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1 Einutes of %he regular meeting
or" the Village Council of Edina,
duly held in Grange Hall on
April 14, 1941, at 8800 o'clock p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called
and all members of the Council were present.
finutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on &rch 24,
1941, and the recessed portian of the same meeting duly held on
Ihrch 31, 1941, were read. On motion Irgens they be approved as
read, seconded by Billson and carried.
The Road and Village pay rolls having been carefully noted and
found correct, it mas moved by Villson they be duly allmed and
ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried; they are as folloims:
Carl Testerberg Pres id ent - April 8 50.00
Ben Bo BSaore Recorder 90.00
George A. '67illsan
Victor Irgens
A. So Wyatt
' 3, J-, Duggan T. E. Tilly
Hilding Dah1 V. S. Heydt John l7. Leyan
R. J. Zohnsan
So J. Roberts
P. Dahlgren
John Tracy
2. Sitolgman
0. E. Spande
Runald Port
Jaes EcNellis
&tt*Eerf eld
Sam EcCready
-is Pedersen
Simon Strand
J. A. Danen &Son
J. A. Danen & Son
C. A. Green
Silas Herrett
H. Ensley
A. C. Stringer
Trustee Treasurer
Village Narshall
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Street Commissioner
Tractor Operator Truck driter
Asst. Raad forema_n
Asst. Road foremah
Asst . Road foreman Truck hire 0 $1.25
Asst. Road foreman
Road labor
Road labor
Carpenter labor
Truck hire 0 $1.50
Truck hire 0 $1.50
Loader operator
Road labor
Road labor
&il 8.&33. -YEA labor
35 . 00
30 . 00
160 00
160 .OO
160 .OO
135 .OO
261.25 - 131.40
78 . 50
52 . 50
*. The Xiscellaneous Bills upon being duly examined and found correct --=+
were on motion Villson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded Vyatt and carried, They are as follaws: C"
Thompon Lumber Ccr.
Sewer Bist. Ucs. 5
Alex Cr e ight on
Sewer Rental Fund
Earl Blaylack
Bryant Gas Heating Co.
Oscar Roberts Co,
Landers Norbllom
Christensen Co.
Richfield Yard
Ed ina Hardvar e
Gust Haclglund
ThomDson Lumber Co.
Lumber T.001 House 8 264.11
Temporar~ loan 2000.00
Earch-Building Inspector 77 . 20 TQ repay deposit made in
General Bund in error
Complete installation of Taol
House deep well pump, .materials,
and labor. I96 .OO Complete installation 3 gas heating units in Tool House,
materials and labor . 853.00
Binder Tool House 8.82
Sewer pipe . 36 Plaster and Cement 4.08
Haterials for Tool House 96.18
Plumbing Tool House 218 .OO
Lumber Tool House 51.77 4.
Ready Xixed Concrete Coo Concrete Tool House 86.64
E. €3. Thomas Electrical work Tool House 7.50
Graybar Glectric Co. Electrical materials Tool House 134.17 Drs. Erickson and
Johnsrud Professional Services 3.00
Harry V. Smith Ambulance service 8.00
Piinneapolis G.E. Co. %€arch service
Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Sand & cement
IJW Bell Telephone Ca. J?a. 5494 extension
Bell Telephone Ce. Vh. 1666-Yfh 1667
Thompson Limber Co . Lumber
Edina Feed Co. Rent 2/15-4/15
Edina Hardmare R.B. supplies
Borey's Shell Station R.S. Karch
Glacier S. 8s Gravel Co. R.B. gravel
Minneapolis Iron Store ROB. supplies
Emma Tedman R.B. gasoline
E. IT. Harris R . 853 . -Police gasoline
Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board Narch Relief
Rural Hennepin County
Surplus Corn. Corn. March service Ninneapolis Gas Light Co. Gas Heat Tool Rouse
Garveys Hardware R.&B. supplies
Thorpe Bros. Inc. A-pril rent Tract Office
T. W. Rosholt Co. Grad er BLad e s Clarence 0. Holten Services Village Attorney
Village of Hopkins V@A Seiving project
Lyle Signs, Inc. Road Signs E. V. Johnson Culvert. Co. Road culvert
S. J. Fautsch Plumbing Inspections
Dale Green Road gravel.
Republic Creosoting Co. Road tar
Bren Hardware R.832. supplies
Reinhart Bras. Co. Repair Generator
Eiller Davis Ca. Off ice Supplies
City of Ninneapolis Fire Dept Service
Arthur Petersen 1046 Garbage collections
Oscar Hoberts & Co. Sand and gravel
Edina Garzge Police car service
Dahlberg Bros. , Police car service
Blackburn, Nickels
Joint Sewer District
nilarch @ 35p
and Smith Compensation Insurance
No. 1 Temporary loan
619 . 30
40 . 31
10 . 00
70 . 80
51.78 44.77
184 . 53
. 461.42
13 . 58
14 . 10
381 . 20
366 . 10
2500 . 00
Bills and accounts of Joint Sewer District No. I having been
carefully noted and faund correct as evidences by Recorder's
warrants #395 to #418- both inclusive, it was moved by Irgens
they be duly allaaed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and
Sewer Rental bills in total amount of $107.11, as represented by
Recorder's warrants No. 6 to 'No. 12, both inclusive, were faund
tabe correct whereupon Irgens moved they be duly allowed and
ordered paid, seconded by Willson, and carried.
It was moved by Irgens, that bill of Williams Hardware Company
for 4 kegs nails furnished Sewer District No. 5 on 9/30/40, in
total net amount of $12.68 be duly allowed and ordered paid,
seconded by millson and carried.
I!&. R. C. Soens, presented a proposed plot for subdividing of 5
acre tract at South East corner of Vooddale Avenue and Vest 56th
3t. After study and discussion it was found that the area to the
East and between Oaklawn and Brookview Avenues also needed
consideration whereupon Moore moved the proposition be referred
to Road And Bridge Committee and Village Engineer, seconded by IrgBns and carried.
Blfr. H. C. Quackenbush, D. F. McGuire, and Attorney G. L7. Strong,
as owners and/or with option to purchase lots 29, 30, 31, and 32,
Block 3, Grandview Heights, appeared before the Council in the
makter of rezaning to Community Store District, and presented
letter by 0, L, Kipp, Asst. Chief Enginekr, State Highway depart me^
as fallows :
I@. Glenn H. Uartz,
District "Eaintenance Engineer,
Hopkins, Xinnesota.
Dear Sir : Re : Trunk Highway No. 169 - Edina.
Er. H. C. Quackenbush has conferred. vith the Central
Office nith reference to the possibility of obtaining a permit
for drives across tso triangular tracts nom included in the right
of nay for Trunk Highvay No. 169 in the Village of Edina betmeen
Eogltins Road and Summit Avenue.
After conferring with Er. 'Chard and I&. Green it
appears there would be no objection to.your issuing a permit for
a drive across the two triangular tzacts between the above named
streets providing this drive parallels the center line of Trunk
Highway Ha, 169 and the nearest edge of the drive is not less
than 54 feet from the center line of the pavement. It is assumed
the drive mill be the standard vidth of 24 feet nhich would provide
12 feet from the edge of the drive toa the pump island.
In accordance with the above, this drivenay mill enter '
only on 3ummit Avenue at the westerly end and Hoplcins Road on the
easterly end.
Yours very truly,
Asst. Chief Engineer and
Construction Engineer.
Whereupon Trustee Villson offered the folloming resolution and
moved its adoption:
The Village Council of the Village of Edina does ardain 8S
f ollons :
Section 1. That
Village of Edina,
1931, as amended
ing Section to be
Section IV of the Zoning Ordinance of the --. passed by the Village Council on Kay 25th,
is hereby amended by adding thereto the follov-
honn as Section (f-1):
"Lets 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, Black 3, Gran d Viem Heights,
according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record
in the office of the Register of Deeds in and far Hennepin
Caunty, Xinnesota.
Section 2, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from
and after its passage and publication, according to lam.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Recorder Eoore and the vote
nas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was
$ent of CounciY
Village Clerk .L
3ke B. W. Wallace and E. E. Parks appeared before the Council to
object to all night operation of Oil Station and Taxi-cab Station
by Ashley Brooks at South East corner of Tfest 50th Street and
Halifax Avenue. Letters of objection by Yessrs. V. H. Adam
and N. 0. Wolfin were also read.: The Council by its own action
had previously moved to with hold granting of the license until
determined if a nuisance developed, the several members of the
Council made note thereof.
The attention of the Council was directed to a large billboard
having .recently been erected without permit in a residential area on.La.1; 3, 31Clck'l, Steven's First Additio.n, whereupan Trustee
Irgens moved that the Village kttarney be empowered to request the
owners to remave said sign, seconded by TFJilEsoa and carried.
Fetition having been presented the Council, it was moved by Difoore and seccmded by Trustee Irgens that the Village Council will hear
property owners on the 12th day of Nay, 1943, at 8:OO oFclock p.
m. Y with reference .to the proposed extension of the Village water mains in and along ?Naoddale Avenue, commencing at the intersection
of Wooddale Avezue South and Vest 55th Street, and extending
southerly along WoaddgSe,Ammue to its intersection with West
56th Street; commencing at the intersection of Kellogg Avenue and Vest 54th Street, and extending southerly along Kellogg Avenue to its intersection with Vest 56th Street; commencing at the
intersection of Oaklawn Avenue and Vest 54th Street, and extending
southerly along Oaklawn Avenue to its intersection with vest 56th
Street; and commencing at the intersection of Brookview Avenue
and West 54th Street, and extending southerly along Broohiew
Avenue to its intersection with West 56th Street; and that the
Clerk be directed to publish notice of said hearing in the offici&
Village paper for at least two (2) weeks the last of which
publication to be not less than three (3j days before said
hearing ,
On being put to a vote, said motion was carried.
W. Todd, appeared before the Council to abject to apparent
continaus storage of junk, old lumber, etc. by one Gibbish at -
'65th and Ryan. After discussion the matter was referred to
Village Attorney for attention.
Petition received from Eessrs. Qlsen, Platon, Brandley, and Davis
for installation of sanitary sewer to serve Lots 4, 5, 7, and 8,
White.Oaks. After discussion it was moved by frgens the petition
be granted and referred to chairman of Sanitation Committee,
seconded by Villson and carried.
,#L, -
+ '7n
iW. Sandell, of Motor Pawer Equipment Ca. was present and letter
by I&. &Cumber dated April I, 1941, read on suggested
recommendations for fire truck chasis, which together with letters
by W. So Hott Co.. and Dayton Fire Engine Company, on the same subject, were turned over to' the %resident.
Oscar Gasrden was present to request permission to install deep
well for city water at 52nd and Haxifax or 54th and Halifax.
After discussion and at the suggestion of Xr. Irgens, he would
present petition as to location and also as to rezoning.
Communication by Nr* P. P. Hove advised of desire to locate
grocery &market and to build a new store building on lot 35, Auditor's Sub. 172, whereupon frgens moved the required posting
of notice be made proposing to change zoning to Community Store,
seconded by Xoore.and carried.
Application by Carl Olson for renewal of "Off Saletp 3.2 mlt
liquor license accompanied by license fee having previausly been
received and referred to Police Committee, Chairman Irgens maved
the license be granted, seconded by Willson and oarried.
Advertised bids were opened for gas shave1 hire if'and mhen
needed about the Village as follows:
J, A. Danens & Son
S. 5. Groves eC Son $6.75 per hour
$5.58 per hour
Whereupon Eoore moved they be regerred to Road and Bridge Committee,
seconded by Irgens and carried.
Recorder advised the Council that he had been served with notice
af claim by Leslie R. Hook, of Tracy, Einnesota, for injuries
stated to have been received on Earch 10, 1941, while driving his
car on Indianola Avenue as result of WA not having leveled off
roadway after installation of sanitary sever by Vorks Progress
Letter by Er. E. E. Sperry requested pay for clamage done to his
car by striking a manhole cover on Halifax Avenue and mas
referred to Police Committee.
After discussion, it was moved by millson that the sum of $2500
be temporarily loaned to Joint Sever District Xa. 1 from
General Bund, seconded by Noore and carried.
Ha: further business to come before the meeting at this time,
the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the
same time and place on April 24, 1941, at €!to() o'clock p.m.
Village Recorder
, .-. .. . -