HomeMy WebLinkAbout19411014_REGULAREiinutes of the recessed portion of the regular October 13, 1941 meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hall on October 14, 1941, at 8:OO otclock Po 11. The meeting vas called to order by the President, the roll ' called and all members of the Council were present. The matter of purchase of a two ton truck for Road and Bridge purposes, duly referred to this meeting from October 13th meeting, first came before the Council. A representative of each of the 3 bidders appeared before the Council as follovs: Nr. Neeks of GUC, Ek. Austin of REO, and 1 XTr. Gleason of R. I?. Jones Xotor Co.. with each representative being given 15 minutes to describe, expgain, and answer questions pertaining to his proposal and with competitors excluded. After all had been heard and after discussion by the Council, Chairman Willson 03 the Raad and Bridge Committee moved to accept the bid of Northvestern Terminal, Res Eotars Division, dated October 13, 1941 far: I c- One Heavy duty Eadel 19 AHS Rea Truck, equipped vith heavy duty front axel suitable for snow plowing- heavy duty Timken 2 speed double reduction rear axle, heavy duty front and rear springs.with overloads, Large Hydraulic booster brakes. Six (6) cylinder 245 cubic inch gold cronh engine, roomy deluxe cab equipped with heater and defroster, 40 ampere generator, heavy duty battery, tow hitch, extra vindshield nippry 8.25~20, 10 Bly-first grade tires with duals in rear and with delivery inside 10 days all fob Village Tool House for sum of $1188.68, seconded by Yyatt, the vote 57as upon the question of the adoption of the motion, wherein there were four ayes and 1 nay and so \ I declared duly carried. The matter of purchase of one vay snow plov for new truck duly referred to this meeting from meeting of October 13, 19-41, next came before this meeting, vith representatives of the following bidders being present: 19r. Erickson, Northfield Iron Company, Er. Jahnsacm, To 17. Rosholt Company, I&. Olson, Chas. Olson &;Sons Ca. Aft,er explanation of bids and details of equipment offered, .. Chairman Zillson of the had and Bridge Committee moved acceptance model CH 38-9 Semi-circle Hi Speed Heavy Duty Blade Snm Plow, .*-- ~ af the bid of Chas Olson 84 Sons Company, bidding on one Keil length 9 feet, height of blade 38 inches, veight 1430 lbs. with heavy duty under frame &hydraulic jack, all fob Village Tool House and mounted on Village Truck to entire satisfaction of the Village Council GI $496.40, seconded by TXocrre and carried. Recorder read communication dated October 10, 1941, from Ers. Alice mtson, requesting a part of the Village gasoline and oil business ahich vas agreeable to the Council and referred . +I to 'Police Committee. Communication dated October 8, 1941, from '&so E. E. Sager requesting that certain road work and installation of road culvert, promised in connection aith extension of Grove Street, Right-of-may, be completed, aas read and referred to Road 8 Bridge Committee to complete. 9 I The matter of providing tracing of a Village Eap far use in vater, and other purposes vas discussed, and left for Recorder to arrange for same, aith cost of labor not to exceed $150.00 connection vith &.re areas-assessor-Road eC Bridge-Semer , -" 255 I;t; was moved by Willson, that Sewer District no, 8, be tempor- arily loaned the sum.of $750.00 from the General Pund, to be repaid on sale of Semqr District No, 8, Warrants, seconded by Vyatt and carried, Buz:ther consideration was given for estimated Village expend- . atures for ensuing year and fixing of Village Tax levy for all general Village purposes. After much consideration and dis- cusaion the amounts tentatively appropiated fair the General Bund -- - of the Village are as follows: VILLAGE 03' EDINA, MINNESOTA BUDGETS eC EXPEBSES - 1942 I- 5' I COUNCIL A - Salaries - Council 2,940.00 B- 11 5 Treasurer 360.00 c- 'R - Health Officer 360 000. D- It - Attorney 900 . oo E- tt - Assessor 1,400.00 P - Planning Expense 1,000.00 G - Special Legal Expense 3 9 500 000 H - Deputy Clerk 1 , 800 .OO $12,260.00 I1 POLICE DEPARTTdENT A - Salaries - Officers $ 8,500.00 B - Oil (4c Gas Police Car 650.00 D - Reserve for new car 500.00 C - Repairs B Greasing 200.00 E - Eiscellaneous Expense 350.00 ~~10,200.00 I11 TV GARBAGE COLLECTIORT 4 5,500.00 ET2dTZIIC SERVICE A - Street Lights - Overhead @ 5,000.00 B- t? $1 Ornamental 2,500 ,OO C - Cascade Pup D - Toolhouse & Nisc. E 500.00 150 :OO .$ 8,150.00 v PRE DEPARTUEXT! A - Service B - NevJ Equipment -3 2,000.00 29 500 000 .$ 4,500.00 $ 19~0~.00 VI PARK Bo&- ELECTTON EiLPENSE $ 1,000.00 8 1,200.00 IX REUT S 300.00 x PUBLIC TTOTLCES i; 600.00 $ 600.00 XI PRINTIXG f;: OFFICE SUPPLIES XI1 LEAGUE OF lbTIl2$3B. TL~IJHICIPALITIES 3 70.00 XI11 XIS CELLANEOUS 0 1,000.00 XIV RELIEF eC PUBLIC s;VELl?ARE A - Poor Parm .:? :r, 700.00 B - Direct Relief 8,000.00 C - Emergency 300.00 4 9,000.00 m CO2TSTRUCT IOIT tk I!UINTmMTCE A - Payroll 3 20,000.00 I3 - Road Oiling 4% Patching 4,000.00 1 , 000 00 500.00 C - Gravel D - Culverts E - Equipment Rental 1,000 .oo r' - Snon Fence B Accessories 100.00 G - Eisc. Supplies & Tools 1 , 500 .OO EI - Repairs to equipment 800.00 I - Gasoline eC Oil 1.800.00 J - Hew Equipment 29 500 e00 <$ 33,050.00 .$ 2,500.00 Grand Total '~> 90,930.00 The matter of setting the Village .Tax Levy was discussed and considered at length, the majority of the Council wishing to reduce the Village I311 Rate as much as possible, whereugon Irgens moved the Village Tax Levy for the ensueing year be set at $87,360.00, for all General Bund purposes, seconded by Eoare. The vote vas upon the question of the adoption of the motion wherein Irgens, Uyatt, and Eoore, voted in favor thereof and Vesterberg 'voted nay- Trustee Willson having left the meeting some time before the vote x7as taken- and thereupon duly passed and carried, ITo further business to come before the meeting at 12:30 the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place at the call of the President. . - 4 Village Xecorder