo Leyon EL, J. Johnson S. J. Roberts p. Dahlgren John Tracy Lo Stolgman H. Ensley Silas Herrett Ronald rcCready Cecil Garrison John Xerfeld Douglas Burns Herbert nillzm B. C. Lousing Bernara Lea Beau Thomas dite 2. A. Johnson doiiald 01s en Chas. Slavin Leo Ueyers R. Gibish Don EcClellen J, A, Danens Arthur Petersen 0, E. Spande tionald Port Sam EcCready James "iicXellis James EcHellis Eatt Xerf eld El. Bergroff Ray Garrison Albert Young Harold LIcE'ellis Ilarold ZcLellis Lester Hafis en Joseph iiatoli James XcHellis Sr . =is Petersen i3obei-t Brsncis Os car E"r os lin Sinon Strand A. C, Stringer President Aecorder Trustee Trustee Trustee 2 r e as ur er Health Officer Village Earsha11 Palice Officer Palice Officer Police Officer Street Commissioner Utility Elan Tract or Operat or Asst . Tractor Operator Asst. Road Boreman Road Labor Road Labor Road Labor Road Labor Road labor Road Labor Road Labor Zoad Labor 3oad Labor Road &%or Road Labor noad Labor Road Labor Road Labor Truck hire Tractor hire Tract or hire Garbage Collection Asst. Road foreman Asst. Road for eman Xaad labor Truck hire Truck hire Asst, Road foreman Road labor Ean & team Road labor Tract or operator Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Carpenter lahor Road 8 Bridge-,!PA 3 50.00 9Q. 00 50.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 38.00 170.00 150.00 l50.00 140.00 175.00 140.00 135.00 125.00 125 . 00 2.00 12. 50 11.50 3.50 19.50 15.50 15.25 11 , 25 11.25 52.50 8.00 2,OO :4,00 4 Boo 6 BOO 15.50 7-75 333.32 123 . 10 1%2,40 126.25 61.00 111.60 33.10 44 . 00 20.00 35.40 50.50 6'7.50 32.50 4.00 71,oo 24 . 50 40.50 20.00 25.00 93Boo 95 The Xiscellaneous Bills and accounts having been carefully noted and found correct were on motion Irgens they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by 7yatt and carried. They are as follows : B. T. Land Lhude Blackburn Lee dillialm dreida Kell Vera Goethelman Edward Port L. E. dood J. d. I?ewburn Albert dasmer Agnes L Swensen Kat hr ine Aldr et t Clara Saodacre St. Pekers Luth.Church 3t. It Uiss, Society Christ Larsen Nellie strate Laura uirks drancis Ruresh Nrs . John Younj C. 3. Blackburn J. J. Dugcan S. B, Hammowid 3lorence Jenett Orline Christapher Ethel EcCready 3. J. Pautsch Alex Creightan i?. E. Liegler Co. Jay G, Craig$ Co. Killer-Davis Co. Hustad Company Iforton Salt Co. Uptoilin Iron Store Bia Tedman Glacier Sand & Gravel Dr . James Blake City Ruobinsdale Phillips Petroleum Co. T. V. Rasholt Ca. T, ~b. liosholt Co. Hgnnepin County Lyle 3igns, Inc. Ximm Company I Clarence 0. Eolten i.4 Bell Telephorie do. Idinneapolis G. E. Co. Yaunz Buel Ca. E V. Harris . G;,ybar Elect. Co; Xural Hennepin County Relief Board City Xinneapalis Simon Strand Garvey’s Hardware Chas Olson & Son Co-operative Seed Thorjle Eros. Zdina Garage, Inc. Oscar Roberts Co. Exchange Judge Elect ion Judge Election Judge Elect ion Clerk Xlect ion Clerk Elect ion Election booths Elect ion booths Judge election 8 booths Judge election Judge elect ion Clerk election Clerk election Rent Rent equipment Judge election Judge election Zuage election Clerk elect ion Clerk election Special Officer & booths Judge election Judge election Judge election ’. Clerk election Clerk election Plumbing inspect or (~ov . 1 Building inspector)Bov. payment 5 invoices goad oil Off ice supplies Angles and anchors Rack salt Truck tire chains Gas for Road and Bridge Sand 2: Gravel Profess Fonal services i@A Sewing project Destolate for R. SC B. Snow fence how plow repair-; Poor darn Servihtj’ . . -3oad signs Eimeographing Binancial Statement Village Attorney Police extension Uovember service AelR. &Bo Gas-R. & B. - Police Batteries / Ncmernber Relief illire Dept. Service ‘ Rent Tool Shed Hardware R. tSC 13. Payment 6 invoices Sodim Chlorate December itent Tract Office Police car service Oversize rock 3. CC B, 1020 7,20 ‘1.20 7.20 7.20 9.60 5.40 10.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7,530 7.50 2.50 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7020 8.00 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.30 7.20 123. 00 177.65 175.59 45.00 25.10 23.57 28.40 16.65 51.73 100.55 2.50 l? ,oo 22.50 121.25 15 . 20 138.00 72.43 98.00 75.00 2.00 649.18 36.53 205.98 ,- 3.06 614.54 1Q.14 15.00 52.95 159 24 59.50 12.50 27,89 98.57 Ready Eixed Concrete Co. Concrete 96.90, Rejyiblic Creosoting Co. iiaad tar 1782 58 Oscar Roberts Co. Sand eC concrete blocks 49.82 Oscar Roberts Co. Oversize rock R. & B. 2x9 . 02 Hart Buel Co. Limate & cement-Tool house 427.68 George Shelson Use of Truck 78.00 Edina Hardaare Co. Hardware X . & B. Osca Xoberts Co. Oversize 3ock-3. y: B. Xd ha ;-fardv;;'ar e C o . Hardware-Tool house J. A. Danens L:: Son Truck CCC driver 30rey's Shell station 3. &. B. -Police service Hennepin County Aeview 2ublished not ices Kennepin County +<evieiv Er inting J. E. Caraarelle .3urveying Xural Hennepin County Surplus Com. Comm. 16 snow suits 5708~1 150.77 7.91 42.00 65.55 68.87 51.8Q 25 . 00 52 . 80 Bills and accounts of Lateral jeaer Districts Eos. 5-6 & 7 for proceeding month having been carefully checked and found correct thereupon, Trustee Irgens moved they be duly allotj'ed and ordered paid, seconded by ';fyatt and carried. The matter of hearing on petition to rezone Lat 20, Auditors sub. #172, next came before the Council. Er. L. L. Hansen, agent for Er. Pelkey, owner, advised change in aonin? requirements vias requested in order to build a store uuiluug 2tw~ GU~L iio 2i.l.Lilg statiou i'jas being considered. -iss Case, dm. Kell, George l:illam, Er. Gyerda, Yiss Harper, Ecs. Batea, and Ilrs. Kell, sgoke in 0;-position to the ,ro,osed change. Letter by I%. Herman 2. Olson, Engineer for City of Sinneapolis Planning Comission, rather opposed changes vhich ;.:auld effect property v-slues in Xinneapolis, and suggested continuance 01 good neighbor policy which hxs existed between the city 02 Kinneapolis and 'Tillage of Edina, After Discussion Trustee Ylillson moved the petition be denied-seconded by Irgens and the roll upon being called found live ayes and no nays and so the motion xas declared duly passed and carried. --. Petition for hearing to rezone Lots 1-2-16 & 17, Block 7, i'iugdale Tros. 3rookside Addition, duly came before the Council. Dou.glas rTees Advised he held a contract to purchase and spoke in lavor 02 the proposed change from lesidential to Coliununity dtore in order to permit erection of a gas filling station lis did Er. 3. B, Smith on behalf of The Pure Oil Company. I m. J, E. Yill, delix Schmit, E. Carlson, and flilton Gutterson and Ers . Homell-as adjoining property owners strongly objected to any clnaLje tn zoning. I&. J. 3. Thorpe advised that if other corners Bere 2roposed to have present zoning changed, that he v:oula object on account of bad effect on neighboring grogerty. be denied, seconded by Xyatt. The roll upon being called found five ayes and no nays and so the motion was declared duly passed and adopted. Mter discussion 'it was moved by Eoore the petition Justice or' Lire reace, Qebo, presented vircfiod form zccounit in amount of 1 81.75 for office supplies, iihereupon it -..as voced by Li;-att, the bill be duly addowed and ordered Daid, seconded by Xoore and carried. Eation by Irgens and seconded by Jillson that the Village Council hezr property ov;ners on the 13th day of January, 1941, at 8:OO o'clock g. me, vith reference to the proposed extension of the Yillage vater mains in and along ifooddale Avenue, comincing at the intersection of Jooddale Avenue Jouth and Go12 Terrace, and extending southerly along ;looddale Avenue a distance of approximately 480 i'eet; and that the Clerk be directed to publish notice of said hearing in the official Villag-e paper for at least two (2) seeks, the last of which publication to be mot less Q than three (3) days before said hearing, On being but 'Go vote, said motion ;;as carried. Trustee Irgeas offered the following resolution and moved its adapt ion : T7-l L& IT PGSOLW, by the Village Council of the ?Tillage of Edina, that it is necessary and e;:pedient to construct a sidesialk on the south side of Jest 50th Street, from the terminus of the present sidenalk, immediately nest of Halifax Avenue, to Arden Avenue and :iest 50th Street; such sidewalk to be rive (5) feet .'%* ..-) k in uiidth and constructed in accordance with standard village sidewalk Specifications adopted October 7th, 194Q9 and novt on Iile with the Village Clerk; the Village Engineer is hereby directed Lo set stakes designating the e:-act location of said a lk . 3% IT iXTATX33 RX3OLTED, that said sidewalk shall he completed I hg7 'ebruary 2f@th, 19%1. 33 IT ZUZtT1-IE3 ,iESOLTKED, that the names of the omners of all lots, earts of lots, and parcels of ground fronting the street where said walk is to be constructed are as follows : Kame of Omer Lot and Block Addition IIenrietta A. Varnholt Lot 3 and Yl. 60 feet jtevens 1st Add. of Lot 2, Block le, Lot 1, Block 2, Stevens 1st Add. I?, A. Eora &lph 'if. Covell $Jest one-half of Lot Stevens 1st Add. 3, Block 2, Columbia Paving and East one-half of Lot Stevens 1st Add. Zideaalk Com2any 2, Block 2, Lot 3, Block 2$ Stevens 1st Addm Ralph :Yo Covell 7, E. Halvorson Lot 1, Block 39 Srucewood Addition BE: IT BLTcTHER RESOLVED, that if said walks shall not be fully constructed in the manner and within the time herein prescribed, the Village Council may order same to be done by the jtreet Commissioner or by contract. The motion to adopt was seconded by Jillaon and the vote was ugon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so'the resolution was adopted. .ATTEST : Village 3ecarder Lt was moved by Xoore that application of Xinneapolis G, B. Co. for permission to install underground fuse boxes on underground service e;-tending from 4625 Browndale Avenue, across Browndale and along Edgebrook Place, as shown on petetion be granted, seconded by Irgens and carried, It was moved by Tillson that application of Xinaeapolis Gas Light Corngany, for permission to lay 200 feet of 3" gas main 011 Brookside Ave. between Division and 7th Street ('W. 48th) be granted, seconded by iJyatt and carried. Bids, as per advertised notice to Bidders for garbage collection for the ensuing year, as per Schedule and other requirements as set forth mere opened and read aloud. The bid os' Arthur Peterson, accompanied by performance bond in amount of >2,00Q.00, bid at the rate, of 35centd per month or ,$4,20 per year, Xr. George Payne, a collector of garbage and rubbish, was present but did not bid. Af'cer discussion it was moved by Irgens the hid of Arthur Peterson be accepted and President & Recorder authorized & irqjovered to sign contract for and on behalf of the 'fillage Council, Village Attorney Holten to prepare the contract, seconded by Igoore and carried. 98 It moved by Jillson that application of ldinneapolis Gas Light Company for permission to lay 1200 feet 5" gas main in and along 3rookside Ave. bktween from Highmay 169 to Eden Avenue, be granted; .seconded by Xoore and carried. It was moved by Irgens, that application for permission 1 pole and stnchar on tioodhill ;:lay between ':lest Sunriyslope Aoad and Aiage Place and also to move 1 pole on Kighway 100 from Golf Terrace douth to Vindsor Ave. be granted, seconded by Boore and carried. Trustee Jillson reported on prices quoted on glass for nev tool house as f oll0;7s : Xorthr;estern Glass Co. 67.00 Jord EcCutt Company 79.00 Xter discussion it was moved by i'iillson the orde;- be awarded lTqrthnestern Glass Co., seconded by Eoore and carried. After discussion on the advisability of billing semi-annually in lieu of quarterly for sewer rental charges, Trustee Irgens offered the fo1lou:ing revolution ctnd moved its ado>tioii: ?GSOLVZD, that the time of payment provided for in the Severage OrdLnance fxdopr;ea July Lst, 194u, snall ut! criaugeu irurrr quarterly pamerit to a semi-annual payment, and the Village Recorder is hereby directed to render to the onner3, lessees, or occupants of the yroperty covered by said Ordinance, semi- annual bills for sewer rental charges set forth in said Ozdinance. The motion to adopt was seconded by Eoore and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas adopted . Bittsburgh Plate Glass Co. '381 b 00 a ATTEJT t The hour of midnight having arrived, the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place on December 16', 1940, at 8:OO o'clock p. m. --- e- e-. 4- Village Recorder 1