HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410922_REGULAR229 Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on September 22, 1941 at 8:OO o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on September 8th,1941 and September15,,1941, were read. On motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded by 'rfillson and carried. Er. Whitney representing Eiper, Jaffery and Hopwood, advised the notice of sale of Sewer District No. 9 varrants was very short and desired more time in which to submit a bid. Xoore thereu-on moved the matter of sale of Sewer District 170, 9 warrants be referred to meeting of the Couzlcil to be held on September 29, 1941, seconded by Irgens. The vote upon being taken found four votes in favor thereof and voting for the motion and one member af the Council not vojting, whereupon the motion mas declared duly passed and carried. Kessrs . Eickelsan &: Emst, appeared before the Council to recuest that Xerxes Avenue at West 55th Street be vacated, After discussion the gentleman agreed to file a suggested slcetch for future consideration. Er. Larsen and others were present concerning vacatian of Gardeii Avenue, After discussion Eoore moved the matter of vacation o'f Garden Avenue be referred to meeting of the Council to be held on September 29, 1941, seconded by Irgens and carried. r** Trustee lrgens offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : VIEREAS, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Council, Brook Avenue and ldackey Avenue have been irnproved from their inter- section with Vest 44th Street to their intersection with the boundary line of the Village of St. Louis Park by the cons- truction of curb and gutter in and along the east side of ]Lackey Avenue and both sides of Brook Avenue, and the Clerk, mith the assistance of Alex Creighton, has calculated the proper mount to be specially'assessed f,or such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement, as provided by law, which proposed assess- ment is now on file with the Clerk and open ta public inspec- t ion, now therefore, BE IT XI3SOLVED by the Village Council of the Billage of Edina that the said work of improving said streets is hereby accepted and the Clerk is directed to cause Hotice to be published in the Eieniiepin County Review that this Council will meet on the 13th day of October, 1941, at Grange Hall, at the corner of Eden Road and State Righway No, 100, at 8:OO o'clock Pea., to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be 8% ?337.85. The motion -ko adopt was seconded by Recorder Eoore and the vote mas upan the question o.f the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution was adopted , ATTEST : I Village Clerk \ Trustee Irgens offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. VEEREM, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Council, Bruce Avenue and Bruce Place have been improved in and along both sides of Bruce Avenue, from its intersection vith'Jest 50th Street to its intersection with Bruce Place; and in and along both sides of said Bruce Place, from its intersection with Brucs Avenue to its intersection mith Arden Avenue by the construction of curb and gutter in and along both sides of said streets, and the Clerk, slith the assistance of Alex Creighton, has calculated the proper mount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, pkece, or parcel of land abu-bting upon such improvement, as provided by lam, nhich proposed assessment is nom on file with the Clark and open to public inspection, nov therefore, I BB IT RE30LVE13, by the Village Council of the Village ol" Xdina, that the said vork of improving said streets is hereby accepted, and the Clerk is directed to cause Uotice to be published in the Heilnepin County Review that this Gauncil mill meet on the 13th day of October, 1941, at Grange Hall, at the corner of E'den Boad and State Highway Xo. 100, at 8:OO o'clock Fell., to pass upon said proposed assessmenti that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be 3 The motion bo adopt mas seconded'by Recorder Xfoore and the vote was upon the question of the adoptioh of the resolution, vherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. \ .. Village Clerk Trustee Irgens offered the folloving resolution and moved its adoption t 48th Street has been improved between its intersection with and the Clerk, nith the assistance of Alex Creighton, has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or gareel of land abutting upon such improvement, as provided by lam, mhich proposed assessment is nov on file nith the Clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, BE IT 17E30LvED by the Village Ccluncil of the Village of Zdina that said :7ork of improving said street is hereby accepted, and the Clerk is directed to cause Notice to be published in the Hennepin County Reviea that this Council mill meet on the 13th day of October, 1941, at Grange Hall, at the corner of Eden Aoad and State Highnay TSo. 100, at 8 rOO o 'clock p.m. , to pass upon said proposed assessmenti; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be ij449.00. .- 37IIE3ZA.3, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Council, Best F;r 0 r'rance Avenue South and Tomnes Road by the construction of .*-- curb and gutter in and along the south side of said street, ?.*- The moLion to adopt was seconded by 3ecorder Eoore and the vote as upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. ATTEST : *I , Village Clerk Trustee Irgens offered the following resolutian and moved its adopt ion : VHEREAS, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Council a con- tract has been let for the furnishing of a11 materials, necessary tools and equipment and the performance of 'all work and labor for the construction and installation of watermains in, upon and along Golf Terrace, from its intersection with Cherry Lane, and southeryl along said Golf Terrace to its interseation vith Lakeview Drive; in, upon and along Lake- view Drive, from its intersection with Golf Terrace to its intersection with Unity Avenue; and in, upon and along Unity Avenue, from its intersection with Lakeview Drive to its intersection with Wind aoad, and southerly along said Unity Avenue, from its intersection with Wind Road, a distance of 658feet, to its intersection with Southview Lane, all within the Village of Edina, and the Clerk, with the assistance o€ the Village Engineer, has calculated the proper mount to be specially assessed for such improvement, as provided by lam, which proposed assessment is now on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection, now, therefore, I323 IT RESOL-iD, by the Village Council of -the Village of Edina, that the said work of improving said street is hereby accepted and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the' Hennepin County aeviem that this Council will meet on the 13th day of October, 1941, at 8:OO o'clock 2. M., at Grange Hall, the regular meeting place of said Council, to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be $5,361.80. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Willson and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. ATTEST : Village Clerk Nessrs. Hansen & Parks and others weye preaen-6 and discussed with the Council the proposition of whether work of installing sanitary seuers in Sewer District Ro. 9 mas to proceed or not. Village Attorney Holten advised that the Council could not sign a contract until Contractor's bond was signed and mhich mould be presented at this meeting for Councilts approval. After much discussion Xessrs Hansen and Parks, advised it mas agreeable to them for the Council to sell ~$39,000.00 in Sener District No. 9 warrants and that if the costs of installing sanitary sewers in Sewer District No. 9 should be in excess of ;39,000.00 that they, Uessrs. Hansen and Parks, r310uld take up such additional aarrants if no buyer was found . The Village pay roll having been carefully noted and found correct, it was moved by Villson, it be duly alloned and ordered paid, Seconded by Tyatt and carried. D It mas moved by Irgens that checks be dravn against Sewer Rental Pund, in amounts of $356.50 and $983.94 in favor of the city of Einneapolis, per contract, %or maintenance and treatment of Ekneapolis sanitary sewers as billed August 12, 1941, seconded by Y?illson and carried. It aas moved by Irgens that check in amount of $3,102.29 be drawn in favor of City of Uinneapolis ik? payment for prorated Gortion of Semage Disposal Sydjtem Bonds & interest due July 15, 1941 as Billed August 11, 1941, seconded by Koore and carried Trustee Billson offered the ."olloming resolution and moved its adoption: l'ELEtZ&, the Council heretofore by resolution awarded a Contract to Ulderice ?&riani for the construction of sanitary sewers in Sener District 3150. 9, and said Uariani has executed a Contract and tendered a surety bond in the amount of $36,048.52, executed by ;Testern Surety Company of Sioux Zalls, South Dakota, now therefore, BE 332 RESOLVXD by the Village Council of the Village of.zdida that the bond so submFkted, having been approved by the Sillage Attorney'as to form, is hereby accepted, and the surety therm is hereby approved . The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee gyat'c and the vote vas upon the question of'the adoption of the resolution, aherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas adopted. . .. ATTEST : " -. Village Clerk Xessrs. Hansen and Parks , as omners, submitted surveyarts plot of Golf Terrace Heights, 1st Addition, having approval of TJillage Zngineer 1% Road & Bridge Committee. Jhereupon Jillsonmoved the same be accepted and approved and the President of the Council and Village aecorder be authorized and e?npoaered ko sign and seal same for and in behalf of the Village Council, seconded by Irgens and carried. aecorder Eoore offered the i'olloning resolution and moved its adoption : I I 1. The total. estimated cost of the Watermain Lmprovement No. 2 of the Village of Edina is hereby found and determined to be the sum of 35,561.80; and it is hereby determined that the entire cost of said iaprovemen-t shall be assessed against the property benefited thereby. 2, There is hereby created a special fund to be known as Tlatermain Improvement Ha. 2 2und into nhich shall be paid a11 moneys received from the assessment for said improvement and from the sale of certificates of indebtedness, as hereinazter provided, and out of which fund shall be paid the cost of said improberrzent and pincipal of and interest on said certificates of indebtedness 3. In anticipation of the levy and collection of assessments, and in order to defray the expenses incurred, and to be in- curred 'in the making of said improvement, it is hereby deter- miiied to issue and sell $5,350.00 TJatermain Improvement ITo. 2 Certificates of Indevtedness, to be dated October lst, 1941, to bear interest at the rate specified by the successful bidder, payable semi-annually, and to mature serially on January 1st in the amount OP $500.00 each year from 1943 to 1951, both inclusive, arid in the amount of $850.00 on the 1st day 02 January, 1952, it being determined that the first levy cannot be pai&before the year 1942, and that the avove is as near equal an amount as conveniently may be. 4. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed ta cause a notice of the sale of said certificates of indebtedness to be given. by publicatidn in the ofi'ical newspaper of the Village for tvwo successive weeks of a notice in substantially the i'ollosing form : iTCTIOG F3 XE3EBY GFEE, THAT, the Village Bduncil of the 'Tillage of Edina, Einnesota, will meet at Grange Hall, earner of Eden Road and Hight-3ay TToo 100, in said Village, on the 13th day of October, 1941, at 8:OO otclock PeE,, for the purpose of receiving and considering auction bids for the prrrchase of ,$5,350 'Jaterniain Impovement No, 2 Certificates of Indebted- ness of said Tillage. Said Certificates are to be dated October lst, 1941, to 'be in denominations of $500.00 each, and to mature serially on January lst, in, the amount of ;$500.00, each year 1943 to-1951, bath inclusive, and in the amount of 'f850.00 on the 1st day of January, 1952, These certi€icates are issued for the purpose of financing the cost of a '.fa'cermain Improvement in the Village, and are payable primarily from the assessments to be levied for said iriprovement, but the full faith and credit of the Yillage vi11 be pledged for their payment. Both principal and interest v!ill be payable at any suitable bank or trust company, and the Village will furnish the printed certificates and approving legal opinion of Messrs. Bletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Colman & Barber, both without cost to the purchaserc Delivery will be made on or before November lst, 1941. Certified check of 3100.00 must be deposited with the Clerk by each bidder, which will be forfeited if successful bidder fails to enter into contract. The Village Cauncil reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to adjourn the meeting ta a later date for the gurpose of considering and accepting said bids, Dated this 23rd day af September, 1941. BY OEpDEEi OF THE VILLAGE GOIETCIL Ben B. Koare Village Clerk. t The motion to adopt nas seconded by Trustee Ylillson, and the vote r;as upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, ;;herein there Bere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution gas adopted. / - President of Caunci . Tillage Clerk - Trustee :;'illson offered the folloa.,xg resolution and move' its adoption: T€€ER&~3, the Village has determined to proceed with the construction of a sanitary sever in Sewer District Bo. 9, and the contract therefor has been let; now, therefore, be it IESOLVZD, by the Village Council of the Village of Zdina, as f ollons : 1, That the cost of constructing said sever is hereby deter- mined to be the sum of 345,028.40. 2. The cost of constructing the district sewer, if used solely as a lateral, 170Uld be ') 16,001 . 53, and said mount shall be assessed against the abutting property in the manner provided for assessing lateral severs, The amount of cost, over and above the cost of such lateral sever, by reason of construxting such sever as a district sewer, is 3 9,918 .OO, and said cost shall be assessed against a11 the land in the entire sever district. The cost of constructing all lateral . seEers in said dist&ict, used solely as such, is J19, 108.87, and the same shall be assessed against every giece or parcel of land abutting thereon subject to assessment. 3. B. H. Bradley is hereby designated as Engineer selected by the Council to forthrrith calculate the proper amount to be specifically assessed against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land riithin said Semer District, in accordance nith the provisions of law. a. Then said Engineer shall have finished his calculations of the proper amount to be specifically assessed; he shall prepare and file nith the Village Clerk tabulated statement, in duplicate, skioaing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specifically assessed, and the amount he has calculated against the same, vhich shall be laid before the Village Council for approval at the nest regular meeting to be held not less than ten (10) days thereafter, and the Clerk shall cause notice of the time and .place of said meeting to be published, as required by la=. The mation ta adopt vas seconded by Recorder Eoore, and the vote gas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution Gherein there nere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted . r.- - .'* Village Clerk 23 Q5 -d Ur. J. E. Cardarelle, submitted proposed surveyor’s plot of Edgemoor Addition which mas referred to Village Engineer and Road and Bridge Committee for study and recommendation. Recorder Eoore offered the folloaing resolution and moved its adopt ion : VHEREEAS, a trunk line sewer has been constructed in Joint Sewer District No. 1, in the Village of Edina, and the cost thereof has been assessed against all the benefited property in said Joint Sever District KO. 1; and I TmtZA3, an error and mistake was made in such assessment, in that certain property in said District was assessed in an mount less that its full and true benefits and less than other property similarly situated and benefited; nov, therefore, be it ‘ RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that an error and mistake in such assessment was made, with respect to the following tracts or parcels of land: South 272 feet an ITorth 344.7/10 feet.. of YJest 347 feet af S$ of lW 2- of 1437.. except Belt Line Hi hway, four (24) ; IT* Lot Thirty-five (35), Xorth 50 feet of South 70 feet of E$,- of Lot Z’arty-six (46), that part of V* lying East of Vest 135 feet, except street, of Lot X’orty-six (46) , PTorth 66 feet of \?est 300 feet of Lot Fifty-six (56), 3outh 66 feet of Vest 300 feet of Lot Fifty-six (56), Lot Bifty-seven (57), Lot 2ifty-eight (58), I7-k of Lots Fifty-nine (59) and Sixty (60), E% of Lot Sixty-one (61), East 135 feet of Vest 170 feet of Lot Sixty-one (61), all of Auditors Sub Division No. 172 to the Village of Edina; of Section Xineteen (19f, Township Twenty-eight (28 , Range Twenty- Lots One (1) to Eight (8) inclusive, Block One (I); Lots One (1) to Kine (9) inclusive, Block Two (2); Lots One (1) to dour (4) inclusive, Slock Three (3); Lots One (1) to Eleven (‘11) inclusive, Block Four (4); Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive, Block Five (5); Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive, Block Six (6); Lots One (1) to Bive (5) inclusive, Block Seven (7); Lots One (1) to 7ive (5) inclu- sive, Block Eight (80; Lots One (1) to Fourteen (14) inclu- sive, Block Bine (9); Lots One (I) to J2ifteen (15) inclusive, Block Ten (lo), all in Golf Terrace Heights Addition, accord- ing to the plat thereof, filed in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Einnesota; Lots One (1) to Twelve (12) inclusive, Block One (1); Lots One (1) to Eighteen (18) inclusive, Block Two (2); Lots One (1 to Sixteen 316) inclusive, Block Three (3); Lots One (1 1 te IJineteen (19-) inclusive, ~loclc sour (4), all in Golf Terrace Eeights First Addition, according to the plat thereof, filed in the office of the Register af Deeds in and for I-Iennepin County, Xinnesota; VJ m. 4 Q% West 74 feet, Lot Seven (7), Block Four (41, including adjacent part of Concord Avenue heretofore vacated, Hansen 8 Parks Addition to the Village of Edina; Lots One (1) to Ten (10) inclusive, Southridge Addition to the Village of Edina; ‘i!est 60 feet, Lot TCTO (2), and East 10 feet, Lot Three (3), except road,, Stevens Birst Addition to Einneapolis. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Yillage Engineer be, and hereby is, directed to calculate the mount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece, or parcel of land hereinbefore described, to correct such error and mistake; and he is further 236 directed-to prepare and file mith the Village Glerk a tabulated statement, in duplicate, showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece, or parcel of land to be specially assessed, and the amount he has calculated against the same, ahich shall be knoan as the proposed supplemental assessment roll. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Tillson and the . vote vas upon the question of the zdoptiou of the resolution, wherein there ere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas adopted, ATTEST : Village Clerk Kessrs. Heiser, Irigary and Jeaett, advised the Council of excessive speeding on Kalifax Avenue betmeen 50th and 54th Streets. After discussion the residents or“fered to purchase slov signs ahich the Council agreed to install. The matter ~l” speeding being referred to Police Committee for attention. Er. Campbell inquired as to paving Prance Avenue from 49th ‘t;o 51st Streets and was advised this Council was ready and Tilling to proceed as soon as co-operation m&ht be forth- coming from the City of Uinneapolis. IIr. E, J. Bloomberg requested that Erookvien Avenue be cut down to grade this gall and referred to Road and Bridge Committee. After discussion it vas moved by Irgens that the action of Police Committee be concured in mherein the pay of police Offibers Dahl, Heydt, and Lyons, be set at $155.00 per month beginning as of September 1, 1941, seconded by Lloore and carried unanimously. Village Bngineer Bradley submitted plans, profiles, and specifications for the improvement of Prance Avenue mith Curb 2nd Gutter, sidewalk, street paving, vater and storm sewer connections, from North line of Jest 49th Street to extension Yesterly of South line of -;lest 51st Street on basis of 46 foot roadvay. :hereupon Irgens moved the plans and specifications submitted for the said improvement of Prance Avenue be duly accepted and the City of Einneapolis, Borthern States Poner Cbmpany, Xinneapolis Gas Light Company, I:orthvestern Bell Telephone Company, and Einneapolis Street Railway Company be duly notified of the proposed im- provement ant that they take such steps and/or make such improvements as ail1 not distrub said proposed improvements for a period of five (5) years, seconded by Villson and carried by unanimous vote of the Council, Trustee Irgens offered the folloving resolution and moved its adopt ion : .. =* BE IT RXSOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Sdina, that on the 27th day of Octoaer, 1941, at 8 oTclock p.m., at Grange Hall, at the corner of Eden Road and Highway No. 23 7 100 in said Village, the petition of Geo, Hartzell and others for the improvement of the West half of France Avenue South, between its intersection with West 49th Street and 'VJest 51st Street, by the paving of said street will be considered and acted upon; and the Clerk is directed to give Botice of such meeting, by posting of such Notice in three (3) public places for a period of not less than fifteen (15) days before said hearing . The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee 'dillson, and the vote has upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. ATTElST : Village Clerk After discussion it was moved by Villson that Sewer District No. 8 Pund, he temporarily loaned the swa of ,$500.00, to be repaid on sale of District No. 8 warrants, seconded by Lrgens and carried. It was moved by Xoore to continue hearing on the Dewey Hill road located in Sectioh 8, Township 116, Range 21, be referred to the regular meeting of the Council to be held on October 13, 1941, seconded Willson and carried, After discussion on the matter of providing fire protection under amendment to the ordi-nance dated September 12, 1941, by the Council of the City of IdIinneapolis, providing for making contracts for fire service outside 3he Einneapolis City limits and establishing a new schedule of rates to be charged therefore it was moved by &!loore, that contract and bond be continued with the City of Einneapolis as provided for period ending October 28, 1942, seconded by .Vyatt and carried. Ea, further business to come before the meeting at this the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place on September 29, 1941. Village Recorder