HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410512_REGULARXinzutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hall. on my 12, 1941, at 8.00 o'cLock FU. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present, Xinutes of the regular noee3irzg of the Connctib held on April 28, 1941, and reeessed portions of the same meeting duly held on April 29, 1941, April 309 19419 and Hay 5, 1941, were read. On motion Fillson, they be approved as read, seconded by Vyatt and carried. The blfiscellaneous bilLs upon being duly examined aad found to be correct, were on motion \Tillson, they Be duly alloned aad ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt, and carried. They are as follows~ Village St Louis Park Lametti SS Lametti Arthur Fe tersem Simon Strarrcf Emma Tedman Hinneapolis G. E. Co. Alex Creighton S. J. Fatusch City Minneapolis Miller-Davis Co Oscar Roberts & Co N-T? Bell Telephone Co Village of Hopkins Globe Office Furniture Ca Suburban Henvrepin County Relief Board Glacier Sand & Gravel 00 Rural Henvrepin County Surplus E-17 Bell Telephone (20 E. V. Johnson Culvert Co '27. H. Ziegler Company T. t"d. Rosholt Company E. A. Rogers Company HemepiB County Review RepuBlic Creosotirrg Company Eimus Ilntadaen Gardner Hardware Company Edina Bardvrare tdJm Nesek Commidity Codttae 5us %us Lumber C ompany Edipa Hardware Thompson Lumber Co Boreyts Shell Station J. A. Danens eC Son . Garvey Hardware Clarence 0. Holten Simon Strand S. 5. Pautsch! Oscar Roberts & Company H. V. Johnson Culvert Co Tire Dept semiee Booddale Water main April garbage collection Gas for R&B April service April Bdg Insp fees April Plum0ing insp fees Tire DepL service Office supplies Gravel TEA Sewing Desks 8 &airs Rent 3/25 - 4/15 mho 1666 $45.00 1581.44 373 . 45 15.00 40.46 585.06 167.60 145.50 11.01 17.50 5.97 13 75 7.00 62.25 .* f April direct Relief 468.88 Roadf. gravel 122.48 April service 25.88 Wa. 5494 extension - final 80 Road culverts 202.70 Barrow & Brooms 36.80 Blue prints 9.28 Pub. nat<ices & printing 134.25 Road tar 89.35 Cement work-tool house 2.40 Tool house door part 22 15 Hardware-tool house 45.00 Sheet Metal contract-tool house 211 . 02 Sewer pipe 8.40 R&B supplies 10.06 753 hrs gas shovel 7 truck 254.82 \ Tract or parts 9.00 lumber 1'7.03 Truck service 2.83 R&B supplies 11.70 Village Attorney 75eOO Rent 4/15 to 5/15 15.00 December plumbing inspections166.20 Sand 7.73 Road culverts 90.79 Total 85211054 The Village and Road bills upon having been duly examined and found correct9 mere on motion Villson, they be duly allowe6 and ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt, a,nd carried. They are as f olxopus~ Carl VesterBesg President , ' AEag 50eOO Ben €3. Noore RecoriEer 90,oo George A, Billson Trustee 35.00 Tictor Irgens Trustee 35 0 00 A. So Vyatt Trustee 35e00 852 J. J. Duggan Dr R, B, Erickson T, E, Tilly Hilding Dah1 R. 3, Johnson S. J. Roberts P. Dahlgren John Tracy *L. Stolzman 0, E, Sparrde Ronald Port Eli, lkrfield Hri s federson Sam EcCready Albert Young A. C. Stringer Silas Eerret George Shilson Leo Smith James NcXe1I.i s < I?* Se Heydt John 8. LyOn E* Ensfey Treasurer Health Officer Village Earskiall Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Street Commissioner utixity Yuan Tract or operat or Truck driver Asstbroad foreman Asst road foreman Asst road foreman Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor R8cB-WA labor Road labor Truck hire Truck driver Truck hire 30000 30.00 185.00 16OoOO 160 OO 160 00 180 00 145 e00 145eOO * 135000 135.00 I 125.00 125 .oo 105.60 96.00 88.00 92000 8.00 25.00 22.00 151.13 3098 196 00 $2747.13, Bills and accounts of Joint examined and found correct, be dnls alloned and ordered Sever District 1sO. 1, baving been it was moved by Irgens, that they paid as covered by Recorder's var- rants humbered 4x9 to 441, both inclusive, seconded by Villson and carried. f Trustee Villson presented itemized cash sales slips for food served at the Illay meeting of OTficla3.s Henrrepin County Toms and Villages, held in Grange Hall and Nevr Village Tool House, in total anourit $10.4'7, whereupon Trustee Vyatt moved that reimbursement check for like amount be drarm against The Crier contingent fund, seconded by Eoore and carried. Er Ruddy, 5312 Kel'logg Avenue, complained of stagnent water standing in the lorn lots on Vooddale between 53rd and 54th Sts. After discussion Trustee Vilfson suggested the matter be pre- sented to Village Attorney and Village Health Officer for such action as possible. C, 0, Xattson, 5817 Vooddale Avenue, requested sanitary sewer for his property located outside of Joint Sever District No, 1, and vas adesed Coopresent a majority petition for the Council's consideration. Residents of Thielan Avenue and Brovrtdstle €ark Addition, dis- cussed aithtke Council the proposition of contractors bidding for a complete job on Smer District Bo. 8, laterals arid dist- rict sever. After discussion it vas moved by Irgens to cancell advertisement for bids as of Tune 2, 1941, and to re-adaertise for bids along the lines suggested, seconded Vyatt and carried. Hflr Bisher, appeared before the Council to advise that he bad started a house on Tower Street, without first having obtained ~t building permit. After discussion it vas agreed that he would furnish Village Building Inspector with a complete set of plans for approval, furnish engineer's survey of the lot and to stop work until a building permit vas issued. Bis, as advertised, for air compressor, vas received'from ESinnesota Pneumatic eC Electric Tool Company, which on account of but 1 bid having been received, it was moved by Irgens, it be returned unopened and new bids called for, seconded by Vyatt, and carried, Letter by Oscar Gaarden, dated &y 8, 1941, read, with reference to proposed additional well and pump house to be located in the residential area of South Harriet Park, which on motion Wyatt, be referred to Village Attorney for reply, seconded by Xoore and carried. r-I Letter dated Nay 5, 1941, by Oscar Gaarden, President Country Club District Service Company, accompanied by copy of audit report for the year ended December 31, 1940, of the Country Club District Service Campany, mas presented to the Council by the President. -- RESOLUTION AS TO ADEQUACY OF PETITION FOR IRBPROVEME3JT OF FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH FROM WEST 49th STREET TO WEST 5lSt STREET -- Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption! BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that th6 petition signed by Geo. Hartzell and others, requesting improvement of France Avenue south between nest 49th Street and West 5lst Street, by paving of said street as authorized by Chapter 382, Laws of 1925, here- tofore’filed with the Clerk, is found to be signed by owners of more than fifty-one per cent (51%) of the property abutting on the parts of the street named as the location of the proposed improvement; and also That the petition be referred to B, H. Bradley, Village Engineer, and that he is instructed to report to the Council, with all convenient speed, advising the Council whether, in his opinion, the proposed improvement should best be made as expressly petitioned for, or in connection with some other improvement, and as to the probable cost of said improvement, if made as petitioned for, or otherwise, and such other information as may be pertinent. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Wyatt, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resoluticjn, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. ATTEST: mra - Tillage Clerk - Motion by Recorder Moore, seconded by Trustee Irgens, that the Village hear property owners on the 26th day of May, 194l, at 8:OO o’clock P. M., with reference to the proposed extension of Village water mains in and along Park Place, a street Mid out in said Village; and that the Clerk be directed to publish notice of said hearing in the official Village paper for at least two (2) weeks, the last of which publication to be not less than three (3) days before said hearing. Upon being put to a vote, said motion was carried. Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, BBinnesota, that the President, Carl Westerberg, and the Clerk, Ben B. Moore, of said Village, be, and hereby are, authorized, empowered and directedto execute and eliver a Quit-Claim Deed bearing date January 21st, 1941, wherein the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, is Vendor, .and Annabel Mae Hutchinson and Bderrill Hutchinson, her husband, are Vendees, relating to the following described property: Beginning at a point in the South line of the North- east Quarter (NE-) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township One Hundred Seventeen h7), Range Twenty- one (21), distant Forty-seven (4’7) rods in a Westerly direction from the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE*) of said Section Twenty-nine (29); thence North Fifty and 48/100 (50.48) rods; thence Fiest One (1) rod; thence South Fifty and 48/100 (50.48) rods to the South line of the Northeast Quarter (NE$) of said Section Twenty-nine k29); thence East One (1) rod to the point of beginning, according to the Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, blinnesota. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee VTillson, and the vote mas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there vrere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. - - Village Clerk - Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hemepin County, Ennesota, that the President, Carl Westerberg, and the Clerk, Ben B. Hoore, of said Village, be, and hereby are, authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver a Quit-Claim Deed bearing date Janu- ary ast, l9r;t, wherein the Village of Edina, a municipal corporation, is Vendor, and b"Jdllace M. Cooper,a widower, and Willard p. Cooper and Jennie M. Cooper, his wife, are Vendees, rel&ting to the following described property: Beginning at a point in the South line of the North- east Quarter (NE$) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Tom- ship One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-one (a), distant Forty-seven (47) rods in a lesterly direction from the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter (NE-$) of said Section Tvrenty-nine (29); thence North Fifty and 48/100 (50.48) rods; thence West One (1) rod; thence South Fifty and 48/100 (50.48) rods to the South line of the Northeast Quarter (Nl3$ said Section Twenty-nine (29); thence East he rod to the point of beginning, according to the '*: .. f .- ** 1 Of 1) Government Survey thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 7'- ~ *- .. as The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee lrJillson and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. L \ - Village Clerk - . -- RE3OLUTIOM APPROVIBG PROPOSED SUPPLEIENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER DISTRICT NO. 5 -- Trustee Willson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Fhgineer selected by the Village Council has calculated the proper amokt to be specially assessed for sewer construction in the streets in said Sewer District No. 5, and has calculated the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land, as a supplemental assessment, made necessary by reason of error and mistake made in the original assessment effecting such lots, pieces or parcels of land, and determined by resolution adopted by this Council on April 28th, 1941; and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed with the Village Clerk, in duplicate, as a proposed supplemental assess- ment, and has been laid before the Village Council at its present meeting, held more than ten (10) days after the filing thereof; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that said proposed supplemental assessment is hereby ap- proved and the Clerk is directed tocausenotice to be published in The Hennepin County Review on the 15th day of May, 1941, that the Village Council will pass upon such proposed supplemental assessment at its next regular sesskon, to be held at Grange Hall, corner of Eden Road and Highway No. 100, on the 26th day of itday, l9W, at eight o'clock P. x. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Wyatt, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. 1 '* ATTEST: -- RESOLUTION APPROVIBG PROPOSED SUPPLEEdENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER DISTRICT NO. 7 -- Trustee Willson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEXBAS, the Engineer selected by the Village Council has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for sewer construction in the streets in said Sewer District Bo, 7, and has calculated the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land, as a sup- plemental assessment, made necessary by reason of error and mistake made in the original assessment effecting such lots, pieces or parcels of land, and determined by resolution adopted by this Council on April 28th, 1941; and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed with the Village Clerk, in duplicate, as a proposed supplemental assessment, and has been laid before the Ellage Gouncil at its present meeting, held more than ten (10) days after the filing thereof; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that said proposed supplemental assessment is hereby ap- proved and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in The Hennepin County Review on the 15th day of May, l94l, that the Village Council will pass upon such proposed supplemental assessment-at its next regular session, to be held at Grange Hall, corner of Eden Road and Highway .No. 100, on the 26th day of May, 19LJ, at eight o'clock P. M. ' The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Wyatt, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. //-gs ATTEST: -. P3esiden.t of Counc - Village Clerk - - RESOLUTION FORWATEFZ EWN CONSTRUCTION -- Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: ?WIlBEAS, the Village Council’ of the Village of Edina met on the 12th day Nay, l94l, at the time and place specified in a notice to all property owners whose property may be assessed for proposed construction of Village water mains in and along Wooddale Avenue, commencing at the intersection of Tooddale Avenue South and West 55th Street, and extending southerly along Booddale Avenue to its intersection with Nest 56th Street; com- mencing at the intersection of Kellogg Avenue and West 54th Street, and extending southerly along Kellogg Avenue to its intersection with West 56th Street; commencing at the intersection of Oaklawn Avenue and West 54th Street, and extending SouthePly aldrlg Oaklam section with West 56th Street; and commencing at the intersection of Brookviev4venue and Eest 55th Street, and extending southerly along Brookview Avenue to its intersection with West 56kh Street, published in . The Hennepin CountyJ3exiew.m the 24th day of April and the 1st day of Nay, 1941, and has heard all persons appering at said meeting and duly considered said proposed improvement; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Villagg of Edina, that it is hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village water mains in and along the streets and avenues in said Village hereinbefore set out; and Avenue ta its -inter- BE IT RESOLVED, that plans and specifications for such mater main con- struction shall be prepared by B, H. Bradley, Village Engineer, and filedvrith the Village Clerk. BE IT FURTHER €ESOLVED, thdt the cost of such improvement is to be assessed against the property improved, as authorized by Chapter 4.25, Laws of 1921, as amended. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Willson and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, vherein there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. - Pr’ksident of CouncB.z/- ATTEST: / - L3-k Village Clerk - E- -- Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: --F@SOLUTION CALLING FOR AND DIRECTING NOTICE FOR NEH BIDS-- BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: Plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer in Sewer District 1b.- 8 of the Village, prepared by B. h. Bradley, and filed in the office of the Village Clerk on Efarch ath, l9.!+lY having been approved and accepted, and proposal for bids for furnishing of materials, rental of equipment, and excavating trenches for said Sewer District having been receivea at a meeting of said Council on the 21st day of April, l9,!+l, pursuant to notice to bidders duly published, and consideration of said bids haring been deferred to a meeting of this Council held on May 5th, 1941, and this Council having duly rejected bids so received for purchase of part of the materials and the excavating of sewer trenches; now, therefore, I I BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVED, that the Council shall meet on Monday, the 9th day of June, 1941, at 8:OO o'clock P.N., for the purpose of ppening, receiving and considering bids for materials and the excavating of sewer trenches for the construction of said sewer in Sewer District No. 8 of said Village, in accordance with plans ahd specifications as approved, and covering materials and the excavating of sewer trenches hereinafter d6scribed. Notice to bidders shall be made by publication for three k3) successive weeks in the official newspaper of the Village and in The Improvement Bulletin, printed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: --PROPOSAL FOR BIDS FOR FURNISHING MATERIALS AND EXCAVATING TR;ENCHES FOR SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 8- Y Sealed proposals will be received by the Village of Edina, Minnesota, at Grange Hall, at the corner of Eden Road and Highway No. 100, in said Village, until 8:OO o'clock P. M., on June 9th, 19Q, and will be opened at said time for consideration by the Village Council, for the furnishing of matgrials and labor, and doing all necessary excavation and back fill for construction of a sanitary sewer in Sewer District No. 8, in said Village, in accordance with plans and specifications, subject to inspection and approval of the Village Engineer. Alternate No. 1: and place for the furnishing of all labor and equlipment necessary for excavating sewer trenches in said Sewer District. include necessary sheathing and bracing. Village will furnish all materials, other than sheathing and bracing, and the Works Progress Administration of the United States of America will furnish labor for laying of pipe, building man-holes and other labor necessazy and not connected with the excavation of sewer trench. The sewer trench to be excavated is approximately18,195 lineal feet, 10 to 35 feet deep. Under this alternate the trench must be excavated and the sheathing and bracing installed and set in place in accordance with the des aid regulations and requirements of said Works Progress Administration, and in accordance with plans and specifications, subject to inspection and approval of the Village Engineer. Sealed proposals will be received at the sane time The equipment shall Under this alternate the Alternate No. 2: and place for the furhishing of materials for construction of a sanitary sewer in said District, as follows, to-wit: Sealed proposals will be received at the same time 3500 5000 26000 1500 700 1000 83 1200 40000 17000 lbs. oakum, lbs. kalktite, 61' concretemanhole blocks, bbls. Portland cement, tons of washed sand, tons of gravel, Minneapolis stmdard manhole rings and covers, Minneapolis standard galvanized iron mahhole sJceps, F.B.M. sheathing and bracing, F.B.M. 3" x 12" plank, , All of the foregoing proposals shall be in accordance with plans and speci- fications therefor on file with the Village Clerk at 4605 IVooddale Avenue, in said Village, which plans and specifications may be seen at the office of said Clerk, and at the office of B. H. Bradley, Village Engineer, 217 South 6th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota. application by depositing $15.00, one-half to be refunded when the plans and specifications are returned in good condition. All bids must be unconditional and be on the basis of cash payment for the material and work. A certified check, cash deposit or bidder's bond approved by the Council, in the amount of 15% of the amount bid, must accompany all bids. In case the successful bidder fails or refuses to enter into a written contract for the performance of the work and furnishing of materials, and to give a bond as required by law, within twenty (20) days after notice of the award of the contract, the check will'be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages. Checks of upsuccessful bidders will be returned after Extra copies may be procured on c the contract has been awarded. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of bids, or to adjourn the meeting to a later date for the pur- pose of further consideration and accepting said bids. \ BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL BEN B. MOORE, Village Clerk. All the terms and provisions of the foregoing notice are hereby made a part of this resolution as-though separately set out and resolved herein. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee ViJTatt, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays,and so the rGsolution was adopted. ATTEST: . -- - Village Clerk - 8 ..