HomeMy WebLinkAbout19411124_REGULAR15 lB.nutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on November 24, 1941, at 8:OO otclock P. I. The meeting mas called to order by the Fesident, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council, held on November 10, 1941, were read. On motion Irgens they be approved as read, seconded by Villson and carried. The Village pay roll advances, having been carefuhly noted and found correct, were on motion Willson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried. It was moved by Irgens that pay of E. C. Pfeiffer for 9 month shovel operator @ $112.50 be allowed against Joint Sewer District Eo. 1, seconded by Eoore and carried. It was moved by Irgens that the following bills and accounts be allowed and ordered paid af Sewer District Ne. 8: A. C. Stringer A. C. Stringer A. C. Stringer A. C. Stringer Henry L. Bell Henry L, Bell Henry L. Bell V. H. Ziegler V. H. Ziegler W, H. Ziegler VJ. H. Ziegler W. H. Ziegler V. H. Ziegler VI. H. Ziegler W. H. Ziegler Thompson Lumber Co . Thompson Lumber Co . B. H. Bradley C. F. Ashton C. B. Ashton Lewis Bolt h Not CO. J. A. Danens & Son J. A. Danens eC Son 'JorthL&y Concrete Products Company General E'und labo,r 7/15 - 8/15 'c 8/15 - 9/15 '' 9/15 - XO/l5 " 10/15 - 11/15 Sewer Inspect or 7/28 - 8/28 It- * 8/28 - 9/28 '' 9/28 - 10/28 Payment Invoices 1P it It n tr I1 It ir ft 11 ir It tr lt 'It It 11 1) On account Engineering Payment Invoices Services 'R It tt. 'R 2600 gals. gas 203 hrs. shovel rental Payment Invoices Repayment Loan $ 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 175 . 00 175 . 00 175,OO 266.60 141.55 112.18 131.96 338 . 72 309.25 66 . 78 23.02 532.38 . 517.32 750 . 00 645 . 12 481.75 110 . 16 390,OO 982.52 110 . 46 5000.00 seconded by Willson and carried. 1% was moved by Willson that Sara DSoore be allowed pay far 16-k hours for clerical work an Sewer Rental bills, seconded by Irgens and carried. Jahm Person, requested'that road work be done on Fulton Street Sauth of Divisi0.n Street, in the hope it would help sell his real estate whereupon Irgens moved to refer the matter to the Xoad and Bridge Committee, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Application of Uinneapolis Gas Light CQ for permission to lay 144 feet 8'+ gas main in and along France Ave. from 346 feet South of South line of West 55th Street and 660 feet 4'' gas main in and along West 56th Street from Wooddale Ave. to Oakland Avenues, mas on motion Irgens be granted, seconded by Wyatt and carried. ,Communication dated 3Tovember 22, 1941, from H. I?. Mathewson, for claim to damage to front bumper and fender to auto in to$&l mount 319.55 was referred to Village Attorney. Chairman Irgens on behalf of the Palice Committee to whom the matter vas referred, moved that the 3.2 Xalt Liquor license, the Intoxicating Liquor license and 2 pin ball machine licenses, heretofore issued to S, S, Thorpe of the Country Club, Inc,, be transferred to Arnold Chester, seconded by Villson and carried . . It mas moved by I7illson, that the following be appointed Judges & Clerk’s for the annual Village election to be held on December Ales Cre ight on Clara Goodacre Lee Villiams Junia Lampman Lillian Lundquist J. V. Nenburn Albert 0. Parmer Agnes I, Swenson Katherine kldrett Virgina E, Beard Christ Larsen Nellie Strate Laura Dirks Hilda Holter Prancis Sormenberg Elorence Jevett J. B. Hammond Alvina I’ioleen Orline Christopher Ethel HcGready seconded by Irgens and carried. 29 1941s It 77as moved by Tlillson, that funds now being available, that the stlm of ‘;10,750.00 temporarily Loaned Sever District No, 8, be repaid to General Eund, seconded by Eoore and carried. It was moved by Eoore, that funds non being available, that the sum of $5000.00 temporarily be repaid to General E’und, seconded by Irgens and carried, loan6d Joint Sewer District Bo. 1 Treasurer Duggan advised that ~100,000.00 in Series R 7/8$ bonds of Re-Canstruction Finance Corporation, due January 15, 1942, had been pledged as additional legal collateral to secure various funds of the Village of Edian, on deposit rnith The Eidland Eational Bank and Trust Company, whereupon Recorder Uoore offered the BE IT RESOLVE13 by the Council of the ViXlage of Edina, Einnesota, that €he assignment of securities dated November 21, 1941, made by Eidland Xational Sank and Trust Company, of Xinneapolis and the Pederal Reserve Bank of llinneapolis, be and the same hereby is the Resolution vherein there mere five ayes and no nays and so the resolution vas declared duly passed and adopted, +following resolution and moved its adoption: I -1 I collateral therein described mhich has been deposited sith The I \ approved. The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by I Tillson and the question mas upon the question of the adoption of .-----. -- ATTEST : v- Village aecorder After discussion it mas moved by Slillson that the sum of $6,000.00 he temporarily loaned Sever District Bo. 9, from the General Fund seconded by Koore and carried by affirmative vote of all members of the Council. It mas moved by Eoore that 1st estimate of Villaze Engineer Bradley in amount of 35621.94 be paid Ulderico Eariani, on account of contract for installation of sanitary severs in Sewer District Bo. 9, seconded by Irgens and carried. Trustee Irgens offered the folloning resolution and moved its adoption for setting assessment hearing for curb and gutter con- struction of Indianola and Juanita Avenues. 11'7 Xo further business to come before the Council the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place at the call of the President. Village Recorder F;JKERJ3AS, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Council, Indianola Avenue has been improved between its intersection with Vlest 50th Street and the South line of West 51st Street; and Juanita Avenue from its intersection with Indianola Avenue to West 52nd Street, by the construction of curb and gutter in and along both sides of said Avenues, and the Clerk, with the assistance of Alex Creighton, has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece or parcel of land abut- ting upon such improvement, as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the Clerk and open to public insped- tion, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Cduncil of the Village of Edina that said work of improving said Avenues is hereby adopted, and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in the Hennepin County Review that this Council will meet on the 8th day of December, 1941, at Grange Hall, at the corner of Eden Road and State Highway No. 100, at 8:OO otclock porn., to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be $1,174 . 80 . The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Villson, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. ATTEST : Village Clerk Recorder Eoore offered the following resolutian and moved its adopt ion : That the President and Recorder be.and hereby are directed to drav a warrant upon the Village Treasurer in the amount of $23,517.00 against Sewer District No. 8 Pund, payable to Joint Sewer District No. 1 Fund, to reimburse the latter for outlet charges from Bo. 8 to Xa. 1. The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Irgens and the vo-6e'xks upon the question of the adoption of the resolution wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. u President of Council ATTEST : Village Clerk All members of the Village Council aith President Vesterberg sitting as Canvassing Board for Village Election held on December 3.941. 1941, met in Grange Ea11 at 8:OO orclock P. E. on December 3, The tabulated reports of the 4 election precints vere read and stv.died and found to be as follov~s : Precint -wlesterberg Sharpe Gebo Irgens Cooper Duggan President Fresident Trustee Trustee TrListee Treasurer 1 90 413 8 82 193 23 464 . L. 518 "89 * 667 3 179 168 241 150 4!?3 4 U3 xi 177 84 11 963 934 1151 916 245 1987 "? Precint : - 'Arnold- 1 Lewis Dah1 Steinke - Justice or" Peach Justice of Peace Constable Park Board 1 226 . 256 435 460 2 3 a TOTALS t 254 N 963 125 868 457 260 147 1120 623 620 441 446 242 1744 264 1790 ',Thereupon Trustee Irgens moved that the Yillage Cauncil having net as CanTmssins Board and results tabulaked from various election. precints that the following be declared elected : Earl G. Sharpe President of Council I;. ET. Gebo Trustee John J, Duggan T r easur er 'Jard B. Leais Justice of Peace Eild ing Dah1 cons table; G~I. Steinke Eember of ??ark Board Xotion seconded by ,':illson and carried. Keeting aajourned 9:00 P. 1:.