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&mutes of the regular meeting
of the Council of the Village of
Edina, held in Grange Ea11 on
February 23,-1942, at 8:OO
o 'clock P. E.
The meeting was called to order by the President, those present at I
roll call being President -Sharpe and Trustees Villson, Tyatt, and
Gebo .
Trustee Vyatt read the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council
held on February 9, 1942, whereupon Trustee Gebo, moved they be
approved as read, seconded by Villson and carried.
Recorder Eoore having arrived thereupon assumed the duties of
Clerk and Recorder.
The Village pay rolls were duly examined and found correct, where-
upon 17illson moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded
by Vyatt and carried.
It was moved byXyatt that bills and accounts of Sewer District
No, 8, as represented by Recorder's warrants 162, 163, and 164,
be paid, seconded by Willson and carried.
Recorder Eoore advised there were funds available in Sewer District
No. 9, whereupon Tyatt moved to repay the $6000.00 temporarily loaned from General Fund to Sewer District Eo. 9 Fund, seconded
Xoore and carried,
Recorder presented statements by City of Minneapolis covering 753
sanitary sewer connections @ 50p per connection for period of six
months in amount $376.00 and sewage treatments costs for six
months totaling $1037.14.
paid, seconded Gebo and carried.
Ydhereupon Vyatt moved they be ordered
Also presented for CounciJ's consideration was annual statement
covering Village of Edina portion of Sewage Disposal System for
year 1942, in amount $3,051.22, per contract, Thereupon Eoore
" moved the account be du&y allowed and ordered paid, seconded by
iTJillson and carried,
The matter of rezoning that part of Prance Avenue between West
49th Street and Test 50th Street, not already zoned for community
. Store purposes and duly referred to this meeting, next came before
the Council. Trustee Gebo reported on behalf of the Council
Council Committee who would rec'ommend rezoning under reasonable
prov.isions snd suggested that deed restrictions be made governing
use of property, and that the matter be held in abayence pending
discussion by interested persons and the Council, suggestion mas
made that Ere Jay C. Vincent, Asst. City of Kinneapolis Engineer
in charge of Traffic, be consulted in the effort to arrive at a
solution of the problem, ahjch was agreeable to all present.
The matter of costs and assessment for Watermain Improvement Bo.
1, was discussed with the Council by Xr. Smith, The gresident
assured Xr. SmitB that a reduction would be made in the amounts assessed if possible.
. adoption of a definate and comprehensive plan. After further
I&. Yar1: Covell, Edina Chairman, Civilian Defense Cauncil, appeared
before the Council and-advised contents of Special Order No. 1,
of Rennepin County, and that a meeting had been arranged on behalf
of aichfield, Bloomington, Xjlorningside and Edina, to be held in
Zdina School building on Xarch 3, 1942. After discussion, Xoore
moved that the Council underwrite necessary and expedient expenses
of the Edina .Civilian Defense Council to the extent of $25.00 if
and when incurred, seconded by V?yatt and carried.
Chairman Koore of Sanitary Cornittee, moved that bids be taken for
25 manhole rings and covers and 650 manhole steps, needed in
construction' Sewer District No. 8, seconded by Villson and carried.
Application by Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for permission
to set one pole in alley South of West 56ph Street betmeen York
and Zenith and to install telephone cable in and along 1755th
Street, 294 feet East of Beard Avenue, was on motion, Villson be
granted, seconded Gebo and carried.
President Sharpe read a communication by D. Frank Tupa, advising
the Council that the corner of Bridge Street and Casco Avenu.e,
xas in his oFinion a hazardous corner and suggested stop signs be instplled, mas referred to the President for reply.
Tritten legal opinion by Village Attorney Holten dated February
18, 1942, concerning the assessment made against the property of
Einneapolis, St. €aul and Suburban Railmay Company, for sanitary sewers, advised the assessment was a valid one and could not be
modified in favor of the Railvay Company. The matter vias referred
to the Village Attorney, for reply to Er. Boardman, representing
the railroad interests,
Recorder, reported as Chief Registrar for the Selective Service
registration held on February 14, 15, and 16$ 1942, that 24
citizens had volunteered their services as registrants and 422
residents of Edina had registered.
-1 Bids as advertised, mere received on 200 lineal feet of 30 inch
t~ ',,I 24" reinforced concrete pipe, 10 cast iron curb inlets and 9000
i '- semer brick, from American Brake and Zaundry Company, El2 River ' I-''~~
,.' bituminous coated corrugated metal culvert pipe, 840 linial feet of
Cuncrete Products Company and H. V. Johnson Culvert Company. On
Committee, seconded 'Jillson and carried,
?',,iQ motion Xoore, be referred to Village Engineer and Sanitation
Chairman Gebo, reported on tabulation of bids and inspection of
goods offered of materials for Edina volunteer Fire Department and
moved amards as follows:
J. N. Johnson, 904 Ehrquette Avenue, Hinneapolis, 600 feet D. J.
l-&fl fire hose, Undernirterb approved in 50 ft. lengths aith
bronze couplings L 52# per foot delivered net . 12 Aluminum Pireman's hats, mith chin straps, ear lugs, ear laps B cushion
lining G $7.00 each net. 12 Fireman's black rubber coats vith
detachable snap on liner, Janesville or equal 6 ')13.75 net each
delivered. 2-1-i- qt. Pyr-Pyter extinguisher's (CTC) L ,$9.00 ea.
net delivered,
1-24- gallon Born type extinguisher G .:)11.50 each, net
12 Fire buckets (3 gallon) @ 500 each net delivered.
Jas, 3. Auel Compzny, 4326 Nicolet Avenue, Uinneapolis, 150 feet
ztt Sison rope 8 $51.50. 2 17. P. Salvage covers 14? x 18' (2 $55.00, 6" jf1251 Everreedy Plash lights G 10.75.
mnneapolis sty2e, 0 39,OO. 1-75 ft. Jiffy Fire Fighter.G $15,00.
2-90 B Indian hand pump, 8 331.00.
Fireman's boots G $78.00.
1 Akron 2$* male P. B. connector, @ $4.00.
P. B. connector G 35.75.
6 Fireman's belts,
12-Siren Brand Belt lined
1 Akron Adj. Eydrant nrench G $1.50,
1 Akron 2-$tt Female
and that checks of unsuccessful bidders be returned, seconded by
Vyatt and carried.
€$a further business to come before this meeting, President Sharpe
declared the meeting adjourned at 11:55 P. E.
Village Re cor der