HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420413_REGULAR'I I. I I. &buteEi af the of %he Qoundil Edina., held in regular me et ing of the Village of Grange Hall on ' 57 i April 13, 1942, at u8:OO ofclock P.N. Themeeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Each 23, 1942 and recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on April 1, 1942, mere read, on motion Vyatt they be approved as read, seconded by Gebo.and carried. The Road and Village Payrolls upon being found correct, vere on motion Gebo be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. They are as follows : Earl C. Sharp Berm B. Eoore Gearge A. Villson A. S. Wyatt L. U. .Gebo J-. J. Duggan Ds. L. E. Campbell Phil- S . Smith Phil S. Smith 'I!. E, Tilly Hilding Dah1 W. S. Heydt. John W. Lyon .. R. J. Johnson S. J. Roberts. P. Dahlgren John Tracy L. Stolgman 0. E. Spande Ronald P0rt E. Xerfeld Sam 3icicCready H. Ensley John Lundberry A. C. Stringer I" President April Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Health Officer Engineer Auto allowance Village Xkrshall Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Street Comiss ioner Uti lityman Tractor operat or Truck driver Ass't. Road foreman Ass'% . Tractor operator Ass%. truck drivar Road labor Road labor Road labar Truck hire Re &Be 9 FGrPA !$ 50.00 90 . 00 35.00 35 000 35.00 30 .OO 30.00 150..00 25 . 00 185 . 00 160.00 160 . 00 160.00 185 . 00 150.00 150 . 00 140 .OO 140.00 135 000 $35 .oo 130 . 80 75.00 40.00 76 .'OO / . The-Jifliscellaneoua b'lls upon being duly examined and found correct yere on motion Will i! on they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by I;iyatt and carried. They are as follows: Rural Hennepin County -3ur.plus Corn. 'Corn. Thompsan Lumber Co. Firestona Service Station John R. Borey Lyle Signs, Inc. Clty of Xinneapolis B-VI Bell, Telephone Co. S. ,J.'Pautsch S . ' J, Pautsch N-W Terminal Co. Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board Rural Bennepiri County Surplus Corn. Corn. Ema.;Tedman \- I -- E. 8. Harris Clarence 0. Holterm John Lindberry @?egg's Pharmacy Norton Salt Co. Xinneapolis Iron Store Williams Hardware Co . 'Xinnea2olis Gas Light Co. 'Dale Green Pebruary services Lumber Tires, tubes Police Car Battery & supplies Road sigm Gas for heating 'Fire Department Service Telephone Vh. 1666 Plumbing Inspect ions Cess pool &material Parts Reo truck $ 35.68 3.30 29.58 28.15 36.35 24.86 229 . 65 17.55. 99.00 68.56 21.25 ltilarch Relief 394.80 Elarch relief 36.65 Gasoline- R. & 33. 3.44 Gasoline, Oil - R.6 E. Palica 187.72 Tillage Atitarney & recording 76.00 12 loads wood 12.00 15.08 1st aid 8 supplies Salt R. &Bo 51.60 R. &Be Supplies 8.06 Road garavel & loader 166 . 00 Hild steel 4.39 L, EI. Gebo &tson*s Standard Service J. T7. Lyon Northern States Power Co , H. A. Rogers Co. Bred L. Grey Coo Do B. Smith CQ., J. E, Johnson Eennepin C:cturmty Reviev Graybar Electric Co. 8. E. Ziegler Co. Phillips Petroleum Co. Brown Steel Tank eo. Brown Steel Tank Co. Arthur Peter's en H, A. Ragers Ccr. E. A. Nelson Dry Goods Co. Eller-Davis Co . Uptown Iron Store Thompson Lumber Co. Warner Hardware Co. Dahlberg Bros. Inc, To 8. Rosholt Co. Oscar Roberts Co. Northfield Iron Coo Edina Hardware J. A. Danens & Son H. C, Alden Gracier Sand I% Gravel Co. Edina Garage Ediaa Garage P, I, Prnducts Coo Refund cash advanced finger Gasoline for Police car. 20 . 24 Expenses Police school . 15.00 Uarch service 598.26 13.20 Blue prints Fire maps Premium Bire Dept, bond 120 . 00 2 sire pump 30,38 Pire Ext, fluid Published not ices e c 27-30 Elect r i ea1 supplies 2.95 Tractor parts 232.76 Distillate & Kerosene 14 79 Tar tank 90.00' Fire box 75.00 Garbage collection 434 . 00 Blue & vhite prints 2.03 Uuslin for Civilian Defense 91.72 Off ice Supplies 10.80 Paint 3,05 R, &Bo Tools 16.86 Repairs Police car 33 , 89 Grader parts 19 , 05 Sand-Gravel V52nd St 27,'21 Snow plow part 27,36 Hardware & supplies R. 8s B. 64,77 4 hrs, use Bulldozer TI. 52nd St. 14.00 Road Gravel 116 , 23 Police car service 4,65 Z Fire Siren 360.00 print roller for C. D. 2.47 _-- - - 18, 15_-- R, EC B. supplies 28020 Labor sire Dept, map 22000 Paint 10 . 20 $ 4,095.97 I Bills and accounts of Sever District no, 8, vere examined and found carrect, whereupon Vyatt moved they be duly alloved and ordered paid as represented by Recorder% Varrants numbered 197 to 214 both inclusive, seconded by Villson and carried, Trustee Vyatt moved that Sever Rental accounts numbered 30 to 33, both inclusive and Crier account number 3, be duly alloaed and ordered paid , seconded Villson and carried . President Sharpe called upon the several Committee Chairman for monthly reports, wherein Trustee Vyatt Villson on Road &Bridge, Trustee Gebo on Police & Fire, and Recorder Uoore on Storm Sewer h Sanitary Sewer construction, Bids as advertised aere received for ready mixed concrete accom- panied by certified check as follows: reported on Relief , Trustee Twin City Ready-Plixed Concrete Co . Ready Lfixed Concrete Company Vunder Ydeia Donohue Company Landers Dorblom Christensen Go. wherein all bid at the rate of $7.20 per CU. yd. delivered less 5% Cash 10th prox, &Bridge Committee and Village Engineer for report and recommendation seconded Gebo and carried. Bids as advertised, accompanied by certified checkso were received for road oil and road tar as folloas: Thereupon Eloore moved they be rBferred to Road Jay V. Craigg Co, road oil 8&f gallon, Jay V. Craigg Co, cut back asphalt 9&! gallon. Republic Creosoting Co. Road tar 12g! gallon. after study and discussion of the bids, Trustee Villson moved to accept bid of Jay '3. Craieg Company for road oil t2 8$# per gallon applied and far cutback asphalt 0 9&!per gallon applied and the 59 bid of Republic Creosoting Company for Road tar Q 12# per gallon applied, seconded by Wyatt and carried. No bids in'response of advertisement for bids having been received J for the construction of road upon and along the East and West quarter line Section 8, T 116, iZ 21, from Northwest corner of m'& of SEk of Section 8, to West line of said Section, V'illson moved to refer the matter to the regular meeting of the Council to be heid on April 27, 1942, seconded by Gebo and carried. Eessrs Barton, Cooper, Brown, Seeling, & Bloom, presented petition for curb and Gutter in and along Arden Avenue and West 59th st. in Brucewood with request same be done by WA labor and that the project not be started if the entire cost would be assessed, which vas referred to Road &Bridge Committee. I&. D. 3'. XcGuire requested widening of 'VJest 70th Street, \?est of Cahill Road, which was referred to Road &Bridge Committee and Engineer Smith. Nessrs English SC Nebelthan @resented petition for grading Beard Avenue between 54th &Puller Street, which was referred to Road , and Bridge Cormittee and Engineer Smith. Petition received for grading and oiling of Brookuiem Avenue from 55 to 56th Streets and referred to Road and Bridge Committee and Engine er Smith. Petiti,on with 50 signers, being residents of South Harriet Park, for a3topt4 sigm to be erected on West 54th at Braokview, read C% discussed and referred to Police Camittee. Letter from Einnesota Safety Council, dated April 3, 1942, announcing Safety awards to Eunicipalities, wherein the Village of Edina:uas so, named, read PC referred to Police Committee. After discussion Moore moved that Engineer Smith be authorized to arrange for office and engineering equipment, seconded by Gebo and carried, .A Chairman Willson of Road &Bridge Committee, to Fshom the matter had been referred, moved to accept the bid of Landers, Norblom, Chris- tensen Company for ready mixed concrete G $6.84 per cu. yard, net, delivered, seconded aoore and carried. Applications, accompanied by license fees, received from Country Club, Inc. for license to operate 2 mechanical amusement devices, whereupon Trustee Gcbo moved applications be received and licenses granted, seconded Tlillson and carried. Application, accompanied by license fee, received from Cauntry Club Inc. for license to sell cigarettes, whereupon Trustee Wyatt rnoved the applications be received and license granted, seconded Gebo and carried. Application, accompanied by license fee, received from ms. Gpst Olson, for license to sell cikarettes, whereupon Trustee 'JJyatt moved the application be received and license granted, seconded by Gebo and carried, Application, accompanied by license fee, received from Edina,Tkeatre Gorp., for renewal of Theatre license, Thereupon Trustee Gebo moved to accept the application and that license be .granted, seconded Billson and carried. Xo further business to come before the meeting President Sharpc declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place on April 20, 1942. I, . Village Recorder