HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410714_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting of the Cauncil of the VLllage of Eatina, held
is Grange Hall a.~ TtaXy 14, TL941, at
8.00 o fclo,ck PIE.
The meeting was called ta srder by the Presiders;tz, the roll called and all members of the Caunciil, were present,
'Kinutes of the regular meeting of the OaunaiP he16 on June 23,
1941, and recessed partioxof June-9, 1941 meetbg af the
Cclwcilheld on June 16, 31941, and recessed portians of -the
June 23, 1941, meeting held an June 24, 3.941 and June 30, 1941. were read, President Vesterberg stated he wished to change
his vate -for Pire Dept. Pumper at June 24th. meeting, whereupon Irgelas maved the minutes be approved as read, seconded by
%Til3iacm and carried.
The MisceZlaneaus bills hayfag Been duly examined and found
ccrrrect, were on motion Willson, they be duly allowed and
ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt, and carried. They are as
f OlEcsWS :
TJpm C. Ward. Court TranscrLst $545.60
Surplus Com. Comm. Food Stamp Rev. Fuxd 833.00 Xoiat Sever District #1 Temporary laan 506.00
Rural Hennepin County
Rnma Tedman Gas for Road eC Bridge 22.37
Richfield Yard, Inc. Cement &Expo joints 43.30
Glacier Sand & Gr Co Sand &Road gravel 82048
Dale Green Road gravel 142.80
City of Einneapolis Pire Dapt, service 17.34
Qscar Raaerts & @ai BHaterials Sidewalk oonst, 14.63 Blackburn Bickels Sath Premirms. Qmg. insurance 321.44
June garbage cal€ectlonadispasa3. 86.05 Arthur Petersen Rural Hemepin County
Submaan Hennepin Co.uEzity Relief Board June direct relief 339.42 Reinhard BPQS Company Repair Essch generator 5.60 H,V.Xa~an Culvert Go Road culverts 97.86 Ckarence 0. &&ten Village Attorney - June 75,OO
Village of Hapkins WA Sewing project 6.00
3J-W Bell TeXephaae 60 Telephone services 15.15 Ashlley €&oaks Police car tow 1 ,oo
PhfllLgs Petroleum Co DistilZate for R833: 16.20 VI. X. Cooper eC Sons Flowers fo.r Parks 63-00
CJ Edina Hardware Hardware=R&B supplies 17.14 rn 3. A. Danens &; Son Gas shovel eC truck rental- 4 Grove Street extension 629,42
George Shi3;sorr Truck hire (for WA) 84 83
Thampson Lumber Co Lumber far R@3 42,. 02
Land ers -Eorblom-Chris t
ensen Company Cement Tar sidewalk const. 14.82
Co-operative Seed
25 . 50 Exchange Sadium Chlorate
T. W. Rosho1-b Campany Raad grader blades 34.20
P. B. EcGowan Road gravel 15.50 Jay 7;J. Craigg Company
816.00 road oil .
E. V. Harris Gas & oil for Police & R- 182 * n
33. IT. BradXey EngLrieerir-g fees per itemised
h verified accoi2nk 207.00
Hayden Eotar Company 1941 Pard Police car-per bid 376.00 Xinneapolis G.E.Co June electric service 576.78 EmeapaEis Gas Lfght Cs Gas for heat-Tool House 15.00
S. 3. Fautsckr, 85 Plumbing ihzspectians- June 121.50
Alex. Creighton Fees Bdg. hspector=June 223.65 Ben B. Moore
~ Arthur R, Ferrirm Recordfag fee easements ' 3.90 - k-
*.si&pf.us Gam Comm. June service 37.44 I
4 Dl W. E. Ziegler Campany Tractor par.t;s & repairs 86.18
Garvey Hardware Hard war e -E&€% s uFplie s 5.94
Bo,rey's Shell Station Road & Bridge services 2.00
Pwmhshing and applying
Lyle Signs, fnc Road signs 74.90
Delegate expense Vinona Canv.
League WLm. EunicEpalities 11.15 '
Read Xixed Concrete Go. =xed concrete for
Dvhg Pf eiff er Labor-Gas shovel aperator 85 .OO
s id emalk construct ion r
The Raad and Village bills having been duly examQned and found
correct, were on mo.tion Irgens, they be duly allouee and ordered
piad, seconded by Villson, and carried. They are as follows:
Carl Westerberg
Gearge A. Villson
Victar figens
A. S, Vyatt ,
J. J. Duggan Dr R. E', Erickson
T. E. Tilly
Elding Dah1
V. S. Eeydt
John 7. Lyan R. J, &&son
S. J. Ro&erts
P, DahQren
L. Storlzman
JQ~ Tracy
0, E. Spande
Ronald Part James EfcpTelLis Jwea EfcXelTis E. Eerfeld
Sam EcCready
IC. EnsXey
Albert Young
Thomas Gabel
Sihs Eerret
Carl Carlson
Ap C. Stringer
SSas Herret
__ Ben B. EToore
Re c ox der It
Trustee Trustee It
Trustee Tr eas UT er 1*
Health Officer
ViUage SrshaPl
Police Officer
Police Off icar
PaPice Officer
Street Commissioner
utmty Inan
Tractox operata2
hstf-road . eareman Truck driver
Park labor
Asst raad foreman Truck Mre 63 $1.25 hr.
Trnck hire 43 81.00 hr.
Road labor
Rad labor
Raad labar
Road labor
Road labor reeds) meeds ) Road labor
Road labor with team
Labar-R&B-VPA. ' : ".*:
EREeage ,weed inspection
$50 .00
185 .OO
168 . 75
I 35.00
30 000
180 0 00
112 000
11.35 I
It was moved by ?VilLson, that the sum of $1,000.00, heretofore
loaned from General Pmd to Sewer District No. 7, be gsgd,
seconded by Irgens and carried.
It was moved by Villaon, that the bill of S.J.Fautsch, in amount $8.00, for cleaning sewers, be paid from the Sever Rental Fund,
seconded by Irgens, and carried.
Lt mas moved by Willson, that bill of PBetcher, Dorsey, Barber,
Golieman &- Barker, in arucsunt $35.18, for legal fee in Examination
.- of proceedings and approving opinion relative Supplemental Assess- *
ment Varrants Sewer District Ho, 5, be paid, seconded by Irgens and carried,
It; mas moved by kEllson, that bill of Fletcher, Sarsey, Barber,
Coleman & Barker, in amount $25.18, for legal fee in Examinatfon of proceedings and approvug opinim reratin Supplemental Assess-
ment Warrants Sewer District Eo. ?, be paid, seconded by Irgens
and carried,
It vas moved by Irgens, that bFll of B. E. Bradley, OH account of"
&&I% .Sever-Jlistrict ?bo 1, in amaunt $300.00, be paid, seconded
~JT Qatt, and carried.
Bids as advertised for, were opened and read aloud for the furnish-
ing of approximately 185 cubic yards of 1-2-3 Ready Xixed Concrete
delivered fob job, as follows:
Landers=Eorblon-Christensen Go., C4 $?.LO cu yd less 5% cash .
Ehnesota Sand eC Gravel Go., 7.00 " tt 5% 1)
l@dern Concjcete Company, 7 .lo I' " 'I 5%
Ready E[lixed Concrete Carp., 6.73 It Eet-no disc.
Twin City Brick Company 7.35 It less 5% cash
T&erelapon FlilLson, moved to accept the bid of Einnesota Sand and
Gravel Company, Pov bidder @ $6.65 per cubic yard net delivered,
seconded by Irgems, and carried.
The matter of request by Id3.X.tm.x SEXson, for license to operate
a X car Auto Livery, next came befare the Council,
of the Police ComrrrBttee, recommended that the Auto Livery License he granted subject to af@ and all ordinances of the Village, sec- onded by Kaore and carried,
Chairman Irgens
Petition received for Curb and Gutter in Glenview Addition, where upon Trustee Tillson offered the following motion, that the Village QaunciL hear property owners on the 11th day of August, 1941, at
8.00 o'clock HE, with reference to proposed construction of Curb and Gutter in and along bath sides of the following streets and avenues within Glenview Addition, in said Village:
West 52nd Street from its intersection with Halifax Avenue
to, its intersection with Jaunita Avenue ; Jaunita Avenue from its intersection with %est 52nd Street to its intersection
with Indianola Avenue; Indianola Avemue from its Intersection
with West 52nd. Street to a pxbt approximately half way between
West 50th Street and Vest 51st Street; Halifax Avenue from its intersection with West 52nd Street to a po&nt approximately half
way between West 50th Street and West 51st Street; West 51st
Street fromits intersection wikh Halifax Avenue to its inter- section with Indianola Avenue; and West 51st Street from its
interseotian with Juanita and Vesterly to the termination of
said street; and the Clerk is directed to publish notice of said hearing in the official Village paper for two (2) weeks, 8.
The mo.tion was seconded by Trustee Irgens and carried.
Petitiama vas received from 10 of the 13 property owners affected
for sanitary sewer in and along Brookside Avenue, from West 44th Street to West 48th Street, whereupon Poore moved the petition he accepted and referred to Sewer Committee, seconded by Irgens
and carried,
Ashley Brooks appeared before the Coukllcil with reference to being granted license to operate Taxi-cabs at West 50th Street and
Halifax Avenue, previously referred to this meeting of the Co.unci1.
After discussion Chairman Irgens on behalf of the Police Committee
maved to set the matter over to the first reguPar meeting of the Council to be held on August 11,$941, and that temporary permit
be accordingly extended thereto, seconded by Villison and carried
A..H. Geis, 5720 France Avenue, presented pe-hiticm signed by
four (4) property owners for installatian of sanitary sewer in
and along Brance Avenue, extending Sauth from main trunk line
sewer to West 58th Street, petritin and refer to Sewer Comaittee, seconded by Irgens and carried Whereupon Xoare, moved to accept the
Er So S. Thorpe, appeared before the Caluncil, to advise he would
pay cash for cost of ailing the alley in Block 16, Brown Section, Couatry Club District, and referred to Road 2% Bridge Cammlttee.
H. A. XcDanielasked permissian for Narthern States Power Company
to trim trees on Eden Avenue and Kapkins Road on account of adding
a new phase cable to present high line. maved to grant the request subject to all. work be done'under the supervision and with approval of Billage Street Commissioner, sec-
oaded by Irgerns, and carried,
After discussion, Xoore
Er Daiuglass Reese, re-submitted proposed plat of Southridge Addition.
Whereupon PiLllage Attorney Holten advised the Council of easements
which had been granted in the deeds,
moved that the plat of Southridge Addition be accepted subject to satisfactory drainage easements affecting any neighboring property
in the cxpinian of the Village Attorney and that the President and Recorder be authorized and empowered to sign and seal for and on
behalf of the Village Council, seconded by Noore, and carried.
IVk Ben Parks and his attorney Harf GoveL1, appeared before the
Council to request that the Council direct the Cauntry @Lub Dist-
rict Service Company extend water mains in the Hansen and Parks
Golf Terrave Heights Addition, which on motion Eoore, be referred to Village Attorney, seconded by Irgens. The roll upon being called found five (5) ayes and no (0) nays, and so declared unan-
imoulsy carried
After discussion kgeng, I
Nessrs Parks and Covell, also requested that steps be taken to
install sanitary sewer in Golf Terrace Heights Addition and mece advised the matter mas in the hands bf the Village Engineer,
Eids for a total of approximately 57,000 feet of lumber for
sewer sheating and bracing, having been previously rejected on two occasions because of but 1 Bid having been tendered, next
eagle before the Cauncil for consideration, aith a bjLd from
C. 3. Ashton being offered and opened on advise of the Village Attorney .
% In response to advertisement for bids, C, 3'. Ashton, bid as
faUavs vith Performance or Bid Bond in a3noun. $500,00 accomp- anying bid; ,
40,000* BE Sheating &Bracing to consist of
2x8 )s, 4x8 ?s. and 6x8's of #l lhrtherD Pine ,
Rough Green 0 per ELtBTs $36.00
17,000r BU 3x12 x 16 Pine or Hardwood
0 per TIBE $36.00
Deliyered fob Sewer job less 2% if paid at
first regular meeting of the CcEunciX following delivery.
The Village Engineer advised the Council, that construction of
the sewer vas being delayed on account of not having snfffxient
skeating and bracing, whereupon \7illson moved that the bid of
C, P, Ashtan, be accepted for such part or portions as needed, seconded by Eoore. The roll upon being called found Irgens,
VilUon, Eoore and Westerberg, voting in favor of the motion
and Zyatt, vating no and so the matian was declared passed and
adopted, + It vas maved by Xoore, to refer the matter of hearing on the
proposed extension of %est 74th Street, referred to as the
9emey Hill Roadtr located ih Section 8, Township 116, Range
21, to the regular meethg of the Council to be held on July
28, 1941, seconded by Irgens and carrfed,
l!k 2, J, Ecklund, resubmitted g.uryepm*s.-,proposbd plat of vk&te
Oaks, 6th Additian, After discussion Yi1aScm rrroved that the
proposed plat be accepted subject to easements being granted the T&IAage of Ed-, regarding stalrm or scrface vater drainage and
dksposaE and especially coacernbg Lot 2, Wte Oaks 3rd Additfan,
EngTneer Bradley and approved by ViLllage Attorney Halten, to
pravlde for perpetual righk to drain and/or discharge storm water thereon, with the President and Recorder thereupan being duXy
autharized aYtd empowered to sLgn and seal for and an behalf of z ,* the FLlIlage Cauncil, seconded by Irgens and carried.
It was moved by Home, that VilSage Engineer Bradley and FllLPage Assessar Crefghtan, be authorized and empowered ta prepare Assess- ment roll cavering costs of water main installation in and along f7aoddale, Kellogg, Oakland, Broakpien, Park and Vest 56th Streets in area banded by Vooddale, Best 54th Street, Park Place and West 56th Street, seconded by Irgens arid carried.
*t and Lot *Att, lrllrite Oaks 6th Addition, as recommended by Village
*. *
~ .-
Trus-tee Irgens offered the foUawing Resolution and moved its adogtion :
'E7HEREAS, a petition in wrfting reqnesting iznprovement
of Iudianola Avenue has been duly filed nith this Camcil, signed by owners of more than thirtydive (35$) pes cent
in frontage of the real property abutting on the portion
of said street hamed in said petftion as the locatfon
for said improvement; and
VHERBAS, the Village Cauvlcil has met the time and place specified in a notice to all praperty owners whose property
is liabXe to be assessed far said improvement, published in The Hemepin Co~MylBe~Lea on June 26th and July 3rd, 1941,
hws heard all gersons interested, and determined the necessity for the improvement petltihoed for; naw,
BE IT RES'OLJIED, by the VilSage Council of the V2lfiage af Edha that the -petition altowe described is hereby determined to havie been sbgned by the required percentage
of owners of property affected thereby; and
'BE IT BTJRTEJB RE3'OLTFEDY that Indiansla Avenue be improved between its i?reersection wtth West 50th Street-and Vest
51s€ .SZlreet, In 'said VBlBage, by the canstructicm af Curb and Gutter in and abng bath sMes of said street between 3' *:
said intersections ; and
BE IT PURTHER RESOLXED, that said improvement is to Be made in accardance with standard specificatFans for Curb and Gutter naw on file with the Clerk, and that the &%or
shaltp be furnished by the Worb Progress' Administration
IS the United States as America; and theid3Lerk is directed ta prepare and insert in the afficial! paper an advertisement
for bids to be agened on August 11, B941, far the materials required.
The motian to adopt the resolution was seconded by Trustee Vi3llson and the vo;t;e was upon the wherein there were five (5 7 ayes and Xa $0) nays, and so the resol- uticm was deckred duly passed and adopted.
uestion of the adoption or" the resolution
Village Clerk and Recorder
After discussion, Recorder Maare, moved that the Vfklage &mnofl
hear property owners on the 28th day of July, 1942, at 8.00 atc8trck
SOX., wLth reference to the proposed extension of VKLXage water
mains in the streets and avenues in Golf Terrace Heights Addition,
Hemepin Gamty, iUmesota, accordhg to the pht thereof or? file and &.record iii the aiffice of the Regfster of Deeds in and far
safd County and State, described as follaws:
BE and along Normandale Boulevard, also known as State
Eighway No. XOO, commencing at i%s intersection. with
Golf Terrace and extending southerly to fts intersection
with Vind Road; in and along Lakeview Drive, commencing
at its intersection with Golf Terrace and extending
southerly and easterly to Lexington Avenue, thence Northerly and Vesterly to its intersectlan with Golf Terrace; commencing at the bztersecti.orr af Unity Avenue and Lakeview Drive and extending southerly along Unity Avenue to its intersection
with :End Raad; cormnencimg at the jhtersect%on of WaodMll
Road and Woaddalle Avenue, theme westerly aXoq fffoadhill Road to its intersection with Eakeview Drkve; and that the Clerk
'be directed to pubJl%sh notice of said hearwg in the official Village paper for at least two (2) weeks the last of which
publication to be noit leas than three (33 days befoTe said
heas ing .
The moticm was s econded by Trustee Srgens, and carried witbut
dissenting vote,
Xa- further business to come befare the meeting at this tink, the President declared the meeting recessed subdact to the call of
the President
I x
Village Recorder