HomeMy WebLinkAbout19411027_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hall on October 27, 1941, at 8:OO o'clock P. X I The meeting 8as called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council mere present. fdinutes of the regular meeting of The Council held on October 13, 1941, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on October 14, 1941, mere rea&. On motion Willson they be approved as read, seconded by Irgens and carried. The 'Police &Road crew pay advances having been carefully noted and found correct, were on motion Irgens, they be duly alloved and ardere'd paid, seconded Willson and carried . After discussion it mas moved by Wyatt, that Village Engineer Bradley's estimste for final payment for costs of constructing water mains of Ylatermain Impraveinent Nm. 1, be approved, and check in amount $7866.44 be dravm against V'atermain Improvet?lent Ucc. 1 fund, in favor of Sarnett 62 Record Company and in full of all acco~nts, as per contract, seconded by Eoore and carried. It was moved by Noore that bill of B. E. Bradley in amount. '52521.00, in final payment in full for all engineering seraices of Uatermain Improvement Eo. 1, be duly allowed and ordered paid, secanded by Vyatt and carried. Trustee, Willson offered the folloming resolution and moved its ,adoption : BX IT REJOLV%DD, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,, ITennepin County, Einnesota, as folloms : 1. The Engineer heretofore duly selected by this Council for such purpose has, with the assistance oT Alex Creighton, cal- culated the proper amounts to be specially assessed for the construction of sewers in Semer District Bo. 8 of said 'Tillage, against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land nithin said disirict; and has calculated the proper amounts to be spec- ially ssaessed for the cost of securing an outlet to the trunk line in Joint Sewer District No. 1 for the sewers in Sewer liistrict Bo, 8, against every lot, piece or parcel of land aithin said Sever District Bo. 8, not included within Joint Sewer i'listrict EQ. 1, all in accordance viith the grovisions of lam, and has prepared and filed with the Villase elerk tabulated statements in duplicate showing the proper dGscription ai' each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specially assessed and the amount calculated against the same,. I 2. Xotice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council sauld meet in regular session at this time and place to pass on the proposed assessment. ' 3. Said proposed assessment has, at all times since its filing, heen open to inspection and copying %y all persons interested axid the opportunity has heen given to all interested persons to .L ix?esent their objections, if any, to such proposed assessment, or to any item thereof, and no objections have been filed. of land enumerated in said groposed assessment was, and is, specially benefited by the construction of said .sewer in 2ewe-r + District Ea. 8, in the amount in said proposed assessment set opposite the description of each such lot, piece or parcel: of land respectively, and identified upon said proposed assessiilent roll as YTo. 8", and that said amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces or parcels of land therein described; that each of the lots, pieces or parcels of land enumerated in said proposed zssessment whithin said sewer District Eo, 8, not included within Joint Sewer District UTO. I, 4. This Council finds that each of the lots, pieces or parcels ~a,s and is specially benefited by the trunk line in Joint Seqer Dis the ;r ic securinc of an outlet to Eo. 1 for the se13ers in Sever District l:o. 8, in the avount in said Froposed zssessment set oiqositE G.lle description of e~~cin such lot, piece or ysrcel of land respectively, and identified upon said pro1,osed a,nscssment roll ~s ftOutlet'f, and that said amount so set out is hereby levied againat each of the respective lots, pieces or zarcels of land therein described, not including honever, any lots, pieces or parcels of land nithin Joiht Sever District Eo. 1. 5. That such proposed assessment if affirmed, adopted and confirmed, and the SUBIS fixed and named in said proposed assess- ment are affirmed, adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessment for each of said lots, pieces or parcels of land r e sp e ct ive 157. 6. That said assessment so affirmed, adopted and confirned shall be certified to. by the Village Clerk and filed in his ofzice and shall thereupon be and constitute the special a*- aoess- Yiient for the construction of severs iii Sever District Xo. 8; that the amouizt assessed against each lot, piece or prcel of land shall bear interest from the date hereof until same has been paid, at the rate of five per cent (5;:) per annim. 7. That such assessment shall be payable in ten (10) equal annual install-raents, payable on the 1st day of June in each year, bezinnins in the year 1942, and continuing until 211 of t'ne said installments shall have been paid, each instsllwent to be collect*ed vlith t?.xes collectable during s2id year by the County Aud it or. 8. That the VillaSe Clerk is hereby directed to make up and file in the office of the County Auditor of I-lennepin County, a certified statement of the mount of all of ?uch unpzid assess- ments, and the amount nhich nil1 be due thereon, 011 the 1st dzy of June in each year. The motion to adopt as seconded by Trustee b:yatt, and the vote cas upon the cuestion of the adoption of t'ne resolution, Eherein there ':,eye five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution ;-:as ad oyt ed . After discussion, it vas moved by Xoore that the sum of :1500.00 be temporarily loaned Sener District KO. 8, to be repaid on s.ale . of h3ever District I:o. 8 T.?arran'Gs, seconded %y Ie'illson and carr ie6 . Trustee LrGens offered the folloning resolutioii and moTred its adopt ion : 'h'mG,;S, a ssui'ficient petition, signed by Geo. Hateell &rid others, :';as heretofore filed vith the Clerk requesting that JrEtiice Avenue Sou.th, betneen 'Jest 49th Street and .:est 51st Street, be iriilJroved by pavins the '.':est one-half (&) thereof, or so much thereof as is vrithin the Village of Zdina, and, 'iEEGX, a11 pro_aerty owners nhose property is liabl6 to be assessed for the makinz of such impro~ement have been giTreii (15) days posted notice of z wetins of the Council to Lake action on the making of such improvement, and such meeting has been held at the time and place specified therein, namely this gresent meeting, and property owners heard thereon; nom, there- ?ore BX IT RE3OLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the improvement requested in the petition described above, be made and that B. H. Bradley, the Village Engineer, is hereby selected to prepare plans and specifications for the making of said improvement . The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Tiillson, and the vote was upon the question or" the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vias adopted . Village Clerk It mas moved by Irgens that checks be dramn against Sever Bistrict No . 8, as follows : E. C. Pfeiffer, shovel operator $104.38 J. A. Danens 8' Son, shovel operator 876.04 5, A. Danens 6 Son, 2600 gala. gas. 390.00 seconded by '$illson, and carried. Becorder Uoore offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : EE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Xennepin County, Ninnesota, as f ollo~s o 1. The Zngineer heretofore duly selected by this Council for such purposess has, with the assistance of Alex Greighton, tal- * culated the proper ano'giits to be specially assessed as a supple- mental assessment for the construction of severs in Juint Sewer District Xo. 1 of said Village, against every assessable lat, piece or parcel of land within said District, in accordance with the provisions of law, and has prepared and filed with the Village Clerk tabulated statements , in duplicate, showing the groper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of Land to be specially assessed as a supplemental assessment, and the mount calculated against the same. 2. Eotice has been duly published, as reauired by law, that this Council xfould meet in regular session at this time and place to pass upon the proposed supplemental assessment . 3. Said proposed supplemkntal a,ssessment has , at all times since its filing, been open to Snspection and copying by all persons interested, and the opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections, if any, to such proposed supplemental assessment, or to any item thereof, and no objections have been filed. 4. This Council finds that each of the lots, pieces or parcels of land enumerated in said proposed supplemental assessment mas, and is, specially benefited by the construction of said sewer in Joint Semer District Ro. 1, in the amount in said proposed supplemental assessment set opposite the description of each such lot,. giece or parcel of land respectively, and that said amaunt sa set out is hereby levied against each of the respective . lots, pieces or parcels of land therein described. adopted and confirmed, and the SL~S f ixctfl, and named in said proposed au.pplementa1 assessment are affirmed, adopted, and con5irmed as the proper special supplemental assessment for each of said lots, pieces or parcels of land respectively, 5. That such proposed supplemental assesament is affirmed, 6 . That said sugplemental assessment so affirmed, adopted and confiraed shall be certified to by the Village Clerk and and filed in his office and shall thereupon be and coxistitute the special supplemental assessment for the construction 02 severs in Jaint ;ever District Eo. 1; that the amount assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land shall bear interest, from the date hereof, until the same has been paid,at the rate of five per cent (55) per annum. I 7. That such supplemental assessment shall be payable in eight (8) equal annual installments, payable on the 1st day of June in each year beginning in the year 1942 and continuing until a11 of said installments have been paid, each installment to be collected uditk: taxes collectable during said year by the County Auditor. 8. The TJillage Clerk is hereby directed to make up and file ~ith the office of the County Auditor of Hennepin County, a certified statement of the amount of all of su.ch unpsid supple- mental assess~aents, and the amount vhich vi11 be dv.e thereon, on the 1st day -of June in each year. The motion to adopt vas seconded by Trustee Irgens, and the vote vas upon the cluestion of the adoption of the resolution, Pherein there aere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolutiolz vias adopted. - ATTEST : After tiiscussion Irgens moved that E. C. Pfeiffer, be paid at rate 02 $225.00 per month for 44 hour seek, nith overtime to be allotTed after 44 hours for labor other than maintenance, seconded Eoore and carried . Ea further bu.siness to come before the Council at this time, the President declared the meeting recessed to meet apin .zt the same time and place on Kovember 5, 1941, at 8:oo o'clock I?. X. I Village liecorder