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c Pinutes of recessed portion of the
gegralar &rch IO, 1941 meeting of the
CaaFjcil of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hall on mrch 11, 1941,
at 8:OO otcLock p.m.
The meeting was called to8 order by the President, the roll called
and all members of the Council were present,
Oscar Gaarden, appeared before the Council with the proposition
to locate a deep we11 and pump house for city water on Lot 21, Black 2, South Harriet Park, Second Addition, After discussion it was suggested that a location less objectionable as to noise
.and close proximation to the ltifinnehah Creek pond, at 54th Street and near France Avenue. Er, Gaarden would further ccansult State Baard of Keqlth.
’ Recorder Eoore offered the fallowing resolution and moved its
adoption :
The ViXlage Council of the Villqge af Edina,..in Eennepin County, Minnesota, does ordain as follaws:
Secticm E, * That certain real estate and territory within the
corporate limits of the said Village of Edina is hereby created
and es%tablished as Sewer District No. 9, and shall consist of
and include the territory and- real. estate lying within said
Village af Edina, described as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 19, Township 28, Range 24; thence East along the North Xine of said Section to the Narthmest corner of Mnsen & Parks Birst Addition; thence
South along the Vest line of said Addition to the Southwest corner
thereof; thence East along the South line of said Addition to a
point which is 2x7 feet Vest of the center line of Wooddale Avenue;
thence South and parallel with Wooddale Avenue to the Sauth line of-the North HaZLf- of the Northeast Quarter of the NQrthwest Quarter of Section 19; thence West along said South line of
North Half of Northeast Quarter of Earthwest Quarter of Section
* . 19 to the East line of the West Ealf af the Northwest Quarter af
Section 19; thence South along said East Pine af the West Half
.of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19 to its intersection with
the westerly extension of the East and Vest center line of Block
3, Subdivisian of Littel Park; thence East along the East and West center lines of Blocks 3 and 4, Subdivisioxi aJf Littel Park
to the Southeast corner af Sat 20, Black 4, Subdivision of
Littel Park; thence South and parallel with Wooiddale Avenue ta a ’ point which is 165 fee3 So,uth of the South.12ne of Subdivision sf . .Littel Park; thence,VJest and parallel with the Sauth line of
Subdivision of Littel Park to the East lihe af the West &If of the Soruthwest Qbarter aff the Northwest Quarter otf Sectian 19,
West Half of ,$a,uthwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter of Section
19 to a point which is 584.35 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Sauthwest Quarter af the Northwest Quarter of Seetian 19,
Township 28, Range 24; thence Vest and parallel with the North
line of the Southwest Quarter af the Northwest Quarter of Section
19 to the West line of said Section 19; thence North along said
Vest line of said Section 19 to the place of beginning.
Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions on file and of recoxd in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for
said Hennepin Couhty.
* Township 28, Range 24; thence Sauth along said East line of
Section 2. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of
o.rdinances and resolutions inconsistent with the provisions of
this ordinance be and the sane hereby are repealed,
Section 3. That this ordinance Be in full force and effect from
and after its passage and publication,
The motion to adopt mas seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote
Bas upon the question of the adoption of the resolutinn, wherein
there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas
Dated : Earch IOth, 1941.
Village Recarder
President of Counp!
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolutian and maved its
ad apt ion :
BE IT RESOLVED, that B. H. BradPey 09 Xinneapolis, Einnesaka,'be, and he is selected as the Village Engineer of the Village of Edina, in connection with the construction and erection af seners in Sewer DistricG No. 9 of said Village, and said Engineer is
directed to draw plans and specifications for such sewers, and
tabulate the result of the estimate of the cost of such severs, and repart the same to the Village Council.
specifications shall be filed with the Village Clerk before any proposals for work thereunder shall be advertised .
The mation to adopt 17as seconded by Recorder Noore and the vote
was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, mherein
there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resohtion was
ad opted
Such plans and
Village Reca,rder
Pres2dent of Coywfl
Letter from Ha R. Nichols asking for reinbursement for damage to a:
auto tire account of striking recently installed man hale cover on Halifax Avenue between 50th and 52nd Street , read and referred to Village Attorney. b
Eo further business to come before the meeting at this time,
the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the
same time and place on Brch 18, 1941, at 8:OO o'clock p.m.
Villrzge Recorder