HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410630_REGULAR, I83 Xinates of the recessed portion Qf the regular June 23, 1941, meeting af the Councrl of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hkll on rune 30, 1941, at 8.00 o,'clack PM, The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and a11 members of the Caurncil were present. Present at the meeting was Village Engineer and a considerable number of residents in the affected territory. The President Briefly outlined some of the details in connection with &he;; installatian of sanitary sewers. Certain estimated costs were given far certain streets. After much discussion the follow= in8 pole resulited. 3hckey Avenue 3 far and 7 opposed Cooledge Aye a11 appased Brwk Avenue all appased Vest 44th Street aPY o,ppased but 3 TMelen Avenue all in favar af sewer, - Brookside Ave 7 for and 4 oppased the general opinian heiag that the installation af sanitary sewers in TkEielen and Broakside Avenaes appeared advisable, with further study considered necessary far -%he ather areas, , The matter of purchase of 2+'' fire hose was next cansidered, with representives of the Quaker Rubber Carp,, and the Hewitt Rubber Company, being present and appearing before the Council, After discussion and consideration of the matter, Trustee V$;Bksorr maved to accept the bLd of the Hewitt Rubber Company, for 500 feet af Unity brand 2*tt pliable double jacketted, 450 pound test, 6 year guaranteed fire hose @I 80g per"foot fob Edina, Xinnesota, Trustee Wyatt , seconded the notion, which carried without dis- senting vote, Recorder read a letter he had received in the mail and addressed to. 93dina mater Consumers* and sent out mder date of &ne 26, 1941, by Wowtry Club Distri.ct Servrce Comgany", and intended to place restrictians on lawn sprhkling from above date to August 81, 1941. Eembers of the Caurrcil felt that certain statements contained in the letter might well. be objected to and that the intent of the letter might have uPterim purpases, whereupon Trustee Irgens moved ta refer the matter to the Vfllage Attorney, secanded by Recorder Noare, and txhe roll upon being called found five ayes and m nays and so the motion was declared duly passed and carried. yl Thereupon Trustee Wyatt moved to accept the bid af the Quaker Rubber Corp., for 500 feet of Eagle brand 2$" pliable double jacket, 450 pound test hose, with 6 year guarantee 8 80g per foot, fob Edirra, Unnesota, seconded by Billson and unanimously carried. Trustee Irgens, at the suggestion of the Recorder and in order to pay Semi-annual interest due July lst, maved ta laan Joint Sewer District Eo, 1, tempararily, the sum af $500.00 from the General Buad, seconded by Wilkson and carried, Letter dated June 26, 1941, by Oscar Gaarden, concerning the matter of installing water main in WhLte Oaks Addition, was on motion lrgens, be referred to Village Attorney Holtela, seconded by Biloore and carried. Ea further business to come before the meeting, mation to adjourn carried a1 10.50 91K Village Recorder .