HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410616_REGULAREinu-Ees of the recessed portion of
the regular June 9, 1941, meeting
of the Council of the Village of Edina,
duly held in Grange Hzl'E. on Sum 16, 1941, at 8.00 otcLock ELe
The meeting mas called to order by the Pmsident, the roll calXed. and all members present except the Recorder, absent frdm the
Village on account of attending the anmal League of Ninnesota - Ilunicipa15ties convention at Tinona.
Trustee Villson mo~ed, that Trustee Irgens seme as Recorder
Pro-Tem, seconded by Trgstee Vyatt, and carriedt whereupon
Trustee lrgens assumed the duties of Recorder Pro-Tern,
Bids for materials for Sewer District No. 89 having Been duly
advertised as.required by Law in the HennepiYr County Review and
The Improvement Bulletin, having been previously receiv-ed and
read aloud in regular raeetirzg and referre& to Village Engineer BradEey for tabulation and recommendation, were duly considered
by the Council.
Trustee T:/ilEson thereupon moved to aece'ipt the bid of Lznders,
NorBlom,Chsistensen CompaBy, for cement in paper sacks 8 $2.4'? net Be$ barrel, delivered fob job site, seconded by I7ya.G.t; aFd
Trustee Vyatt moved that the bid of Oscar Roberts & Company, be
accepted for washed gravel @ $1.19 per ton and washed sand W
58g per ton delivered fob job site, less 2% cash discount 30
days, seconded by Vill_son and carried.
/. k
\ 1
Trustee Vyatt moved to accept the bid of Lewis Rut'and Bolt Coo,
standard., & $33.00 per hundked, delivered fob Job site, seconded
by Vilkson, and carried.
i for 314~ galvanized man hole steps, aceording to Uinneapokis k'
Trustee ViLEson, moved that the bid of The American Brake Shoe
& Boundry Cornpay be accepted to furnish man hole rings and covers k
63 $15.00 each net 30 days delivered fob job site as required, seconded by Tyatt and carriecl.
Trustee Yyatt, moved to accept the bid of Tlorthley-Cement Products
discount delivered fob .job site as required, seconded by ?'fillson and carried.
e/ Company, for 6'' cement manhole blocks 0 12$ each, less 2$ cash LS'
Trustee TiXXson, moved to accept the bib of A. A. SkaLski Supply Company, for plumber's spun oakum G" $8.20 per 100 Ibs and also
Kalkite Sewer Jointing Compound @ $97,00 per ton, less 2% caah
discount 30 days, delivered fob job site as required, seconded by Vyatt and- carried,
On account of bu% 1 bid having been seeeised for sheeting and :-, '4 w-
the bid of Thomas P. Bradley, Duluth, and re-advepkise, seconded
by Vyatt, and carried.
bracing lumber and timbers, Trustee T7illaon moved to reject
aSr Alferrill Eatchinson, omer of all the land, presented suveyor@s
propose'dk plat. of "SkyZirretg Addition, whick after study was on
motion by Irgens, be referred to Village Engineer and Road and
Bridge Committee, seconded by Vilkson and carried.
Xr Brown, 318 John Street, appeared 'before the Council to request
road signs aDd street oiling and duly referred to the Rpad and
Bridge Committee,
Propose6 plat of Bonglass Reesep for Sauthribge Addition at Yest
54th Street and Halifax Avenne, was referred to'the Road PC Bribge
Bids as advertised were received and read aloud for fire
Eipparatrxs as follows: each; accompanied By certified check or bidders bond:
Jackson Fire Appara€us Coo, Pampkr $3WO. 00
V. S. Xott Company tb 3O21oOO
?7* S. Xott Compaxy If 3396.00
~erlepri'Xla-~an@e-~o~~ite Corp 18 33OOoOO
%four City Body Corp I* 3095 000
Peter Pirsch eC Sons Company I* 4100 0 00
Eotor Poner Equpt. Co I? 275OoOO
Eotor Power Equpt. Co Chassis only 996 075
Quaker Rubber Company 2-&It Fire hose U 80# Ee
Eenitt Ra0ber Corp. ditto 80jf &
lhnhattan Rubber Company I) 748 & 80.d ft
thereupon each bidder was given a reasonable time before the
Council in which to explain the special merits of his par- ticular bid after which lrgens moved that the matter be re-
ferred to a Comnittee of the Council, for later action at
a regular meeting, seconded by Vyatt, and carried,
Verified 2orm Account, in the amount of $545.60, presented
by Th C. Vard, Court ReporteP), OFed by Perry R. Eoore and
Clarence 0- HoLten, for furnishing transcript in case of the
Country Club District Service Company PS Village of Edina,
whereupon Irgerms moved the account be duly allowed and ordered
paid, seconded 'by 17iIlson and carried.
Village Attorney Holten, rea6 k proposed agreement betveen
the Country Club District Service Company and Hansen 8 Parks
and the Village of Edina, with reference to installation of
rrater mains in Hansen & Parks Addition of Golf Terrace Heights.
Eo action being necessary until submitted to the other parties.
No further business to come before the meeting at this time
the President declared the meeting adjourned at 11,OO PII
Recorder Pro Ten