HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401216_REGULARF-i Einutes of the recessed portion of the regular December 9, 1940, meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina,'duly held in Grange &ll on December 16, 1940, at 8:OO o'clock p. m. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all members af the Council were present, The President reported that he and the Recorder had mat vith Eresident Bartin and Trustee Anderson of St. Louis Park council regarding the matter of fire protection, that Ek. l'iartin and TGr. Anderson stated af the unwillingness of the St. Louis Park Cauncil ta continue at present rates and that an annual "stand . by'' charge of ~2,000.00, with calls raised from $35.00 to :45.00 per call Qr per hour, together with such conditions as were imposed under the suggested contract , vias proposition they had to offer. Service would be continued, however, until such time as Edina could or would make other arrangements for fire protection in the area serviced by St. Louis Eark. Communication by Edina Civic Association, dated December 3, 1940 suggesting a 'Stopt1 sign on Soughwest corner West 50th Street and drance Avenue and that street car weying be discontinued at Yrance and 50th, read and referred to Police Committee. It was moved by Willson that bills as follows be allowed and ordered paid: J. Vi. Craigg Co. Road oil 345.00 Chas. Olson & Sans Repain work-Eq. 159.24 t? H. Ziegler Co. Snow plow 889 . 00 I&ternatianal Harvester Co. 1-%ode1 DR-50-149'WB serial 878 motor #PBB-361-3669 complete with Rei1 dump body, less credit $915.76 for 1937 Dodge- net $2586 , 50 C. P, Ashton Lumber J$D 1# net $298.59 2. Id. Gebo Refund Justice of Peace supplies $88.85 Rural Hennepin County Surplus Corn. Corn, (November 1940) 47.01 City of Einneapolis-Fire Dept . service 26.Ll ' John J. Duggan Refund postage treasurer Gov. '40 15,36 City of Uinneapolis-Last S-1940 Disposal plant etc. 1525.74 A. X. Berrin Recording easements: JSD #l $24.00 813 $6 1.70 SD #7 4.60 Kecorder presented matter of principal and interest payments on special assessment warrants due Ll-41 as follows : R. & 33. 14.35 $45 . 00 and that certified checks of 8. H.Ziegler Company in amount of ,:50,00 and International Harvester Company, in amount of 2113.05 mhich accompanied bids, be returned, seconded by I7ya.t.t; and carried . Bids were opened and read aloud for rolled roDfing for tool house as follows ; Thompori Lumber Co, 78rolls @ $1,65 roll delivered. Kruckerberg Roof Co, 78rolls f or$146,00 Ykereupon it was moved by Villson the order be awarded to Thoqson Lwnber Company on basis of bid, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Lateral Sewer District Nos. 1 PC 2 $1126 ,OO 2150.00 Lateral Sewer District No, 4 1650.00 Jaint 3ewer District Bo, 3. Acct. ~65,000.00issue9 total 6984.94 Acct.' ~20,000.00 issue, interest 132.20 L,teral Sewer District KO, .3 ‘:.!hereupon Irgens moved checks be draan in payment thereof, seconded by Eoore and carried. It vas meved by lillson, that the usual pay roll advances be made ‘Eolice, 3oad crew, and sewer inspectors, seconded by ‘Gya-tt and carried . After discussion on the so called %tamp Plan” in lieu of 3u.rplus Commodities distrnbution, Trustee “Glyatt offered the folloming resolution and moved its adoption : \’lm(EAS, there has been established by the towns and villages of &Tal Eennepin County a Surplus Distribution and Food stamp Committee for the purpose of Administering on behalf of the torms and villages of 3ural Xennepin County the distribution of surplus commodities and issuance of food order stamps in connection vith the r’ederal Surplus Uarketing Administration, ITPToi’l, TREKEBOZiE, BE IT XESOLVED, that the Village of Edina hereby delegates the administration of surplus commodity dis- tribution and food stamp administration to the Eural Hennepin Gouiity Gurglus Distribution and Food Stamp Committee, and that it is hereby agreed that is mill conform to all rules and regulations that shall be established by such committee for the .purpose of administering the program and it further agrees to pay its prorated share of the cost of administering the program promptly and currently upon receipt of each billing from such committee. The question vas on the adoption and the roll being called there mere five yeas and no nays, and so the resolution vas adopted. President &* of Cou \ Village lie corder - T,ustee 37yatt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : Y-AS, there has been established by the tatvns and villages of Rural Hennepin County a Surplus Distribution and good Stamp Committee for the purpose of administering on behalf of the tox?ns and villages of Rural Hennepin County the distribution of surplus commodities and issuance of food order stamps in connection Qith the Eederal Surplus EIarketing Administration, &sD l/WAS3 for the purpose of establishing a Pood Stmp Plan in Rural Hennepin County it has been determined that a revol- ving fund be established in the amount of 3933, BED TlIiEBES, our prorated share, based on the number of cases and persons served in relation to the total case load in -the entire Rural County has been established in the amount of $993.00, NOV, TEEZ?B?OL3E, BE IT RESOLVED, that the village of Edina agrees to place in the custody of the Rural Hennepin County Surplus Distribution and good Stamp Committee the total Sum of *>933.00 as its prorated share of the revolving fund necessary for the operation of the food stamp plan in Rural Hennepin County, and that, if and nhen such plan is terminated in Rural Hennepin Caunty the amount of 3933.00 dollars as originally deposited into the revolving fund will he duly refunded. The question vas on the adoption of the resolution and the roll being called there 17ere five yeas and no nays, and so the r es olut i on was ad opt ed . ATTEST : .. Letter was read from Village Zoning Advisor, Xr. Georce E. Herrold , regarding proposed changes in Village Zoning Ordinance and Recorder requested to write Xr. Herrold, for suggestions which mould tighten present ordinance. 'The matter of slu.e;gish and clogged main sanitary sewers in Country Club District aas discussed and janitation Committee requested to start the work of cleaning out if the Country Club 3ervice Gorapany did not, Village Attorney presented proposed contract with Art Peterson far ;,.arbage collection for the ensuing year which was read. Thereupon it was moved by Irgens, that the contract being sat- isfactory, that it be accepted and President and 3ecorder authorized and empowered to sign and seal same for and in behalf of the Village Council, seconded by Cyatt and carried, The next regular meeti.ng of the Council coming just before Christmas, it ivas moved by Irgens the meeting be dispensed with and this meeting recess, subject to call of the President, seconded by Koore and carried. Village 3ecorder ..