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Xinulies of the regular
meeting of the Council. of
Grange HqI1 an Narch 24, 1941
at 8:00 O'cIock p. m.
the Village of Xdina, held in
The meeting -as called to order by the President, the roll called
and all members of the Council were present,
Xinutes of the regular meeting of tihe Council held on mrch 10, 1941 and the recessed portions.of the same meeting duly held on Uarch
11, and &rch 18, were read, on motion Willson, they be approved as read, seconded by Vyatt and carried.
Advertised bids mere opened for pump for well for To61 House as
f ollovs t
Earl Blaylack [installed 1 #196.00
Tom Ehatzko Ca. (not installed) $163.50
Bairbanks Xorse & Coo (installed) $174 . 70 R. R. Hovel1 Co, (installed) $183.15
Whereupon i% was moved Willson they be referred to Road &Bridge
Committee for tabulation eC recommendation, seconded by Efoore
and carried.
D. 3'. BScGuire and others appeared before the Council nith reference
to rezoning Lots 29, 30, 31, and 32, Block 3, Grand View Heights. After discussion the matter was referred to meeting of the Council
to be held on Xarch 31, 1941.
The Village pay roll advances having Been carefully noted and found
correct, it was moved by Villson they be duly allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Emre and carried.
It was moved by Villson that bills and accounts of Joint Sewer
District No. 1, as represented by Recorder's Warrants numbered
390 to 394, both inclusive, be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Hoore and carried.
A number of residents of Bruceqood Addition were present to request
that curb and gutter be installed. The proposition after discussion
was referred to Road & Bridge Committee SC Village Engineer.
3. Rees, presented proposed platting of Southridge Addition vhich
on motion Xoore, be referred to Road & Bridge Committee and Village
Engineer, seconded by Vyatt and carried.
matter of tabulation and recommendation of pump for Tool House had been referred, recommended and moved the purchase of the EcDonald- Sterling pump from Earl Blaylock @ $196.00 installed complete, and certified checks of other bidders be returned, seconded by Irgens
and carried.
Application received frm Xinneapolis Gas Light Company for per-
mission to lay 427 feet of 3@ gas main in and along Brookview Ave.
betveen 53 and 54 Streets, mas on motion Vyatt be granted, seconded
Eoore and carried.
.r) ._ Chairman Willson, of the Road and Bridge Committee, to whom the -.
e- --
After discussion it was moved by Villson that %he sum of .,4r2000.00 be temporarily-loaned from General Bund to Sewer District Ro. 5
Fund, seconded by Xoore and carried.
After discussion it mas moved by Eoare that the recommendation of Pillage Engineer and Village Attorney be concured in and that
checks be drawn against the several Sever funds and in favor of the
Barnett &Record Company, in final payments as follows:
Sewer District ITo. 5 $1212.25 Seaer District No. 6 $ 601.45 Sever District No. 7 $1339.29
seconded by Irgens and carried.
Chairman Irgens maved that the application of Bma Tedman, George
Trisler and H. H. Gregg, each accompanied by license fee of $5.00,
for renewal of Off Sale Nalt Liquor license be granted, seconded %y Vyatt and carried.
It was moved by Irgens that application of Edina Theatre Corp,, accompanied by license, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried,
It mas moved by Irgens that appxication of Interlachen Country Club,
by $1. A, White, Jr. President, for renewal of 3.2 On Sale Nalt Liquor
license ,and renemal of Ga Sale..Intaxicat;iag LGiquar license each. . - '.# accompanied by Iioesne fee af $50 and $100 respedtfally be granted, sedonded Kame a8 carried 4 ayes and 1 nay and so ordered.
It was moved by Irgens €hat app1,icatian.of Country Club, by S. S.
Thmpe, for renewal of Qn Sale Intoxicating Liquor Iicense and
renewal if 3.2 On Saxe NaTt Liquor Iicense , each accompanied by license fee of @OO and $50 respectfull$, be granted subject to
serving members and member's quests only and not to permit bar to be open to serve outside parties, seconded by Koore.
being called found Irgens, Tillson, and Kame voting aye and VJyatt
& Westerberg voting nay, and so declared carried.
The roll upon
Trustee Willson mcrved that applications by V?. A. Oxson, L. R. Rolan,
Grace Hickman, and the Country Club, accompanied by license fee af $50 for each device and for License to operate nechanical amusement
devices, be granted, seconded by Irgens and carried.
After discussion Trustee Lrgens moved' that applications of V. A.
Olson, L, R, NaEan, and Grace Eickman, each accompanfed by license
fee of $50 for On Sale 3.2 Mal€ Liquor license be granted with the
understanding these Iicenses son1.d not be renewed as of April 1,
1942, seconded by Koore and carried unanimously.
Trustee millson offered the following resolution and moved its
The Village Council of the Village of Edina does ordain as follows:
Section 1. That Paragraph (b) of Section IVY of the Zoning Ordinance bf the Village of Edina, passed by the Village Council on my 25, 1931,
as amended by an ordinance passed by %he Village Council on December
11, 1-5139, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows:
(b) On France xvenue at 50th Street, a strig of land 125 ft. deep and extending from 50th Street North 330 ft. and Sa.uth 330 ft.; a strip of land 125 ft. deep on each side of 50th Street and extend- ing Vest from Prance Avenue a distance of 520 ft. and a plot of ground described as follows :
Beginning at a point on the South line of 50th Street distant 520 ft. Vest of the Easterly side line of France Avenue, thence vest
80 ft., or more or less, to the Easterly side line of Halifax Avenue; thence South along the side line bf Halifax Avenue a distance
of 100 ft.; thence in .an Easterly directibn parallel with the South
line of 50th Street a distance of 80 ft., more or less, to a point 520 ft. West af the Easterly side line of Prance Avenue; thence mcr-rth to the place of beginning; and a plot of ground described as follows:
South 25 ft. of the North 150 ft. of the East 95 ft. of the Vest 160 ft. of Lot 43, Auditor's Subdivision 172, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the officec-df'-.the Register of Deeds
in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota.
and said strips of land fronting on the North and South side lines
of 50th Street na buildings shall be erected nearer than 40 ft. to the center line of said 50th Street.
Bithin said plots of ground
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication, apeording to lam.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote
mas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wheredin
there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution vias adopted.
PresiiXent of Counc
Village Clerk \
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its
IT IS HEREBY RESOLTJED, by the Village Council sf the Village of
Edina, Hennepin County, Ninnessta, as follom:
Section 1. That this Council hereby determines that it is necessary
and expedient, and for the best interests of the public, to con-
struct a district sewer and laterals in and along those streets and
avenues of Sever District Bo. 8, of said Village of Edina, and provide
for and secure an outlet for said Sever District by constructing and extending said district sewer outside and beyond said Sewer District
to connect mith a trunk line sewer in said Village, as folloas:
A district sener commencing at a point vhich is 200 feet South of the center line of Vest 50th Stre-et and 40 feet West of the center
line of Vooddale Avenue; thence Vesterly parallel with West 50th Street a distance of 650 feet; thence Northwesterly along zinnehaha Creek to the most Mortherly corner of Lot 7, Block 3, Sunngslope
Section, Country Club District; thence Sauthvesterly to a point in
the center line of East Sunnyslope Road vhich is 70 feet Northwesto erly from the Southwesterly corner of Lot 6, Black 3, SunnysSape
Section; thence Nartherly along the center line of East Sunnyslope
Road to the center line of Dale Drive; thence Southwesterly along the .center line of Dale Drive to the center line of Ridge Place;
thence Northerly alang the center line of Ridge Place to the center line of Voodhill Vay; thence Vest along tbe center line af Voadhill . Vay ta the center line of Vest Sunnyslape Road; thence Narthvesterly to the Northeast corner of Lot 14, Block 6, Sunnyslope Section,
Country Club District; thence Vest along the line between: Lots
13 and 14, Block 6, Sunnyslope Section and the same extended to the
Vest right of viay line of State Eighway Bo. 100; thence North along
said right of way line to the center line of Vest 47th Street; thence
,jij Vest to the center line of Laura Avenue; thence North along the
' fr, 3 center line of Laura Avenue to the center line of Eoore Avenue;
T<5*t ,thence Vest along the center line of Elloore Avenue to the center
Vif?)+* line of XTorth Avenue ; thence North along HorthAyen&<to t-he-, Southerly line of Best 44&h Street *."th%nFSlest along the Southerly
A lateral sever commencing at a point in the center line of East 1' Sunnyslope Road which is 70 feet Northwesterly from the Southwesterly corner of Lot 6, Block 3, Sunnyslope 3ection, Country Club District; thence Southeasterly alang the center line of East Sunnyslope Road a distance of 580 feet; also commencing at the point of intersection
of the center line of East Sunnyslope Road with the center line of
Dale Drive; thence Nartherly along the center line of East Sunny-
slope Road 2. distance of 1278 feet.
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"' . 'fd"-p3qTiFGe-of ,v y FEF€74m-St3-&et ta the center line of Thielan Avenue.
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--- -- -
A lateral sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the
center line of East Sunnyslope Road vith the center line of Bood-
hill Way; thence Ylesterly along the center line of Voadhill Vay a
distance of 330 feet.
A llateral sever commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of 17est Sunnyslope Road with the Easterly extension of
the line between Lots 13 and 14$ in Block 6, of Sunnyslope Section,
Country Club District; thence South along the center Iine af Vest
Sunnyslope Road a distance of 850 feet; also commencing at said intersection of the center line of Vest Sunnyslope Road and the
Easterly extension of said line betvreen Lots 13 and 14, thence
Northerly along the center lime of West Sunnysllope Road a distance of 1050 feet,
A lateral sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the
center line of Dale Drive with the center line of Ridge Place; thence
Southwesterly along the eenter line of Dale Drive 8 distance of
450 feet.
A lateral sewer commencing at the point af intersection of the center
line of Hilltop Lane with the center line of Dale Drive; thence
Easterly alang the center line of EIilltop Lane a Distance of 450 ft,
A lateral sewer commencing at a point on the Vest bank of Minnehaha
Creek which is 35 feet Sauth of the center line of West 44th Street and 90 feet East of the East line of Thielen Avenue and 10 feet
Rarth of the South line of West 44th Street; thence Easterly and
paralle1,with the South line of West 44th Street a distance of
2188 feet,
A lateral sewer commencing at a point which is 235 feet East of the
East line of Thielen Avenue and 10 feet 'North of the South line of
West 44th Street; thence northeasterly across the rear -of Lots 11,
12, 13, 14, 15,16, and 17, in Auditor's subdivision No, 176.to a point in the North line of said Lot 11 which is approximately 200 feet West of the Vest line of State Highway No. 169,
A lateral sewer commenckng at a point in the center line of Mackey Avenue which is 10 feet Narth of the South line of $?est 44th Street;
thence Nmth along the center line Of Mackey Avenue a Distance of
350 feet,
A lateral sewer commencing at it paint on the center line of Brook
Avenue which is 10 feet North of the South line of Vest 44th Street;
thence North along the center line of Brook Avenue a distance of
330 feet,
A lateral sewer commencing at a point on the center line of Coolidge Avenue which is 10 feet No3rth of the South line of West 44th Street;
thence Narth along the center line of Coolidge Avenue a distance of
300 feet.
,A lateral sewer commencing at a po.in$ on the center line of Browndale Avenue which is 10 feet North of the Sauth line of Best 44th Street;
thence Nolr%h along the center line of Browndale Avenue a distance of - 200 feet, .
A lateral sewer comencing at a point on the Vest bank of Minnehaha ."f"I,)-{-. Creek which is 35 feet South of the center line of West 44th Street; I' "i1.'( -, - t and 90 feet East af the East line of Thielsn Avenue; thence North- 2'' ,I$ westerly to a point in the center line of Thielen Avenue which is-- Gn !
ueet North of the South line of~~s_t__44th-S~~-eet ;'thence YJeest-
erly-1leL with the South line of lest 44th Street to the center line of Brookside Avenue; thence South along the center line
of Brookside Avenue to a po.inc\which is 30 feet Sauth of the South- -erly right of way line of the Xinneapolis & St, Paul Suburban Railway Cog, ; thence Vesterly and parallel with said Sautherly right
of way line to the center line of Rutledge Avenue.
A lateral seuer commencing at ab<&% in the center line of
Rutledge Avenue which is 30 feet South of the Southerly right of
way line of the Xinneapolis & St. Faul Suburban Railway Go, ; thence
South alang the center Line of Rutledge Avenue a distance of 2190
feet, more or less, to the center line of West 48th Street,
A lateral sefler commencing at a point in the center line of Brookside
Avenue which is 30 feet South of the SautkFer3-y right afl way Line of the Xinneapolis & St , Paul Suburban Railway Co. ; thence Sauth along
the center line of Brookside Avenue 1190 feet, more or less to the center line of Vest 48th Street,
A lateral sever commencing at the point of intersection of the
center line of Division Street with the center line of Rutledge - Avenue; thence East along the center line'of Division Street a
distance of 250 feet.
J *_ % .$+"- A lateral sewer commencing at a point in the center line of
\ -Thielen Avenue oilrich is 10 feet North of the South line of Vest
44th Street; thence North along the center line of Thielen Avenue a distance of 640 feet.
, 7 '
,,,>-"A lateral sewer commencing at the paint of intersection of Test i'! - I* r:2", '47th Street and the center line of Laur Avenue; thence VesCerXy
a \;--'"slang the center line of West 47th Street to its intersection with
the center line of Cascade Lane; thence Sauthrtesterly along the center line of Cascade Lane a distance of 140 feet. k,
A lateral sewer commencing at a point in the center line of Vest 47th Street vhich is, 5 feet East of the Westerly right of way line of
State Highway Eo. 169; thence East to a point vhich is 5 feet Qest of the Easterly right of way line of State Highvay Eo. 169; thence
center line of Sunnyside Road a distance of 320 feet.
$&- A lateral sever commencing at the point of intersection of the
hr \center line of North Avenue mith the center line of Eoore Avenue;
..k!:'i thence South along the center line of North Avenue th the North line of Lot 16, Auditor's Subdivision No, 259.
Reference is hereby made to plats of said Additions on file and on
record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said
Hennepin Caunty,
3 North and parallel mith the said Easterly right of way line to the
7 ,i;b'"J '
tl. *
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The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Billson and the vote
was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, nherein
there mere five ayes and na nays, and so the resolution was adopted.
ATTXST : I Pre&dent of Counw
Village Clerk
Recarder Emre offered the following resolution and moved its
adoption :
I *a.
e. 33X IT RESOLVED BY TKE, Village Council of the Village of Edina,
Ennesota, as followa:
The plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer in Sewer District
NQ. 8 of the Village prepared by B, He Bradley and filed in the office of the Village Recorder on Xarch 24th, 1941, are hereby approved and accepted .
The Council shall meet on Eanday, the 219.1; day of April, 1941, at eitht o'clock P. E., far the purpose of opening, receiving, and can- sidering bids for the construction 03 said sever in Sewer District
Em. 8 of said Village in accordance vith plans and specifications
as approved.
Xotice to bidders shall be made by publication for three Eiuccessive weeks in the official newspaper of the Village and in the Improve- ment Bulletin, printed in Xinneapolis, Xinnesota, which ncstice shall
be in substantially the folloxing form:
Seaxed proposals sill be received by the Village of Edina, Einnesdfa,
4 29
at Grange &PI, at the corner of Eden Read and Highway Eo. 100, in
said Village, until 8tOO o'clock P, E., an April 21st, l%X, and
will be opened at said time for consideration by the TTilIage
Ca-uncil, for the furnishing of materials, rental af equipment and the excavation of sewer trenches fdr a sanitary sewer in said
Village, as follows :
1975 Lin. Ft. 15" vitrified clay sewer pfpe,
1890 Lin. ft. 12" vitrified clay sewer pipe, 20 15" x 6!t Y branches,
20 12'' x 6* Y branches
192 gtt x 6" Y branches,
232 6" - 1/8 bends,
14330 Lin. ft. 9* vitrified clay sewer pipe,
3500 Line ft, 6" vitrified clay sewer pipe,
2400 lbs. aakum,
3000 lbs. asphaltic compound,
660 bbls, Portland cement,
280 tons of mashed sand,
500 tons of gravel,
19000 6'' cancrete manhole blocks,
57 Xinneapolis standard manhole rings and covers, 4370 Minneapolis standard galvanized iron manhole steps,
40000 3,B.M. Sheathing and bracing,
17000 F.B.EII. 3"- x 12" plank,
f .
18195 Lineal feet of sewer'trench, 10 x 35 feet deep,
The equipment desired to be rented is as follows:
Qne new half-yard cornbination clam-shell, drag line and
lifting crane. Omens clam-shell. bucket and lifting crane hook,
bucket 1 ; the machine to be equipped with 30-ft. boom,
gasoline powered engine with electric starter, engine to
be at least six cylinder, 54 H. Po, caterpillar treads to; be
16 inches wide; over-all length of caterpillar mounting 9
ft . 6% in. ; machine with 30-ft . boom and wmking on an operating radius of 10 ft. shall be able to lift 13,550
pounds, based on 75% of the tipping load; machine shall have a travelling speed from 09 to 1.4 miles per hour, in
either direction; machine shall have a closing rope speed of
160 f.p.m.; shall have a hoist bail speed of 85 f.p.m,, on
a two-part line; machine to weigh not less than 25,000 pounds; machine to be eaual to a Bucyrus-Erie Eodel 15-B,
in the opinion of the Council.
Alsa, one used combination clam-shell, drag line and lifting
crane equipped with 5/8 drag line and a 5/8-yard clam
complete, including operator, oiler, gas, oil, repairs and insurance; said machine to be in first class and operative
The maching is to include a new 3/8 yd. (Bo drag
The above to be in accordance with plans and specifications therefor
on file with the Village Clerk, at 4605 Wooddale Avenue, in said
Village, and in accordance with the rules and requirements of the
Works Progress Administration of the United States of America. The
plans and specifications may be seen at said office of said Village
Clerk, or at the office of B. H. Bradley, Village Engineer, 217 South 6th Street, Einneagolis, Minnesota. Extra capies may be procured on application by depasiting $15.00, one-half ts be
refunded when the plans and specifications are returned in goad
All bids must be unconditional and be on the basis of cash payment
for the material and work, and the rental of the equipment. A
certified check in the amaunt of 15% of the amount bid must
accompany all bids, In case the suedzssful bidder fails or refuses ta enter into a written contract for the performance of the work and furnishing of materials, and the rental af equipment, and to give a bond as required by law, within twenty [20) days after natice of
%Be ar-lard of the contract, the check will be farfelted to the
VilXage as liquidated damages. Dhecks of unsuccessful bidders
vill be returned after the contract has been avarded,
The Village Cauncil reserves the right ta reject any and all
bids or parts of bids, or to adjourn the meeting to a later date
for the purpose of further cansideraBian and accepting said bids,
All terms and provisions of the foregoing notice are hereby made
a part of this resolution as though separately set out and
resolved herein.
The mation to adopt was seconded by Trustee Irgens, and the vote
was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas
Village Clerk 1
Bo further business to come before the meeting at 1:45 A, B, the
President decxared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same
time and place on Ifarch 31, 1941 at 8r00 o'clock P. E.
\ Village Recorder 4 . .>