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Minutes of the regular meeting
of the Council of the Village of
Edina, held in Grange Hall on
June 9, 1941, at 8.00 orclock PM.
TBe meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present,
Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Y&y 36, 1341, armd the recessed portion of the same meeting duly
'held on &y 27, 1941, were read.
"be approved as read, seconded by arlyatt, and carried. On motion Irgens, they
The Xi3&a@-roads bills upon being duly examined and found
correct, were on motion Villson, the be duly allowed and
ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt, and carried. They are 'as follows=
Carl Westerberg Ben B. Noore
George A, millson
Victor Irgens
A. S. Vyatt
John J. Duggan
Dr R. F. Erickson
T. E. Tilly
Hilding Dahl
17. So Heydt
John 8. Lyon
R. J. Johnson
S. J. Roberts
P. Dahlgren L. SLolzman
John Tracy
0. 18, Spande
Ronald Port
N. Merfeld
James BBeNeblis
James Mc3lellis James McNellis
H. Ensley
Sam MeCready
Albert Young Thomas Gobel
Silas Herret
h. C. Stringer
Sihas EerPeS ::
Pmsident 'June
Health Off ices:
Village Marshall
Police Officer Police Officer
Police Officer- Street Commissioner
Utility man
Tractor operator
Asst Road forenm
Truck driver
Park labor
Asst Road foreman
Road. labor
Truck hire 0 $1.25 hr.
Truck hire 63 $1.00 hr,
Road labor
Road labor
3 *ROa8: $abor .! Road labor
Road labor (weeds
Road labor (weeds
94 miles u~e auto weed ins.
' Labor IWA-RkB June
35 000
b8O. 00
145 0 00
145 e 00
135 o 00
125 0 00
92 00
82 00
29.50 31.00
The ISiscellsLneous bflb upon being duly examined and found correct, were on rnotion?::iillson, they be duly allowed and
orderea paid, seconded by ?Tyat'c, and carried. They are as follows: 7
Village Hopkins
Village St Louis Park
Alex Creighton Emma Tedmarz Thompson Lumber Co '
Phillips Petroleum Co
Sub . Hennepin Connty
Relief Eoard
Lampert Yardsp Inc
Tillage Hopkins
Clarence 0, BolLela
Hennepin County
E, Va Harris
&Tiller-Davis Co
Sa J. Fautsch
'Fire Dept service (EfcCauley)
Bire Dept service(Tresse1)
Bdg. Inspectiomr feesp May
Gas for R8cB
Lumter for R&B
Distilate, -
Nay Direct Relief
Drain tile,cement
YEA Sewing project ,Nay
Village Attorney, May
Gas& Oi 1 R&B-Po 1 ice
Plumbing Insp. fees, Nay
Poor Farm service ,Oeby-IXar-Apr
Office Ciupplies
325 e60
75 OO
City of Uinneapolis
T .W.Rosholt Company
Edina Peed
Hoff Rubber Stamp Coj
J. A. Danens Cc Son
Republic Creosotirug Co
Jay V. Craig Company
Glacier Sand eC Gr Co
Garvey Hardnare
Edina Hardware
Knudsen &- Turner
Ready Eixed Concrete Co
Landers ,Borblom,Christensen
Uacar Roberts eC Co
George Shilson
Dale Green
Rural Hennepin County
Arthur Petersen
1T-V' Bell Telephone Co
Enneapolis Go E. Co
Surplus C om. C ommi t t ee
Bire DepL service,l/20 $18.77
Storage for R&E3 4/15-6/15.lO6O0
lflhovels 8s vheel barron 16.89
Stamp for Police 080
Gas shovel-truck hire 361e64
Road Tar-applied 177 37 Road Oil-applied 908.80
Road sand Q gravel 200.13
Hardware-Re& supplies 8.23
Hardware -R&B suppl i e s 35.58
Tool house supplies 7eOO
Concrete mix-sidewalks 293,94 Cement (21975) 8616
Sidewalk materials 55,95
Truck hire (VPA) 68.25
Road gravel 213.00
my service 25.95
1083 garbage collections 379.05 - Telephone VI€ 1666 12 . 70
liiay electric service 566.12
Total Eiscl,
9t .was moved byIrgens -tBatt bikl'of S;J.Fautch for cleaning severs in amount of $13.00, be allowed from Sever Rental
Fund, seconded by TJyatt, and carried.
Peti$kon vas received from residents of Glenview Addition
for installation of ornameZa1 streel light at Vest 51st St.,
and Arden Avenue, and was referred to the Lighting Corrunittee,
Bids as:advertised, were received for installation of water
mains in and afong Vooddale, Kellogg, Oakland, Brookview
and Park Place, South Harrirt Park, South of Test 54th Street
from the follorring concerns:
Earnett 6% Record Company $20,680.36
Chris Jensen 21,237.07
Lametti R. Lametti 219095.80
Vm C. Frazier & Son 22 9 924 22
vhereupn lrgens moved they be referred to Committee of the
Council and Village Engineer, seconded by Eoore ahd carried.
Bids as ad~ertised, were received for sewer trench excavation in Sewer District No, 8,'as follovs:
)i S*J.Groves eC Sons Co,, $49,228.65
€%e Ips -Drake Company 58,385 030
Y- togather with material bids as followst
Cement ';!under ,Klien,Donohue Co
Century Sand h Gravel Co Cement
Lana~rs-morb.lom-CBristse~ Cement
Glacier Sand & Gravel Co Sand & Gravel Einnesota Sand-Gravel Co Sand & Gravel Consolidated Haterials Co Sand eC Gravel
Hedberg-Priedheim Co Sand & Gravel Oscar Roberts & Company Sand tk Gravel
PLmerics?n Brake Shoe & Fe Tilanhole rings-covers
Levis Bolt 8c; Eut Co
A.A.Skalski SngpZy Co &nhoLe steps
AeAeSkalski Supply CO Oakum
A.A.Skalski Supply Co Kalkite compound Tlorthley Cement Products Cement Bhnkole Blocks
ITorth Star Concrete Co Cement Eknhole Blocks
Thomas Po Bradley Sheating-bracing 'Lumber.
% I
Earlhole steps
4- all upon having been read aloud, were on motion Eoore, be
referred to Village Engineer Bradley for tabulation?" seconded
by lrgeris and carried.
if' e-
?=- .
Due and posted notice having been given, Trustee. Willson
offered the following Resolution and moved its adiption:
TEEREAS, petition of a' majority of the omers of real property
fronting on that certain easement and right-of-way, described
as follows:
The North thirty feet (30') of Lot One (l), Block
Three (3), South mite Oaks Addition, according
office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin
County, nainnesota,
I to the plat thereof on file and of record in the
has beenduly filed with the Village Council and said Cbuncj.3.
did meet at the time and place specified in a Notice duly
pablighed and posted, and has heard all interested persons,
and it appears in the interest of the public that said easement and right-of-way be vacated; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLWD, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,
that said easement and right-of-way as hereinbefore d-escribed,
and as the same is now dedicated and Laid out within the corpox
limits of said Village, be hereby vacated.
The motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Trustee
Vyatt, and the vote vras'upon the question of the adoption of
the Resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays and
so the Resolution was declared duly adopLed
- Village Clerk 8c Recorder
Residents of Fuller Street, appeared to request the street,
be widened and oiled from Prance Avenue to Beard, After dis-
cussion, the matter was referred to the attention of the Road
and Bridge Committee.
zt e
Eessrs Thill and Douglas, appeared before the Council to ask:
that a.Tura-around be installed at the Vest end of Sunnyslde
Road, wherein the ground would be dkdicated and the other costs
would be born by the Village, After considerable discussion
the matter vias referred to Road &,Bridge Cornmitee to ascertain 1
costs and report hack to the Council
Mr J. R. Thorpe, advised the Council of his desire that sanitary sewers be installed in the Sunnyslope Section, wherein to date 1
(. about 10 lots out of 72 had been sold. In the discussion, Noore
opposed. the financing of any such proposal by the Village and
wherein the faith and credit of the Village would be used to
any extent to finaaee real estate operators.
Nr B.N.ParBs, appeared in connection with his letter to the
Council dated June 7, 1941,,wherein ke had requested that the firm of Hansen & Parks, be allomed to install or have installed
water at two new houses in Golf Terrace Heights, located on
Lakeview Drive. After discussion it vas agreed to refer the
Er V.H.Adams, as owner, togather with Pksars Lund and Nolan as 1 adjoining owners, presented petition to rezone to Cornunity Stoee*
District, the East 22 feet of the South 125 feet, of Lot 36, .'- ' Auditor's Sub. 172, whereupon Uoore moved the petition be received
and posted notice of hearing be given, seconded Irgens eC carrieq,
matter to the Village Attorney. I I
Xr Ashley Brooks, presented the Council with a letter, stating
that he would turn off the flood lights and lock the gasoline
pumps at 11.15 €245 daily, which t7as referred to the Police
Pekition by interested residents and letter by Er Russell Smith,
requested that a stone gutter be installed in and along Abbott
Places and referred to the Road & Bridge Committee,
Communication dated June 3, 1941, from League of EZnnesota
Eunicipalities, referred to matters of particular interest to
the Village of Edina, and which would be discussed at the
League Convention to be held in Winona, June 16th to 18th.
After discussion, Tillson moved that such members of the Council
as could attend, be so puthorized as Delagatefi fromEdina,
seconded by Irgens, and carried,
Communication from the CouncBl of the Village of St Louis Park,
aavised of 60 days extension on fire protection to Edina.
The Recorder being requested to acknovledge and express the
thanks of the Council for the neighborly favor,
Eo bids having been received for the installation of Curb PI:
Gutter in and along Vest 48th Street, mite Oaks Addition, Irgens moved thAeadvertise, seconded Lioore and carried,
Chairman Tillson of the Road & Bridge Committee, reported on
bids received for Road Oil, Aspkalt and Tar, stating the prices
mere correct on State Highway Specifications materials and moved that order for Road Oil SC-1, 2 or 3, furnished, hauled,
heated and applied in 1200 gallon lots @ 9.08 per gallon'and
Cut-back Asphalt XC-1, 2, or 8, furnished, hauled, heated and
applied in 1200 gallon distributor lots 0 8.09 per gallon, be awared the Jay 8, Craig Company, and certified check returned,
seconded Vyatt, and carried.
Chairman Tillson, like vise reported on bid for Road Tar and moved that order for same be awared the Republic Creosoting
Company, at $,lo35 per gallon, furnished, hauled, heated and
applied, seconded Vyatt , and carried* (Certified check like-
wise returned)
Chairman ?Tillson, reported on bids mceined fbr Air Compressor
and after discussion, moved that the bid of the To 8. Rosholt
Company, on 1 Uodel B 108 Quincy compressor powered aith a
1 E., AC motor Q $180.00, subject to 3% for cash, delivered
fob Village Tool House, be accepted, seconded by Eoore and
carried , {Checks of unsuccessful bidders to be returned)
Check received from Thorpe Bros, in amount $31.50, Tor cost
of culvert installed in Vest Sunnyslope Road, and turned
over to Treasurer Duggan.
After discussion, it was moved by Villson, that if and when
sufficient funds are mailable in Sever Districts No. 5 and No. 7 funds, that checks be dram to repay the General ??md
for monies temporarily loaned, seconded by Vyatt and. carried,
The matter of grade and location of side-ivalk in front of Lot
2, Block lo Stevens Ist. Addition, was discussed, &ereupon
Trustee ffillson moved it be built to conform to the sidewalks
on either side and leading to Halifax and Indianala Avenues, seconded by 'Jyatt, and carried.
Trustee Willson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Tillage Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin
County, Minnesota, as follows:
Section 1. That this Council hereby determines that it is necessary and
expedient, and for the best interests of the public, to construct a dis-
trict sewer
Sewer District No. 9, of said Village of \Fdina, as follows:
and laterals in and along those streets and avenues in
A district sewer commencing at the intersection of the center line of
Wooddale Avenue with the South line of Tower Street, as platted in Sub-
division of Littel Park, -Wence West along said South line of said Tower
Street to the East line of SW$ of the "W$ of Section 19, Township 28,
Range 24; thence South along saidEast line of SWk of NW$ of Section 19
a distance of 254.5 feet; thence West and parallel with the North line
of the SW$ of the NW$ of said Section 29, a distance of 358 feet; thence
North and parallel with the East line of the West Half of the NW$ of
said Section 19, to the center line of Lakeview Drive, as platted in Golf
Terrace Heights, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence Hortheasterly along
the center line of Lakeview Drive to the center of Lexington Avenue;
thence Northerly along the center line of Lakeview Drive to the center
line of Woodhill Road; thence Northwesterly along the center line of
Lakeview Drive to the center line of Golf Terrace; thence Westerly and
Southw6sterly along the center line of Golf Terrace to State Highway
No. 100.
A lateral sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the South line
of Tower Street with the East line of the SW$ of the NW$ of Section 19;
Township 28, Range 24; thence North along the East line of the West Half
of the NW$ of Section 19, a distance of 560 feet.
A lateral sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the center
lines of Wooddale Avenue and Woodhill Road; thence West along the center
line of Woodhill Road a distance of 1310 feet,
A lateral sewer commencing at a point in the center line of Golf Terrace
which is 80 feet West of the center line of Crescent Lane; thence West
along the center line of Golf Terrace and parallel with the North line
of Golf Terrace Heights and across Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Golf Terrace
Heights, to the center line of Golf Terrace; thence West along the center
line of Golf Terrace to the center line of Lakeview Drive.
. A lateral sewer commencing at the point of intersection of the center line hp;; Gr,,
of Cherry Lane with the center line of Golf Terrace; thence West along
the center line of Cherry Lane a distance of 150 feet.
A lateral sewer commencing at the intersection of the center lines of Golf
Terrace and Lakeview Drive; thence South along the center lines of Lakeview
Drive and Unity Avenue, a distance of 1000 feet.
A lateral sewer commencing at a point on the extension Westerly of the
center line of Golf Terrace which is 35 feet East of the center line of
State Highway No. 100; thence South and parallel with said center line
of said State Highway No. 100, a distance of l450 feet.
A lateral sewer commencing at a point in the center line of Lakeview
Drive which is 358 feet West of'the center line of Concord Avenue and
200 feet Morth of the extension westerly of the center line of West 56th
Street; thence West along the center line of Lakeview Drive, a distance
of 355 feet.
A lateral sewer commencing in the cent'er ljne of Lakeview Drive which is 675 feet East of the East line of State Highway No. 100, and 225 feet North
of the extension westerly of the center line of West 56th Street; thence
Soubh and parallel with State Highway No. 100 a distance of 800 feet;
thence West 350 feet; thence North 'and parallel with State Highway No. 100,
a distance of 490 feet.
Reference is hereby made to plats of said Additions on file and on.
record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said &mepin
The motion to adopt mas seconded by Trustee Wyatt, and the vote was
upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were
five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. I
- Psesident of C2xidl -
- Village Clerk - 1