HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420427_REGULAR' 61 Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on April 27, 1942, at 8:OO atclock P. E. The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Uinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on April 13, 1942 and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on April 20, 1942, were read. On motion Vyatt, they be approved as read, seconded Villson and carried. The Village pay roll advances having been carefully noted and found correct, were on motion i'lillson, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded i7yatt and carried. I It was moved by Wyatt that bills and accounts of Sewer District No, 8, as represented by Recorder's Varrants No. 215-216 and 217, be duly allomed and ordered paid, seconded Eoore and carried. Messrs De Winter and Couverse, representing property owners along the Niill Pond, advised they had employed Br. Adolph Meyer as consulti@ engineer, to determine some advisable method of sealing the ILi11 Pond against seepage ,below where the old fool bridge had exiseed. He presented letter under date of April 27, 1942, offering to donate approximately $1000.00 in Bentonite and Engineering services if the Village would place the material in the Creek bed. After discussion by all concerned, Xoore moved to accept the proposition of the said praperty omners and the aork on Village property be set up as a village project, seconded by Uyatt, and carried. . Applications accompanied by required license fees to sell cigarettes in the Village of Edina, having been made by the following: Leo A. Ec Clellan Grace Heckman Interlachen Country Club H; H. Gregg Enma Tedman A, H, Cohaley 'J. A, Olson Carl Olson It was moved by Gebo that applications be granted and licenses issued, seconded Ti'lilLson and! carried. President Sharpe reported on the snatter of Deputy Weed Inspector, whereupon after discussion, Willson moved that S. C. Herrett be duly appointed Deputy 3eed Inspector for the Village of Edina, for period my 1st to October 1, 1942, on basis of 6Opper hour worked, plus 5p per mile for use of private auto when used on inspections, seconded Gebo and carried. Bids as advertised for construction of public road along the East and 77est quarter line 3ection 8, T 116, R 21, from N-W corner of N-I'J$: of 3-Ek of Section 8 to Vest line or" said Section, duly referred to this meeting, next came before the Council, with bid of J. A. Banens and Son received and accompanied by certified check in mount $86.25 after discussion Trustee Billson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: J V-AS, pursuant to invitation for bids, duly published on the 2nd day of April, 1942, in the Hennepin County Review, for the furnishing af labor, material and equipment for extension, opening and grading of a street, complete and ready for service, upon and along the East and Best quarter line of Section Ei ht (8), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116),' Xange Twenty-one (21 7 , from the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast qyarter of said Section Eight (8), to the Vest line of said Section; within the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ltinnesota; bids were received and consideration thereof continued to this meeting; that the bid of J. A. Danens and Son, in the mount of #1725.00, is considered and determined ta be the lowest bid of a responsible bidder ; theref ore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid of said J. A. Danens and Son far the extension, opening and grading of a street, as above described, which bid is in the sum of $1725,00, be and hereby is determined to be the lowest bid oa a responsible bidder and is hereby accepted. The President and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract vith said J, A. Danens and San in conformity with said bid and the plans and specifications for the doing of said work as pre- pared by B. H. Bradley, engineer, which plans and specifications are on file in the office of the Village Clerk. The motion to adopt v:as seconded by Trustee Gebo and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the said resolution, aherein there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution vas adopted, 2 I ATTEST : -Village Clerk- Bids as advertised for purchase of automobile for Police car purposes, nere received and read aloud as follows: Edina Garage Plymouth check $110 ,, 00 31104.76 Dahlberg Bros. Ford check $125.00 ()1105.05 Suburban Chev. Chevenlot ,check 3112;64 31126.25 All bids were studied by the Council and prices and types of access- ories carefully noted. Thereupon Chairman Gebo moved to accept the bid of Dahlberg B~OS., Incas subject to a Bosch generator, or guaranteed equivelent being furnished, at $1105.05, seconded Eoore and carried. Ejority petition to oil Voodland Road in Colonial Grove from Brookvievr to Taoddale Ave. and assess costs to abutting property was received and referred to Road &Bridge Committee, Eo further business to come before this meeting the President declared the meeting recessed to meet again at the same time and place at the call of the President Village Becorder \ Hay 5, 194-2 bir. Ben 13. I-Ioore c: 605 Iloodcble Atreme I:imeaTolls, Liime sota Degc Ben: ** RICHARD P. GALE 30 Dim. MINNESOTA 1 I I I ARCH G. PEASE SECRETARY Concerning the ?riority for the shovel attachment to go on to the Ediw, shovel. 1 am checkins imediatel7 vith the Y.P.3. vho assure& me tilea vould send your rating out at the tine I rms last in there, vhich Dust have 'oeen zt least three weeks ago nor'. Yill elso try to see if I c~n get the rating boosted u~ n little. Sincerely yours, C * WAR PRODUCTION BOARD DIVISION OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS WASHINGTON, D. C. April 9, 1942 BUREAU QF GOVERNMENTAL REQUIREMENTS t 1 IN REPLY REFER TO: 3-1-3 Case ITo. 581460 Villqe of Ldina IIennepin County Einneapolis, LZnnesota Gentlemen: From the facts presented in your applicati,on for preference rating, a copy of which is returned here- vith, it is regretted that a preference rating cannot be recormended in Vnis instance for the following reason: After a study of your list of equip- fiient, in this emergency your present equipment must do although it might mean longer hours and harder work. For Victory! Enclosure J!;aury fJaverick, Chief Bureau of Governnental 3equireLients items Section - -I Village of Edina 5 .\ Hennepin County, Einnesota. '& \ WAR PRODUCTION BOARD WASHINGTON, D. C. V Village of Cdina Eennepin County liinneagolis , IJinnesota Gen'clemen: Idarch 30, 1942 IN REPLY REFER TO: 3-1-3 . Case No, 58U60 176 have before us your application for peference rating for one dray shovel, Case No, 561460. Before ne can recommend a rating on this application, it is necessary for us to kaow all the bi$xmy equipment you have on hand at the present time, date of purchase, condiiion of sane, and the mi1ez;e of ~oads you have to min-tain in your County. Under regulations this information must be Punished us in fifteen days from'this bate, and if not Given, it can receive no furVnei: consideration. Therefore, plubse be guided by this regulation. Further correspondence in this connection should refer to the above case nuxber md be addressed to t'ne Zwe&u of Governmental Aeyuirements. # / For Victory! iJaurgr P1Islverick, Chief Bureau of Governmental Requirements . __ -- v ---. f By;' L&is Lipscomb, Chief i Items Section /-- I’D-1A WAR PRODUCTION BOARD 2/2/ 13 TRIPLICATE PREFERENCE RATING CERTIFICATE (TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE APPLIOANT) II ’= Serial No .I________._________________I_ t ITEMS *eOVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE-List for each item : - Value Eaoh Shipment $1325 01 Description I I 1 Part #40-10 Dray Shovel Attachment for 15-B Eucgrus-Erie Shovel. .- PRIORITIES REGULATION NUMBElR 3 GOVERNS THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE AND THE PREFERENCE RATING ASSIGNED. ALL OF ITS TERMS MUST BE OBSERVED. ’ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS A)RE PROVIDED TO ASSIST IN EXTENEIION OF PREFER- i ENCE RATINGS :* 1. The Preference Rating assigned by this Certificate may be extended only to: (ri) Dallvarles of material which wi!l be physically jncorporated into material to be ultimately delivered to the original recipient of the Preference Rating, 01‘ to deliveries of material which itself will be ultimately delivered to the original recipient of the Pre- ferrncu Rating, or yhich will be used,.within the limitations of paragraph (e) of Priorities Regulation No. 3, to restore in--, wntory to a practiable tvorhng minimum. (b) 3lrLterhl which is neither greater in quantity nor to be delivered on dates earlier than required to make on schedule a rated delivery or, within the limitations of Priorities Regulation No. 3, to restore inventory to a practicable working minimum. 2. Tho person to whom +is certifiC?te is issued shall retain it, and he and each related .Supplier ?nd Bubsupplier may extend the I’rt,i‘i?rr?nco Rating assigned herein to hls purchase onder(s) by executing and transmitting to hm Supplier@) by endorsement on piirc1inr;c order or &her equivalent document, the following form of Certification, which shall constitute a representation to the Dircctur of Industry Operations. (The fallowing form of Certification is to be used when endorsing purchase order(s1. Do not fill in on this Certificate.) “CERTIFIC ATION “Preference Rating; _-.._-_.- is hereby applied pursuant to’ Certificate PD-lA, Serial No. (s) ~ in accordance with Priorities Regulation No. 3, with which I certify I have complied. a” (TO BE WILLED OUT BY THE DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRY OPERATIONS.) TH~ FOLLOWING PREFERENCE RATING ISHEREBY ASSIGNED TO THE ITEMS IN THE QUANTITIES 4- COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE: _. (E.n. {trm Jnn 16 1342 7 F. R. 329 E. 0, 9040 Jan 24 ‘1942.7 P R 6V ; ,Sec.Z(a), ’Publid No. 671, 76th Congress,’ Thi& Sission ad &%ilted by Public NO. 89, 77th Congress, First Session.) The Kimm Co., 111 So. 6th St.. Rlpls. .. i o R I G*I N k~ . Xto&lred Quantity Emh "Drllvorf Dato Shipment - 4/10[42 1 I WAR PRODUCTION BOARD 1 .- PREFERENCE RATING CERTIFICATE - Value Each Shipment $1326 a 00 ITEMS 'COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE-List for each item : Description \ PRIORITIES REGULATION NUMBER 3 GOVERNS THE ISSUANCE 'OF THIS CERTIFICATE AND THE PREFERENCE RATING ASSIGNED. ALL OF ITS TERMS MUST BE OBSERVED. THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS ARE PROVIDED TO ASSIST IN EXTENEXON OF PREFER- ENCE RATINGS: 1. The Preference Rtting assigned by this Certificate may be extenlded only to: (iL) IMiveries of material wvkich wi!l be physically incorporated into material to be ultimately delivered to the original recipient of tliu Preference Rating, or to deliveries of material which itself will be ultimately delivered to the original recipient of the Pre- ftirpNce Rating, or which dl1 be used,.within the limitations of paragraph (e) of Priorities Regulation No. 3, to restore in- wntms to a practicable morlung minimum. (1)) Bkttwinl which is neither greater in quantify nor to be delivered on dates earlier than required to make pn schedule P rat Ili4iwrv nr. Mthh tho Irmitatzons of Priorities Regulation No. 3. to restore mventory to a practicable morkrng minimum. ?. The newon to whom this Certificate is issued shall retain it and he and each related Supplier and ISubsupplier may cstend the I'rcLtirence R&tinE msigned herein to his purchase order(;) by executing and transmitting to his Supplier(s) by endc-sement on rinrelm: u order or other equivalent document, the following form of Certification, which shall constitute a representetion to the Liircetiir of Industry Operations. 4 (The following form of Certification is to be used when endorsing purchase ordkr(s). Do' not fill in on this Certificate.) "CERTIFICATION r* Preference Rating .,-........ is hereby applied pursuant to Certificat in accordance with Priorities Regulation No. 3, with-which I certify I - 4dU6 Vaaddalr'.~~~~-~~~~~~U~i~ p Ek~-&~ppli 66 - 3/25#&4.@X!t- __ (TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRX OPEBATIONS.) c-- THE FOLLOWING PREFERENCE RATING ISHEREBY ASSIGNED TO THE ITEMS IN THE QUiiNTITIES COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE : (ILI?. :l1124, J:$. 16, 19f?, 7 F. R. 329 E. 0. 9040 Jan. 24, 1942.7 P.R.657 ; St~?.-(a), Public No. 671, 76th Congress,' Third-Session j!~ ;rmcnk!rl bS Public No. S9, 77th Congress, First Session.) The Kimm Go., 111 So. 6th St., Mpls. I i I c . '.