HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410728_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, hela in Grange Hall on July 28% 1941, at 8eOQ o'cIOO~ 2oEa The meeting na~ called to order by the fresid.eIit, the roll. called all members of the Council mre present, Ersu-tes of the regular meeting of the Council held- on July MS LMl, and recessed portiorm of the same raeeliag duls held on July 2lP ELtl, were read, Gn motion X~~OPTB~ they be approved as re&, seconded by Tillson and carriecic R dalegation of older boys headed by Don Ovexholt, appeared to ask assistance of the Council. in providing a ski Jmq vhich vould he open to Village vide activities, After discussion ~en%ers of the Council volunteered- to help in r&al",erer nay possible lkmskrc?,lL Sbilsoon, appeared with reference to his application for license to opzrate an Auto-livery in Edina, advising that he had abtained the necessary insurance. Thereupon Village Attorney Holten stated the insurance was in order on basis of $6G10,00OO personal injuries liabi1ity and. $5 90000 personal. property rjarazlge, nheraupon Chairma Irgems moved 'chat the ord- iama governing same having been coraplied. with9that license be granted tu %%:shaL1 Shilson -to operate Tillage of Xdinz, for period beginning of this date and ending :arch 51, 1942, upon pzpere-;; of license fee of <f5000, secou6e.d by PSoore, and carried-, Auto-Livery in the ik Prentisa, advised the Council of needs covering the road- cukert at Ralifax A~enue and. Tlest'52ndo Street and that t'lzese TIZS excessive speeding along Halifax Avenue II .chicEr 17as referred to Road. and. Bridge and Police Conmittees, hrsualret to notices published! in the He-inegirm County Eerie.;., hearing ms bad upon the question of extencling BiL'kage mter mains in Kanserr and TarIats Golf Terrace Heights Addition, as more fully described in safd ITotice. Ellr Co 21. Hansen and his at-borney, appeared and objected -%o the Village proceeding with the installation of said;, vater mains and thereupon LIoore motred that considerztion of the matter be continued to the remlar meeting of the Counc51 to be held. on August 25, 19~21~ motion c vas seconded Fry Irgens aad carried. unanimously, s@ The matter of installing sanitary severs in Golf Terrace HeightB Mditfon rms discussed. and the Recorder asked Lk Hanscn if it vas e:ipec.i;eCt that all costs for same would be assessed against the benefited property, I& ETartseEO s reply vas "Yes Trus.F;es Ir~ens thereupon moved. that the Village Engineey and the Sever Comittec, be requested to hurry the installation of sanitary sever in Sever DisQrict Do, 9, all possible, seconded by Xoore -p*!,'\* a,nd carried. Ik C, 13, T.!'ilkensonr, appeared before the Courtbil, to request that imediate steps be taken to clean up the Uihl Pond by removing 17eeds and. green scume After d-iscussion, it mas agreed that the Rostd Ec Bridge Committee mould apply sufficient copper SUI- phate to remow the scum at an early date, vhicki vas satisfackory, Ur Bo To Land, conferred TrJith <&he Council relatiw to installation of sstnitarymzer in area Borth. of Yeat 49th Street vrktich vas re- ferred. Lo Village Engineer and Road- & Bridge Committee, I& Herbert Bloomberg, requested certain road rrork and graiairrg be done Colonial. Grove Addition roads, ~ich vas rererred to tbe Road & BRidfie Committee, Petition representive of magority of frontage on Halifax live received for road oiling, vhich. on motion Coore, be accepted and referred to Road ?a Bridge Committee for execution, seconded by fiyatt, and carried, It mas moved by ';Tillson, that the Recorder be requested to sign application for gas mimice for caretaker's house on Tillage Tool House premises, seconded by LIoore and carried, Communication read on behalf of WA advising Village to procure liability and property damage insurance on Village aimed 15-33 Erie-Bycrus gas shoveb and 2 air compressors, vas referred to Trustee Irgem to execate and procuree The Fresident reported that the $ire rragon v'ich the Flow Citg Body Gorp,, m,s loaning the Village .anti1 arrival of plev fire department pumper, would be delivered uithin the next dzy or tvo 0 - It vas moved By Eloore, that hearing an the Derey Hill road Zocated in Seotiozz 8, Tomship 3'169 Range 21, be referred to %Ere regular meeting of the Council to be held on At~gust 259 1941% secpnded 'by Irgensp and carriedo Communication by the Normandale Clubp, pe$f.fiianlngliiose mcder&Ze speeds ox Highmay ITo, 100, vas on motion Koore, be received and referred to State Highmay Department 175th request the pat- ition be concured in, seconded "$at% and carried, . - RESOLUTION FIXING COST OF SIDEG'dALI(: CONSTRUCTION - \YEST 50th Street - Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: IJHEREAS, the Village Council heretofore duly adopted a resolution order- ing sideualk to be constructed on the south side of Mest 50th Street, from the terminus of the then existing sidevrdlk immediately west of Halifax Avenue, to Arden Avenue and Rest 50th Street, vrhich resolution vas duly served on the owners of property fronting on said portion of said street; and I'WEREZCIS, said siderralk vas not constructed by the property owners xxLthin the time therein provided - namely, February 28th, 190; and lrJHEREAs, the Village Council of the Village of Edina authorized and directed the construction of said sider.ralk in accordance uith standard specifications for Village sidewalk heretofore approved by the Village Council, the expense of the material for which has been paid out of the general revenue fund of the VillageL and the labor therefor 17as furnished by the Vorks Progress Administration of America; and I$-, said sidewalk has been completed within thirty (30) days prior hereto; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that sad sidex~alk is hereby accepted and the assessable cost thereof is determined to be $317.99. The motion to adopt vas seconded by Recorder Moore, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. - Village Clerk - - RESOLUTION SETTING SIDEV.JALK ASSESWNT HEARING -- Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOL"P,D, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina, will meet at Grange Hall, corner of Eden Road and Highway No. 100, in said Village, on the 11th day of August, l94l, at 8:OO o'clock Po E-, and hear testimony of all persons interested or affected, and ascertain the amount of benefits to property fronting upon the south side of West 50th Street, from its intersection with Arden Avenue and easterly to the easterly line of Lot 3, Block 2, Stevens 1st Addition, for construc- tion of sidewalk dong said street. BE IT FURTHER RESOL9ED, that the names of the owners of all lots, part of lots and parcels of ground fronting the street where said sidewalk has been constructed are as follows: --NAUE OF OI'JIVER- . -LOT AND BLOCK- -ADDITION- Henrietta A. Varnholt \Vest 60 feet of Lot 2 and East 10 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, Stevens 1st Addition C. J. Danens Po A. Nord Ralph We Cove11 Columbia Paving and Side- walk Company, Ralph vi. Cove11 IV. M. Halvorson Vest 70 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, Lot 1, Block 2, West one-half of Lot 2, Block 2, . East one-half of Lot 2, Block 2, Lot 3, Block 2, Lot 1, Block 3, Stevens 1st Addition Stevens 1st Addition Stevens 1st Addition Stevens 1st Addition Stevens 1st Addition Bruc ewood Addition The motion to adopt was seconded by Reoorder %ore and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. ATTEST 2 . - Village Clerk - -FESOLUTIOX SETTING ASSESWENT HEARING ON UATER MAIN EXTENSIO?J-- Trustee Irgens offeredthe following resolution andmoved its adoption: I’MEBEQS, pursuant to resolution adopted by the. council a contract has been let forthe furnishing of allmaterials, necessary tools and equip- ment and the performance of all work and labor for the construction and installation of water mains in and along Wooddale Avenue, commencing at the intersection of I’looddale Avenue South and Best 55th Street, and ex- tending southerly along Wooddale Avenue to its intersection with West 56th Street; commencing at the intersection of Kellogg Avenue and West 54th Street, and extending southerly along Kellogg Avenue to its inter- section with Vest 56th Street; commencing at the intersection of Oaklam Avenue and West 54th Street, and extending southerly along Oaklarm Avenue to its intersection vrith West 56th Street; commencing at the intersection of Brookvien Avenue and West 55th Street, and extending southerly along Brookview Avenue to its intersection with \’?est 56th Street; and in and along Park Place, a street laid out uithin said Village, commencing vdth its intersection with West 55th Street, and extending southerly along said Park Place to its intersection vith West 56th Street, commencing at the intersection of Wooddale Avenue and West 56th Street, and extending easterly along said Yiest 56th Street to its intersection with Park Place, commencing at the intersection of Oaklawn Avenue and I’lest 55th Street, and extending easterly along Vest 55th Street to its intersection riith Park Place, and the Clerk, with the assistance of the Village Engineer, has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improve- ment against every lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon such improve- ment, as provided by lam, which proposed assessment is now on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the said vork of improving said streets is hereby accepted, and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in The Bemepin County Review that this Council will meet on the 11th day of August, 1941, at 8300 olclock P, H., at Grange Hall, the regular meeting place of said Council, to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said im- provement is determined to be $22,m0LO. The motion to adopt mas seconded by Recorder Moore, and the vote 17as upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein therenere five ayes, and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. - ATTEST: 2 Village Clerk - \ --RESOLUTION CONSOLIDATING VARIOUS I;rAT.lB,MAD? EXTENSIONS IN I’JATEXUXIN IMPROVEKEXT NO. 1 - Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: VHEFBAS, the Village Council did, on the 13th day of January, l9l+l, under- take the installation of an extension of watermain within the Village, in and along I’iooddale Avenue, commencing at the intersection of Wooddale Avenue South and Golf Terrace, and extending southerly to the intersec- tion of Wooddale Avenue and West 55th Street; and that thereafter, on the 1st day of Bay, 190, said Village gave notice of a hearing, by publication of a notice in The Hennepin County Review on said date, that said Village would consider a proposed extension of Village watermains in and along Wooddale Avenue, commencing at the intersection of Wooddale Avenue South and West 55th Street, and extending southerly along Vooddale Avenue to its intersection with West 56th Street; commencing at the in- tersection of Kellogg Avenue and West 54th Street, and extending southerly along Kellogg Avenue to its intersection with West 56th Street; commencing at the intersection of Oaklawn Avenue and lest 54th Street, and extending southerly along Oaklawn Avenue to its htersection with West 56th Street; and commencing at the intersection of Brookview Avenue and West 54th Street, and extending southerly along Brookview Avenue to its intersec- tion with West 56th Street; that thereafter, on the 15th day of May and the 22nd day of Uay, 1941, said Village gave notice of a hearing, by publication of a notice in The Hennepin County Review on said dates, that said Village mould consider the proposed extension of Village watermains in and dong Park Place, a street laid out within said Village; that thereafter such proceedings were had that it was determined necessary to proceed with the extension of said watermains; and WHEREAS, the first named project was completed and an assessment therefor duly levied against the benefited property,.on the 26th day of May, 19Q9 bu'r, the Certificates of Indebtedness to reimburse the Village for such e,upenditure have not been sold; and 7iJHEREAS, the two projects next in order hereinabove named are in the , process of being completed, and that all three of said projects are adja- cent to each other aad can be more economically completed if consolidated and joined as one project; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that said projects hereinbeforre so named be, and the pro- ceedings therein hereby are, consolidated pursuant to Chapter 156 of the Minnesota Session Laws for 1939, into one project which shall be known as Watermain Improvement No. 1; and that all subsequent proceedings shall be conducted in all respects as if such various separate proceedings and projects had originally been started under one probxding. The motion to adopt was seconded by Recorder Moore, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution %vas adopted. ATTEST z - Village Clerk - At 12030 AE. the President declared the meeting recessed, to meet again at the same time and place on August 4, B941p at, 8*00 orclock PUO Village Recordero