HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410421_REGULARfiut.es of the recessed portion bf the April, 14, 1941,- meeting af the Cauncil of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange fEz11 on April. 21, 1941, at 8:OO ofclock p. m. The meeting was called to: order by the President, the roll called, and all members af the Council were present. I- Bids as duly advertised in the Hennepin County Review and the Improvement Bulletin, for materials, equipment rental and sewer trench excavation far Sewer DBtrict No, 8, were opened and read 7- 1. (aitoud as follorws :) Cr. lf. Gerter Lumber Go. 25000 ft. 2 x 8 x 16 #1 Ro'ugh Norway .$34.50 tt 34 . 50 te 36.50 17000 ft, 3 x 12 x 16' #I. ni 15000 ft. 6 x 8 x 16' #I '' -=no d is count -- Thamps an Lumber Camparry 40000 ft. 2 x 8 x 16p No. 1 Rg. Earway $33.50 4 x 8 x 16' Ea. 1 Rg. Natrway 17000 ft. 3 x 12 x E6 Na. IBg. No;rway 37.00 --Less 2%-- I Landers , Narblaam Christensan Ce. Partland Cement f.a.b. cars Braokside 3 2.25 It. n delivered at job 2.32 plus log charge for sacks with full credit on return---- .3097 6'+ Tile sewer pipe f.o,.b. cars $I .175 f.a.b. jab rfi; .1806 g It. f1 m4661. . 7766 . 7112 ft lt It Yt tt lt tt 11 l* I? w lt It 11 30 045 . 75 E 12'" 15 II ir lt tl- tt 15 x 6?! Yrs 9; f1 3.375 It 19 3.442 12 x 6It Yrs 11 11 2.025 n n 2.07 6It x 1/8 bends ll tF "my(J;". It 11 11 1 , 3781 It 1.35 9 x 6" Y's I1 It --less 5%- Washed Screened Sand 65g per ton delivered. Vashed Screened Gravel $1.40 per ton delivered . Moisture allowance after &lay 1st 2% sand and 8% on sand. Above prices net on Sand and Gravel. Oscar Roberts & Company Binder l-bit dawn gravel $ 1.40 tan delivered. mashed sand .65 ton delivered. Oversize gravel. 1.20 ton delivered. YGnCt discount given-- Glacier Sand & Gravel. Ca. 280 tans washed sand $ .64 ton deHivered. 500 tons washed gravel 1.39 tan delivered. Hed'aerg-Priedheim Co.. . 280 tons washed sand $ -60 ton delivered. 500 tons washed gravel 1.25 ton delivered. One combination 5/8 Drag line & Clam complete including operat'or, oiler, gas, oil, repairs, and insurance for the sum of $4.79 per hour. --Above prices net-- ./ Vunder-Klein-Danahue Ca, 1975 ft 15 Sever xJipe f,a.b. 3 .?5ft. f,o,b, jab $ .81 20 pcs 6 x 15" Yts 2*ft. * 3,375 ea. tt Ir 3,645 20 pcs 6 x 15lF Yrs 3 ft. lr 3.75 ea. n 4.05 1890 ft. 12Ir sewer pipe It 045 ft, n 049 20 PCS 6 x 12 " Y'S 2-$-ft. 2.025 ea. n 20 pcs 6 x lZn Y's 3 ft, It 2.25 ea. .30 ft. It It 14330 ft, gW seger pipe It tl 1.35 E&, It It 1,485 192 pes 6 x 9 Y's 2*ft. .70 ea. 232 pcs 6 x X/8 bends 2.205 2.45 033 . 76 .19 I# It 11 11 3500 ft. 6') sever pipe II .I75 ft. r1 --Less 3% cash discount on cars prices- --Less 5% cash discount on delivered prices-, Cement in cloth sacks extra, delivered job 660 bbls. 42.32 _-. Cement in paper sacks extra, delivered job 660 bbls, 2.47 Sand delivered to job 8 65g per ton. Gravel delivered to job CZ $1.40 per ton. ._ - --Cement, sand, and gravel prices are net-- Xinneapolis Builders Supply Company 1975 ft. 151k VTP delivered job 20 pcs 15" x 61t Y's 20 pcs 12 x 6" Y*s 14330 ft. 9" pipe 192 pcs 9 x 6* Y's 232 pcs 6" x 1/8 bends 3500 pcs 6* pipe ?;above less 3%-- 660 bbls Portland cement in clo.th sacks . 1890 ft. 12" delivered to, job, Censolidated llTaterials Ca.. L. A. $ .7875 per ft. 3.468 ea. ,4725 per ft. 2,081 ea. ,313 per ft. 1.3825 ea. ,7075 ea. ,1825 per ft. $2.32 bbl. net 500 tons washed gravel 280 tons washed sand @ .65 0 $1.40 ton --2$ moisture deduction, no cash discount, delivery before November 1, 1941- , ii7. Bo.rt'hfield Company 1975 ft. 151t DS VC pipe $ .78 per ft. 1890 ft. 12tr 14330 ft. 9" '' 3500 ft. 6''' 20 pcs. 6 x 15 Y'S 2t ft. 20 pcs. 6 x 12 Y'S 25 ft. 2.075 It 192 PCS. 6 x 9 Y'S 2-& ft, 1,395 tt 232 pcs. 6" x 1/8" bends .72 rt It ,469 It It .31 I' . 181 I' 1) It t+ 3.42 each Biding all or none, less 5% cash discaunt delivered I- f.o.b. jab carload lots, -- 660 bbls. Partland in paper sacks 0 $2.47 bbl. Add 25~' per bbl. in clo.th sacks with return credit of log each, Price an cement is net. " >- ..r ( ,-y ' A. Skalski Supply Go. 2400 lb. ookunz @ $8,20 684 manhole steps Einneapolis siandard 38$& each. 3000 lb. Kalktite per ton 0 $ 97,OO. Presstico-- Hot poured per ton Q $39.50. --delivered job no cash discount- Lewis h'ut &Bolt Company --delivered jab, 1% - IO days-. P 4370 manhole steps, Einneapolis standard @ $J 28.50. 800 0 - - - - - - 31.50 American Brake Shoe Co. 57 EanhoPe rings & covers, Xinneapolis standard, 62 .$ 15.00 each. --delivered job net 30 days- Fjorth Star Concrete Company 1900 concrete manhole blocks 6" @I 12*# each. --net, delivered job site-. B Q79 v?artI.ll,ey Concrete Praducts Co. . 6Ir Cpncrete manhole blocks 0 12&? each. 8 IE It .f It 11 @ 16& each. --delivered to job 1% = IO days- E. S. Gayaor Lumber Company, Sioux City, Iowa 1975 ft. 15If std. VC sewer pipe 63~2 ft. ' 1890 ft. 12It Std. VC pipe $ .4725 ft. 14330 ft. 9'' It II 1r .3675 ft. 20 pcs . 15It x 6rt Y*s 20 pcs. 12" x 6" Yfs 1.89 each. 192 pcs. 9 x 12" Y's 1.47 each. . 232 pcs; 6" x 1/8" bends .63 each. Same, double strength-- 75.6 p! ft. 2.52 doub.str. $3.024 3500 ft. 6" Std. VC pipe 01575 fto --f.a.b. cars no discount given-- J. A. Danens & Son To furnish 1 drag line complete as per Village specifications- @ $ 4.84 per hour. S. J. Graves & Sans Cmpany To furnish Model #25 Northwest or Type 331 Dllilrian, or Kodel 4S80 Speeder 2 yd. crane equipped with 5/8 cubic yard drag line bucket and a 5/8 cubic yard clamshell bucket: Xachine only (bare) including insurance, cable and maintanence Q = - - - - ?$ 2.25 hr. Add for aperato!r - - - - - 1.65 tt I , Add for gas, oil &grease * - - - 045 It Add far o:iler - - = - I 095 It Total 4$ 5.30 Village may award OM any combination deemed advisable. Far excavation Sewer District No. 8 1075 Pineal ft. excav. 8 - 10 ft. deep 0 7237 I? 1' 0 rn 12 - 14 *I 14 - 16 I' 2435 16 - 18 753 6 30 '18 - 20 20 - 22 570 1615 22 - 24 '' 1320 24 - 26 ' 26 - 28 IR 635 28 - 30 I' 400 30 - 32 220 30 0 32 - 34 I' 34 - 36 It. 295 575 B I? 'R tl 't) v 11 'A It H ;R €4 11 10 - 12. If It It It It t? 11 T: It 11 W ?I I1 0 11 I1 It I1 m It tt II ' 'I) 'fJ 11 n n It 12 'fl n It 11 w I* I? $ 1.10 per 1.25 1.40 'I 1.95 2.50 '" 3.15 I' 3.50 4.35 5.10 6.25 8.40 10.00 11.80 13.50 lineal ft . 11 I1 n 'A 71 11 n n R It n n n n It PI. H Ziegker Company Rental 1 nem Erie-Eucyrus Xodel 1533 as clam shell no drag bucket with Owens Xadel 26 clam bucket. Basis 10 mo. minimum rental @ per md. @ 844.00 Basis 20 ma. minimum rental 0 per ma. 437.58 --basis 140 hrs rental per moo-- -- delivered f.o.b. job.-- % All upon having been duly read and whereupon Noore moved they be referred ta Village Engineer far tabulatian and recommendation, \EL secanded by Lrgens and carried. Qn behalf of Mr. D; F. MeGuire and others the Council was advdsed - of delay in acquiring lots 31 and 32, Block 3 Grand View Heights whereon the Village Attorney was requested to stop publication of amendment tu, zoning ordinance applying thereto. After discussion, Recorder Noore resigned as member of Sanition Committee of the Council. After discussion Irgens moved that the Sanation Committee meat one night each week for discussion, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Bill of Lametti and Lametti in amount $1581.44 for fuEk papent of contract of installation of water main on Vooddale Ave from its intersection nith GoIf Terrace ta its intersection rvith West 55th Street, vas approved and recammended for payment by Village Attorney and Village Engineer, whereupon Irgens moved same be paid out of General &%rids to be repaid upoii sale of warrants, seccmded by 'b7illson and carried. Letter of Oscar Gaarden dated April14, 1941, read concerning location of new pmp house to be located in South Harriet Park Second Addition. mas on motion Iraens be referred to President to obtain information for the Cou&il, seconded by Villson and carried. Ea further business to come before the meeting at this time the President declared the meeting recessed ta meGt again at the same time and place on April 24, 1941 at 8:OO olclock P. Ed, .. Village Xecwder \