HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420119_REGULAR33 1:inutes of the recessed portion of the regular January 12, 1942 meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hall on January 19, 1942, at 8:OO o'clock P.X. The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. A Committee representing the Edina Volunteer Pire Department, presented a list of fire fighting equipment not heretofore provided which was read and discusded, whereapon lvyatt moved the items be purchased and bids called for as of r'ebruary 9, 1942, seconded by Bfioore and unaminously carried. A list of materials needed to provide Fire Department quarters for men and equiwent using space on West end of West Section for dire pumper and'attic space overhead for the personnel of department was submitted. After cansideration Gebo mo.ved that advertised bids be taken as of January 26, 1942, seconded by kCyatt and carried. - Communication dated January 16, 1942, from State Selective Service, expressed thanks for President Sharpers letter of January 13, 1942, advising of the Council's fullest coopera.tion and 'chat registrations would be held on: Saturday Pebruary 14, 1942, from 13, a. to 6 P. N. Sunday February 15, 1942, from 1 P. M. to 6 P. E. Blanday Bebruary 16, 1942, from 7 A. &I. to 9 P. X. After discussion it was moved by Iffillson that West 44th Street and Browndale Ave. be designated a I'Stop" street in each of the 4 directions, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Treasurer Duggan submitted Treasurerrs continuation bond in amount $7500.00 for ensu'ing year by the National Surety Corp- oration and dated December 20, -1941, whereupon Gebo moved it be accepted and payment of premium in amount $75.00 be duly authorized, seconded Vyatt and carried, I It was moved by Wyatt that S. J. Fautsch be reappointed Plumbing Inspector for ensuing year on a fee basis of $1.50 for each inspection, seconded Xoore and carried. It was moved by Noore that B. H. Bradley be re-appointed Village Engineer $or the ensufng year on a fee basis, seconded by ';{yatt and carried, Villson moved that Alex Creighton be re-appointed Building Inspector for the ensuing year on a fee basis, seconded by VJyatt and carried. The matter of appointment of Village Attorney for the ensuing year was next discussed by the Council whereupon millson moved that Clarence 0.. Holten be re-appointed Village Attorney for the ensuing year beginning January 1, 1942, on a month to month basis at $75 per mosth with any special additional fees for services other than general routine to be passed on by the Council in advance, seconded by Moore. question of the adoption of the motion wherein ViTLlrson, Moore, and Sharpe voted aye, and Gebo and I'Cyatt nay, and so the motion It was moved by Gepo that the following appointments and rates of pay for police be made on a month to month basis: The vote was upon the ~ vas declared duly carried. I T. E. Tilly, Village I!hrshall@ $185.00 per month. Hilding Dahl, Police Officer 6 $160.00 per month. W. 3. Heydt, Police Officer 6 $160.00 per month. John ";T. Lyons, Police Officer @ $160.00 per month. I *. ' seconded by Wyatt and carried. Trustee Villson moved that the following appointments and rates of pay for Boad and Bridge Department be made: E. J. Johnson, Street Commissioner, 8 $185.00 per IJonth. S. J. Roberts, Utilityman, 0 150.00 per month. P. Dahlgren, Tractor Operator, 0 150.00 per month. John Tracy, Truck Driver, 0 140.00 per month. L. Stolgman, Asst. Road foreman, 0 . 140.00 per month. 0. E. Spande,,Asst. Tractor operator,& 135.00 per month. Ronald Port, Asst. Truck driver, 0 135.00 per month. E. Eerfeld, Haad labor, & ,60 per hour. General 3oad labor G .50 per hour. Bn and team hire 0 1.00 per hour. seconded by "lyatt and carried. It vas moved by Gebo that the Hennepin County Reviem be designated the Official'Newspaper of the Village of Edina, for the year 1942, seconded by Vyatt and carried. The matter of sale of special assessment warrants for construction of Sanitary sewers in District No. 9 aas discussed by the Council, vhereupon :Plillson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 3B IT RESOLED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, that the Village shall forthvith issue and sell &6,000.00 negotiable coupon sewer varrants on account of Jener District No. 9, of said Village, said rrarrants to be seventy-tvo (72) in number and numbered 1 to 72, botL inclusive, and in the denomination of .3500.00 each, to bear date February lst, 1942, to bear interest payable semi-annually on the 1st day of January, 1943, and on the 1st day of July and ' January in each year thereafter, both interest and principal to be payable at a suitable bank or trust company to be des- ignated by the successful bidder, and said warrants to mature on January lst, in the amount of $3000.00, in each of the years 1943 to 1946 both inclusive, and in the amount of $4000.00, in gach of the years 1947 to 1952, both inclusive. BE IT hFIBTHER 1IESOLVED, that the Couiicil shall meet on k'onday, the 9th day of r'ebruary, 1942, at 8:OO o'clock P. EI,, for the purpose of receiving and considering bids for said warrants and effecting a sale thereof, and the Clerk shall cause t7:o \leeks published notice of such sale to be given by publication in the official nevspaper of the Village, which notice shall specify that said warrants will be general obligations of the Village, and the full faith and credit shall be pledged for their payment, and that the Village sill furnish the printed warrants and the legal opinion of Eessrs, Fletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Colman and Barber, without cost to the purchaser. The motion to adopt the resolution was seconded by Trustee Vyatt and the vote 1778s upon the question of the adoption of the resolutiob, nherein there were four ayes and one nay, as follows: Tlyatt aye, Villson aye, Gebo aye, Sharpe aye, and Eoore nay, and the resolution was declared duly passed and carried. President of Council ATTEST : c Village Becorder \ 35 No further business to come before the meeting at this time the President declared the meeting adjourned at 12:20 A. E* Village Kecorder I