HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410310_REGULARMinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on mrch 10. 1941, at 8:OO otclock p.m. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the council were present, Kinutes of the regular meeting af the CounaS1. held an February , 27,- 1941, were read, on motion Billson, they be approved as read, seconded by Irgens and carried. The Village pay roll having been examined and found correct, was an motion ViPlson it be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried, and as follows: Carl Westerberg 9r es id ent $ 50.00 Ben B. Noore Recorder 90 . 00 George A. Willson Trustee 35.00 Pictar Irgens Trustee 35.00 Alvin S. Vyatt Trustee 35.00 JO.~ J. Duggan Treasurer 30.00 Village Earshall 185.00 T. E. Tilly A W'. S. Heydt, PoEice Officer 160.00 SofhljL VI. Lyon Police Officer 160 . 00 R . J. Jahns on Street Commissioner 180 , 00 S. J. Raberts Utilityman 145.00 I?. Dahlgrea Tract or Operator 145.00 John Tracy Truck Driver 135 . 00 L. Stolgman Asst. Road Foreman 135 . 00 Q.,M. Spande Asst , Road Fareman 125.00 RonaLd Port Asst. Road Foreman 125 .OO -. Hilding Dah1 Police Officer 1tiO;QO' James McNellis Truck hire @ $1.25 hr. 35.00 James McNellis Truck hire @ $1.00 hr. 82.00 3am XcCready Road Labor 97.00 H. Ensley Raad Labar 27.00 Prank Woods Road Labor 27.00 hthur Peters en Flawing Snow with Truck 54.00 Ray Garrison LabW with Team 26.00 Lester Hanson Road labor 14.50 Kris Pedersen Road labor '13.00 Os car Wos lin Road labor 3.00 Thomas Zite Road labor 8.50 Silas Herrett Rsad labor 8.50 Albert Young Road labor 8.50 James 'BQwes Road labor 8.50 Joseph Natoli Road labor 8.50 PJ Donald Hoeg Road labar 8.50 P. H. &&cison Road labor 4,50 @3 Robert Norell Road labor 8.50 d T4 E. Merfeld Road labor 93.00 QZ 3ohn Tracy, Jr. Road labor 8.50 C. A. Green Loader Operat or 10.15 George Shilson Use of Truck 77.03 A. C. Stringer WPA - R &% March 25.00 Jm A. Danens Use of TruckR &B 21.75 Tatal $ The miscellaneous bills upon being examined and fourjd correct, were on motion Irgens, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Vilkson, and carried. They are as follows: City of Minneapolis PoXice car radio service 48.98 Emma Tedman Gas for R $R 44.17 AIex Cr e ight an Bdg . Inspect or- January 118.65 Ninneapolis G.E. Co. February service 657.93 Vest gat e Hat or Sales Truck service 8,50 No-W. Bell Telephone Co, 2 Alphabetical listings 3,OO Arthur Petersen February garbage collection 364.00 E. W. Harris Gas for R &B and police car 144.84 Simon Strand Rent Tobl Shed 15.00 I18 The Butts Agency /' State Treasurer E. B. Thomas Bareys Shell Station Jahn Lindberry Clarence 0. Eolten Garvey's Hardaare Eller-Davis Co . Village Hopkins Bieland Auto Service Thorpe Bros. Inc. Earton Salt Co. Suburban Hennipen County Belief Board Hennepin County Review X.-Y?. Bell Telephone Cb. Hennepin Colunty Graybizr Electric Ca. Edina, Hardware ka Tedman Graybar Electric Co. Gardner pardware Co. Young Fuel Go. Bichfield Yard Inc. Republic Creosoting Coo Edina EIstrdvJare The Eustad Co. W. S. Bott Co. Harriet Sheett Eetal Thompson Lumber Co . Thampson Lumber Co. Landers, Borblom, Christensen Coo Graybar Electric Co. Oscar Roberts 00. Young. Fuel Co. S, J. Pautsch Alex Cr e ight on Edina Garage Rural Hennepin County Surplus Cam, Comm. Village St. Louis Park Insurance for Tool House . $213.00 Public Examiner audit for years 1939 & 1940 521 . 15 Electrical material and labor 51.95 R. &Bo service 5.28 Oak wood . 7.50 Services Village Attorney Feb. 75.00 R. &a; supplies Office supplies WA Sewing project R. & B.. truck service Rent Tract Office & Phone Rock salt E'ebruary Relief - Eublished .Notice Va. 5494 and Ski. 6567 Novo, Dec19 & Jan. Paor Farm service Flashlight cells R &I3 supplies Gas for P 8c €3 Dec. 8~ Feb. Electric Supplies Tool House On acct. Overhead doors Tool Haus e Coke- Taoll House Carner bead Cr e06 0% ing Eardmare- Tool. House Steel- Tool House Roofing- Tool Hause 22.09 6.60 7.00 1.35' 12.95 12.40 522.81 '7.20 11.55 138.00 3.32 4.68 17.81 40 . 10 108.00 28.25 6.06 96.13 7.33 70.24 2.88 Metal covering doors Tool House 60.00 Sumber- Tool House 18.35 Roofing- Tool House 256.03 Ellaterials for Tool Hause 51.52 Electric supplies- Tool House 98.7'7 Sand- Tool House 2.44 Range oil- Relief 8.50 Jan., Feb. Plumbing inspections160.50 113 . 20 Dec., Jan:, Ec Feb. Police car service 43.05 Teb. Building Inspector February service 50 . 75 Fire Dept. Service 12/16 45.00 Total $ Bills and accounts of Jaint Semer District No. 1 as represented by Recorder's warrants #370 to 389, both inclusive, having been carefully noted and found correct, 17illsan moved they be duly allaved and ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt and carried. -_ It mas moved by Irgens that checks be dram against Sewer District Na. 5, in payment of items covered by Recorder's warrr,nts num- bered 69 to 75 both inclusive, seconded by fvyatt and carried. .- ._ Trustee Vyatt moved that checks be issued against the Sewer Rental Fund for payment of sewer maintenance and sewage treat- ment costs for period July 1, 1940 to January 1, 1941, together with bill for postage stamps used for sever rental bills, seconded by Willson and carried. Bids as advertised sere received and opened for 40 feet of 810 gauge, 36" diameter Iron Culvert from the folloning: Wheeling Corrugating Coo $280.00 Lyle Culvert Co. 280 . 00 . St. Paul Corrugating CQ. 283 . 20 H. V. Johnson Culvert Coo 255.20 -hereupon Irgens moved the bids be accepted for tabulation, seconded by Billson and carried. ' 119 Bids were Opened for 2 x 8 and 4 x 8 sheeting for Joint Sewer -t District Xo. 1 as follows: Thompson Lumber Co. 62 $36.00 Er -2% Boote Lumber Co. @ $34.50 Et -2% C. B. Ashton 69 $35.00 E' -5% Whereupon Irgens moved they be referred to Sanitation Committee, seconded by Willson and carried. Youthful members of the Edina Ski Club, winners of many prizes during the past season, appeared before the Council with-&a proposal for a public ski slidge for all in Edina, discussion it was moved by Moore that the President agpaint a committee to assist the boys to carry out necessary plans, seconded by Wyatt and carried. The President thereupan appoZnted Trustees WiLlson, Irgens, and Wyatt. After The matter of rezoning Lots. 22 and 23 Auditor'? Sub. 172, next came before the meeting as petitioned by Allr. Kalstead and who spoke in favor thereof. City 'Planning Engineer Olsan of Xinneapolis, advised it was difficult to pass upon an$ prop- osition when %he purpose was not known, and when no program exisked, After discussion it was thneught best to hold the matter in abeyance for awhile and Irgens thereupon moved the proposition be referred.to 1st meeting in May, seconded by Moore and carried. The proposition to rezone Lots 29, 30, 31, and 32, Grand View Heights, from Residential to Community Store District was next considered by the Council. llIfr. D.'I?. EZcGuire and others spoke in favor on rezoning and presented blue prints of a,Pure Oil Station. Nessrs. Lins and Johnsom opposed the plan as being qithout a definate program covering all the lots, that the future grade of Summit Ave. was not considered and that the matter as a whole would be detrimental to their property. BIlr. McGuire thereupan agreed to have a definate plan made up showing the arrangements of buildings on lots, treatment of Summit Ave. etc., whereupon Moore moved the matter be referred to meeting of the Council to be held on Ellarch 24, 1941, seconded by Irgens and carried. Bilr. %. M. Ha'nsen and Mr. B.. M. Parks appeared before the CounciX requesting immediate installation of water main in and along Vooddale' Avenue, 471 feet South of Galf Terrace, which was referred to a later meeting. The matter of rezoning from Residential to Community Stare District, the South 25 feet of the North 150 feet of the East 95 feet of the "Test 160 feet of Lot 43, Auditors Sub, 172, was discussed,and whereupon Irgens moved that due posted notice of hearing to consider same be given to be held at the time of .next t Council meeting on &rch 24, 1941, Chairman Xoore of the bid of H. V. Johnson Culvert seconded by WiUson and carried. It was moved by Xobre that the law bid of C. F. Ashton for sheet- ing lumber @ $33.25 per M', net,be accepted, seconded by Irgens and earried. Village Attorney Holten read proposed contract dated Bebruaryk 28, 1941, between the Village of Edina, and the Country Club District Service Company wherein the Village would operate the Sanitary sewer system in the Country Club District. After discussion Irgens moved it be accepted subject to the approval of Stinchfield, Bkckall, Crounse, & Xou3re, seconded by ~?illstsn and carried. lidr. Herbert Bloomberg presented petition by residents of Colonial Grave far 7 Ornamental street lights, the installation costs to be paid by residents, with village to pay costs for current. After discussion it was moved by Irgens the petition be accepted and referred to Lighting Committee, seconded by Moore and carried. Chairman Westerberg thereupon stated the proposition already- \ having been studied, he mould report a favorable recommendation. Trustee Villson thereupon moved the lights be ordered installed, seconded by noore and carried. - Applications accompanied by checks in amount of license fees, vere received from Interlachen Club for renenal both 3.2 malt liquor and intoxicating licenses. From the Country Club for reneval 3.2 malt liquar, intoxicating liqucrr and tao mechanical, amusement devices. Worn Edina Theatre Corp. for renewal uf theatre license, which were referred to Police Committee. -6 .I Becorder presented report by Public Examiner for tmo year period Hovember 15, 1938 to Xovember 15, 1940 and turned over to members of the Council. No further business to come before the meeting at this time, the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place on mrch 11, 1941, at 8:OO o'clock p.m. Village Recorder Ld - r .* 4