HomeMy WebLinkAbout19411110_REGULARmnutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on Xovember 10, 1941, at 8tOO o'clock 9. E. t The meeting vas called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council mere present, Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council keld on October 27, 1941, and recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on Xovexnber 5, 1941, were read. On motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded by ;"lillson and carried. \ The Village pay rolls having been carefully noted and found correct mere on motion Willson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by 'Jyatt and carried. They are as folloas: Carl 'Jesterberg Ben B. Eoore George A. Villson Victor Irgens A. 3. gyatt J. J. Duggan Dr. E. E'. Erickson To E. Tilly Hilding Dahl V. S. Heydt Johrr. I?. Lyon X, J, Johnson S. J. Roberts 2. Dahlgren L. Stolgman John Tracy 0. 3t. Spande Ronald Port 21. Xerfeld James EcXellis James XcXellis E. Ensley Sam EcCready Albert Qomg James Boiies J. Eerfeld A, G. Stringer Po Dahlgren Ronald Port 0. E. Spande E. Eerfeld Pres id ent Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Health Officer Village Earshall Police Officer Palice Officer Police Officer Street Commissioner Ut ilityman Tractor Operator Ass tt , Road foreman Truck driver Park labor Ass tt . Road foreman Road labor Labor with truck Labor trith truck Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor WA-R. &Bo labor 6 hrs. special police 10/31 6 hrs. special police 10/31 6 hrs. special police 10/31 6 hrs, special police 10/31 $ 50.00 90.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 30,OO 3-85 e 00 155.00 155.00 155 .OO 180,OO 145 .OO 145.00 135.00 135 .OO 125.00 125.00 99.60 - 28 75 94.00 83 , 00 105.75 48 e 00 20,oo 14.50 25.00 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 The miscellaneous bills upon having been duly examined and found correct, 7b7ere on motion Villson they be duly alloaed and ordered paid, seconded by Irgens and carried. They are as folloms: Sever District ETo. 8 Temporary loan $ Alex Cr e ight on Hennepin County Review 25 copies-Record CCDS Go4 vs Hayt Landscape Ilurseries Parkway trees H, V. Johnson Culvert CWPVY Road culvert Ianders-Xorblom- Christensen eo. Brick, cement, & sever pipe Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Repairs for Police car Jay TJ. Craigg Co. Road oil furnished Ec applied Phillips Pe-troXeum Coo Distillate for Road SC Bridge Rordquist Sign Coo 6 steel signs for If & '' E. ?I. Earris Gas &- oil Police-RPcB (net) Build ing Inspect or -0ct ober Village of Edina for Supreme Court 1334 pages & binding 1500.00 187.00 795,OO 18,OO 23.76 11 11. A. Rogers Tracing Cloth 4.18 Heaitt ilubber Corp . 500 ft. 2&'+ fire hose (net) 392.00. R. C. Duncan Co. pipe nipples . 50 City of Rabbinsdale' "JPA sewing project 3.50 Biller-Davis Co. Off ice supplies 10.10 Hennepin County Review Pub, notices and printing 79.40 S. J. Bautsch Plumbing Inspector- October 138.00 Village of Hopkins ?@A sewing project 2.50 Dale Green Road gravel eS loader 63.70 City of Einneapolis Servicing Police car 47.45 1/1/4/ to 9/30/41 Suburban Hennepin County Relief board October reXief 389.83 T. W. Rosholt Co. Street brooms 6.50 Clarence 0. Holten Village attorney-October 75.00 Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Repairs- Pord truck 2.50 Emma Tedmas Gas Road & Bridge 8.08 Glacier Sand and Gravel Company Sand, cement & gravel 26.10 Lyle Signs, Inc. Road signs 118.22 Npls. Gas Light Co. Gas taol house 7/24-10/23 5.52 PIinn, Sand Gravel Co. Ready mixed concrete 678.30 A. W. Hammerlund Hood for Blacksmith forge 10 . 00 IT. V. Bell Telephone Co. Telephane Vh. 1666 21,02 Village of Hopkins Fire Dept. service 10/21 45 000 Richfield Yard Inc. Expans ion j o int 12.00 Thompson Lumber Co . Lumber for tool house 3.70 Uptown Iron Store R.& B. Supplies 5.56 Rural Hsnnepin County Surjplus Com. Corn. October services 52.01 B. H. Bradley Engineering services R. B B. 130.00 W. H. Ziegler Go. Rental Pord truck & tractor parts 61.40 Oscar Roberts Co. Sand, gravel, cement, and cement blocks 427.17 Northern States Power Company October services 580.65 Arthur Pehersen October garbage collections 415 .lo N$V Terminal Co. 1 Nodel 19 AHS Reo truck less allowance 1158.18 Edina Hardware R. & B. Supplies 10/1-10/29 27.53 Eelson Dry Goods 15 yds. red cloth R. & B. 3.75 I It was moved by Irgens that the following Joint Sewer District Nu. 1 accounts be duly allowed and paid, seconded by Ydyatt and carried. Landers, Horblom, Christensen Co. 18'" sewer pipe !) 17..40 E. C. Pfieffer mo. shovel Hennepin County Beview Published not ices 20.70 operat or 100 io0 1% was moved by T'lillson that account of Oscar Roberts & Co. in amount of $18.04 for sand & binder delivered 'Woodcrest Drive be paid out Sewer District No. 6 hnds, seconded by Irgens and carried. It was moved by Wyatt, that accoujt of Oscar Roberts & Coo in amount of .'b333.19 and Hennepin County Review in amount '313.05 be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. I It was moved by Wyatt that account of Hennepin County Beview in amount $70.63 for published notices 5/1/41 to 9/25/41, 'Yater- main Improvement No. 1 be paid, seconded Irgens and carried. , It was moved by Irgens that the following bills and accounts of Vlaterraain IinprovemeQt No. 2, be duly alloved and paid, seconded Vyatt and carried. They are as follows: Eiennepin County Revien Published notice $' 8.lO Fletcher, Darsey, Baker, Paucher Printing & Clarence 0, Holten Special legal services 100.00 Coleman 8c Barber Legal opinion 50.00 Lithographing Co. Certificates 24.50 Bo H. Bradley Engineering Services 220.00 Barnett & Record Co. Payment contract in full 4905.56 D Communications dated November 10, 1941, by So S. Tharpe and 5. 3. Reese, President Board of Governars, The Camtyr Clu3 fiic., requesting transfer of liquor licenses, mere read,. discussed and on motion of llfo~re, was referred to Polj.ce Committee, seconded '67illson and carried. m. C. C. Pardee, 50213ruce Avenue, and others, appeared before the Council to request that the ornamental street light at Bruce Avenue and Eruce Place, be repaired and placed in service. After discussion Eoore moved the matter be referred to Lighting Committee mith power to repair with costs not to exceed ;15.001 seconded by Irgens and carried. The President announced 'chat Becorder Uoore would handle the matter. Communication from Yillage %torney Vesley of Hopkins, mith r proposed contract for fire protection service was referred to tL Yillage Attorney Holten. Recorder read letter of Borthvestern Bell Telephone Companjr dated October 30, 1941, in reply to letter by the Recorder of September 24, 1941, mith reference to the improvement of- tlest half of Brnaee Avenue from 49th to 51st Streets, vihich advised the company did not contemplate any nev construction in said area within the next five (5) years. The communication vas given to Village Zngineer Bradley. Recorder Eoore reported to the Council that the Eorthern States Power Company, had filed nith him on October 30, 1941, its acceptance of Village Ordance passed September 18, 1941, approving assignment to Horthern States Power Conpany of Ordance of Village of Edina, passed April 12, 1932, granting the Uinneapolis General Electric Company, the right to aperate transmission lines and distribution systems in the Village or" 1 Edina, Einnesota. It vias moved by Irgens that insurance on Earshall 3hilson, having been cancelled, that his License to operate an Auto Livery in the Village of Edina, is hereaith recinded and cancelled, seconded by 3yatt and carried. Application of Minneapolis Gas Light Company to install 240 feet 4" gas rnain in and along Halifax Ave. South of yfest 54th St., 396 feet of 3" in and along Paddock Xoad East of Yerilane, and 200 feet or" 4'' in and along 'Zest 55th Street from 411 feet Jest of -Jest line of Zenith Avenue South to Beard Avenue, So., was on motion "ioore be granted, seconded Billson and carried. * Chairman Vyatt of Refief Committee presented renet?al of coatract with Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board and moved it be entered into and that the President &Recorder be authorized and empoaered to sign and seal same for and on behalf of the Village Council, seconded by Villson and carried. Trustee Irgens offered an ordinance licensing and Regulating its adoption: ' the retail sale of cigarettes and cigarette nrappers and moved The Village Council of Edina do ordain as follows: aection 1. LICDTSE REQULlXZD.-- After December 31, 1941, no person shall directly or indirectly keep for retail sale, sell at retail, or othernise dispose of any cigarette or cigarette wrapper at any place in the Village of Edina unless a license therefor shall first have been obtained as provided in this ordinance. Section 2. AI'PLICATION ABD ISbTAECE.-- Applicatian for such license shall be made to the Village Clerk on a form supplied by the Village. address of the applicant, the location of the building and the part intended to be used by the applicant under such licei-se, the kind of business conducted as such location, and such other information as shall be required by the application form. Upan the filing of such application with the Clerk, it shall be presented to the Village Council for its considerxtion, and if granted by the Council, a license shall he issued by the 7Jillage Clerk upon payment of the required fee. be $3.00 for the period from January 1, 1942 to Ifarch 31, 1942; thereafter the fee €or every such license shall be 312.00 per annum, Xvery such license shall expire on ?larch 31st next after its issuance. Tor any license issued after January 31 in any year, the fee shall be computed at the rate of p1.00 for each month or fractional part of a month covered by the license. Licenses shall not be transferable from one persnii to an0 t her. 3ection 4. LICENSE SHALL BE DISPLAYED.-- Every such license shall be kept conspicuously posted about the place for which the license is issued and shall be exhibited to any person upon request . 5eci;ion 5, BEST3ICTIOUS.-- Bo license shall be issued except to a person of good moral character. No license shall be issued for the sale of cigarettes at a movable place of business; nor shall any license be issued for the sale of cicarettes at more than one place of business. No person shall se-11 or give away any cigarette, cigarette paper or cigarette mapper to any person below the age of 18 years. XO person shall keep for sale, sell, or dispose of any cigarette containing opium, morphine, jimson weed, bella donna, strychnia, cocaine,, marijuana, or any other deleterious or poisonous drug except nicotine . Section 6. AREVOCATION.-- Every such license may be revoked by the Council for a violation of any provision of this ord- inance if the licensee has been given a reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard. 3ection 7. PE1JALTY.-- -Any person mho shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of nat to exeed 3100 or by imprisonment for not to exceed 90 days. ljuch application shall state the full name and Section 3. LICEITSE I?lB.-- The fee for every such license shall The moblan:.to adopt was seconded by Xecorder IToore, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution YJ~S adopted . Passed this 10th day of November, 1941, Village Clerk Trustee Irgens moved that the Council proceed on its own motion to rezone drance Avenue in the Village of Edina from Jest 49th itreet to ';lest 50th Street not heretofore zoned for community store district, to Community Store District and such uses as nos] prescribed in the Zoning Ordinance with hearing to be held on December El, 1941, seconded by Eoore and carried. At Ut50 P. E. the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place at the call utf the President.