HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410113_REGULAR1 Einutes of the regular meet-
ing of the Council of the Yillage of Edina, held in the
Grange Hall on January 13,1941
at 8 :C@ o'clock p.m.
Ehe meeting ;ias called to order by the r"resident, the roll1 called and all members of the Council were gresent.
*?. uutcs of the regular meeting of the Council held on Uacember
9, 1940, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on Uecernber 16, 194Q, were read. On motion Irgens they be
approved as read, seconded by Villson, and carried.
The Village pay rolls having beeh duly examined and faund correct,
it was moved by dillaon they be duly allowed and ordered paid,
seconded by Jyatt, arid carried. They are a3 folloi?~:
Carl Jesterberg
Ben B, Xoore
George ii. Jillson
Victor Irgens
Alvin 3, I'lyatt
John J. Uuggaii
Dr. ~3. 8. Erickson
T. E, filly
E, Ua4iL T. S. Heydt
John Lyon
Ralgh Joh.nson
Sam -3oberts
Pet e Dahlgr en
Jolm Tracy
I;. Stolzman
Simon Strand R. Gibbish
Arthur Petersen
P. A. Johnson
I. Curnroinga
J. Goettleman
Donald Hoeg
John Tracy, Jr.
Thomas lite
Oscar droslin
Joseph &tali
=is Pederson
3. Bergroff
Joseph Xerfeld
L. Eansen
Harold EcUellia
3arold Ec3ellis
James Bowes
John Olsola
Kay Gam is on
A. C. Szringer
Ronald Port
James EcUellia
James EcCellis
Lester ."Tans en
Sam EcCready
E. Ensley
Zatt EerPeld
drank 20 od s
George 3hilson
J. A, DOanens 8 Son
Z0 T, Dodge
0. E, Symde
Is r' 50.00 kresident
Be corder 90.00
Trustee 35.00
Trustee 35.00
Treasurer 30.00
Health Officer LO.00
Village Liarahall 170,UU
Police Officer 150 .OQ
Police OPficer 150 e 00
Police Officer 140 0Q
Jtreet Coinissioner 175 .OO
Trsc tor Operat or 135 .00
das'c . Tractar Operator 1%5,OQ
125.00 Asst, 3oad Soreman
Carpenter lsbor 56.00
hn 8: %ruck 12.00
Garbsge CoPlection(Uec.) 333.32
i3oad Labor 15.00
14.00 Road hhor
15 .OO Road Labor
Road Labor 16.00
Aoad Labor 15 .QO
Road hbor 15.00
Road hbor 30.00
Koad &mor 15 .OZt
doad Labor d9.50
Road Labor 10.00
Koad Labor 3-5,00
iioad Labor 22.00
Tractor Operator 16.eO
Road Labor 27.50
Road Labor 16.00
Road Labor 19 . 60
Xan &Tern 62.00
K d 3 - W2k 25 . UO ksst. Road Foreman 135,%0
Asst . Road Eloreraan 129 000
Truck Hire lZbo00
Truck Sire 97,50
Road Waor 6 .OO
131 , 00 Xoad Labor
Road Labor 110 ,oo
Asst . Road &'oreman 95.60
Xoad Labor 20 .00
Ean & Truc:: 26.70
€Ian & Truck 26.25
23,50 2;1,2rl S= Truck
Trustee 35,Oo
Utiliky man 140.00
Ehe Eiscellaneous Bills upon having been duly examined and found
cozrect, mere on motion Irgens they be duly allmed and ordered
paid, seconded by ifillson and Carried. They are as follaas:
fiegister of Deeds *&’ Jk 15.45 A. d. $’errin Lnt ernah ional Harvester Go . Kew Tru.ck 2586 . 50
.3now Plow P89.00 L 8. Liegler Co. L. &I. Geha Justice of Peace-supplies 8e
dural Xcnriagiri County
3jurj&m Corn. Corn. 96 Cases 47.01
Z ity of ?Tinmapolis il’ire Dept .Service 26 . 11
John S. Uuggsn Postage 194Q 15.56
Alex Cr e ight on gees Bldg,Gam. Becember T1.05
Xillcr Uavis Go. Office $upplies 8 Booths llO.20
Ehampson Lumber Go . Lumber-Tool House U80.00
Chompson Lunuher Go. Lumber -1 ool Kaus e 158.02
2, Jssperson Road Gravel. 113 . 89
2. Jasperson Road Gravel 141 , 61
%;d ina hrdv#are Cp. 3. & B. Supplies 40.24
tiarvey iiardware d. &Bo au-pplies 56,11
Suburban Eennepin County
Belief 33uard Gecernber relief 746.64
I’harpe Bros. Sept 9;; Jan rent tract off. 25.00
Clarence 0. Holten Village Attorney 75.00
Blackburn, Bickels B 3mith Premium band of Een Br
VillagE ~f ‘St. Louis Park $ire Dept, Service at
5050 drauae Ave 45,OO
Videlity & Guarantee i.i.re Gorp. Tnt. Truck Premiura 2.45
Pratts Expess Wrecker Service 24 . 50
E. A. Uelson Underclothing 5.56
i3. Ti. Bell Telephone Co, Alphabetical listing 3 .oo
Republic Creosatins Co-. Treatment 31.02
Bart dael. Co. Cement-Tool Kouse 73 . 94
15.00 6nczr liaberts Co. Cement blocks-Toa& ffouse
B. J. Glass Co. Glass-Tool House F‘6.00
IE, A. Eelson Police Dept. -95
UptoWn iron Stare Truck chains 9.75
Xortan Salt Go. Xiock salt 12.40
T. 9. Koshalt Co. Grader parts 76 . 44
I!. ’de Roshalt Ca. Snow Plaw 46’7.46
Simon Strand Rent Tool Slzed 15.00
E. Vi, Harris Gas 8 Oil 157.25
Borey ‘8 Shell Station X. & B. Supplies 26.25
Xinneapolis G-E CQ. December service I 606.82
Henricpiu Gounty .Review Erinting II: Notices 30.75
I’risler ‘s Gracery iielief groceries . 76
DficEore, Recorder 30.QO -
1ZichYield Yard Inc, Zxpans ion Ja int 2.10
Phillip Yctrolern Ca. 890 Gallons distolate 66 . 75
IT. if. Bell Yelaghone Go. Phone extension 2.00
L’hompson Lumber Co. Lumber-Warming Houses 3’15.19
Xhomaa Byan Road Gravel 14.45 iiural Eennepin County
durplus Corn. Corn. 99 cases 55 . 69
Lt vias moved by &gens that bills and accaunka of Jai.int. Sewer
Uiskrick 140.. 1, as represented by &‘recarder !s 3?’arrar&s Gunbered
339 to 347, both inclusive, be paid, seconded by Willson and
carried .
1% was moved by Irgens ‘chat bills and accounts of Sewer DisLrict
Bo. 5, as represented by Recorder’s ‘darrants #lS to 42 both
inclusiyc, be paid, seconded by HfXlson and carried,
It was maved by .,‘iyatt, that bills and accounts of Smer Yistrict
Eo-. 7+ as represented by Recorderrs $arra..nts $103, lQ4, 106, and
107, be paid, seconded by Villson and carried.
The Sanitation Committee, to whom was referred the bills af
Clarence 0. Holten, for Special Attorney fees in connection with
Sewer D’istricts Nos. 5,6,&7 recommended they be paid its presen’ced
and as I”o11ov~s~. Sewer District XO. 5 $225.00
Sewer District Bo. 6 75.00
Sewer District No. 7 450.00
%hereupon Eoore so moyedp seconded by *ffillssn. The rall upon
being called faund four (4) ayes and one (1) nay its follows:
',iillson sye, tryYtt nay, Irgens aye, Eoore aye, and %*"eaterberg aye and declared duly passed and carried.
Bids, as per advertiseraent were opened for 6400 square feet Of
25/X?" insulation bozrd for fool House, 7:iherei.n Thompson Lumber
Company quoted on supplying either Celetex Insulite G '32.00
feet delivered. Trustee 'Jillson thereupon moved the acceptance
of the Thompson Lumber Company bid and business accorainglg wrarded, seconded by Jyrztt and carried.
Eublisheci natrcc having been given for hearing on the rJroyosi- tion to extend :;ater main in and along 2ooddale -ivenue from GoEf
L'errace South 380 feet, next cane before the Council. lifter discusaion by Eiessrs. Cowell, Knight, EC Gilbertson and the
Council, no objections xere made and Trustees dillson thereupon
ofzered the folloTiing resolution and moved its sdoption.
JEX3A3, the Village Council met on the 15th day of January,
1941, at the time and place specified in a notice io all property
oi7ners rrhose property may be assessed for proposed construction
of Village I:rater main in and along dooddale Avenue, cornTencing
at the intersection of Vooddale Avenue 3outh and Golf Terrace
and cx-tending southerly along said 1;ooddale Avenue a distance of
spgrozimately 480 feet , published in the HennepiG County Lieview
on the 12th and 19th days of Uecember, 1942, and has. heard all
,erson3 appearing at said meeting and duly cansidered said pro-
posed inigrovement ; no'?], theref ore,
33 LT Fi30LTTdl), by the Villase Council of the! Village of Sdina,
that it is hereay determined to be necessary to construct Village
a.ater mzin in and along Jooddale Avenue, from the intersection
of iooddale Avenue South with Golf Terrace and extending southerly .
along said dooddale Avenue a distance of' zpproxirrately 480 feet; and
BE IT ,i?lI2T~< A.330LVEiD, that plans and specifications for such
':iateL* main construction shall be prepared by 3. H. Sradley,
'Tillage hngineer, and filed with the Village Clerk.
3% IT JUEiTKZ3 XZ30LT173D, IINilT, the cost of said imsrovement is to
be zssessed against the property improved, ss authorized by
Chapter 425, Ls;,s of 1921, as amended,
The motion to soopt was seconded by Trustee Irgeno aiid the vote
;:as upon the (;ur-stion of the adoption of the resolutiorl, -:lherein *
there xere five zycs and no nays, and SO the resolution vas
ad bpt ed .
Yillage i3e c ord er
Ias. Chas. Lmerr 'appeared before the Council on behalf of the
mner, for permission to fill in lots 11 and 12 Block 24,
2airfax dddilion, ni'ch clean fill such as ashes and cans rjhich
had been 'owned, After discussion it Y:as agreeable to the
Council that if the dumping did not become a public nuisance
and o..ner took such precautions as necessary to prevent indes-
criminaQe and/or public dumping, that the experheat might be
Grieci .
*, .-
x: .
3ealed bids ';ere opened and read aloud far the folloT:ling far
Joint Sexier 3istrict lie. 1:
GOO gieces 2 x 8 x16 Eo. 1 fiough Soraay Pine
75 sieczs 4 x 8 x' 16 Zo. 1 ~OU& 13or;:ay €ine
50 pieces 4 2: 8 x 12 KO. 1 Rough Eorwy Pine
;7'!1erein ThonGson Lum'ser C6. bid net 231.85 Lt delivered.
Lchersr 3ros. ') Co. bid net 36.75 1.1' delivered.
.t?'ooGe Lu_rtl'ber eo, bid net Q;,s$ x' delivered. J, 3. Ashton oid net 32.30 Et delivered,
Bhereugon Xoare moved the Thonpson Lumber ComQany bid be accepted +rid busines.s accordingly awarded, seconded by Irgens and carried.
AEplication 17. E'b, Dell Telephone Company for permission to ,place
3 poles in alley bet;;leen Bedford and Hankerson Avenues, south af ixltcrlachefi Boulevard aas on iuotion illson son, be granted seconded
oy ilyatt and carried,
Letter dated 4anunry 9, 1941, by Suburban Eennepin C~unty delief
Board aavising of delief meeting to be held in Hopkina on , January 15.9 1941, v:as read and referred to chairman rlyatt of deliex Coimit t ee .
Letter or' apprcciation by 27 rnerchants of drance and \*'est
5Qtks &LreeL, xas read, complimenting the doad d Bridge Goamittee
on fine work in rezoving snow from recent heavy snon stvm and
referred to Chairman 'dillson.
Communication dated January 4, 1941, from Souncil of VilZage of
jt. Louis Park, advised >'ire Bepartmment scmice would not be
rendered the 7illZge of Edina after 60 days from date Qith
Liecorder peing recuested to acknowledge receipt thereaf .
It w8s. moved by Trustee Irgens, that the bond submitted by
JuaticE of thc Eeace ;lebber E, Gilkey, vith the dtandard .Lccident
Insurance Comgany, as surety, in the amount of .,i500.OQ5 to-ether
with the surety therein, is hereby approved, seconded by Trustee
vi L~LI~ 011 did car i cd .
Comu.nicat ion from League of Einnesa'ca Xunicipalit ies , concerning
Folicc dchool to be held in Janu.ary, read -and referred to Police
Committee aith power to act.
Xt na58 moved by dyatt, %hat the propased agreerient submitted by
Board of Public vlelfare of City of Uinneapolis eozering Einim-
Lgolis General Kospital charges to residents of Edina, be can-
cured in arid President hrtecorder eapo-uered to sign same ifor and
on behalf of the Edina Village Council, seconded by dillson and
carried ,
Lt was moved by 'Jyatt, that the form of contract between the
Village of ddina and Suburban Hennepin County ReTief Board, for'
the year 1941 as subnitted, be accepted and approved and %he
krosident and Kecorder authorized to execute saae, on behalf of
the Village Council, seconded by Irgens and carried,
-rillage Engineer BradlejT submitted plans and profiles for storm
setrer Ori Kellogg Ave. ni'ter discussion Trustee dillson oi'i'esed
Lhe iollawing resolution and raoyed &%s adoption.
8% IT RESOLVBD, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,
h that it is necesssry and epedierit to construct ad storm sewer in
JAC~ along Kullogg Avenue and ?lest 52nd Street, comencing 50
feet lJorth of the South line ~f Lot 6, Block, 3, Smth Harriet
Park #ddition, extended; thence Northerly a,lon,-s.&---&elLo&
, Avenue to its intersection with blest 52nd Street, thence &xsLarly
~LQLL~ Said rre~t 52nd dtree-t CQ a PaiLit on, Lhe Karth side ar"
said 3-i;ree-i; where the Eorth line of said S-keet intersecl;s with
the moat Zaskerly line of Lot 3, Block 2, South khrriet Park
Addition extended. Such starm s~wer shall be approxirnakely 580
i'eet in lcngch, of 12-inch, vitrified clay sewer pipe double
strendth of an average depth of 5 feet, with 2 catch bash8 at
the curb line at each side of the street at its point of beginn-
ing$ qihicli snall be approximately 4 feet deep and the quali%y
thereof shall. be Linneapolis s-tandard curb inlet castings,
iLard-Qurn aeuer brick and 2orlland Cement, There shall be one
rm~&~ole at the intersection of Kellogg Avenue and 'dest 52nd d-i;reet3 and OM manhole a% the 'cerxninus of said storm sewer,
approxhately 6 feet deep, constructzci f&o% hard-burn se-cJer
brick and Portlrzad CemenG uith s.t;andard Ginneapolis laanhole
rings and covers. The quantity of brick required is approximately
500Q aid 8 'uarrels of cement, Said storn sever is to be constru.cted
iu accordance tvith plans and specizications thereof no% on file in
the office of the Villa&@ Clerk, and the Village Engiaeer is here-
ay directed to set stake:; designating the exact locttion of said
B t orm sewer .
T=4 03
BE IT dUFtTmi IIESOLYBD, that the nsmes of the owners of a11 lots, &arts Qf lots, and parcels of ground fronting the street where
said storm sev;er is to be constructed ,%re 3.5 folloms:
South &rriat-*ParB
Block 2 $outh Harriet Park
20 ft. Lot 14, Block 2 3oLtth Harriet park
A, R, Stenson Lot 1, Black: 2
&lbert,Olson Lot 13, and 3. LO ft, Lot 13,
@, E, Charles U. 50 ft. of Lot 13 and 3.
Ciss 5, 3, Stenson X. 40 ft. of Lot 14 and
3, 40 ft. of Lot 15; also
Block 2 South Ha,rriet Park
E. B, 3isher Lot 16, Block 2 South Hkrriet P%rk South Harriet Park J. H. 3tratton Lot 17, Block 2
Clifford C, 3ltEinson Lot le, Block ? South &rriet Park
7, 7, T-erston Lots 1,2,&3, Block 3 South Farriet Park
AD H, Xxeyer Lot 4, Block 3 South Harriet >ark
E, 2c ft, Of Lot 15,
Dr. A. L. Esrtin Lot 5, 'lock 3
Kabel E. P?.ulson Lot 6, Block 3
Geo, B. Gaylord Lot ?, Block 3
H. A. Arne Lot 8, Block 3
Eyrl Priest Lot 9, Block 3
John Baegre Lot 10, Block 3
South Farriet Pzrk
South Hkrriet Park
3G~tlth Harriet, Psrk
South Ifarriet Park
South Harriet Park
South Earriet Park
3r, IT rURi!iL-; d,S;;OLL.u, that if ;aid storm se's;'er shall not he
fully constructed in the manner and nithin the time herein pre-
scribed, the Village CounciX may order same to be done by the
Street Commissioner or by contrsct.
'The motion to adopt ?:'as seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote
vas uij,on the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there viere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution V~S
adopted .
President ofJ26uncil
Village Recorder ..
It yes moved by Jilfson that certified check of T, 'J, Roshalt
Company, #P2685 in amount ?25,00, vhich accompsnied bid for
mor! plon, be returned, seconded Vfyatt and carried
The President supgested that present Council Corpaittees be
continued for the ensuing year 1941 as follovs::
Road & Bridge Cormittee George A. l'lillson, Chairman Victor Ir,;ens
Carl Cesterperg
Police Committee Victor Irgens, Chzirman Ben B. Koore
A. s, Ilyatt
Fieficf Committee
Sanitetion Committee
Ordinance Committee
A. 8, Vyatt, Chairman
Victor Irgens
George A. "fillson
Ben B, Eowe, Chairman
Carl Vesterberg
Victor Irzens
Carl Testerberg, Chairman
George A. Tillscrn
A. s, vyatti
-, ..
Carl West erberg
Ben B. Eoore
George A. 'dillson
;Thereupon Trustee Irgens moved the Presidents recormendntions
$e concured in, seconded by Xoore, and carried.
The matter of salary for Treasurer and Recorder for the ensuing
year ma discussed and left as is and for future considerahion.
It ix~s moved by Lrgens that Dr. Ruben 3. Erickson 'ne resppointed
Village Health Officer for the ensuing year at i' 30.00 per month,
and subject to no 'Jillage yay while 3tate Legislature is in
session, seconded ;!illson and carried.
It WTS wried by 'iYillsons that Clarance 0, _Holten, be re-appointed
'fillage Attorney .far the ensuing yesr at cover all routine services with special Court C?..SPS to be psid
for in addition, The motion was seconded by 3zoore. The roll
on hein? called found i:lillson, Irgens, Eoore, Ec 'Jesterberg noting
in favor thereof and 'Jyatt voting no, whereupon the motion 'wzs
declared d~ily passed and carried.
;75,@Q per month. to
Lk 1m:i moved by Eoore, tiat 8. ;I. brhuley ot3 rsappoinTea vrilage
Zngineer for the ensuing year with rate of pay to be on a fee
basis, seconded by Villson and carried .
Chairman Irgens of the Police Committee moved reappointment of
T. E. Tilly, 'Village Earshall
HLldi.ri& Dahl, Police Oi'ficcr
Vif- 6. Eeyd-t, Police Officer
John 5'T, Lyon, Police Officer
all on a month to month basis with rate of pay of ;;185.00 per
zonth far Village Earshall and $160.00 per month for police
officers. The motion was seconded by ?lya,tt and the roll an
being called found Irgens, Vyntt, and ESoore voting in favor
thereof and Vtllson and Wester%er& voting no, wherein the
Sreaident declared the mation duly passed and adopted.
It vms moved by Willson, that The Hennepin County- Review9
Hopkins, Einnesata, be duly selected and designated Official newspaper. of the Village of Edina far the ensuing year, seconded
by Xoare and carried.
Chairman 'iTiillson, of the Road and Bridge Committee, moved the
folloming reappointments an a month to month Imsis, at the
fallowing monthly rates of p:~y
9. J. Roberts Utility man 145 . 00 P, Dahlgren Tract or Operat or 145.00
LOUTS JLolLgnan Tractor Operator 135.00
Ralph 3 Johns on Street Commissioner Gleo*oo
John Tracy Tract or Operat or 135 . 00
itoliald. Part ri'cLctoi' OyeTaAior 125 .ou
4.a m
4 cx?
0. E. Spande Tract or Operat 0% 125eOO
Road lahar (3 5@p per hour,
Irgeiis znd carried . Asst. Tractor operatar 63 60g per
The motion mas seconded by Nan 8 team @ &.OO .per hour.
It was moved by Zrgena, 'chat Alex heighton be re-appointed
Building Inspecliar far the ensuing-year, on basis of pay equal
to one half (8) of the Building permit fees collected, seconded
by &ore and carried,
1% v;as moved by Irgens that 3, J. Pautsch be re-aepointed
Plumbing Inspector for the ensuing year on basis of gay Qf -h,50
for each' inspection, seconded by Xoore and carried.
Village Attorney Kol-ken presented lease from Xr. 'J"darren H. Pease,
lessor La the Village of Edixta permitting use of land and lake
for public skating rink pu-rpases at Xirror Lake %Thereupon Trustee
Frgens moved the lease be entered into and President and Recorder
Council, seconded. by !?illson and carried,
,- be '5i-xtIiorized to si-gn same for and on behalf of the Village
Trastee Jptt offered the following motion and moved its adoption:
Tbat the .Xidland 2ational Bank €z Trust Company, of Einneapolis
2imesota, be and hereby is selected and designated as a deposit-
ory of funds of the General dund of the Villsge of Edina., for the
period beginning as of this date and ending December 31, 1941,
upon the eyedution by said bqnk of a sufficient bond to the
Yillage of Zdina, or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to ten (lo$) percent in e,. 7cess of the ma-,:imum
sua deposited, said bond or said collateral to be arproved by
the Yillsge Council and filed in the office of the illag age aecorder or in the event of collateral bein2 furnished in lieu
of a. surety bond, in z place of safe keeping satisfnctory to the Yillaze Council and thereupon the Vi1lai.e Treasurer shall
deposit all or an:- part of the Village I‘oneg’s in such bank. Tke motion ir;a seconded by Yoore and carried. I
Trustee i’tyatt offered the following motion and moved its adop-
tion, thzit the I4idland Kational Eank i- Trust Company of xinne-
spolis, Zinnesota, is hereby selected and designated as a depas-
itory of I’urids. of‘ Joint Sewer District Eo, 1 of the Village of Edina and Lateral Se’ryer Districts numbered One to Eight, both
iriclusive, and the Semer User Bund, of the Village of Edina, for the period beginning as of this date and ending December
51, 1941, upon the execution by snid bank of a sufficient bond
to the Village of Edinr, or the furnishing of legal collateral
ALL UL UUUUC, auIxIcLeuG GO r;en (10p) percent in excess of the
maximum sum deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved
by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village
-iecorder, or in the event of collateral being furnished in lieu
of a? surety bond, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the -
Tillage Council and thereupon the Village Treasurer shall deposit
all or any part of Villa:_;e moneys in such bnak, said bank shall
ar;d hereby is authorized and directed to honor checks dra.vm upon
sa’id fuvlds signed ee (3) persons
President of Council
illzge Recorder
Village TreFsurer
The Eotion vm.s se
It nas moved by {lyatt that The Eidland National. Bank & Trust Co.
of Finneapolis, Lfinnesota, furnish legal collateral in mount of
‘>15,000.00 to secure General Funds of the Village of Edina,
seconded by Goore and carried.
It 4;’as moved by ‘&%tt, that the Eidland Eational Bank 0: Trust
Comgany, of IIinneapolis , Einnesota, furnish legal collateral
in amount of ~20,000,QO to secure funds of Joint sever District
Eo. 1 of the Village of Edina, Lateral Sener Districts Uunbered
One to Eight, both inclusive, and the sewer User Bund 03 the
Village of Bdina, seconded by Uoore and carried,
ho iurtner business to come before the Council motion to adjou.rn
carrieci’at 1:lO a,. m.
.IC -
A. . *.
s .-