HomeMy WebLinkAbout19411208_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on December E, 1941, at et00 P. 31. o'clock. The meeting T!as called to order by the President, the roll called, all members of the Council were present. Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Kovember 24, 1941, were read, on motion Irgens, they be approved as rend, seconded by Ilillson, and carried e The Village pay rolls having been carefully noted and found correct it '.:as moved by i'lillson they be duly allowed and ordered paid, I seconded by Yyatt , Carl !/esterberg Ben B. Eoore George A. !/illson Victor Irgens A. 5. -Jyatt J. J. Du,~ an Dr. E. P. Erickson T. E. Tilly I-Tild ing Dah1 V. 3. Heydt John V. Leyon R. J. Johnson I?. Dahleren S. J. Xoberts L. Stolpan John Tracy 0. LT. Spande Ronald Port II. Kerfeld Jmcs EcNellis H. Ensley 3,m KcCready Albert Young J. ZXerfeld A. C. 3tringer Clara Goodacre Rills and accounts warrants Bo. 58 to and carried: President December Re cord er Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Health Officer Village I'farshall Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer S t r e et C omnis s i one r Tractor Operator Utilityman Asst. Zoad loreman Truck driver Asst. Road Boreman Asst. Road Poreman Road labor Labor with truck Road labor Road labor Road labor 3oad labor 3. a B. VJPA (Dec.) Clerical labor 7 3 50.00 90.00 55 . 00 35.00 35.00 z10.00 30.00 185 00 155 . 00 155.00 155 . 00 180.00 145 .Oo 145 00 125 . 00 135 . 00 125 .OO 125 . 00 96.00 66.00 52.00 76.00 50 . 00 25 . 00 18.42 Sewer District Bo. 8 as represented by 3ecorder's 127 both inclusive, having been carefully noted and found correct andZ;duly approved mere on motion Iriens they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by TLoore and carried. Bills of 3. J. Fautsch for purchase of equipment and labor for cleaning sanitary sewers as represented by aecorder 's xarrants ;To. 22, 23, and 24, were noted and found correct, mhereupon Irgens moved they be duly pllomed and ordered paid, seconded by 'Jillson arid carried. Bills and accounts Joint Sewer District KO. 1, as represented by Xecorder '8 warrants Xo. 459 to 471, both inclusive including interest and principal reduction payable to the Zirst Kational Bank and Trust Company in amount of $7895.96 and the EorthvIestern Eati.ona1 Sank and Trust Company in amount .2177.95 ??ere on motion dillson they be duly allowed and ordered paid. seconded by Irgens. Those votiilg sye being Irgens, 'dillson, b'lyatt, and Eoore; voting no Vesterberg. '5 The Bl5.scellaneous bills were duly eiwxined and found to be correct and approved, whereupon Y?illson moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid seconded by Vy&t and carried. They are as follows: Iiorthern States Power Coo Ho v emb er s e rv i c e :;574.57 Lyle jigns, he. Road signs Pc posts 45.45 Ihtson *s service Gas for Police car' 14.38 Garvey Is Hardware 3. & B. supplies 55.26 E. 3. Earris T, 3. Rosholt Go. Arthur Petersen Rennepin County 3evien Uiller-Da-ris Co . Suburban Hennepin County 'rf. H. Ziegler Co. Henriepin County Oscar Roberts E Company . Chas, Olson 8 Son Dahlberg Bros. Eorthwestern Bell Telephone Co . Edina Garage, Inc. Landers 4Torblom-ChrisGensen Co . Village of Xo pkins Emma Tedrnas Einneapolis Gas Light Coo Clarence 0. I-lolten Lander s-Eorblom-Chr ist ensen Co . S. J. 2autsch Alex Cr e ight on E. '7. Efarris E. C. Alden City of Cinneapolis Einnesota Sand fc Gravel Go. Justus Lum3er Co. 3ren Hardviare Edina filardxare 3efief Board Soh 71. Borey Graybar Zlectric Co . E. E. Parks Carl Olson Phillip Petroleum Co. Village of Hopkins Thompson Lumber Co. Uptow Iron Store 3exer District Xo. 9 C. E. Blackburn Edward P0r.t 5%. Peters Luthern Church St. Peters Xissionary Society Lee Qilfims Alex Creighton Clara Goodacre Ju-n i a Lmgman Lillian U. LundQuist J. :"T. Ne:7~bu-rn Albert 0. &irrner Agnes J. Saensen Katherine €1. Aldrett Yirginia Lf, Beard Christ Iarsen Xillie Strate &aura Kirks Elda Holter Francis Sonnenberg J. B. Hannond Ethel EcCready Elorence H. Jeaett Arline Christopher Alvina Eorleen Gas for 3&B and Pollce 139.53 Snova fence posts 48.36 Bovember garbage coll. 420.70 Published notices and printing 97.40 Election supplies 18.15 Eovember relief 445 . 31 Poor Earm sersice 138.00 Sand for Re 2: 3. 6.39 Repairs for R. & B. , 81.45 aepairs for police car 24.42 9h. 1666 17 . 95 Police car repairs 90004 2/7 - 10/27 cement 14 . 82 ':PA 1.25 Gas for X. & B. 6.82 Gas for Beat 26.36 Village At torney-Xov. 75.00 Cement and X Joints 15.57 72 Plumbing inspections 108.00 Buildins Inspector 129.65 Remingtoii Typear itter 15.00 On account-map tracinc 60,OO $ire Dept. Service 76.23 Ready mixed concrete 289.38 Ceder posts 14 .de mower re pairs 5.28 X.&B. supplies U/S-U/~~ 22.73 Kerosene C% tractor tire 89.95 i'lashliaht batteries 3.12 Repairs 90 . 70 Ins. premium 11/16/40 to 11/16/41 10.00 I- Toilet- supplies 2.01 Distillate for R. & B, 14,43 &'ire Dept service 11/14/41 45 , 00. Lumber 11/6-11/2 9 28.21 R. & B. supplies less 29.17 6000.00 Temporary loan c/m Ele c t i on- bo o t hs - special officer Eledt ion booths Bent church basement sent for ecjuipmen-i; Judge 12/2/41 election n I1 Judge-booths " 12/2/41 .. 11 I? rt 11 Clerk Judge I1 Clerk t? Judge I1 Clerk 11 11 tt I1 11 11 11 R I? ?I I? -11 ?I 0 It n c1 rt I? n R 11 It 11 It I1 11 It It 11 R It 'I 8.00 5.00 7.50 . 2.50 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.F5 - 11 . 85 8.85 8.85 8.85 E,85 7.85 7885 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 Application lhrthwestern Bell Telephone Company for permission to lay 50 feet underground cable across Bruce Place betneen Arden & Bruce Place vas on motion 'Jillson be granted subject to being billed for any work Village may deem necessary for refilling or resurfacing, seconded Wyatt, and carried. Chairman Villson offered the following motion and moved its adoption : The Village Council of the Village of Edina, in Hennepin County, Uinnesota, does ordain as follows: Section 1. That certain real estate and territory within the comaorate limits of the said Village of Edina is hereby created and-established as Storm Sewer Dis'crict Bo, 10, and shall consist of and include the territory and real estate lying within said Village of Edina, described as follows, to-wit: Comraencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Stevens %irst ,4ddition, thence South along the Vest line of said Lot 1, and same extended to the North line of Lot 7, Block 1, Stevens Birst Addition; thence Vest to the Northwest corner of said Lot 7; thence South along the East line of the alley in said Block 1, Stevens First Addition to the Borth line of Glenviem Addition; thence Jest along said ITorth line of Glenview Addition to its intersection with the East line of Brucemood, a duly platted addition within the Village of Edina; thence south to the 3outh- east corner of Lot 8, Block 3, Brucewood; thence \yest to the Jouthwest corner of said Lot 8; thence Yesterly to the Borth- east corner of Lot 19, Block2, Brucewood; thence Vesterly to the Horthvvest corner of said Lot 19; thence Northwesterly to the Northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 2, Brucewood; thence South- westerly to the Northwest corner of said Lot 8; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of Bruce Avenue to the Northviest corner of Lot 12, Block 2$ Brucewood; thence Southwesterly to the most Eortherly corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Brucewood; thence South- easterly to the Southmest corner of said Lot7; thence Easterly and Southerly along Minnehaha Creek to the Southwest corner of Lot6 , Block 1, Brwewood ; thence Southeasterly to the South- east corner of said Lot 6; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of Lot 5$ Block 1, Brucewood and the same extended to the south line of '{lest 52nd Street; thence Eas-t; to the Northwest corner of Lotl, Block 2, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of the alley in said Block 2, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition to the North line of \Test 54th Street; thence East to the Southeast corner of Lot 19, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition; thence Northerly along the North and South center line of Block 1, South Earriet Park 2nd Addition -to the Southvest corner of Lot 2, Block,l, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition; thence East to the Southeast corner of sgid Lot 2; thence North along the Vlest line of Prance Avenue to the Morth- east corner of Lot 46, Auditors Subdivision No. 172; thence Tlest along the X'orth line of said Lot 46 a distance of 135 feet; thence Xorth parallel to France Avenue to the IYorth line of Lot 56, Auditors Subdivision Bo . 172; thence I?est'-tp- kh&-=?butheast corner of Lot 54, Auditors Subdivision JTo. 172; thence ITorth parallel to I-IaliTax Avenue to the South line of 50th Street; thence -:Jest along the South line of 50th Street to the point of beginning. Reference is hereby made to the plats of said Additions on file and of record in the office of the Begister of . Deeds in and for said Hennepin County. Section 2, That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same hereby are repealed, Section 3. That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its passage and. publication. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution . was adopted, President of Council 22 (seal) ATTEST : . Village Recorder Discussion nas had on the matter of fire plugs projecting beyond the curb line in Gle%vieQ Addition, mhereupon Eoore moved the 'Tillage Mtorney be requested to notify Country Club District Service Company to move the four (4) hydrants back from the curb, seconded by 7illson and carried. Recorder presented the matter of interest and principa.1 payment of the several semer districts due Jan. 1, 1942, moved that check be drai?n against the various Sewer Districts as follows: Lateral Sever District No. 2 .......... 530.00 Lateral Sewer District KO. 3 .......... 2575.00 Lateral Sener District No. 4 .......... 2100.00 Lateral Sewer District Xo. 5 .......... 655.24 Lateral Seger District No, 6 .......... 281.63 Lateral 3er7er District Eo. 7 .......... 1758.06 c Lateral Sever District Xo. 1 ......... .$ 636.00 Joint Semr District Do. 1 ........... 7895.96 (original) Joint Sever District 170. 1 ........... 2177.93 (supple- mental) . Seconded by Irgens and carried. It gas moved by Yillson that Village Earshall Tilly and Palice Officer Dah1 be allowed the sum of 35.00 each, for extra rrork in connection nith &llovteen activities , seconded by Vyatt and carried. Request received from Eidland Eational Bank and Trust Company €or permission to substitute: $25,000 U. S. Treasury 11 8 ~!s~,due1Bec;-15J'.1043 25,000 U. S. Rousing 1 3 / 8 $'s-due Feb,,l, 1914 50,000 U. 3. Treasury 1 $!s due Ear. 15, 19.46 in lieu of present collateral to inswe Village deposits. &ere- upon Xlillsoii moved the reeuest be granted, seconded by LFoore and carried. Bids, as advertised for 200 feet 30'n - 14 ga. road culvert, accom- panied by certified checks, were opened and read aloud as follows: E. V. Johnson Culvert Company Pure Iron Bituminous Coated ... $3.30 ft. %Toucan Copper Eolydenwn, ..... 3.49 ft. Toucan Bituminous Coated .... 3.85 ft. Central Pure Iron 202 galvanized . 3.00 ft. Lyle Culvert and Pipe Go. ilirmco plain ........ Q3.00 ft. kmco dipped ........ 3.30 ft. Gohi Pure Iron ....... '93.00 ft. KCB Copper Steel ...... 2.75 ft. St. Faul Corrugating Go. Thereupon Tillson moved the proposals be referred to Villaze Zngineer and Xoad &Bridge Committee for tabulation and report to the Council. Seconded by Wyatt and carried. 23 1 Application Xinneapolis Gas-Light Company for permission to lay 100 feet 4tt gas main in and along Brookview Avenue from 265 feet South of South line Vest 56th Street and 160 feet 4''' gas main in and along Eeadow Road from 205 feet North of North line 'Jest 47th Street, was on motion Eoore be granted subject to agreement, seconded by dillson and carried. The matter of rezoning along France Avenue to Yest 49th Street from open Development to Community Store District, du-ly referred to this meeting, next Game before the Council. Eessrs Rell, Seaoed, Bjorkulan, and Soderberg, and &dames Case, Harper, and Kell opposed the proposition. Eessrs Pelkey and Kallistod, owners asked zoning be changed to Community Store District. ilk. Hansen, agent, re- quested zoning for Community Store business, not including a rnorturarye Trustee Irgens explained that in yiew of: the proposed program to pave Prance Avenue, that only businesQproperty could stand such an assessment. After considerable discussion, Tfillson moved to refer the matter to the 2nd meeting of the Council to be held os the 4th Eonday in January, seconded llloore and carried. Trustee Tfillson offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : IIHX~~EBJ, proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of both sides of Indianola Avenue between its intersection with Jest 50th Street and' the South line of Vest 51st Street, and Juanita Avenue, from its intersection with Indianola Avenue ta West 52md Street, has been duly filed with the Village Clerk, and open to public inspection, and motice has been published in the Bennepin County Review on November 27, 1941, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment in this present meeting, and that this Council has met at the time and place specified in said Notice and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, and there being no written objections or oral objections presented to the Council now theref ore , EE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that said proposed assessment,,which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof-, is hereby adopted, and assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein, in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein; BX IT XJ3THFB RESOLVED, that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments, extending over a period of three (3) years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1942, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of 5% per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes , as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Einnesota 1919, as Amended. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Irgens and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adapted. ~- c_c__ - President of Council I " Village Clerk 2 4. The President suggested additional street lights be installed on Bebore Lane and Earrison Avenue, Grimes and Sunnyside Avenue, on 58th Street Brance to Zerxes Avenue, On 60th Street Brance to Zerxes, on Toanes Road South of Sunnyside, nhereupon Uoore moved the suggestion be concurred in and referred ta Borthern States Poner Colnpany if possible to install, seconded by Lrgens and carried. No further business to President declared the ssme time and place on come before the meeting at this time the meeting recessed to meet again at the December 15, 1941, at 8:OO o'clock P. E. Village Recorder \