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mutes of the regular- meeting of
the Council of the Village of Edina
daIy held on January 27, 1941, in
Grange Hal1 at 8:OO o'clock p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called
all members of the Council being present.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January
13, 1941, were read, on motion Villson, they be approved as read, seconded by Wyatt and carried.
The Pay roll advances having been carefully checked and found correct, it was mbved by Billson they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried.
It was moTred by Irgens, that check be drawn in payment Recorder's
warrant8 No: 348 and 349 of Joint Sewer District Bo. 1, seconded
by Vyatt, and carried.
It was moved by Irgens, that check be drawn in payment Recorderts
warrant No. 43 of Sewer District No. 5, seconded by Willson and
It was moved by Irgens, that check in amount $96.00 be drawn in favor Xinnehaha Grange in payment for rent of Grange Hall for
regular & special meetings and elections for period July 1, 1940 to December 31, 1941, seconded by Billson and carried.
carried . r
Ehr. J. B. Hammond, presented communication signed by resideizts living on lower end of Mill pond, referring to meeting held by residents with Sewer Committee on January 12, 1941 which was
read and placed on file for guidance of Sewer Committee.
Mr. Geist, appeared before the Council to recuest that sanitary sewers be installed in area south of 56th Street and East of France Avenue. After discussion he was advised to bring in proper petition by residents of Trance. Avenue from Hinnehaha
Creek Bridge to 58th Street.
Advertised bids accompanied by certified checks for sheeting lumber and timbers were opened and read alcvud as follaws for
Joint Sewer District No. I:
Wheeler Lumber Go. Q $36.00 net M B feet C. I?. Ashton @ $31.82 net MB feet
Thompson Lumber Co. 43 $30.87 net I& B feet
Whereupon Xaore moved the bid of Thmpson Lumber Co. be accepted
and business accordingly ordered, seconded by Irgens and carried .
Bids were advertised, for rental af gas shovel and clam for
excavation of approximately 800 feet of sewer trench of Joint
Sewer District No. 1, extending Sjrorth from old Vest 50th Street,
The bid of J. A Danens & Son on basis of $4.68 per hour, to include operator, gas, oil, repairs and insurance was received.
This being the usual and prevailing rate, it was moved by Moore
the business be avarded to J. A. Danens & Son, and President
and Recorder be authorized to sign contract, seconded by Irgens and carried.
Mr. C. &I. Hansen submitted proposed surveyor's plot of Golf
Terrace Heights, After much examination and discussion it was
moved by Irgens the matter be referred to Road &Bridge Committee
and Village Engineer for report and recommendation to Council, seconded by Xoore an& carried..
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its
adr3p-t ion t
mEAS, the Village Council has heretofore determined to con- struct village mater main in and along Vooddale Avenue, from the
intersection of gooddale Avenue South vith Golf Terrace, and
extending southerly along said Vooddale Avenue a distance af 4..
approximately 480 feet; and the Village Engineer, B. H. BradXey,
has prepared plans and specificatians thereof, which have been
filed with the Clerk of the Village of Edina, nom, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina
that said plans and specifications are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and specifications of said improvement,
BB IT FURT?IEEi RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to
advertise for bids on the basis of cash payment for such work,
stating that the bids will be opened and considered by the Council at its regular meeting on the 10th day of Oebruary, 1941,
that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by cash deposit or certified check payable
ta the Clerk for an amouht equal to 15% i5f the amount of such
'The motion to adopt was seconded by Village Clerk Xoore, and the vote was upon %he question of the adoption of the resolution,
-herein there sere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution
was adopted.
Application for renewal of Off-sale Intoxicating Liquor License
accompanied by check in amount $375.00, mas received from Hay
and Stenson Company, and referred to Police Committee for report
and recommendation,
Discussion was had by Building Inspector Creightan and the Council
with reference to proposed changes in both Zoning and Building
Ordinances wherein it was left with the Commissioner to contact
Village Zoning Advisor Herrold and report to Council.
XQ further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn
carried at 11:20 p.m. I
Village Recorder