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Uintxtes of the regnlar meeting of the
Council of the Village of Edina,
held in Grange Hall on June 23$ 1941,
8.t 8.00 O'ClOCk PILL
The meeting was called to order By the PreBident, the roll called and all mem0ers of the Council were present,
Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on
June 9, 1941, were read, On motion Irgens they be approved as read and minutes of the recessed portion of the same SeetiPrg held on June 16, 1941, be read at the regular
meetiPag 'to be held on July 14, 3941, seconded Villson,
and carried .'
The Tillage pay roll. advances having been carefully noted
and found csrrect as entered in time book,, Irgens maved they
be duly allawed and ordered paid, seconded by I'Jillson and
Xtr Xeerrill Eutchisasorr being -present., the Road & Bridge Corn-
mittee and Tillage Engineer Bradley, reported an the matter
of acceptance of Skyline Addition plat as submitted to the
Council and €o:.yham' du2z':ref erred at the June 16$ 1941,
meeting of the Council, After report and discussion of
the matter, Trustee Villson moved that the proposed surveror 'a plat af Skyline Addition, Hennepin County, Ninrmesota, be
duly accepted and the President of the Village Council. and
Villa@ Recorder, be authorized and empowered to sign and seal
same for and on behalf of the VilIage Ccrumcil, seconded by
Xmre and declared unanimously carried,
Er Earshall. Shilsan, appeared before the Council. to ask
permit to operate an Auto Livery at Vest 54th Street and
France Avenue , After discussion, Trustee Villson moved to refer the matter to the PoPice Committee with request for
report to the Camx5il by July 14, 1941, meeting, seconded
by Eoore and carried.
* Lund, requested storm water &6d_aizlconditioning cooling:
water disposal for new Hove store building on Lot 36, Aud- itor's Sub 172, After discussion, Irgens moved to refer
the matter to Village Engineer Bradley, E: econded by &ore
and carried.
IT2 J, Bank Ecklurid, presented proposed plat of Tkite Oaks,
6th Addition, which oa motion Willson, beyreferred ta Road & - Bridge Cmmittee and Village Engineer BradXep for study and
x report to the Ca,uncil, seconded By Irgens and carried.
Engineer Bradley, presented tabulation of bids received at
June 9, 1941, meeting of the Ccruncil, for installation of water mains ia and alang Wooddale, Kellagg, Oakland, Brook-
viem,-EEirk &d Vest 56th Street, South Harriet Park Addition
and South of West 54th Street. After d&scussiaPr, Trustee
Irgens moved that the award be made &d4=ntract be let to,
the Barnett Ec Record Campany, low bidders at a total price -
of $20,680.36, subject to the contract being approved by the
Village Attorney and the Council and the President and Rec-
order &tnthor~zsd-and,empowered to execute the necessary papers, seconded by Eoore. The roll upon being called found five
ayes and no nays and so declared unanimously carried.
After discussion of the matter, Trustee Villaon, moved that
Curb and Gutter be installed in and along Indianola Avenue
South from West 50th Street, to West 51st,, using WPA labor and assessing the other than labor costs against the benefited and to be financed fron General Pund, seconded by Irgens and
Bepresentive of International Harvester Company appeared
to display a l* ton International chassis with Northern
Pump Company pump and Flaw City Co.rp., body, whfch was inspected by members of the Council,
It vas moved by Irgens to continue the hearing on the
proposed extension of Vest 74th. Street, referred ta as the Dewey Hill Road, located in Section 8, Township 116,
Range 21, to the regular meeting of the Cauncil to be
h3Id on July 14, 1941, seconded by TJyatt and carried,
I Due and pasted' na'tfce'liaaing heen-gimn, Trustee .Irgens.
offered the fallowing ResolutLon and moved.i.ts adop*ion,
The-Village I) CounckL o$- the .'Village of Zdina does ordain as follons:. -* A 11
I. -
LZCI . __. . z I. *.
1_ -.
Section 1. That Section IV of the Zoning Ordinance of
the Village of Edina, passed by the Village Council on
Eay 25, 1931, as amended, is hereby amended by adding - thereto the following Section(b-2) :
"The East twenty-tvo (22) feet- of the Sauth
one hundred si &y five (%&I feet Of La%* Thirty-si. (36 7 , Auditor's Subdivision No.
172, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin
County, Ninnesota,lt
Section 2, This Ordinance shall be in fall farce and
effect from and after its passage and publication, accord- ing to lav,
The motion to adopt mas seconded by Recorder noare and the vote was upon the questian of the adaption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the Resol-
ution vas adopted,
ATTEST : President of the Cow
Village Recorder
At 11,OO Puthe President declared the meeting recessed to
meet again at the same time and place on June 24, 1941, at
8.00 o'clock PE., for the purpose of considering the bids recently received and/or the avarding of contract ta furnish
this Tillage with a Fire Department Pumper, fee hose and such other equipment as the-Council may determine necessary
and d etermine
Village Recorder J