HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420212_REGULAR26 Tfinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on January 12, 1942, at 8:OO o'clock P. M. The:'meeting mas called to order by newly elected and duly qualified President Earl C. Sharpe, the roll cased and all members of the Council were present. Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on December on December 15, 1941, were read, on motion Wyatt they be approved as read, seconded by Willson and carried. . 8, 1941, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held The Village pay rolls upon being duly examined and found correct aere on motion f7illson they 'be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded Tillson and carried. Bills and accounts of Joint Sewer District Xo. 1, were examined and found correct, whereupon Wyatt moved that checks be drawn upon Joint Sever District No. 1Bund in payment invoices as represented by Recorder's warrants numbered 472 to 484, both inclusive, seconded by Trustee Gebo, and carried. Bills and accounts of Sewer District No. 8, were examined and found correct, ghereupon Trustee '8yatt moved that checks be drawn upon Sewer District No. 8 Fund, in payment iiivoiees as represented by Recorder's warrants numbered 128 to 147 both inclusive, seconded by Trustee Gebo and carried. It was moved by Wyatt that checks be dramn against Sewer Rental Bund in amounts $5.24 and 411.02 as covered by verified forms, seconded Gebo and carried. The Miscellaneous bills having been duly examined and found correct, it was moved by ?Tillson they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt and carried. They are as f olloms : Northwest Terminal Co . City of Binneapolis Einnehaha Grange E. W. Harris V. H. Ziegler Ca. A. J. Perrin Eatson's service Northern States Power Co. J. E, Borey Justus Lumber Co . Leitz Hardware Co. E. V. Zohnson Culvert eo. Elk River Concrete Products Ed ina Ear dy::ar e St, Paul Eyd, Hoist Co. Xinneapolis Iron Store Uptown Iron Store TJarner Hardware Co. Gardner Hardnare Co. Truck Generat or Fire Dept. Service Gasoline and Oil Tractor parts . Register of Deeds Gasoline for police car December Service Road 8c Bridge Service Lumber for Road & Bridge Extension ladder Stom Sewer Culvert Concrete culverts Road and Bridge supplies Repair part ?lashers & nuts (only) Road and Bridge supplies Tools for Road eC Bridge Weatherstrip material for year rent and special meetings 3 30.50 75.84 147.00 164.30 11.19 9.35 11.31 592.07 5.09 3.34 14 -40 685.60 1383.20 12,52 9.00 72 40.79 14 . 96 Tool House- 31.32 bbert Yards Drain tile for Boad & Bridge 16.26 Thompson Lumber Co , Lumber, less c/m 20.44 Einnesota Sand eC Gravel Go. Ready-mixed concrete 61.12 Landers, Norblom, Christensen Company Sewer pipe and brick 120.42 Oscar Roberts Sand for Road & Bridge 19 . 72 Young Puel Company Coke-storm sewer 19.70 Lills Cafe Xeals for prisoners 1.85 Edina Garage Police car service 2.35 American Brake S. 3'. Co. Eanhole rings & covers 48.00 Xi ller -Dav is C omgany Election supplies (only) .60 w. H. Ziegler Ca. Blackburn Nichols & Smith Eorton Salt Co. Elmma Tedman Village of Hopkins Chas Olson 4% Sons Chas Olson & Sons Ninneapolis Gas Light Co. S. J. Gautsch Northwest ern Bell Telephone Arthur Pet er s en L. B. Frink Clarence 0. Bolten M. I,. Rothschild & Go. T, VJ. Rosholt Co, Suburban Hennepin County Be 1 i e f Board Rural Hennepin Coun$-jT Surplus Com. Commission Blour City Body Corp. T. E. Tilly Hilding Dah1 John W. Lyons Ti. S-. Heydt Reinhard Bros. Hennepin County Review Dahlberg Bros. Company Payment insoice 63985 $ 25.00 Premium Appeal bond 10.00 Gasoline-Road & Bridge 8.95 2ire call service (1942) 400.00 Snow plow mounting 558.05 Road 8 Bridge repairs 69.15 Cleaning seygers, draining Rock Salt-Road & Bridge 42.22 Gas heating Tool House 30.13 hydrants 176 6 50 T a1 e phon e -Wh 16 6 6 20.63 December garbage collection 426.30 Check writer 12 . 50 December Village attorney 75.00 4 police hats 12,oo Snow fence 74.25 December direct refief 451.29 Noveinber & December services 84.41 Pire truck per contract 3,871.68 Extra pay acct. Halloween 8.00 Extra pay acct. Halloween 5.00 Extra pay acct. Halloween 5.00 Washers, nuts & screws (only) .72 Publication Ordinance 9.00 Repair Police car 44 . 94 Extra pay acct. Halloween 8 ,OO - A Committee representing Edina Volunteer Fire Department, headed ,' by Chief Phil Bailey, waited upon the Council and were advised by President Sharpe to expect the Council's cooperation and Discussion was had on the amount of levy for construction and installation of sanitary sewers in Sewer District No. 9, with request to Lower the total amount levied as construction costs were under engineer's estimates, whereupon the President suggested the advisabixity of lowering the following years if possible, whereupon Noore moved to refer the matter to Village Attorney and Assessor to investigate and report to the Council, seconded / that a joint meeting would be held to discuss matters. -1 I " . by Vystt and carried. phr. H. W. Swensen, presented Pidelity and Guaranty Eire Corp- oration policies numbered A-835166 and A-835162, covering $3000 Fire and Theft policy on 3 to 4 ton International truck and ,~800.00 on No. 22 Caterpillar tractor respectively. Tlhere- upon Wyatt moved they be accepted and payment of premium in amounts of $31.50 'and $6.00 be authorized, seconded by Willson and carried. A. Xarisni, advised the Council he would desire payment of second, third, and fourth engineer's estimates on contract to install Sanitary sewers in Sewer District No. 9, and was assured by the President that the matter would be made a first order of business and hoped to have same definate infor- mation by next regular meeting of the Council. President 3harpe brought up recent statement of Stinchfield, Eackall, Crounse and Itloore, in cgse of Country Club District Service Company vs Village of Edina. After discussion it was agreeable to all the Council that the President and Village Attorney interview the firm with idea of determining the lowest amount of Attorney fees the Village would be expected to pay. President read communication regarding furniture and equipment the Commodity Allotment Board would need and referred to the Recorder for attention. Communication by Hymen Priesman, WA worker, on Sewer District 28 \ No. 8; dated January 5, 1942, was read, wherein he stated that he Gas injured on December 10, 1941, while at work, and referred to Village Attorney to handle. Commieation of State Selective Service read ivith reference to the next registration of man power under the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940. After discussion-the matter of next registration to be held on sebruary 16th vias left with Recorder Eoore, as Chief Registrar to arrange for the registration, After discussion it was moved by '{Jyatt, that the pay of the Village 3ecorder be set at $90.00 for the ensuing year, seconded by Villson and carried. Willson moved that the pay of the Village Treasurer be set at $30.00 per month for the ensuing year, seconded by Eoore and carried. President Sharpe presented Council Committee recommendations for the ensuing year as follows: ROAD &c 32IDGE COEEIITTEE: George T!illson, Chairman; A. S. Vyatt , Earl C. Sharpe. POLICE COHHITTEE: L, E. Gebo, Chairman; A. 3, vlyatt, Earl C. Sharpe. BjZLIEF COENITTXE : A, S. Wyatt , Chairman ; George Villson , Earl C. Sharpe. SELm COmfITT33E: Ben B. Eoore, Chairman; George millson, Earl C, Sharpe. ORDIMmCE COmITTEE: Earl C, Sharpe, Chairman; Ben B, Eoore, L. M. Gebo, LI@XL'ING COjiRI1TTD.Z: George Vlillson, Chairman; A. 3. Tyatt, Earl C. Sharpe. TIRE PROTECTION COERIITTEE: L. E. Gebo, Chairman; A, so JTYatt, George Willson, Ben B. Eoore, Earl C. Sharpe. Wherein S7illson moved they be concured in, seconded by Vyatt and carried, the vote being upon the question of the adoption of the motion wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so the motion was declared duly passed and carried. Agplication in form accompanied by $3.00 license fee having been received from the folloning local residents: B. &Olson, 3915 Vest 50th Street Xrs, Gust Olson, The Cahill Store Geo. L. Trisler, 5405 France Ave. Grace Heckman, 4930 France Ave. A, H. Cohaley, 3907 West 50th St. Henry H. Gregg, 4954 France Ave. Xrs. L. D. Buckett, 50th & Brookside X. J. Hove, 3940 !/est 50th St. / it mas moved by Gebo they be granted for period of three months beginning on the first day of January 1942, seconded by Vfyatt and carried. It was moved by Eoore that there being sum of $10.47 remaining in the so called "Crier Bund", being monies heretofore given the Village Council for such expenditures as it may see fit and not having been derived from tax revenues, that the same be paid to The American Red Cross, seconded by "lillson and carried. The matter of appointing Village Engineer for Storm Sewer Dist- rict X$oo 10, next came before the Council, mhereugon Eoore moved that 33. H. Bradley, be so appointed, seconded by Glillscrn. Those voting in favor of the motion being Gebo, Tlillson, Eoore, and Shagpe; voting nay: Vyatt, and declared duly carried. , 29 It was moved by Willson that plans and specifications duly ‘prepared and submitted by B. H. Bradley, Village Engineer for Storm Sewer District No. 10, be and the same hereby are approved seconded by Eoore. Those voting in favor of the motion vere Gebo, Willson, Koore, and Sharpe; voting nay being Tiyatt, and so the motion was declared carried. Trustee Geba moved that the bond offered by Ward B. Lewis, in amount $500.00, as Just-ice of the Peace, issued by Hartford Accident and Idemity Company for period January 1, 1942 to December 31, 1942, both inclusive, be accepted and approved, seconded Eoore and carried Village Attorney Holten reported bn action brought against Village of Edina by Leslie E. Hook, for $1750.00 and L. N. Nackerud, for $3500.00 for injuries arising from an accident on Indianola Avenue on Illarch 10, 1941, during construction of Sanitary Sewer by WPA, was set for trial on Ir’ebruary 16, 1942, and suggested that a medical examination of those men be secured before determining upon any offex of settlement, vhich was agreeable to the Council so to do. Trustee FJillson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, as folXows : 1. The Eidland National Bank and Trust Company of Xhneapo21is, Ninnesota, is hereby designated as depository for the funds of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, for the year 1942. 2. Checks of the Village drawn on said Bank and orders for transfer or withdraw1 of the fund of said Village on deposit in said Bank in the following accounts: Joint Sewer District No. 1 Sewer District No. 3 Sewer District No. 4 Sewer District No. 5 Sewer District No. 6 Sewer District No, 7 Sewer District No. 8 Seiver District No. 9 Vat ermain Improvement No . 1 Vatermain Improvement No . 2 shall be signed by the following three officers: Earl C. Sharpe, President, Ben B. Noore, Clerk, J. J. Duggan, Treasurer . 3. Checks of the Village drawn on said Bank and orders for transfer or withdrawal of the fund of said Village on deposit in said Bank in the general fund shall be signed by the Village Treasurer, J. J. Duggan. BE IT ZUEITHER RESOLVED, that the said Eidland National Bank and Trust Company of Ninneapolis is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks so drawn as above set forth, vhether or not such checks be payable to the order of one of the fore- going persons either in his individual or official capacity or deposited to his individual credit. The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee PJyatt and the vote vias upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there mere five ayes and no nays and so the resolution was adopted. President of Council ATTEST : \ Village Clerk 30 Recorder Eoore offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : BE IT RESOLVED, that I). H, Bradley of Minneapolis, Kinnesota, be and he is selected as the VZllage Engineer of the Village of Edina, in connection mith the construction and erection of sewers in Storm Sewer District No. 10 of said Village, and said Engineer is directed to dram plans and specifications for- such seners, and tabulate the result of the estimate of the cost of such sewers, and report the same to the Village Council. Such plans and specifications shall be filed with the Village Clerk before any proposals for york thereunder shall be adver- t ised , The motion to adopt was seconded by \‘Tillson and the vote mas upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there nere four ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. President of Council Trustee Billson offered the folloaing resoluti’on and moved its adoption : BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Einnesota, as f ollov~s : I The plans and specifications for a storm’sewer in Storm sewer District No. 10 of the Village prepared by B, E. Bradley and filed in the office of the Village Recorder on January 12, 1942, are hereby approved and accepted. The Council shall meet on Eonday, the 23rd day of Zebruary, 1942, at eitht orclock P. No, for the purpose of opening, receiving, and considering bids for the construction of said storm sever in Storm Sewer District No. 10, of said Village Xn accordance nith plans and specifications as approved. Notice to bidders shall be made by publication for three (3) successive weeks in the offical newspaper of the Village and in the Improvement Bulletin, printed in Einneapolis, Einnesota, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: PROPOSAL FOB BIDS FOR FURNISHING XATERIAL BO3 STORE SEVER DISTRICT NO. 10 Sealed proposals vi11 be received by the Village of Edina, hriinnesota, at Grange Hall, at the corner of EdenRoad and Highway No. 100, in said Village, until 8:OO otclock I?. If., on Zebruary 23rd, 1942, and will be opened at said time for consideration by the Village Council, for the furnishing of material for a storm sever in said Village, as follows: 200 lineal feet 30-inch bituminous coated corrugated 840 lineal feet 24-inch reinforced concrete pipe, metal pipe. 8 30-inch pipe bands, 5 manhole rings and covers, 10 cast iron curb inlets. 9000 sewer brick. The above to be in accordance nith plans and specifications therefor on file vith the Village Clerk, at 4605 \’Jooddale Avenue, in said Village, and in accordance with the rules and require- ments of the ’;forks Progress Administration of the United States of America. The plans and specifications may be seen at said 3. I The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of bids, or to adjourn the meeting to a later date for the purpose of further consideration and accepting said bids . . BY ORDER OP THE VILLAGE COUNCIL office of said Village Clerk, or at the office of €3. H. Bradley, Village Engineer, 217 South 6th Street, Uinneapolis, Einnesota. one-half to be refunded when the plans and specifications are returned in good condition. Extra copies may be procured on application by depositing $15.00, I ; All bids must be unconditional and be on the basis of cash payment for the material. A certified check in the amount of 15% of the amount bid must accompany all bids. successful bidder fails or refuses to enter into a written contract for the furnishing of material, and to give a bnndr as required by law, within twenty (20) days after notice of the award of the contract, the check will be forfeited to the Village as liquidated damages. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned after the contract has been awarded. In case the Village Clerk All the terms and provisions of the foregoing notice are hereby made a part of this resolution as though separately set out and resolved herein. The motion to adopt was seconded by Recorder Moore, and the vote was upon the question 02 the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted . '- President of Council ATTEST : Village Clerk Trustee Willson offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : -*- R E S 0 L U T I 0 13 -- ---------- IT IS BEFi2lBY RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Eennepin County, Ninnesota, as follows: Section 1. That this Council hereby determines that it is necessary and expedient, and for the best interests of the public, to construct a district sewer and laterals in and along those streets and avenues of Storm Sewer District No. 10, of said Village of Ediaa, as follows: A district sewer commencing at a point 5 feet North of the center line of Vest 52nd Street and 5 feet West of the center line of Halifax Avenue; thence Vest parallel to the center line 32 o€ West 52nd Street to the East bank of Einnehaha Creek, in said Village of gdina. li lateral sewer commencing at a point 5 feet North of the center line of Vest 52nd Street and 5 feet East of the center line of Indianola Avenue; thence North parallel to the center line or" Indianola Avenue a distance of 255 feet, in said Village of Ed ina . Reference is hereby made to plats of the Additions embracing the foregoing streets and avenues of file and on record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin. County. The motion to adopt was seconded by Clerk Hoore and the vote %as upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were four ayes and no nays, and so the resolution was adopted. President of Council AT TEST : Village Clerk No further business to come before the meeting at this €he the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again a% the same time and place on January 19, 1942. Village Recorder \