HomeMy WebLinkAboutArden_Agrmt Attachment BArden Park Concept Plan Cost Estimate - Agrmt. Attachment B May-17 Item Description/Assumption Cost Estimate CITY MCWD City Contingency Park shelter year round facility with rest rooms (green roof as alternate) $650,000 $650,000 50,000.00$ Park shelter terrace and creek overlook*5000 Sq. Ft. Paved surface and four six foot benches (Pervious surface as alternate)$16,000 $16,000 40,000.00$ Ice Rink Replacement including 6 lights*$30,000 (rink) $35,000 (lights), assumes rink in same location with grass surface $65,000 $65,000 Aluminum bleacher seating - four levels, 20' long small work frame roofed and open sided ht with wood bench for changing $12,000 $12,000 Playground upgrades/expansion*$125,000 $125,000 Playground seating area and benches 360 SF seating area and two 6-foot benches $7,000 $7,000 Night Lighting confined to arterial park trail onl. Pedestrian scaled LED type downlighting, pole mounted. 17 light poles approx. 100 feet apart.$114,000 $114,000 Upland Landscape Landscape for new park elements and supplementary to existing park landscape. Creek corridor planning included in Creek cost opinion (native and pollinator landscaping as alternate) $25,000 $25,000 75,000.00$ Park furnishings 6 additional park benches, 4 trash receptacles $15,000 $15,000 Park Facilities (City Cost) Lawn area seeding and regrading, storm drain, water and sewer line relocates (Misc. site costs) storm drains and piping in open lawn, removal of existing warming hut, regrading and seeding great lawn, tree protection, utilities (water line and sewer line relocates) (Soil amendments, clean water BMPs retrofit into drainage as alternate) $90,000 $90,000 10,000.00$ Park Facilities Subtotal $1,119,000 $1,119,000 $0 175,000.00$ 10' wide asphalt parks path 3" asphalt with 6 inches of class five over compacted subgrade. @ $40 /LF (District option to replace with pervious pavement at their expense)$48,000 $48,000 6' wide asphalt trail (connections to nature trail) 3" asphalt with 6 inches of class five over compacted subgrade. @ $24 /LF (District option to replace with pervious pavement at their expense)$36,000 $36,000 Paths (City Cost) Brookview Avenue Sidewalk (6' wide concrete) 4" concrete with 6" deep class 5 base over compacted subgrade. 1452 LF @ $140/LF $205,000 $205,000 Brookview Ave. Overlook Terraces (2)($23,000 ea.)dark, modular brick type paver on sand leveling surface with 6" deep class 5 over compacted subgrade. $8.00/SF for paving, 360 SF of paving at each location, two 6-foot benches per overlook, 8" wide X 18" deep concrete curb at slope embankment edge for each terrace, 30 LF painted, custom metal railing set into concrete frost footing at each location $46,000 $46,000 Park Facilities Subtotal $335,000 $335,000 $0 -$ Park Facilities (City Cost and Separate Scope) Main arterial trail bridge 12-foot steel bridge to support truck weight, includes abutments $170,000 $85,000 $85,000 Nature Trail & Wood Boardwalk at north end of park 6' wide X 210 linear feet of pressure treated wood deck with wood railings and painted metal gridded guard between wood posts set onto paired helical screw foundations at 12' spacing, 6 x 6 pressure treated wood stair leading from wood deck to Oaklawn Ave. sidewalk (cost includes metal rail on one side of stair)$76,000 $38,000 $38,000 Stair connection from Minnehaha Blvd. to Flood Plain Trail Assume 5' wide poured concrete stair with railing $6,000 $3,000 $3,000 North Pedestrian bridge (north nature trail) 7-foot wide with wood railing detailing, abutments, helical screw structure below grade $80,000 $40,000 $40,000 Nature Trail on south end - near Minnehaha Blvd Pervious crushed rock over leveling course. Sand subgrade where required.$15,000 $7,500 $7,500 Natural Resource Restoration (extended cooridor) Removal of buckthorn, selective tree thinning, native plantings, tree planting and seeding.$150,000 $75,000 $75,000 Trails & Vegetation subtotal $497,000 $248,500 $248,500 Creek Overlook at South of 54th Street Paved path connection from public sidewalk, assume 360 SF, 3" asphalt with 6" compacted class 5 base over compacted subgrade. Viewing terrace on grade with dark color modular brick paving set on sand base with 6" compacted class 5 base over compacted subgrade, 150 SF and one 6-foot bench $4,000 $4,000 Alternate to add pervious pavement parks path on 10' wide parks loop and 6' wide nature trail connections $33,600 $33,600 Creek Restoration and Associated Improvements (District Cost) Canoe and tubing put-in and landing at north end of park 200 SF terrace on grade with dark color modular brick paving set on sand base with 6" compacted class 5 base over compacted subgrade. One 6-foot wide bench, 20 linear foot long floating wood landing connected to terrace with piers to adjust to varying water levels. $8,000 $8,000 Canoe Landing at 54th Street 200 SF viewing terrace on grade with dark color modular brick paving set on sand base with 6" compacted class 5 base over compacted subgrade, two 6-foot wide benches, 20 linear foot long floating wood landing connected to terrace with piers to adjust to varying water levels. $11,000 $11,000 Creek Remeander Project See assumptions on separate sheet $1,050,000 $1,050,000 Floodplain Landscape trees, shrubs and seed mix according to Floodplain Forest, Inner bend and Outer Back planting zones per IF Vegetation Concept Drawing $137,000 $137,000 Subtotal Creek Restoration $1,243,600 $1,243,600 -$ Trails & Vegetation (cost shared equally) Stormwater management north of playground Sediment capture, filtration, or clean water feature $400,000 $200,000 $200,000 Stormwater bio retention basins Basins 1-3 identified in SEH Stormwater Management Plan for 54th St. and Arden Park Area Jan. 30, 2014 or alternate sites as determined in design phase $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 Low Impact (zero runoff) Development Demonstration / Pollinator Garden, Green Roof, Stormwater, Pervious Patio, Educational Signage, May replace portion of "facilites" items noted above with bid alternate for LID demonstration. $290,000 $145,000 $145,000 Stormwater Subtotal $890,000 $445,000 $445,000 -$ Total Project Est.$4,084,600 $2,147,500 $1,937,100 $175,000 Stormwater Management (Split Cost)