HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410210_REGULARBBirrutes of the regular meeting of- the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Ea11 OIL Pebruary 10, 1941, at 8:OO a r~l~~k p.m. Niautes of the regular meeting of the Council held an January 27, 1941 were read, on motion Irgens they be approved as read, sec- onded by Vyatt and carried. The Village pay roll having been carefully noted and found correct it vaa moved by Willson they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Tyatt and carried, They are as follows : Carl Westerberg President $ 50.00 Ben Be Ecmre Recorder 90.00 George A. Vi!illson Trustee 35.00. Victor Irgens Trustee 35,OO A, S. 17yatt Trustee 35.00 3”. J. Duggan Treasurer 30.00 T. E- Tilly Village Marshall 185.00 Hilding Dah1 Police Officer 160 . 00 W. S. Heydt Police Officer 160.00 John W. Lyon Police Officer 260.00 R. J. Johnson Stre et C omis s ioner 180.00 S. J, Roberts Utili$y man 145.00 Dahlgren Tractor Operator 145.00 Jdm Tracy Truck Operatar 135.00 L. Stolgman Asst. Road Farernan 135.00 Dr, R. F. Ericksoa Village Health Officer no Pay 0. E, Spande Asst. Road Fareman 125,OO Ronald Port Asst. Road Foreman .P25.00 James NcXellis 48 hrs, Truck hire 48.00. Silas Herrett Road Eabar 4.00 Albert Young Road labor 4.00 Os car Forslin Road Zahor 4.00 Thomas Pite Road labor 4.00 Harold XcXeHlis Road labor 1 a”;oo James Bowes Road labor 4.00 rcjcis Pederson Road labor 4 .OO Lester Kansan Road labor 5.50 Matt Bherfeld Road labor 86.40 Times McNeLlis Truck hire 20.00 Sam EcCready Road labor 108 00 Frank Waods Road labor 108.00 H. Ensley Road labor 108.00 A. C. Stringer R. &Be VEA 25.00 Arthur Peters en January garbage collection 360 . 15 m --/ U‘! m Total $-’ Fl The Niscellaneous bills upon being duly examined and found correct seconded by Ryatt, and carried. They are as follows: ? were on motion Lrgens they be duly allowed and ordered paid, Minnehaha Grange #398 George S, Grimes, Guardian Rent Grange Hall 7/1/40 to 12/31/40 $ 96.00 for Bhry Newberg 2nd payment Gov’t Lot 8, per contract , Serincipal @500,00 Interest #lOO.OO 600,OO Simon Strand Rent Taol Shed 15.00 Thompson Lumber Go. 78 . 40 Thampson Lumber Ca. Lumber Taol House 78.27 Thompson Lmber CO. Lnsulite taol house 247.87 Thompson Lumber Co, Nails, Insulite taol house 16 . 98 Thompsan Lumber Co. Zumnber Tool House 30.76 Edina Hardware Hardware- R. 8s B. 10.77 Williams Hardware Co, Nails 3.35 fustad Company Joist Anchors 10.00 Houenstein & Burmeister Gun Pecora 13.75 Gardner Hardware Co . Aluminum primer 6.60 Lumber T 001 Iious e Eaina. Eardsare Carr-Cullen Co. Pid el it y , Guarant e e Joyce Ins. Inc, Village St. Lauis Park Richfield Yard Inc. Hart Fuel Ca. Lang & Rangland ';lamer Hardmare Ca. V. H. Ziegler Co. Graybar Electric Ca. Buds Texaco Station Edina Feed Co. Dahlberg Bros . Borton Salt Go. Rural Eennepin CouiZty Surplus Com. Comm. Cxarence 0, Holten Uptoan Iron Store Blackburn Nickels & Smith City of Robbinsdale N. We Bell Tele. Corn Thctrpe Bros . Suburban Hennepin County E. F, Laosen Typem it er Clear ing As sn . I?. Dahlgren Village Hopkins Garvey% Hardware Young Buel Cs. Liet z Hardware George Shilson Boreys Sh'ell Station Oscar Raberts Co. Chas QLson & Sons Co. Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Xiller-Davis Co. Lyle Signs, Inc. E. We Harris Xpls. G. E. Co. Henry Haeg E'ire Carp. 3elief Board University of Xinnesota Sara Xaore Hardware-tool house 93.35 Trim & doors-tool house 65.00 Insurance. truck & Caterpillar Premium bond J. J. Duggan Ii'ire Service 1/25/43. Eetal Bath-tool house Cement-tool house Prof. Services-tool house Nails-Tool house Tract or parts Tiring materials ,tool house Police car service Storage R. 8 B. materials Truck repairs Salt R. SCB. 49.25 75.00 45.00 2.88 17 . 35 47.00 22.80 98.62 4.00 15.00 . 31.80 12.40 83.05 January 36.32 Services Village Attorney(Jan) '75.00 Tools etc. 22.51 Bond premiums 15.00 TEA Sewing project 3.50 Police exkension 22.00 Telephone & Rent Tract Office 13.85 January Relief 646.47 Vater Service Edina Court Park 35.00 Repair tyGewrit erc 6.50 Storage Village Truck 1940 20.00 %PA Sewing project 14.00 R. & B. Supplies (Jan,) 84.67 Coal- tool house 13.25 Pyrene fillers 2.50 Use of truck 73.78 Truck service 4.19 Cement blocks eC sand 18.97 Sharpen tractor lugs 23.25 Road sand 69 . 75 Road signs 38 . 75 Gas & Qil-R.8cB. and Pblice 143.46 January Service 653.58 Storage Snow fence & R., & 'B. equipment 1940 20.00 Police School 10.00 Copying assessments of J.S.D. #1 8c Sever Districts #5,6, & Off ice supplies 18.05 7 for Village Records 53.10 ~ Total $ It mas moved by Wyatt, that bills and accauats af Jaht Sewer District Bo. I, covered by Recorder's Warrants #350 to #367, both inclusive, having been examined and found cwrect, that the same be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by VilPsan and carried. It was moved by Billson, that biikls and accounts of Lateral Sever District No. 5, as cavered by Recarder's Warrants #44 to 66 both inclusive, having been examined and found correct, that the same be duly allaved and ordered paid, seconded by f7yatt and carried. Villsan and carried . It mas moved by Vyatt that checks be drawn against the Sewer User Pund, in amounts of $10.00 and 46.67 in payment for servic6s rendered, seconded by Irgens and carried. Petition gas received from 9 ovners of property on West 49th Street, for installation of sanitary sewer, which on motion Irgens be accepted and referred to Village Engineer and San- itation Committee for report and estimate of costs, seconded by I c .? .- .. , Petition received from 19 awners of property requesting the instaIIation of water main on Xellogg Avenue, from 54th to 56th Streets, whereupon it was moved by Irgens the petition be accepted and referred to Village Engineer and Sanitation Camittee, seconded by Willson and carried. Petition received from A, Kallestad, to rezond Lots 22 and 23, Auditor's Subdivision No, 172, whereupon Irgens moved the petition be accepted and posted notice of hearing be given to be held on Pebruary 24, 1941, seconded by Willson and carried. Bids for sheet metal work for Tool Home per plans and specifications by Architects were opened as follows: 'Wm &cek $174.00 Xruckerberg Sheet metal Co, 240.00 Harriet Sheet Metal Co, 383.75 The latter bid including fire proafing of 2-12' x 12' doors @ $60,00 and not to be included in this work* Home moved the matter be referred to Road and Bridge Committee, seconded by Irgens and carried, Bids, per advertisement, and plans and specifications by Vil€age Engineer, were Qpened for laying af Water &in on Wooddale Ave. fran GoPf Terrace to 55th Street as follows: -e==-- Christ Jens en Check $250.00 Bid $1545.00 Lametti & Lametti Check 250,OO Bid E581,OO Whereupon.Irgens moved the matter be referzed to Sanitation Committee, secanded by Willson and carried. Bids, as advertised and per plans and specifications of architects were opened for Gas Heating equipment for Tool Hause as follows: 6' Bryan& Check $42.65 Plehal Chedk 43.25 Ple2P$1 Standard Check 50.00 Standard Cast Units $853.00 Cast Units 865 , 00 Steel. Units 785.00 Cast Units 850.00 Steel Units 825.00 , Whereupon Moore moved the bids be referred to Road and Bridge Committee for report and recommendation, seconded by Irgens and carried. After study and discussion of bid for sheet metal mark for Tool House, it was moved by Moore the order be awarded to Wm Macek, as low bidder, subject to approval of Road &Bridge Committee, seconded by Villson and carried. Er, Gene Cooper, requested he be permitted to build private garage to be located 20 inched from Vlest line of Lot 39, Flardeq Acres, subject ta consent of adjoining property owner, after discussion Irgens moved the matter be referred to Ordinance Committee of the Council, seconded by Willsan and darried. Mr. Tllystrom, 5425 Oakland Avenue, appeared before the Council to request installation of Vater main on Oakland Avenue and was advised to present petition for same, Application of Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. for permission to set 1 pole at Eden Avenue and Highway was duly referred to Committee for recommendation. Chairman Irgens of Police Committee reported favorably on renewal of "Off Sale" Intoxicating Liquor License to Hay and Stenson Co, as outlined in letter d President, and thereupogmoved with President, and Recorder authorized to sign and seal, seconded by Hoore and carried. sd January 27, 1941, by Chas, T, Hay It was moved by Willson that Minneapolis Gas Light, Co. be granted permit to install gas mains to serve Lots #4 and 5, Block 1, Hansen & Parks Addition, seconded by Zrgens and carried. 114 Upon presentation of the papers, it mas moved by Xoore, that the Village Council accept legal collateral pledged by Xidland National Sank and Trust Co. ef Minneapolis, Xinnesota, under 1 certificate #lo309 in3amoun.t; $15,000.00 of Home Ovners Loan . Corporation, Series Wrt, 13's due June 15? 1947-45, and approve the agreement between said midland National Bank &Trust Co. snd the Village of Edina dated January 29, 1941, and that the Village Treasurer be authorized to sign pledge and return to said bank, seconded by Irgens and carried. Village Treasurer Duggan presented Cancelled Joint Sewer District Na. 1 Varrants numbered one (1) to six (6) in amount of $1000.00 each due January 1, 1941, together nith cancelled interest coupons in amount of $975.00 and $231.20, which were examined and placed in Village Safe. No further business to come before the meeting, President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time, and place at the call of the President. VilTage Recorder ..