HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420511_REGULAR4 83 Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hall on Xay 11, 1942 at 8100 o'clock P, E. The meeting mas called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Ninu'ces of the regular meeting of the Council held on April 27, 1942, were-read. On mation Wyatt, they be approved as read, second-ed,By Willson and carried. The Village payrolls were duly examined and found correct, vhere upon Willson moved they be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Y'yatt and carried, I They are as follows: Earl C. Sharpe Ben B. Eoore George A. Villson A. 5, Vyatt L. 11. Gebo J, J. Duggan Dr. L. E. Campbell Phil V. Smith Phil V, Smith T. E. Tilly Hilding Dah1 W. 3. Heydt John V. Lyon R, J. Johnson S, J, Roberts P. Dahlgren L. Stolgman John Tracy 0. U. Spande Ronald Port E. Uerfeld Sam UcCready H. gnsley John Sherman John Tracy, Jr . John Tracy, Jr . S. J. Fautsch Alex Creighton Silas Herrett E, Jonas John Lindberry Simon Strand President- lhy Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Health Officer Village Engineer Auto allowance Village Earshall Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Street Cammissioner Ut i1ityma.n Tractor Operator Asst, Road Foreman Truck driver Ass *t , Tractor Operator Ass't. Truck driver Road labar Road labar Road labor Road labor Road labor Eill Pond Sealing Plumbing inspections-April Building Inspector Labor Eill Pond sealing Uill Fond sealing Carpenter work 50.00 90 . 00 35.00 55.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 300 , 00 50,OO 185 .OO 160.00 160 . 00 160,OO 185.00 150 . 00 150.00 140.00 140 . 00 135 . 00 135.00 115.20 87,OO 100.00 5-50 15 . 00 21.25 196.91 129.10 12 . 00 12.00 20,oo 38.00 2, / .';-.$d The Eiscellaneous bills upon having been duly examined and found correct, were on motion \7yatt, they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Gebo and carried. They are as follows: Ers . Rudolph Vesterberg-Eeals for Selective Service Eiller Davis Co. Printed matter Hennepin County Review Advertisins 8c supplies Edina Eardware Eater ial Yh. H. Ziegler Co, Parts Graybar Electric Go. Supplies J. A. Danens &- Son Uptovm Ikon Store Lyle Signs &IC. Oscar Roberts Co. Sand Dale Green Chas Olson & Son Lettering Equip. Blackburn Xickels & Smith Insurance E'red LGY2,g Co. Insurance John B. &mmond Insurance Suburban Henn . Comty E. EI. Bradley Engineering services Toro Eg. Corp. Star lawn Power mower Gas shavel, trucks, welding Road & Bridge supplies Street & traffic signs Loader, Dirt, & Sod I Re lief Board Relief $ 20.00 3.00 97.48 21.22 2.83 3.90 54.05. 18.2'7 151.08 3.36 42 . 70 18 . 50 42.10 120 . 00 5.80 374.28 245 .OO 161.21 John R, Borey C. J. Hoigaard Co. Thompson Lumber Co . Dahlberg Bros. Inc. Kpls. Gas Light Cos Xorthwestern Bell Telephone Coapany The Improvement Village of Hopkins City of Enneapolis Philip Bacon E. V. Harris J. N. rTOhnson Arthur Peters on Rural Hennepin Coun%y Surplus Com. Comm. He A, Rogers Company Clarence 0. Holten EktSoiPs Service . Bulletin Station Supplies 50.84 Awnings 36,26 Lumber & Supplies 100.05 Police car repairs 209 . 88 Gas- Ear. 24 to Apr. 22 15.44 Vh, 1666 17.85 Advertisement for material 34,20 Fire calls 135 .OO Fire calls 78.70 Wterials for Tool House ,43 Gas & Oil for I?olice & trucks 159.30 Fire Dept. supplies 35,50 Garbage collections April 1942 439.60 Relief 40.97 WPS 1.44 Legal services 75.00 ,- -- Gesolin9- police car 13,04 Lt vas moved by Vyatt, that bills and accounts against Sever Rental Fund be duly allomed and order& paid as follo.r7s : Clara Goodacre, clerical labor, $9.90 5. J. Pautsch, labor cleaning sewers, $205.50 seconded by Koore and carried. Bills and accounts of Sewer District No. 8, as represented by Recorders aarrants numbered 218 to 232 were duly examined and fuwd correct, chereupon lSryatt moved they be duly alloved and ordered paid, seconded by Tillson and carried. President Sharpe called for monthly reports mhich vere made by Trustee Villson on Road & Bridge, Trustee Gebo on Police and Pire, Trustee 'Jyatt on Relief , Recorder Xoore on Sever Construction and maintenance. €k. Brhank Garrison, appeared before the Council, and stated he vas the omer of premises know as lot 4, Block 13, South Harriet Park Addition, whereupon Village Attorney Holten promptly served dvelling situated upon the said premises and to connect such toilet with the sanitary semer in the street adjacent to the said property. Thereafter said Frank Garrison requested he be perm-itted to move the dcelling, recently badly damaged by fire and in very poor state of repair, situated upon said Lot 4 in said Block 13, South Harriet Park Addition, ta a 10 acre tract of land lying 'Jest of Cahill Road and South of Vest 70th Street. After discussion the Eresident referred the matter to Engineer Smith, Building Inspector Creighton and Village Attorney Holten, for investigation and report. , notice upon said Garrison to install a toilet in the said Eessrs. Rice & Kempton, appeared before the Council to request that a.ld storm saker ditch extending from Indianola to Juanita be filled in as the new Vest 52nd Storm sewer vas now installed. After discussion it was agreed that .the several property osners xould get the easement for storm drain released by Thorpe Bros., and Council would endeavor to obtain the fill. Er. C. T. Hay, appeared on behzlf of the South *Test Kerchants Association in regard to parking regulations at 50th C% Branee, which would later be presented for Cour?cilts consideration, Application by Llinneapolis Gas Light Company for permission to lay 100 feet 4'' gas main in and along Vest 55th Street between Drea and Beard Avenue was on motion Villson be granted, seconded by Gebo and carried. Asplications for cigarette licenseg accompanied by required fees of Trustee Gebo moved that they be duly granted for period April 1, .,p12.00 '5 each, having been received fsom the following merchants, 65 1942 ta llTarch 31, 1943 as follows: (" John P. Zipoy, K. J, Hove, Ers. L. D. Buckett, L. R. Nolang George L. Trisler, National Tea Company, S. 1. Ryan. seconded by Willson and carried. Application by 3, I. Ryan for renewal of license to operate 16 Bowling alle'ys at 5030 France Avenue, accompanied by required fee of .$160,00. Trustee Willson moved the lkcense be gCanted for period April 1, 1942 ta &rch 31, 1943, seconded by Gebo and carried . Letter by J. J. Louis of the Board of Park Commissioners concerning trees in Parkway, as requested by W. A. Tuscony, was duly referred to Road and Bridge Committee. Communication by Francis Larkin, Secretary, Xennepin County Fair, requesting donation from Village Funds toward support of the fair, was read and Recorder requested to advise this Village had no funds available for direct contributian. Letter dated April 24,'1942, from Attorney Logafeil, requested that assessment on property of his clients loca'ced East of 3X.R. eC S. Ry. be cancelled, was referred to Village Engineer & Sewer Committee. President Sharpe read letter of league of Uinnesota Eunicipalities, dated Eay 1, 1942, regarding the annual Convention of the League to be held in El$ on June 15, 16, & 17th. After discussion Trustee Gebo moved that Village Engineer Smith 8 Recorder Eoorc, be designated as delegated to attend, seconded by Tyatt and carried. The method of assessment to be used in District 10, was discussed and it was mutually agreed (but no motion passed f that the assessment be made on square foot basis and Village Engineer in- structed to start the assessmen$ work. Chairman Gebo read a letter from members of the Edina Police- force ,requesting consideration for increase in salaries. The matter was discussed but no action taken. Chairman 17yatt discussed with the Council a specific family regarding Trustee Willson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption : i7HZElEAS, pursuant to resolution of the Village Council of the Village of Edim duly adopted and published in the Hennepin County Review okl the 23rd day of January, 1941, construction of a storm sewer has been campleted within thirty (30) days prior hereto in and along Kellogg Avenue and Best 52nd Street, commencing 30 feet North of the South line of Lot 6, Block 3, South Harriet Park Addition extended; thence Northerly along said Kellogg Avenue to its intersection with Vest 52nd Street; thence Easterly along said Ykst 52nd S$reet to a point on the North side of said street, where the North line of said Street intersects with the most Easterly line of Lot 3, Block 2, South Harriet Park Addition extended; novj therefore, BE IT RXSOLVED, that said storm sewer is hereby accepted and the assessable cost is determined to be b256.50. BE IT FURTBER RESOLVED, that this Council will meet at Grange Hall, at the corner of Eden Road and Highway No. 100, on the 272h day of July, 1942, at 8:OO ofclock P. M., and hear testimony of all persons interested or affected and ascertain the amount of benefits to property fronting on such storm sewer by reason of the construction thereof . vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, VJherein there were five ayes and no na was adopted . reXief, no action. was taken. 8,- The motion to adopt was seconded by Recorder Eoore and the ATTEST : Village Clerk 66 Trustee Vilfson offered the following resolution and moved its adopt ion : TIHEREAS, the Village has determined ta proceed with the can- struction of a storm sewer in Storm Sewer District EQ. IO, and the contract therefor has been let; now, therefor, be it RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as f ollovs r; 1. That %he cost of constructing said sewer is hereby deter- mined to be the sum of $3,378.45. 2. The cast of constructibg the district sewer is the sum af 32,978.75, and said cost shall be assessed against all Qf the land in the entire sewer district. The cast of constructing a11 lateral severs in said district, used solely as such, is :$399.70, and the same shall be assessed against every piece or parcel of land abutting thereon subject to assessment. the Council to farthvith calculate the proper amount to be specifically assessed against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land vlithin said Sewer District, in accordance with the provisions of lav. of the proper amount to be specifically assessed, he shall prepare and file with the Village Clerk tabulaced statement, in duplicate shoving the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of land to be specifically assessed, and the amount he has calculated against the same, which shall be laid before the Village Council for approval at the next regular meeting to be held not less than ten (10) days thereafter, and the Clerk shall published, as required by lam. The motion to adopt mas seconded by iiecorder Eoore, and the vote was upon the question of the adoption of the resolution, wherein there rlere five ayes and n was adopted. 3. B. H. Bradley is hereby designated as Engineer selected by 4. Vhen said Engineer shall have finished his calculations . cause notice of the time and place of said meeting to be E ATTEST : \ Village Clerk no further business to come before the Counci1,meeting adjouxned at 11:45 P. E. 1 Village He corder