HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420309_REGULAR49 Unutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on Earch 9, 1942, at 8:OO o'clock P.X. The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Uinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on F'ebruary 23, 1942, were read. On motion Wyatt they be approved as read, seconded by Willson and carried. The Village pay rolls having been carefully noted and found correct whereupon Gebo moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Wyatt and carried. They are as follows: I Earl C. Sharpe Ben €3. llloore George A. Willson A, S. Wyatt L. E. Gebo J. J. Duggan Dr. L. U. Campbell T, E. Tilly Hilding Dah1 U. 53. Heydt John .VI. Lyon Dr. R. F. Erickson R. J. Johnson S. J. Roberts P. Dahlgren John Tracy L, Stolgman 0. 11, Spande Ronald JFort E. Berfeld Sam UcCready . E. Emnsley A. C. Stringer Elmer qalker George Hansen President (Earth) $ 50.00 Trustee 35.00 Trustee 35.00 Trustee 35 . 00 T r ea s ur er 30,OO 30 . 00 Health Officer Village Xarshall 185 . 00 Police! Officer 160.00 Police Officer 160 . 00 Polibe Officer 160 00 Health Officer (January) 30.00 Street Commi'ss ioner 185 . 00 Ut i lit pan 150 . 00 Tractor Operator 150 . 00 Truck Driver 140 . 00 Asst. Road Foreman 140 . 00' Asst . Tractor Operator 135.00 135 .OO Asst. Truck Driver Road Labor 104 . 40 Road Labor 101.00 Road Labor 29.00 Road E% Bridge - Vl?A(Jan.Eeb.Ear.) 75,OO Road Iabor 1.68 Road Labor 1.20 Total if$ 2,347.28 Tillage Recorder 90.00 The Eiscellaneous bills were carefully examined and found correct, whereupon Trustee Gebo moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Vyatt and carried. They are as follows: -Leslie R. Hook ( Roy J. Xardaunt 1 Settlement of Sujiti A. R. English ( L. IJ, Nackerud ( Roy J. Eardaunt 1 Settlement of Suit A. R. English ( Z'oen Eatgko Campany &tsanrs Standard Graybar Electric Co. George A. QJillson Arthur 2 e t er s en S. J. Fautsch Alex Creighton Edina Hardware H. C. Alden E. W. Harris . Xinneapolis Blue Printing Company 1.1innaapolis Gas- Light Company Xiller Davis company Blackburn Xicho Is & Smith oo*- Service Plumbling Supplies Gasoline- Police car Electrical Supplies Refund cash advanced February garbage collection Plumbing Inspector Building Inspector Hardware - R. & B. supplies Labor Village Tracing Gasoline and Oil Blueprints Gas for heating Office supplies Police car liability insurance -$ 450.00 800 .OO 80.97 16.28 26.45 1.95 430 . 15 75 . 00 58.15 24 . 20 15 . 00 121 . 04 9,80 55.24 17.32 75.25 Blackburn Eichols & Smith Compensat i.on insurance 404 . 98 >lor th 23 tar "loolen Ell Company Blankets (Fire E: Police) 28.50 Borthvestern Bell Telephone Company Telephone TI%. 1666 18.05 Xorthern States Power Company Electric Service 602.50 Suburban Hennepin County t'lelfare Board February Relief 485.61 Hennepin County Poor Farm Service 138 . 00 Clarence 0, Holten Village Attorney 75 .OO Village of Eopkins Fire Department Service 45 . 00 The Kimm Go. Preference Priorety Certificates 2.40 Northwestern Terminal Company Truck Part 1.58 Edina Garage, Inc. Police car service 5.80 2.80 H, A. Rogers Coo Blue Prints Eorthfield Iron Co. Snow fence tie vires 20.50 17.50 The Hustad Company Window sash Hennepin County Beviw Published notices 14.85 Uptown Iron Store Files 2.13 V. H, Ziegler Company Tractor grease 20.63 Thompson Lumber Co . Lumber (net) 82 . 09 International Earvester Company Truck Part 24 . 37 John R. Borey Gasoline and Oil, Kerosene 10 . 61 Warner Hardware Co. Pole saws 2.11 Young Fuel Comgany Coke 30a87 Clara Gaodacre CRerical. Labor 26 . 10 346 . 80 Eennepin County Review CCDSCo. vs V of Edina Briefs Harry 3, Smensen Guardian Ikry Nevberg 575.00 John Arneson Expenses to Edina 14.29 Total. 3 5,254086 It uas moved by Vyatt, that net invoice of Oscar Roberts Company in amount of $456.29 for sand, gravel and clay fill be alloned and ordered paid from Joint Sewer District Eo. 1 Eund, and bill for labor in amount 45.00 be allowed and ordered paid in favor 5, J. Pautch for clearing Tooddale Avenue sanitary sever in 4500 block, seconded Villson and carried . It mas moved by Yyatt, that bills and accounts as shown by Recorder's warrants numbered 165 to 193, be duly alloned and ordered paid from Sewer District TTo, 8 Pund, seconded by Villson and carried. President Sharpe called for reports of chairmen of various commit- ties mith Treasurer Duggan reporting $4041.41 in General Eund, Chairman Willson reported on Road and Bridge activities, Trustee Vyatt on QeXief, Trustee Gebo on Police and Zire, and Aecorder Eoore on progress of storm and sanitary sewer construction projects. Eembers of the >ire Department were present concerning installation of Alarm Siren ahich after discussion mas left with Pire Department to obtain bids for submission to the Council. A representive group of residents living on Brookviev Avenue, South of 55th Street, were present to protest against continued occupancy of the John Garrison premises by the Pisher family as unsanitary. There being no inside toilet or water, that rats infested the outdoor privy, there being five children in the family, Village HeBlth Officer, Dr. Campbell, vas present and recommended passage of an ordinance to protect the public against- such conditions as given by the neighbors, ahereupon Yillage Attorney Eolten presented a suggested ordinance . Thereupon Recorder Eoore offered the folloaing resolution and moved its adoptian 8 I AX Ol3DIXAIXE TO REQUIRE CONCNI3CTION VITH THE SATTITILRY SE3E.R SYSTEE AlTD PROVIDIMG A PXNALTY FOR TIIE: VIOLATION HERZOB, The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as Section 1. Connection Required. Whenever property in any platted area abuts upon any public street or alley along which any sanitary sewer mains shall have been constructed, it shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of every dwelling house or business building located on such property to install a toilet therein and to connect such toilet with said sanitary sewer in said street or alley adjacent thereto. Section 2. Failure -- to Nake Connection; Eokice. It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of any property situated as described in Section 1 to fail t'o make such connection with the sanitary sewer within thirty days after written notice is given to such owner or occupant to install such toilet and make such connection. The written notice shall be prepared and delivered by the Village clerk on order of the council. Section 3. Connection Hunicipalitg. Whenever any owner or occupant shall fail to comply with such written notice, the Council may by resolution airect that a toilet be installed and connection made with the sanitary sever and that the cost of revenue fund and then assessed against the property benefited. . said installation be paid in the first instance out of the general Section 4. Assessment Collection. After such installation and connection is completed by order of the governing body, the Village clerk shall serve a written notice of the assessment upon the olfDner or his or her representative directing him or her to pay said assessment within ten days after the service of said notice to the village treasurer. If such assessment is not paid within ten days it shall be the duty of the village clerk to certify the amount thereof to the county auditor for collection in the same manner as other special assessments and the same shall become a lien upon said property until paid; provided, the governing body may by resolution provide that the assessment be spread over a term of three years upon request of the owner of the property or his representative. Section 5. Penalty. An31 person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance or who shall in any way interfere with the carrying out of any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be, upon conviction thereof, guilyt of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not less than 325.00 nor more than $100.00 and the cost of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than three months. The motion to adopt was seconded by Villson. the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays, and so .the resolution was adopted. Passed this 9th day of Btlarch, 1942. The vote was upon President of Cauncil ATTEST : The matter of location of proposed well and pump house in neighbor- hoad 17est 52nd Street and Indianola Avenue, duly came before the meeting with Eessrs, Veeley, Carlson, Anderson, and Shipman as a cormittee objecting to a location in a developed residential neighborhood. After discussian I&. Gaarden agreed to contact State Board of Health with reference to location.-.on:village property East of Pfinnehaha Creek and South? of ;'lest 52nd StreGt, which proposed location mas satisfactory to all present. The France Avenue rezoning proposition duly came before the Council, nherein Trustees Gebo and Vyatt, reported on meeting with Linnea- golis City Engineer Vincent. It being recommended that Halifax Avenue be opened up from Vest 49th St. to ;'lest 50th Street, that Vest 49-$ Street be opened up from France Avenue to Halifax, that Best 50th be nidened from France to Halifax, and that suitable set-backs be establishes for building lines.at this time, all of which met with the approval of all present. Village Attorney Holten presented certified copy of Court Order of appointment Harry 3. Swensen as Guardian for Erlary Neraberg in lieu of former Guardian George S. Grimes, deceased, whereupon Trustee 'Jillson moved that check in amount .$575.00 he drawn for $500 principal reduction on contract for deed and 375 interest on $1500 Q 5% leaving balance due on contract of $1000.00, seconded Uoore and carried. I The matter of residence of nne Eaud Needham, on Relief was discussed by tlzc Council, whereupon Ylyatt moved the matter be referred to Village Attorney Holten, who be authorized to consarlt that the . Village of Edina is legal place of settlement for Poor ReIief of said Eaud Xeedham, seconded Gebo and carried. Village Attorney Holten, reported that B. 19. Parks had called him and stated that Hmsen &Parks sould not sign agreement with the Country Club District Service Company and Village of Edina, for payment of water main in and along the Vest half of Golf Terrace, Application of Korthwestern Bell Telephone Company for permission to place two poles and one anchor on Vest 76th Street mest of Xerxes Avenue, was onmotion Eoore, be granted subject to no trees be cut or trimmed, seconded Vyatt and carried. A$j!Qications of Interlachen Country Club by V. A. Vhite, Jr., President, accompanied by proper license fees and Surety Company bond duly approved by Village Attorney for "On Sale" 3.2 &lt liquor and Wn Salew Intoxicating Liquor licenses, were on motion Eoore be granted, and President and Recorder be authorized to sign license. Seconded by Gebo and carried. Application of Country Club, Inc,, by Arnold Chester, Eanager, accompanied by proper license fees for "On Sale" 3.2 &lt Liquor and *On Salen Intoxicating Liquor licenses, were on motion Gebo be granted and President and Recorder be authorized to sign license upon approval of bond by the Village Attorney, seconded by :T;latt and carried. @plication of George L. Trisler for '*Off Sale" 3.2 Ealt liquor license at 5405 France Ave. accompanied by license fee of ,?5.00, mas on motion Gebo be granted, seconded Vyatt and carried, Application by Carl Qlson for Wff Sale" 3.2 Nalt'Liquor License at 3928 Vest 50th Street, accompanied by license fee of 35.00 Gas on motion "lyatt be granted, seconded Emre and carried. Application by &ma Tedman for "Off Salen 3.2 &lt Liquor License at Uooddale Grocery 'Jest 62nd and Kooddale Ave., accompanied by license fee of :,%.OO, was on motion VJyatt be granted, seconded Eoore and carried. c Bids as advertised mere received as follons: American Brake Shoe & Fdy. Co. Eanhole rings & Covers f.o.b. Edina, $16.00 each. Burus-American Foundry Eanhole rings EC Covers f.o.b. Watertom South Dakota,$l4.50 each, Diamond Iron Forks &nhole rings & Covers, f.0.b. Edina, $18.00 each. 153 ‘. Burns-American Zoundry Emhole step, f .o.b. htertown, South -4. A. Skalski Supply Co. Dllankold- stepg, f.0.b. Bdina, 66# each. Lewis Rut h Bolt Co. Nfanhole steps, f.o.b. Edina, 39&?! each. Dakota, 55# each. “hereupon Willson moved the business be awarded ,the lowest bidders, American Brake Shoe eS Foundry Company for 25 manhole rings and covers G $16.00 each f .o.b. Edina, ’and Lewis; Eut & Bolt C.ompany 650 Xanhole steps 8 39& each, seconded Gebo and carried. The matter of installation of Traffic Signs at intersection of Prance Avenue and Y1es.t 50th Street was again discussed by the Council, wherein Trustee Gabo moved the Recorder advise the City of Binneapolis of its willingness to co-operata &n the installation and operation and maintenance of same on a 50/50 basis, seconded QJillson and carried. I After discussion Trustee Willson moved that the Chairman of the Road &Bridge Copittee be authorized to arrange for a re-conditioned Ford V8 motor be installed in Village truck at a cost not ta exceed $7i”7,00,’seconded by Boore and carried. Xo furthgr business to coae before the meeting, the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place at the call of the Pr.esident. \ Yillage Recorder