HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420209_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village * of Edina, held in Grange Hall on February 9, 1942, at 8:OO o'clock I?. &I. Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January 26, 1942, mere read. by Gebo and carried. On motion Vyatt they be approved as read, seconded Bills and accounts of Sewer District Xo. 8, having been carefully noted and found correct as represented by Xecarder's warrants numbered to both inclusive, were on motion l?yatt, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Gebo, and carried. Village Payrolls were duly examined and upon being found correct, mere on motion Gebo, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried. They are as follovs: Earl C. Sharpe Ben 33, Xoore George A. 3Y.illson A, S. 7yatt L. E. Gebo J, J. Duggan I&. Lowell E. Campbell T. E. Tilly Hilding Dah1 V. 5, Heydt * John TI. Lyun 3. J. Johnson S. J, Roberts Jahn Tracy P. Dahlgren L. Stolgman 64; X. Spande Ronald Port E. Eerfeld Sam ZcCready H. Ensley Frank Thords Pres id ent 3 50.00 R e c or d er 90.00 Trustee 35.00 Trustee 35 -00 Trustee 35 000 Treasurer 30.00 Health Officer 30.00 Village Har shall 185.00 Police Officer 162 &- Police Officer 162.50 e 162.50 Police Officer Street Commissioner 182.50 Utility man 147.50 . Truck driver 137.50 Tractor operator 147.50 hSt3t. Road foreman 137.50 Asst. Tractor operator 130 . 00 Asst. Truck driver 130.00 Road labor 105.60 . Road labor 108.00 Road labor 34.00 Road labor 20.00 Total 2257.60 The Eiscellaneous Bills viere duly examined and found correct, whereugon Trustee Villson moved they be duly allov~ed and ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried. They are as f011017s : J. J. Duggan Postage, etc., Treasurers office Alex Creighton Building Inspector, December Rorthern States Power Company E. i'J. Efarris Alex Creighton Building Inspector January T. 17. Rosholt Co, Plot7 blades Oscar Roberts & Co, Sand and gravel Young Fuel Cor Coke John Garrison Road fill City of Einneapolis Fire Dept. service Lynhurst nursery Trees Landers, ITarblom, €5. H. Bradley Engineer fees Xinneapolis Gas/Light Garvey Hardmare Paint 3, J. Fautsch Plumbing Inspector Claude 3'. Riedel kcct . services Treasurer Northmestern Bell Telephone Company Telephone 'Jh. 1666 Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board January direct relief Xorthern States 2over Company January service 3epalrs street li ht cable Gasoline and oil SF Jan.) Christensen Company Sewer pipe Company Gas for heating b 3 23.85 73 30 28 . 35 98.05 19.25 29.92 147.55 40.00 220 . 49 23.50 157.92. 210.60 30.00 56.36 2.60 93.00 135 .OO 17.55 534.64 615 . 95 Niller Davis Company Office supplies Brookaide Auto Service Truck service Phillips Petroleum Co. Distillate Republic Creosating Co. Treatment Joyce Insurance, kc. Treasurer's bond Premium U. 3. Fidelity SC Guar. Company Payment premiums Graybar Electric Co . Electric supplies Arthur Pet er s en January garbage collection Edina Garage Police ear service Hanepin County Review Clarence 0. Holten Services Village Attorney & Dale Green Road gravel IU.nneapo1i.s Blue Printing Company Blue prints Dahlberg Brothers Repairs police car 'Uptomn Don Store Road & Bridge supplies Edina Peed Company Hay, etc. Borey's Shell Station Road & Bridge service Thompson -Lumber Cat. Lumber Glacier Sand & Gravel Co. Sand 8c gravel, etc. :'Jarner Hardware Company Road & Bridge supplies Henry Hoeg Storage H. A. Nelson g8 S. Plag Ed ina Hardware Supplies Rural Hennepin County - H."C. Alden Labor plat Publishing Public notices cash filing fee Surplus Coma. Com. January service Total 42.35 2.10 12 . 98 75 . 00 13.61 76.50 4.40 5.88 64 . 40 60.61 1.50 9.95 334 . 32 131.84 10 . 67 15.00 6.00 8.32 43.90 50.00 $4050.55 s At the request of President Sharpe, reports were made as follow: Chairman Vyatt on Relief , Chairman Willson on Road and Bridge, Chairman Gebo on Police, Treasurer Duggan on Bank balances, and Chairman 1,Toore on Sewers & Sanitation. Bids as advertised, were received on materials and equipment for Pire Department from the following conc'erns : American Lee Prance Toami'ce Corp. Certified check f 155800 J. N. Johnson -l? 1) 150.00 165 . 00 n 54.00 200 00 SI. S, Nott Company n I* Kewet'c Rubber Corp. 11 II Edina Garage, Inc, I1 which up'on being read, were on motion Eoore be referred to Bire Committee for tabulation and recommendations, seconded by Nyatt and carried. Bids accompanied by certified check and as advertised, for purchase of one power lawn mower were received from: Toro Yanufacturing Company; S. J. Rutherford Cqapany. and on motion Villaan, be referred to Road and Bridge Cormnittee, seconded by Noore and carried. Thereupon Chairman Villson moved the loa bid of Toro EhnuIactu'ring Ca. bidding $165.82 net, subject 2% far cash for one 24" 9?oro Starlawn" mower be accepted , seconded Tyatt and carried . Bids as advertised, accompanied by certified checks, for furnishing all or part of materials and/or labor 56r installation of 70 It. of 42m pipe under and across Highway 169 at about West 4eth Street, to be used as a tunnel for sanitary sever to be installed later, mere received frora the following: H. v8 Johnson Culvert Company; Elk Rivsr Concrete Products Company, mereupon Willson moved they be referred to Village Engineer & Sewer Committee for study and recommendation, seconded Wyatt, and carried. I. Several residents of Glenviea Addition appeared before the Council with referanee to basis on which assessments for installation for 52nd Street Storm Sewer would be spread, moved that part of cost of installation the so called :lest 52nd Street Storm Sewer to be assessed, be made on basis of benefits derived, seconded Wyatt and carr.ied, After discussion Koore Treasurer presented cancelled 3% varrants of Jaint Sever District So. 1 in amount $'tOOO.OO and cancelled interest coupons in amount .$885.00 duly paid December 31, 1941, vihich were examined and placed in Village aafe, .c, The PresideEt announced that bids for the purchase of ~36,000.00 sewer warrants on account of Sewer District No. 9 Fvould be received, The Clerk presented an affidavit.shoming publication of Notice of Sale of said warrants in the official newspaper of the Village, mhich vas examined, found satisfactory and ordered placed on file. Ns sealed bids were received but bidders hereinafter named vere present and certified checks in the amount required by the Notice to Bidders vere deposited mith the Clerk. The following camparlies sere represented and submitted bids for the purchase of said warrants: J. E. Dain & Co. E. Jm Prescott & Cob Harold E. Xood & Co. Piper, Jaf f ray B Hopwaod Xorthwestern Bational Bank 6% Trust Co. Park-Shaugkwessy & Co. Juran 6 Noody E'irst National Bank &Trust CQ. Bells Dickey Co. Hame of Bidders : Cm So A~hm~n COO Thereupon the said bidders mere called upon in rotation until all had completed bidding, vlhen it mas found that the highest and best _. bid submitted for the purchase of said warrants mas as follotls: Rorthwestern llational Bank and Trust Company of I-Tinneapolis bid $36,000.00, sith interest rate at l*% per annum and a premium of' $105 00 . Upon due consideration of said bids, Trustee Gebo offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County Ilinnesota, that the bid of Northwestern Kational Bank and Trust Company of Uinneapolis for the purchase of $36,000.00 Sewer District Eo. 8 warrants, dated Bebruary I, 1942, at a premium of $105.00 for said warrants, bearing interest at l*$ per annum, is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid and is hereby accepted. 3333 IT 2URTHEII RESOLVED that the President and Clerk are hereby authorized, empovered and directed to execute a contract for the sale-of said warrants to said bank upon the terms aforesaid. The motion to adopt mas seconded by Trustee Villson and the vote VJELS upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, rilrherein there 'FJere five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. president of Council ATTZST : Villageclerk Trustee Gebo offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: .. BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Einnesota, as follows: 1. The Village shall forthwith issue and sell $36,000.00 nego- tiable coupon sever warrants on account of Sever District Eo. 9 4 3 of skid Village, said warrants to be 72 in number and numbered 1 to 72, both inclu-sive; all of said warrants to be in the denom- ination of $500.00 each, to bear date Pebruary lst, 1942, bearing interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (l%$) per annum, payable January I, 1943, and thereafter semi-annually on the 1st' day of July and the 1st day of January, in each year, and maturing serially on January lst, in the amount of $2,000.00 each year, from 1943 to 1946 inclusive; $4,000.00 in each of the years 1947 and 1949, and $5,000.00 in the year 1948 and the years 1950 to 1952 inclusive . - 2. Both principal and interest of said warrants shall be payable at Northwestern Baticrnal Bank and 'Slnust Company of fitrinneapalis, Ninneapolis, Xinnesota. Said warrants and the coupons thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: UEITED STATES OB AB4ERICA STATE OB XIBXESOTA COUMTY QB KENXrnPIN VILLAGE 03' EDI3TA SEKEB DISTRICT BO. 9 WARRANT 8 l!Tumber $500.00 The Treasurer of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, will pay to the bearer hereof from Sewer District No. 9 %und of said Village the sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS in any coin or currency which on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts on the first day of January, 194-, with interest thereon at the rate of 1Q percent per annum payable January lst, 1943, and thereafter semi-annually on the 1st day of July and the 1st day of January, in each year, in accordance vith and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest . coupons es they selieraliy become due, both principal and interest being payable at: Northwestern Nationa,l Bank and Trust Company of Ninne- aporli, Einneapolis, Illinnesota. The warrants of this issue maturing January lst, 1950, and thereafter, are redeemable at the option of the Village in in- verse order as to number and maturity on January lst, 1944, and any interest payment date thereafter, on payment of a premium of 2% to and including July lst, 1945, and a premium af 1% there- after, to and including July lst, 1947, and at par and accrued interest thereafter, and upon thirty days prior notice by mail to the bank where said warrants are payable. This warrant is one of a series of warrants in the aggregate principal amount of $36,000.00, all of like date and tenor except as to maturity and provision for redemption, and is issued by saia Village pursuant to and in full conformity with %he constitution and laws of the State of Xinnesota thereunto enabling including Chapter 35, Laws of Einnesota for 1915 and act amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto for the purpose of defraying the expense incurred and to be incurred in laying sewers in said District and in anticipation of the collection of special assess- ments heretofore duly levied against the benefited property in said District for the construction of severs and is payable out of a fund designated as Fund of Semer District No. 9, into which fund all proceeds of said assessment are required to be paid, and the full faith and credit of the Village is pledged to the payment of said warrants and interest thereon as the same become due . I . It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the constitution and laws of the State of Einnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent 50 and in the issuance of this warrant, have been done, have happened and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law and that this warrant, together with all other indebtedness of said Village outstanding on this date named herein, and on the date af the actual issuance and delivery hereof, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitation of indebtedness. 44 IN NITlTBSS I'EEFiEOF, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, llinnesota, by its Village Council has caused this marrant to be signed b;; the President of the Village Council and countersigned by the Village Clerk and sealed with the seal of said Village, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be execubed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and has caused this warrant to be dated as of February lst, 1942. d President of Village Council Countersigned : Village Clerk Eo 4 3 On the first day of January, 19-, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ilinnesota, will pay $0 bearer at Northvestern National Bank and Trust Company of Einneapolis, Einneapolis, Efinnesota, the sum of Dollars (3 ), being the installment of interest then due on its Sewer District No, 9 Tarrant dated February lst, 1942, No. 0 J President of Village Cauncil , Cauntersigned : Village Clerk J 3, Said warrants shall be printed under the direction of the Village Clerk, and the President of the Village Council'and the Village Glerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute said varrants and to affix the Village Seal, and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers 4, men said warrants have been fully executed a3 requzred by law and by this resolution, they shall be sold and delivered to Northv?estern Eational Bank and Trust Company of Einneapolis, 7iIirzneapolis, Einnesota, at par and accrued interest upon receipt of such purchase price, and said purchaser shall not be obligated to see to the application thereof, 5. The Village shall furnish the printed warrants and the legal opinion of Eessrs, Fletcher-Dorsey-Barker-Cohan & Barber aithout cost to the purchaser. I 6. Said earrants shall be payable primarily from money collected from special assessments, but the full faith and credit of the Village is hereby pledged to the payment of said narrants and interest thereon as and when the same shall become due, and the Clerk and Treasurer are authorized and directed to cause said warrants and the interest thereon to be paid out of any moneys of the Village available therefor in event there is insufficient money in the special fund, but such moneys from other funds shall be restored vhen the special assessments are collected. The motion to adopt vas seconded by.Trustee Villson and the vote was upon the question of the adoption af the resolution, nherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution vas adopted, ,3 President of Council 45 Tillage A€torney HoIteen reported that he had further conferences with the attorneys in tEre case of L. N, Nackerud and Leslie Hook against the Village for injuries arising out of an accident that occurred on larch 10, 1941, at Lndianola Avenue, South af 50tb Street . Vith the approval of Council, an offer had been made of $1000.00 to which a counter-offer of $1500.00 was proposed. The result of the conferences between the Village attorney and the attorneys for the claimats contemplates that the attorneys for claimants would recommend to thim a settlement of $1250.00 if the Village mere willing to pay this amount. I&, HoJten recommended that the Village pay the amount last ment- ' imed, whereupon Trustee %'illson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village settle the personal injury and property damage claims of L. N. Nackerud and Leslie Hook for the sum of $1250.00, and the @resident and the Clerk are hereby authorized to draw a warrant upon the Village treasury for such amount upon being advised by the Village Attorney that such sun is acceptable to said parties. That said check be delivered to the Village Attorney for transmittal upon receipt of proper releases. The motion to adopt was seconded by Wyatt and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so. the resolution was adopted. 4 President of Ccrwncil ATTEST : Village Clerk Eessrs C, E. Eansen & B. M. Parks appeared before the Council regarding easements for watermain and signing of contract pertaining to water mains in Golf Terrace Heights, after dis- cussion it being agreed they would confer with President and Village Attorney for settlement. Petition was received from owners of property facing France Ave. and Halifax Avenue from Best 51st Street to West 52nd, asking for installation of Sanitary Sewer in and along Grimes Avenues, if and when opened up, whereupon Vyatt moved the petition be referred to Sewer Committee and Village Engineer , seconded 't"J1lson and barried . Applications accompanied by checks to cover license fees, Were presented in person on behalf L. R. Molan, of Xolan's Cafe; V. A. Olsan of Bro,wn Derby Cafe; and Grace Heclanan of Village Inn Cafe; for "Onftandi1Off* Sale4 of 3.2 malt liquor and Xechanical Amusement devices. After discussion and wherein it was understood by all that all places would be operated properly, Geba moved the licenses be granted for ensuing year, seconded by Wyatt,-CBe vote? was upon the question of the adaption of the resolution wherein there mere five ayes and no nays and so the mation was declared carried. President Sharpe.regorted on his visit with Xr. John Arneson, . City Engilaeer, City of Bergus Falls, whom he had interviewed as a prospect for position as Village Xanager. After discussion Xoore moved Er. Arneson be allowed traveling expenses to Edina, that he might be interviewed by allnrembers of the Council, seconded by Wyatt and carried. Village Engineer Bradley presented final estimate on behalf of Underico Bilariani, for installation of Sanitary Sewer in Sewer District ma. 9, per contract, The total payment under the contract being $31,226.05 less payment $5,624.94 and recommended payment ' of same less $500.00 to b.e held back pending restoration of streets or ~25,104.11, whereupon Eoore moved the engineers' recommendation be concurred in, and payment duly allowed and ardered paid, seconded Gebo and carried, Chairman Eoore moved to accept the bid of ElkRiver Concrete Products Company for 70' of 42" Concrete pipe 6 $6.08 per foot and employment of supervisor and all jacks and equipment. necessary far jacking pipe under Highway 169 4 $18.00 per day of 8 hours, including insurance for those other than "PA employees, seconded gillson and carried , No further business to come before the meeting, the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place at the call of the President. I Village Recarder \