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Einutes of the recessed portion of
the regular October 27, 1941, meeting
of the Council of the Village of
Edina, duly held in Grange Hall on
Eovember 5, 1941 at 8:OO ofclock P.E.
The meeting vas called to order by the President, the roll called
and all members of the Council were present,
The Recorder read notice which had been sent out to a considerable number of Bond and Inv.estment Institutions by Village Attorney
Holten, for the sale of Sewer District No. 8, warrants, There-
upon representives of Thrall-West Go., J. &I. Dain & Company,
The Uilwaukee Company, Pipee-Jeffery & Hopmood , and others
advised they would not bid. ilk. Quist on behalf af E. E, 7ood
d Company, advised that he would bid and presented certified
check payable to the Village of Edina in amount of $2,660.00,
and bid par and 4-&$ interest.
Recorder Eoore offered the following resalutian and moved its
adoption I
BI.3 IT RBSOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Bdina,
Hennepin County, Einnesota, as fallaws :
negotiable coupon sewer warrants on account of Sever District Ho.
8, of said Village, said warrants to be 266 in number and
numbered 1 to 266, both inclusive; all of said warrants to be
in the denomination of $500,00 each, to bear date Xovember lst,
1941 bearing interest at the rate of 4% percent per annwn,
payable January lst, 1943, and thereafter semi-annually on the
1st day of July and the 1st day of January, in each year, in
accordance with appropriate interest coupons to be thereto .
attached, and to mature serially on January lst, in the amount of
.$13;000.00 each year, from 1943 to 1945 inclusive, from 1947
to 1949 inclusive, and 1952; and in the amount of $14,000.00
in the years 1946, 1950 and 1951.
2. Both princi@al and interest of said warrants shall be payable at Eirst Hational Bank and Trust Company of Ninneapolis,
Ninneapolis Xinnesota, Said warrants and the coupons thereto
attached shall be in substantially the following form:
1. The Village shall forthmith issue and sell $133,000.00,
I?umber . $ 500.00
The Treasurer of the Village of Edina, Eennepin County, Einne-
sota, mill pay to the bearer hereof from Sewer District Ro. 8
Fund of said Village. the sum of FrVE HUKDRED DOLLARS in any
co'in or currency vihich on the date of payment is legal tender
for public and+priaate debts on the first day of January, 194-,
with interest thereon at the rate of 4s percent per annum,
payable January lsE, 1943,, and thereafter semi-annually on the
1st day of July and the 1st day of January, in each year, in
accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the L
attached interest coupons as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at:
First National Bank and Trust Company of
Einneapolis, Einneapolis, Einnesota,
This warrant is one of a series of warrants in the aggregate
principal amount of $133,000.00, and is issued by said Village
pursuant to and in full conformity nith the constitution and
laas of the State of Einnesota thereunto enabling, including
Chapter 35, ht7s of Einnesota for 1915 and acts amendatory
thereof and supplemental thereto for the purpose of defraying
the expense incurred and to be incurred in laying se~ers in
said District and in anticipation of the collection of special
assessments heretofore duly levied against the benefited prop-
erty in said District for the construction of seBers and is
payable out of a fund designated as Fund of Sewer District
140. 8, into nhich fund all proceeds of said assessment are
required to be paid.
and things required by the constitution and lans of the State
of Einnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed
precedent to and in the issuance of this FIarrant, have been
dane, have happened and have been performed in regular and due
form, time and manner as required by laws and that this warrant
together Qith all other indebtedness of said Village outstanding
on the date named herein, and on the date of the actual issuance
and delivery hereof, does not exceed any statutory or constit-
utional limitation of indebtedness.
I It is hereby certified and recited that a11 acts, conditions
IfS VJITIESS 'dEE3EOP, the Village of Edina, Mjknnepin County,
Linnesota, by its Tillage Council has caused this aarrant to be
signed by the President of the Village Council and countersigned
by the Village Clerk and sealed lvith the seal of said TJillage,
and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and
authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and
has caused this xarrant to be dated as of Kovember lst, 1941.
President of Edina Village Council I
Countersigned :
Village ,Clerk
On the first day of January, 19-, the Village of Edina,
Hennepin CounLy, Einnesota, nil1 pay to bearer at Pirst Xfational
Sank and Trust Company of Ilfinnespolis, Einneapolis, XXnnesota,
the sura of Dollars ($ ), being the installment of interest then due on its Sewer District Eo. 8
garrant dated Xovember lst, 1941, Mo. 0
President of Village Council
Cohnt ers igned :
3, Said warrants shall be printed under the direction of the
Village Clerk, and the President of the Village Council and
Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute
said warrants and to affix the Village Seal, and the interest
coupoiis to be attached thereto shall be executed and authen-
ticated by the printed , engraved or lithographed facsimile
signatures of said officers.
4, When said warrants have been fully executed as required
by law and by this resolution, they shall be sold and delivered
to Karold E. VOOd & Company of St. Paul, Xinnesota, at par and
accrued interest upon receipt of such purchase price, and said
purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application thereof.
5. The Village shall furnish the printed warrants and the legal opinion of Eessrs. Fletcher-Dorsey-Barker-Colman 8c Barber without
cost to the purchaser.
6, Said warrants and the interest thereon shall be payable
solely from money collected from special assessments in said
District, and the Clerk and Treasurer are authorized and
directed to cause said marrants and the interest thereon to be
paid out of any moneys of the Village so derived from said
special assessments.
The mation to adapt was secanded by Trustee Irgens and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution,
mherein there mere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted ,
Pres ident -of Council
Village Clerk
Eessrs. Davenport & Jolly on behalf of the Xinneapolis Morthfield
& Southern Railway, appeared with plot and building plan for
freight warehouse building proposed for erection an Railnay
property Sou-th of Eden Avenue and Vest of the Railway Right-of- Vay, the location zoned for commercial uses. After discussion
'dillson moved that the proposed use of the property being in accord with the prescribed use under the Zoning Ordinance that
issuance of a building permit by the Building Inspector mould
be agreeable to the Council, seconded by Moore, those voting in
favor thereof being Willson, TJyatt, Irgens, and Eoore, those
opposed, Westerberg and thereon declared carried ,
Recorder Eoore requisted Eessrs. Davenport and Jolly that the proposed freight station be named r!EIDINA't in lieu of Warder
advisable by all present.
. Acres as heretofore, which after discussion was deemed
Na further business to cone before the meeting motion to
adjourn carried at 10:30 P. M,
Village Hecorder \