HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420126_REGULAR. 37 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on January 26, 1942, at 8:OO o*clock P. K. f The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and a11 members of the Council were present. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January 12, 1942, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on January 19, 1942, were read, on motion Willson they be approved as read, seconded by Gebo and carried. Eessrs. Stanley Gray, Dewinter, and Converse, appeared before the Council to inquire status of Nil1 Pond, and were advised the temporary dam would be removed and that the dirt removed from sewer trench would be evened off as soon as frost and other ground conditions would permit . The matter of rezoning that part of 2rance Avenue between T?. 49th and Vest 50th Street, not at present zoned for Community store purposes, duly referred to this meeting, next came before the Council with interested residents being present, After consider- able discussion President Sharpe suggested the advisability of a Council Committee studying the proposition and reporting to the Council, whereupon Hoore moved that the President be so empowered seconded by Billson and carried. The President thereupon appointed Trustees Gebo and '{Jyatt, with request the report be ready by the second meeting in February if possible. Bids for lumber to provide quarters for Edina Volunteer Fire Department, 5n Tool House, as advertised, and accompanied by certified checks, were opened and read aloud: Jusths Lumber Co. net $348 . 15 Thompson Lumber Co. 360.00 upon examination it was found that the bid of Thompson Lumber Co. was subject to 22: cash discount, ahd that the bid on three items af 2 x 4's covered Eo. 1 fir, rather than #2 fir under the Justus bid, whereupon Vyatt moved the order be awarded the Thompson Lumber Co., seconded by Noore and carried, Elk. Ralph Boordman, as attorney on behalf of the Iilinneapolis, St. Paul Suburban Railroad, in the matter of assessment of rail- road property for Sanitary sewer in District ITo. 8. Nr. Boordman advising the Council his client had not filed objection to assess- ment or come within the Law and was assessed a total of approx- imately $16,013.15 for costs of construction of both Joint Sewer District No. 1, and Sewer District No. 8, sewers. He fur'cher advised that while our Supreme Court had ruled the railroad could be assesself, that he considered the amount assessed more than the value of the land and that the Railroad Conpany did not propose 'co pay the assessment, but would give the land to the Village in 5 years meaning thereby Village of Edina would get the land on account of unpayment. President Sharpe asked as a matter of information, what the Company might pay and was advised Br. Strause, President, had stated the Company would pay on basis of 20%. After further discussion Noore moved the matter be referred to President Sharpe and Village Attorney Holten, for investigation and report to the Council, seconded Gebo and carried, Uessrs. Goetze, Bristoe, eC Borg, inquired as to what property would be assessed for construction of the West 52nd Street Storm Sewer, and mere advised by Recorder Eoore, that the Village Engineer had carefully comgiled a list of all the property within the drainage area for the purpose of assessment and that construc- tion costs at this time were estimated to #30,00 to 240,OO per lot . ?W. Eerrill Hutchinson, advised that the streets in Rolling Green, which he had previously constructed and oiled, should be treated as early in the coming summer as possible and that Eerilane should have an oil mat for part of its length. The request 88s referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for attengion, E=r. Chas. T. Hay, on behalf of Hay eC Stenson Co., presented application in form, accompanied by surety bond heretofore approved by Village Attorney Holten, for renewal of "Off-Salell liquor license. No complaints of any kind having been received during the preceeding year, Trustee Billson, moved that the application of the Hay & Stenson Company be granted and license renewed for the period of one (1) year frim the first day of April 1942, the motion was seconded by Recorder LIoore, and deceared duly carried without dissenting vote. The pay roll advances having been carefully noted and found correct, 'i/illson moved they 'be duly alloved and ordered paid, including verified bill of Treasurer Duggan in amount $23.85 for postage bill for Treasurer's office for the preceeding year, seconded Vyatt and carried. Vice-President Hay and Chairman of Improvements, Hartzel, of Southwest Associated Uerchants Inc., reported on meeting of their association and interest in improvements such as opening up of the so-called "49$- StreetT1, Street lighting, and the paving of France Avenue, and removal of Street car IkYtt at 50th and Branee. Yherein the Council expressed its co-operation. .. , '.. I .. It mas moved by Eoare that B. H. Bradley be paid $500.00 on accou.nt engineerink fees of Sewer District No. 8, and check to be dram in favor Eenry L. Bell, for pay Village Sewer Inspector Sever District Xo. 8, for period December 28 to January 28, 1942, in amount $175.00, seconded by Villson and carried. It was moved by Boore that checks be drawn against Joint Sever District No. I, in favor of E. C. Pfeiffer in amount 3112.00, and A. C. Stringer, in amount $25.00 for labor, seconded by Billson and carried. 3.W. L. R. Blaclcburn, presented reneaal of Standard Accident Policy AS48971 covering Compensation insurance on all TJillage employees for period 2/11/42 to 2/11/43, wherein Gebo moved the policy be renevied and payment of estimated pYemium in amount of -3604.98 be duly alloaed, seconded by Koore. After discussion Trustee Gebo, chairman Police Cammit.6eeY moved that the Tillage Police car be covered by Liability and Property damage insurance in amount ~10,000-~20,000, seconded Eoore and carried . Trustee 7yatt suggested and moved that Dr, Lowell E". Campbell, be approinted Village Health Officer for the ensuing year beginning as of 3'ebruary 1, 1942, at 8 salary of $30.00 per monthr seconded by Eoore and carried. Applications in due form, accompanied by payments in amount of $3.00 each, were received from the folloning for license to sell cigar- ettes for period January I, 1942 to Xarch 51, 1942: E. D. Zipoy., &ma Tedman, Ashley Brooks, S. I. Ryan, Arnold Chester, Carl Olson, L. R. Nolan, -ahereupon 'Jyatt moved the applications be granted and licenses issued, seconded Gebo and carried . Recorder read letter from R. J. Johnson, Street Commissioner, assuring the Council his best services and cooperation, mhich vas ordered placed in the file. Chairma Eoore after discussion moved that bids be taken for dnstsllation 42" reinforced concrete pipe to be jacked under Highway 169 in connection aith installation of Sewer District ' Bo; 8, Sanitary sewer, seconded by Vyatt and carried. Ho further business ta come before the mee . President declared the meeting recessed to I time and place at the call of-the President. &rig at t .is uAxple, he neet again at the same