HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410908_REGULARNinutes or" the regular meeting of the Council af the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall an September 8, 1941, at 8tOO o'clo.ck p. m. The meeting mas called to order by the President, the ralZ called and all members of the Council were pr6sent. Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held an August 25, 1941, and the recessed portion af the same meeting duly held on September 2, 1941, were read. On matian Vfillsan, they be a2proved as read, seconded by Irgens and carried. The Xiscellaneaus bills upan b.eing..duly examined and f aund correct were on mation Irgens they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by %illson and carried, They are as follows: T. V. Rosholt Ca. 1-Eadel F.lo8 Quincy air @ 174.60 Eiller Davis Co. Off ice Supplies 72.51 S. J, Fautsch 92 plumbing inspect ions Aug . 138 .OO Edina Hardware Hardware-R & B supplies 27.50 Thompson Lumber Co. lumber 23.78 E, H. Bradley Line & Grade curb-gutter 48th St. 35.00 Xinneapolis G E Co. Tool Hause, overhead, I'SPA, ornamental August service 585.87 10 . 10 J. B. Hammond Insurance premium - Ford Oscar Roberts eC Co. Sand & Gravel - 48th St. c. 8c G. 16.18 Landers XQrblom Christensen Co. R B B.- 50th and S. S. Bd. 14.82 Chas Olson eC Sons Repairs- R & B 28.12 Richfield Yard Inc. Expansion joint 21.60 Minnesota Sand & Gravel Co. Ready Xixed Cancrete 464.36 8.10 Hennepin County Review Publication-vac. street-grading Uptown Iron Store R &B 21.62 Minneapolis Iron Store Truck tire chains 68.76 1.00 HaydeYr No,t ar Cff . Lubricate Ford Arthuq, Peters on August garbage collection 388.85 Dale Green Raad sand & gravel, loading 207.60 E. TI. Harris Gas & Oil for police car, truck 160.99 Sub. Hennepin County Relief Board August orders, WA 300.52 Rural Hennepin County Surplus Cam. Conim. August service 34.22 Clarence 0 'Halten General legal services-Aug. 75.00 I!!-W Bell Tele Co. Wh. 1666 14 . 15 m Hardware Eutual Insurance m 4 Ca. of Uinnesota Premium policy 61.07 ?==?! Phillips Petroleum Co. Distillate 20 . 16 QJ! T. V. Rasholt Co. Brooms , sho.vels 15.25 Bahlberg Bros, Inc. Services to police car 9.22 Lyle Signs Inc, Road signs 20 . 49 Eugene B. Thomas Vliring comn-pressor-labor & material 14,85 Jay 17. Craigg Go. Oil 1154 .OO Hennepin County Poor Farm Service lhy, June, 8E July 138.00 Epls. Gas Light Ca. Gas- Tool House 2.98 Alex Creighton Bdg. permit fees- August . 160.70 Blackburn, f\Tictels , Butts Agency Insurance- police car eC radio 12 . 60 T. W. Rasholt Co. T~al House supplies 82 . 15 TSpls Iron store Supplies 119 . 98 Epls Iran Store Tools 25 . 50 Epls Iron Store Tools & supplies 27.14 10.17 Npls Iran Store Tools & supplies Epls Iron Store Too~k-ii & Supplies 31 . 64 Sewer Dist . No. 8 Temporary loan 300 000 Butts Agency Fire & Tornado Ins. on Tool House 175.80 compressar @ $180 less 3% # Village of Hapkins YEA sewing project 3.75 Uptown Iron Store Bsm. caal, 25 rags. 9.19 Smith Co. Insurance 30.65 Quaker RuhQer Carp. Fire hose 392.00 220 Village and payroll accounts were carefully examined and found correct, vhereupon Trustee Willson, moved they be duly alloned and ordered paid, seconded by fTTyatt and carried. They are as f ollovs : Carl Vesterberg 2res.iden.t 50.00 Ben B. Eoore Record er 90,Oo Victor Irgens Trustee 35.00 A. S. Vyatt Trustee 35.00 . " J, J. Duggan Treasurer 30.00 ~ Dr. R, B. Erickson Health officer 30.00 T. E. Tilly Village Earshall 185.00 Hilding Dah1 Police officer 160.00 - W. S, H-eydt Police off Bcer 160.00 John V. Lyon Eolice officer 160 .OO R. J. Johnson Street Commissioner 180 . 00 S. J, Roberts Utility man 145 .OO P. Dahfgren Tractor operator 145 . 00 John Tracy Truck operator 135.00 L. Stolgman Asst. Road foreman 135 .OO 0. U. Spande Park labor 125.00 RoBald Port Asst Road foreman 125.00 E. Eerfeld Road labor 109.20 Jas EticHellis Truck hire 152.50. Jas EcNellis Truck hire 48.00 E. Ensley Road labor 89 . 00 Sam EcCready Road labar 84.00 Silas Rerrett Road labor 61 . 00 Albert Young Road labor 41.00 r George A. Villsox Trustee 35 eo0 -!I A. C. Stringer KPA- R & B 25.00 .- James Bcmes Raad labar 22.00 Silas Rerrett ESilage weed inspector 10.70 TcEtal 2602.40 Bills and accounts of Vatermain Improvement Eo. 1 District, for construction, were on motion Irgens seconded by Billson, and carried, duly allowed and ordered Paid as folloss : Barnett &Record Cam 1st engineer's eqtimate $12,652.82 33. H. Bradley Engineering fees 569.00 Clarence 0. Holten Legal services 250 . 00 Eletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Coleman- eC Barber Legal opinion. 70 . 00 Total $-I 13t5&4L*e2 . After discussion, it was moved by Irgens, that, seconded by Villson, and carried, that the following bills and accounts of Sewer District 110. 8, be duly allowed and ordered paid, J, A. Danens 42 Son Shovel rental July $ 948.64 J. A. Danens & Son Shovel rental June 982.98 J. A. Banens & Son 2000 gals gasoling 300.00 E. C. Pfeiffer Shovel operator 240,66 V. H. Ziegler Co. Shovel rental 437.58 19.3.0 N. fl, Bell Telephone Go. Wa. 656'7 Total 2 , 928.96 -. .. . _- - Representives of Maegel Advertising concern appeared before the Cauncil to request permission ta install an electric sign on roof of Gregg Pharmacy building to measure 12 feet high and 85 feet long, which request was not agreeable ta any member csf the Council. 2pr. L. E. Janes requested that the old Eden Praire County Road- Barth of Eighway #169 and running East and Vest of Blake Raad- be graweled and oiled- after discussion matter was left for Recorder to take up with County officials. m,.' P. D. Austin, appeared before the Council in the matter of the Uinneapolis General Electric Company, having been merged vith the Northern States Power Company, a Uinnesota Carporation, and presented a suggested ordinance pErmitting consent of Village Council af assignment of ordinance granting permission to operate which upon being read, vas on motion Xoore &e referred ta Billage attorney for report and recommendation, seconded by Yyatt and carried . >.. .- . Village Attorney Halten, being present , advised the Council he had studied the ordinance and recommended it be passed, %hereupon Eoare offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: AX ORDINANCE APPROVING TKE ASSIGKUENT TO TTORTKERN STATES POXER COIGANY, A EINBZSOTA CORPORATION, OB ORDINANCE OF TEE VILLAGE (2%' EDINA, HENNEPIlT COTIBTY, EmESOTA, PASSED AETD APPROVED MRIL L2, 1937, GRANTIBG PEREfISSION TO THE &fIMWEAPOLIS GBHXRAL ELECTRIC COPIIPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO ERECT ENLARGE , TRANSllISSIOF LI3!BS AJ!D ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTING SYSTBI, IPTCLUDING IECESSARY POI# LINES, EASTS, VIRES AND FIXTURES, FOR THE BURNISHIIJG EITTING ELECTRIC ENERGY IHTO &ID THROUGH THE VILLAGE, AND TO USE TIE3 STFilXETS, ALLEYS AND PUELLC GROUNDS OF SAID VILLAGE FOR SUCH PURPOSES , -_ OSEMTE A3CD DllAINTkIN, IN THE VILLAGE OF EDIITA, HmSOTA, QF ELEXTRIO EKERGY TQ TI-fE VILLAGE AXll ITS INNABITANTS, AND TRANS- THE VILLAGE COUXCEG QB TKE VILIAGE OF EDINA, HENYiEPIE? COUHTY, lilINl?ESOTA, DOES ORDAIH AS FOLLOWS: Sectioii 1, WHEREAS, there was passed and approved on April 12, 1937 aniordinance of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County , Minnesota, granting permission to the Minneapolis General Electric Company, its successors and assigns, ta erect, enlarge, operate and maintain ilz the Village of Edina, Xinnescrta, trans- mission lines and electric distributing system, including necessary pole lines,.masts, wires and fixtures, far the furnishing of electric energy to the Village and its inhabitants, and transmitting electric energy intoe and through the Village, and to use the streets, alleys and public grounds of said Village for such purposes, and . . . ViEAS, there has been a statutory merger effected as of August 29, 1941, of the Ninneapolis General Electric Company St, Craix Palls Xinnesota Impravemevlt Company and Ninnesota Brush Electric Company Zato Morthern States Power Company, a Ninnesota corporation, in pursuance of Title 14 of the hTew Jersey Revised Statutes for 1937 and Chapter 58 of &sonts Einnesota Statutes, 1938 Supplement, of the State of Ninnesata, and the Ninneapolis General Electric Company proposes to execute and deliver to Earthern States Pomer Company, a Yinnesota corporation, a confirmatory assignment of the above rnent ioned ordinance , and I VHEBEAS it is deemed to be ta the best interests af the Village of Edina, that it consent to the assignment of said Ordinance refereed to above, from the Einneapolis General Electric Company to Northern States Power Company, a Hinnesota corporation, its successors and assigns, and in the manner specified in Section 5 of said Ordinance above referred to, Section 2, NOW, THEREFORE, the Village Council af the Village of Edina daes hereby approve the assignment of said Ordinance referred to above to Moxthern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, its successors and assigns, provided said Narthern States Power Company shall, witlriin sixty 160) days after the effective date hereof, file with the Village Recorder a written acceptance af said assignment, Faherein it shall agree to became subject to the terms and provisions of said Ordinance referred to above. from and after its publication as provided by lam, The motion ta adapt was seconded by Trustee Willson and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, mherein there vere five ayes and no nays and so the resolution wag declared duly passed and adopted, he"; WJ w F-4 e2 SECTION 3, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect I ATTEST : / Village Recorder 022 Y The matter of vacating all ar part af Garder Avenue as petitioned and in accord vith notice duly given, next came before the Council and mas studied by those concerned. After discussion Trustee Irgens moved that the matter of vacation of all or part of Garder Avenue be duly continued to the regular meeting of the Couriciai to be held on September 22, 1941, and that meanvhile the matter be referred to V"i1age Engineer & Road & Bridge Committee far study and recommendation to the Council, seconded by Xoore and carried. Consideration was given for bids for construction of sanitary sewer in Sever District No.. 9, mhereupon Trustee Irgens moved the matter be referred ta Village Engineer and the Council. as a mhofe for further consideration to be taken up at 8:OO olclock p. m. September 15, 1941, and that mhen this meeting adjourns it da so adjaurn until 8rOO o.lclock p. m. on September 15, 1941, seconded by Xaare, and carried. It vas moved by Recorder Noore, that the Public Examiner he requested to audit the books, records and accounts of the Village for the period Nevember 15, 1940 to December 31, 1941, seconded by Wyatt and carried. It was moved by Irgens, that Sewer District >To. 8 Bund be advanced the swn of $3000.00 from the General Pund, to be repaid on sale of Sewer District No. 8 warrants, seconded by Vyatt and carried. Trustee Nillson offered the follovcing resolution and moved its adoption: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE CFUUTING, RITORY OF A SEWER DISTRICT IN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, HE;"EpIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ESTABLISHING, AND FIXING THE LIMITS AND TER- The Village Council of the Village of Edina, in Hennepin County, Elinnesota, does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the ordinance adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on the 5th dapof August, 1940, creating, establishing, and fixing the limits and territory of a sewer district in said Village, described as Sewer District No. 8, be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Section 2. That certain real estate and territory within the corporate limits of the said Village of Edina is hereby created and established as Sewer District No. 8, and shall consist of and include the territory ana real estate lying v~thin said Village of Edina, described as follows, to-wit: z Commencing at a point in the center line of State Aid Highway No. 20 (West 50th Street) which is distant $30 feet Southwesterly measured along said center line fromthe center line of Nooddale Avenue; thence Westerly along said center line of State Highway No. 20 to its intersection vcith the West line of Section 18, Township 28, Range a; thence South along the \Vest line of said Section 18 to the Northerly line of Hopkins Road as platted in Tingdale Brothers Brookside, Hennepin County, Idinn.; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Hopkins Road to the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Block 8, Tingdale Brothers Brookside; thence North to the Northwest corner of said Lot 7; thence West along the South lines of Lots 2, 3 & k in said Block 8 to the Easterly right of way line of the Hnneapolis Northfield and Southern Railway; thence North along said railway right of way line to the center line of \Vest 48th Street; thence West along the' South line of Brookside Terrace and the South line of Clevelands Subdivision of Etmma Abbott Park to the South- vest corner of Lot 12 in Block 2 of said Cleveland's I .i.+ ' .i I 223 Subdivision; thence North to the Southwest corner of Lot 9 in Block 15 of said Cleveland's Subdivision; thence East to the Southwest corner of Lot 13 in Block 14 of said Cleveland's Subdivision, thence North along the center line of said'Block 14 and the same extended to the Southerly line of Lot 19, Emma Abbott Park; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Lot l9 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence North along the East line of said Lot 19 to the Northeast corner thereof;, thence East along the North line of Section 28, Township 117, Range 21 to the Northeast corner of said Section 28; thence South along the East line of said Section 28 to the Northwest corner of Section 18, Township 28, Range 24; thence East along the North line of said Section 18 to the Southerly right of way line of the Minneapolis & St. Paul Subur- ban Railway Co.; thence Southwesterly along said rail- way right of way line to the West line of said Section 18; thence South along the West line of said Section 18 to, the Northwest 'corner of Lot 7, in Block 3 of Country Club District, Brown Section;- thence Easterly to the Northeast corner of said Lot 7; thence Northeasterlyto the most northerly cornel of Lot 18, Block 4, Country Club District, Brown Section; thence Southeasterly to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 18; thence South- easterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 6, Sunny Slope Section, Country Club District; thence Northeasterly along the rear line of said Block 6 to the Northeast corner of Lot 5 in said Block 6, thence Southeasterly along the reas lines of Blocks 6 and 3 in said Sunny Slope Section to the most Easterly corner of Lot 9 in Block 3,of Sunny Slope Section; thence Southeasterly along the Westerly shore line of Mimehaha Creek to the point of beginning. Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County. +)* Section 3. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordin- ances and resolutions inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. m d + ex m a The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Irgens, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were ' five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. . Passed September 8th, 1941. --Village Recorder-- +. 224 1 Trustee Wyatt offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: - RESOLUTION DET-ING NECESSITY FOR EXTENSION OF YJATEFUAINS IN AND ALONG UNITY AVENUE - WEREXS, the Village Council has met at the time ahd place specified in a notice to all property owners whose property may be assessed for proposed construction of Village watermains in and along Unity Avenue, fromits inter- section with Wind Road, ad extending southerly along said Unity Avenue, a distance of 658 feet, to its intersection with Southview Lane, published in the Hennepin County Review on August 28th and September &thy 1941, and has heard all persons appearing at said meeting and duly considered said proposed improve- ment, now therefore, I . BE IT RESOLVED by tne Village'Council of the Village of Edina that it is hereby determined to be necessary to construct Village watermains in and along Unity Avenue, from its intersection with \Tirid Road, ad extending southerly along said Unity Avenue, a distance of 658 feet, to its intersection vdth Southview Lane, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is hereby determined to be necessary to construct a connecting watermain in and along Golf Terrace, from its inter- section with Cherry Lane, and southerly along said Golf Terrace to its inter- section with Lakeview Drive; that said watermain shall be for the purpose of forming a connection with the present water supply main at the intersection of Golf Terrace and Cherry Lane; that no additional water users ~~1 be served thereby, nor will any owners of any lots or parcels of land be specially assessed for the cost of said extension, other than those to r7hom "Notice of Hearing on Proposed STatermain Extension" was directed by notice published in the Hennepin County Review on the 17th and 24th days of July, 1941, and . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that B. H. Bradley, Village Ehgineer, is hereby appointed engineer to prepare plans and specifications for such water- main construction, and I BE IT FURTHER RE;SOLVED, that in contemplation of said improvement, said Bradley, having heretofore prepared plans and specifications thereof, which mere filed with the Clerk of the Village of Edina on the 8th day of August, 1941, which plans and specifications are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and specifications of said improvement, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the cost of such improvement is to be assessed against the property benefited thereby, as authorized by.Chapter 425, Larrs of 1921, as amended. The motion to adopt wes seconded by Trustee Irgens, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vias adopted. - .. ' -President of Co ATTEST: -. -Village Clerk- - RESOLUTION CONSOLIDATING VARIOUS \VATEXHAIN EXTENSIONS IN THE WATEFMAIN IEPROVEE6ENT NO. 2 -- Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: VJHEREAS, the Village Council has heretofore adopted a resolution, determining it necessary to construct Village watermains in and along the streets and avenues of Golf Terrace Heights Addition, Hennepin county, AbeSOta, Commencing - - _- _- - c -- __ - - - at-the intersection of Golf Terrace and Cherry Lane; thence southerly along Golf Terrace to its intersection with Lakeview Drive; thence south- erly along Lakeview Drive to its intersection with Unity Avenue; and thence southerly along Unity Avenue to its intersection with Wind Road, and, WHEREAS, by resolution, said Council has determined it necessary to construct Village watermains in and along Unity Avenue, from its inter- section with Wind Road, and southerly along said Unity Avenue, a distance of 658 feet, to its intersection with Southview Lane, and WHEREAS, said watermain improvement projects are in the process of being completed; and that they are joined together and form one continuous watermain, and can be more economically completed if consolidated and joined together as one project, now therefore, I BE IT RESOLVED, that said watermain extension projects, herein- before named, be, and the proceedings therein hereby are consolidated, pursu- ant to Chapter 156 of the Minnesota Session Laws for the year 1939, into one project, which shall be known as "Watermain Improvement No, 2";. that all subsequent proceedings shall be conducted in dl respects as if such various and separate proceedings had originally been started under one proceeding. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Willson, and %he vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. - PGesident OF Council// / ATTEST: - I -- FtESOLUTION RATIFYING LETTING OF CONTRACT FOR WATEXUAIN WROVF&ENT - Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. m e-3 4 WHEREAS, the Tillage Council heretofore by resolution determined it necessary to construct watermains in and along Golf Terrace from its intersection with Cherry Lane, and southerly along said Golf Terrace to its intersection with Lakeview Drive; and in and along Lakeview Drive from its intersection with Golf Terrace to its intersection with Unity Avenue; and in and along Unity Avenue from its intersection with Lakeview Drive to it? intersection with Wind Road, and, WHEREAS, on the 7th day of August, 190, notice was published in the Hennepin County Review, inviting bids for the furnishing of labor and materials fo? such wqtermain construction in and along said streets and avenues; and that bids were duly received and opened at a meeting of said Council, ddy held on the 25th day of August, 1941, and, 'WHEREAS, at said meeting, Messrs. Carl M. Hansen and Ben M. Parks, owners of the lots and parcels of ground abutting upon Unity Avenue from its intersection with Wind Road, and southerly along said Unity Avenue, a dis- tance of 658 feet, to its intersection with Southview Lane, appeared and requested that watermains be constructed along said Unity Avenue as afore- said; and the low bidder for construction of watermains in the first named streets and avenues agreed to construct watermains in and along said Unity Avenue, from Wind Road to Southview Lane, for the same price per foot as contained in its bid for the construction of watermains in and along Golf Terrace, Lakeview Drive, and Unity Avenue to Wind Road, and, I 225 $: A \DS,*a Contract was entered into on the 30th day of August, 190, between the Village of Edina and the Barnett & Record Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the furnishing of all material and necessary tools and equipment, work and labor, necessary to construct and install watermains, hydrants and fittings in and along said Unity Avenue, from its intersection with Wind Road, to its intersection with Southview Lane, for the sum of $1,&76.16, and, 7;JHEREAS, proceedings mere thereafter duly had, whereby the Village Council determined it necessary to construct Village watermains in and along said Unity Avenue, from its intersection with Wnd Road, and southerly 658 feet to its intersection with Southview Lane, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the contract so entered into, as aforesaid, be, and the same hereby is, in all respects adopted, ratified, and confirmed, and the acts of the President and Clerk in the execution and delivery of said Contract be and hereby are authorized, adopted, ratified and confirmed as the act of this Council. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee \Villson, and the vote mas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. - !President of Council/ ATTEST: I - Village Clerk - \ ..-