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Dnutes of the regular meeting
crf the Council of the Village
of Edina, held in Grange Hall on
August 11, 1941, at 8:OO d'clock
' The meeting was called te order by the President, the roll
' called and all members of the Council vere present.
Einutes of the regular meeting af the Council held on July
28, 1941 and recessed portions of the same meeting held August
4th and August Sth, were read. On motidn frgens they be approved
as corrected by inserting "April 24th and" at the end af second line from top of page 195, seconded Ylillson and carried.
The miscellanous bills upon being duly examined and found
' correct, sere on motion Willson, they be duly allawed and
* ordered pid, seconded by IVyatt and carried. They are as
follows :
Xinneapolis G, E. Co, July service $ 591.28
Geozge Shilson Truck hire 119.60
Einnesota S.&G, Co. Concrete '119 , 50
Graybar Electric Co. Electric supplies 11.4'7
Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Road Gravel 93.32
Warner Ear dmar e Lawn hose 11.50 Land er s , Ndirblom ,
Christensen Coo Brick PC limeate 14.07
Hennepin Caunty Reviev tp no.tices & forms 16.55
Edina Hardwar e Hardmare R & €3 supplies 27.32
Ready Eked Concrete Gal. Concrete 214.13
Thampson Lumber Co:. lumber 17.57
17. H. Ziiegler Co. Tractor supplies 133.95
Oscar Raberts & Co. Sand 2.81
Cauntry Club Floral CQ, Plovers far parks 6.00
City of Xinnea-rJoJ.is Fire Dept, service 8.67
Lyle Signs &c. Road signs 59.40
Arthur Peters en Garbage collection 385.35 Rural Hennepin County
Surplus Comrn, Cam. August service 31 , 58
Village of Hapkias VPA sewing project 5.00 Clarence Q. Holten Village Attorney-July 75.00
Emma Tedman Gas fur R, &Bo 12 . 94 Suburban Hennepin County
League of Ennesota
Dole Green Road gravel 205 . 70 Phillips Petroleum Cs.
Alex Creightan Bdg . Inspector -Jury 170 . 00
John J. Duggan Plowing & harrawing 3.50
Gardner Hardware Cot, Balance Overhead-door cantrack-TooX House 108.00
Dauberg Bras, Inc. Repairs Police car &
Pord truck 5/1/40 to
6/25/41 151.99 '
S, J, Eautsch Plumhing hspe ctor - Ju7_y120 ,OO
E, V. Harris Gas & Oil Police car
and Road & Bridge-July224.30
Jay C7, Craigg Co. 25400 gals, road oil
and C/B asphalt furn-
ished and applied to
village streets 2172,OO
Henaeph County Review Published natices 45.68
Relief Board Direct Relief- July 295052
Eunicipalities Eembership dues '70,OO .
Distillate 14 040
ET-V Bell Telephone Co. Telephone 'v'&, 1666 14.05
Total s .
. .'F
fay*- ,. -... ..
The Village &Road Crem Pay roll upon having been duly examined
and found correct, were on motion Willson it be duly allowed
and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried, as follows:
Carl Vesterberg
Ben B. Moore
Gearge A. Willsan
Victor Ii-gens
A, S. Wyatt Jaw 3. Duggan
Dr. R. F. Ericksan
T. E. Tilly
Helding Dah1
W. S. Heydt
John V?. Lyan
R. J. Johnson
S. J. Roberts
P. Dahlgren
L. Stslgman John Tracy
Ranald Part Q. X. Sgande :
James EeNeLlis James McSellis
M. Merfeld - -%
Sam NcCready H. Ensley
Albert Yaung Silas Herrett
James Bowes
Silas Herrett
Carl Carlsom
Thamas Gabel
A. C. Stringer
Pres id ent -Augus t
Trustee Treasurer Health o:ff icer
Village Narshall
Police Officer
Police Officer Police Officer
Street Commissioner
Utility man
Tract or Operator
Asst Road foreman
Truck operator
Asst mad fareman
Park labor
Truck hire 8 $1.25
Truck hire @ #l.OO
Road labar
Road labor
Raad labor
Road labsr
Road labolr
Raad labor
75 miles use auto, @ 5g Raad labar with team
Road labor
Labor R.833. - WA
$ 50.00
30 .OO
185 . 00
160 .OO
180 .OO.
145 .OO
135 .OO
135 . 00
125 . 00
. 3.75
160 000
145 000
Total # .
Trustee Willsan affered the following resolution and moved its
adaption :
\&TERAS, the Village Council has met at the time and place speci-
fied in a resolution adapted July 28th, 1941, and which was duly
served upon the owners of progerty fronting en the sidewalk
constructed on the south side of Vest 50th Street, from its
intersection with Arden Avenue to the east line af Lot 3, Block
2, Stevens 1st Addition, and has heard all of the testimony
offered by ar on behalf of the persons interested or Etgfected
by the construction of said sidewalk; now, therefore,
BE LT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,
that it herebey determines that the amount af benefits caused by
said camstruction, toc each lot, part of lot, or parcel of ground
fronting on the portion of the street where such sidewalk was
canstructea, constructed, are as fsllo.as 2
Henrietta A. Varnhalt ‘Yest 60 feet of Lot Steyegs 1st $ 38.50 2, and East 10 feet AdditLon
of Lat 3, Black I,
G. J. Danens
P. A. Nard
West 7Q feet af Lot Stevens 1st 38.50
3, Blo.ck I. Addit ion
Lot 1, Block 2, Stevens 1st 44.00
Add it ion
Ralph W. Cave11 Vest one-half of Stevens 1st 22.00 Lot 2, Black 2, Add it ion
ColimbXa3%mhg and East one-half of Stevens 1st. 22.00
Sidewalk Company Lot 2, Black 2, Addition
1 Ralph V. Cave11 Lot 3, BLock 2, Stevens 1st 66.34 Addit ion
86.65 V. E. Halvorsan Lat 1, Block 3, Br uc en0 od Addition
BE IT FURTHBR RESOLVED, that there is hereby levied against each
lot, part of lot and parcel of ground above described, an assessment in the sums respectively hereinbefore set forth, which shall be
a charge against the same and, as in State, County and Village
taxes, payable in three (5) installments, the first of nhich
shall be due concurrent with taxes collected in the year 1942.
The mation to adopt vias seconded by Irbens and the vote was upon
the question of the adoption of the resolution., mherein there
mere five ayes and na nays, and sa the resolution mas adapted.
! Preside'nt of the JjXki5a Village Cauncil
Edina Village Clerk
Er. Lmott, 4609 Arden Ave. advised the Council he cansidered the
stoxm sever catch basin in front his premises as inadaqute as
water collected during a heavy rain. After discussion the matter
was referred to Village Engineer and Road and Bridge Committee
for report and recommendation.
Treasurer Duggan presented 59 Paid interest coupons of Joint Sever District ISo. 1 G 215.00 each in total amaunt 5885.00, Which
were placed in Village safe.
Bill af L. E. Sterling in amount $108.94 for damages to automobile
on July 15, 1941 ahile driving across Yarhay and striking a hole
Bas discussed, ahereupon IItaare moved the bill be disallowed for
reason Village vas not liable, seconded 'Jillson. The roll on
being called found Irgens, Billsan, Uoore, and Vesterherg voting
in favor of the ma-tian and Trustee Tlgatt voting no, vhereupan
the President declared the motion duly carried.
Trustee Irgens offered the folloging resolution and moved its
adoption :
.. - __.
BE IT 13.EJ0L~13, by the Village Council of the village of Edina,
that the President and Clerk are directed and empoaered to execute Appeal Bond in the case of Country Club District Service
Corporation V. the Village of Edina, in the mount of '?500.00,
and to secure the same from standard Accident Insurance Company
of Detroit , Ilichigan; and to execute application therefor, and
indemnity agreenent running to said Company.
The motion to adopt 17as seconded by Trustee 'Jillson, and the
vote \vas ugon the question of the adoption of the resolution,
vherein there vere five ayes and no nays, and sa the resolution
mas adoQted
President of Xauncj3/
Village Clerk
Trustee Willson offered the folloming resolution and moved its
adopt ion.:
':JHERAS, a proposed assessment $or the cost of improvement in and
along *dooddale Avenue, commencing at the intersection of Vooddale
Avenue South and Jest 55th Street; and extending southerly along
tlaoddale Avenue to its intersection with 'Jest 56th Street; corn-
emcing at the interseetian of Kellogg Avenue and Vest 54th Street,
and extending southerly along Kellagg Avenue to its intersection
with West 56th Street; commencing at the intersection of Oaklawn Avenue asd ',7est 54th Street, and extending southerly along
Oaklawn Avenue ta its intersectian mith Vest 56th Street;
commencing at the intersection of 'Brookview Avenue and Jest 55th
Street , and extending sautherly along Brookviem Avenue to its
intersection vitli Vest 56th Street; and in and along' Park Placep
a street laid out within said Yillage, commencing with its inter-
section with Vest55th Street , and extending southerly along said
Park Place to its intersection with 'Jest 56 ijtreet, commencing
at the intersection of Vaoddale Avenue and West 56th Street and
extending easterly along said 7est 56th Street to its intersection
with Park Place, commencing at the intersection of Oaklawn
Avenue and Jest 55th Street, and extending easterly along Jest
55th Jtreet to its intersection with Park Place, by the constr-
uction and installation of watern5ains in, upon and along said
streeta, has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to
public inspection, and natice has been published in the Hennepin
Caunty 3eview, on the 3lst day of July, 1941, that thia Council
pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and
this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upon the aritten objection Tiled lay
the follor7ing :
Dayton T. Kystrom He A. Besselgrave V. J. Smith Calvin 1;. Eatter nho appeared in person, with their attorney, Ehrcus C. Sundhsim,
in support of their objection; and there being no other objections
to said praposed assessment; now, therefare,
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council af the Village of Edina,
that said proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and
made a part hereof, is hereby amended by reducing said proposed
assessment from the sum of $24,679.00 to the sum of .222,211.10;
that said proposed assessment be, and hereby is, further mended
by reducing the amount set apposite each respective lot, part af lot9 piece or parcel of land described therein, by an mowt
equal to lo$ thereaf and, as sa mended, said proposed assessment
is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against
each of the lots, parts of lcrts, pieces or parcels of land des-
cribed therein, in the sums therein respectively set forth, so
reduced as afare said, and each of said tracts of land is hereby
found to be benefited in the amaulzt of the assessment levied
against it therein, as so reduced; and
BE IT FUETKER RESOLYED, that each assessment shall be payable in
equal snnual installments extending over a period of ten (la)
years, the first to be payable on or before the 1st day of June,
1942, and all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate
of six per cent (67:) per annum. Said assessment and interest
shall be a lien upon the property therein specified, concurrent
with general taxes, as authorized by Chapter 425 of Laws of 1921,
The motion to adopt was seconded by Irgens, and the vote was
upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein
there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was
Village Clerk
Y 0 8
/ The matter of providing fire protection m.%side of the area,
served by the Uinneapolis Fire Dept. vas discussed, nhereupon
Eoore moved that the President head a committee of Council
> members to contact Hopkins officials h report, seconded by Irgens and carried.
Check in amount lf160.00 having heen received from S. I. Ryan
for payment lisence fee to operate bo177ling alley. Trustee
Irgens moved the license be granted subject to Village
osdinances governing same, and for period ending &rch 31, 1942,
seconded by ‘i7illso.n and carried.
The matter of granting Taxicab license to Ashley Brooks to
operate 4 taxicabs at Test 50th and Halifax Avenue, next came
before the Council, vhereupon Irgens moved the license be
granted for period ending Uarch 31, 1942, upon payment af license
fees and subject to all ordinances governing same, seconded
Billson and carried.
TJo further business to come before the meeting the President at
11:45 declared the meeting recessed to meet at the call of the
Village Kecurder
- ... . =_
Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
VdHBUZAS, a petition in writing requesting improvement of the
streets and avenues hereinafter set out, has been duly filed vrith this
Council, signed by owners of more than thirty-five per cent (35%) in front-
age of the real property abutting on the streets and avenues named in said
petition as the location for said improvement; and
WIEFEAS, the Village Coucil has met at the time and place
specified in a notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be
assessed for said improvement, pbulished in The Hennepin County Review on
July 24th and July 31st, 1941, has heard all persons interested, and deter- -
mined the necessity for the improvement petitioner for; now, therefore,
BE IT FESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina
that the petition above described is hereby determined to have been signed
by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby; and
BE IT FURTHER EESOLVED, that both, sides of the following streets
and avenues within Glenview Addition, in said Village:
West 52nd Street from its intersection with Halifax
Avenue to its intersection with Juanita henae; .
Juanita Avenue from its intersection ,with West 52nd
Street to its intersection with Indianola Avenue;
Indianola Avenue from its intersection with \Vest
52nd Street to a point approximately halfway betimeen
West 50th Street and West 51st Street; Halifax
Avenue from its intersection with West 52nd Street
to a point approximztely halfway between West 50th
Street and Viest 51st Street; West 51st Street from
its intersection with Halifax Avenue to its inter-
section with Indianola Avenue; and Nest 51st Street
from its intersection with Juanita Avenue and west-
erly to the termination of said street,
be improved by the construction of curb and gutter in and along both sides
of said streets and avenues. i
BE IT FUETHEB IZESOLlrED, that said improvement is to be made in
accordance with standard specifications for curb and gutter now on file with
the Clerk, and that the labor shall be furnished by the Works Progress Admin-
istzation of the United States of America. '\
The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Willson'and the
vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there
vrerc five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted.
BEN B. XOOFiE - Village Clerk --
street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that the names of the owners of all lots, part of lots, and parcels of wound fronting the street where said side. walk has been constructed are as fol- lows’ ?&?nrletta A, Varnholt-West’ 60 feet of bot 2. and East 10 feet of Lot 3. Block 1; Stevens 1st Addi- tion. C. J Danens-West 70 feet of Lot 3, Blo’ck 1: Stevens let Adrlit.inn. PI A. Nord-Lot 1, Block 2; SteV- ens 1st Addition. Rnlnh W CwolI-West one-half of Lot 2, Block 2: Stevens lst Ad- dition. Columbia Paving and Sidewalk Company-East one.half of Lot 2, BInck 2; Stevens 1st Addition. mlph W. Covell-Lot 3, Block 2: Stevens 1st Addition. W M. Halvorson-Lot 1. Block 3: I BrU&wood Addition. The motion to adopt was seconded bv Recorder Moore and the vote was u’wn the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were flve ayes and no nays, and so the resolu- tion, was adopted.
CARL WESTERBERG. President of Village COUnCll
BFN B. MOORE. Village Clerk. (July 31)
I (Official Publication) ___~. VILLAGE- OF-EDGA NOTICE OF SALE OF CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Villige of Edina. Minnesota. will meet a€ Grange Hall, corner of Eden Road and High- way No. 100, in said Village, on the 25th day of August. 1941. at 8:oO 0’- clock PI K.. :or tlie oukose of re- ._. ._ ceiving and considerini bids for the purchase of S24000.00 Watermain Im- provement No. 1‘Certificates of Indebt- edness of said Village. .SaiP Certifle
1 1941. The Village Council r,eserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to adjourn the meeting to a later date for the purpose of considering and ac- cepting said bids. Dated this 4th day Of August 1941. BT ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL,
~ BEN B. MOORE. Village Clerk.
ULARENCE 0. HOLTEN,. Village Attorney, 917-20 Plymouth Building, RUnneapolis, Minnesota. (Aug. 7, 14)
*.-. ” Sealed aroaosais will be received by
&d readv for service of a sanitam sewer in Sewer District No. 9, in Saib Village. as follows: 4770 lineal feet of 12” vitrified clav pipe sanitars sewer 8 feet to 30 deep 3115 lineal’ feet of 9” vitrified clay Pipe sanitary sewer 8 feet to
condition. All bids must be unconditional and on the basis of cash payment for material and labor. A certified check. payable to the order of the Treasurer of the Village cash or Bidder’s Bond with SUretV to be’aamoved by the Council, foi at least iS% of the am- ouBt bid, Innust accompany all bids. ID case the mcce’ssful bidder fails or refuses to enter iato a written con- tract for the perforlnakee 6f the work and the furnishmg of materials. and to give a bond as required by law. within twenty (20) days after notice of the award of the contract, the checP or deposit will be forfeited to thc Village as liquidated damages. Checke or cash of unsuccessful bidders mill *be returned after the contract ha? been awarded. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of bids, or to adjourn the meet ing to a later date for the purpose of further consideration and accepting said bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL BEN B MOORE’ -_~ __ ~ ____ Village Clerk-’ CLARENCE 0. HOLTEN. Village Attorney,
917-20 Plymouth Building, ’ Minneapolis, Minnesota.
(Aug. __ 7, 14, 21) _
Heights Addition, Hennepin County, Mlnnesota, commencing at the inter- section of Golf Terrace and Cherry Lane. theace Southerly along Golf Terrace to its intersection with Lake- view Drivcl, thenca Southerly alms Lakeview Drive to its intersection with Units Avenue; thence Southerly along Unity Avenue: to Wind Road, according to plans and speciflcacions on flle in
the office of the Village Clerk on the ‘basis of cash payment for such work.
Dated: August 4th. 1941. BEN B. MOORE, Village Olerk j CLARENCE 0. EOLTEN, Village Attorney, 917-20 Plymouth Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota.