HomeMy WebLinkAbout19420608_REGULAR69 $inutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, duly held in Grange Hall on June 89 1942, at 8.00 o'clock Poll* The meeting was called to order by President Sharpe, the roll called and all members of the Council were present. Enutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on &y 25, 1942, and the recessed portion of the same meeting duly held on Bay 26, 1942, were read. On mcrtiom Trustee Yyatt, they be approved as read, seconded by Gebo and carried. The.President called for monthly reports wherean Chairman Y?illson reported on Roads, Chairman Wyatt on Relief Chairman Gebo on Police and Fire and Chairman Eoore on sewers and sewer construction. Village Health Officer Dr Canpbell, was also present and presented YillaBe Health problems and stated that he was having 8iiffZii:r;alty in getting patients in the University (County) Hospital, Xr A. 1'J, Harris, and a group of residents living in the 5500 black of Kellogg Avenue and Tooddale Avenue, were present to object to further continuance of outside toilets in the neighborhood. After discussion the President advised that notices would be served to connect with the sanitary sewer. The same group of residents were advised by Chairman Tfillson, that on account of continued cold weather accompanied by much rain, that no road oiling had been possible thus far this season. Attorney Loren Risk on behalf of and accompanied by a number of residents in the vincinity of Ashcroft, 55th to 56th streets appeared to object to the so called Hasselgren house being moved into their neighborhood. Discussion was had and Hasselgren being present, stated he intended to install a full basement under the house and to add two (2) bedrooms and to paint the house at once. After further discussion President Sharpe suggested thzt the neighbors appoint a committee to meet with Xngkneer Smith, Euilding Inspector Creighton and interested others to work out a mutually satisfactory program, The President read letter regarding the Fifth (5th) State Selective Service Registration to be held on June 30, 1942, Between the hours of 7 A.N. and 9.00 o'clock P.fJe which as in former cases was referred to Recorder Eoare, as Chief Registrar, to make necessary preperations and arrangements for the regis- tration. The matter of the Office of Village Attorney being vacant by reason of EkkJ%,lar'enee 0. Holten recent resignation on account of entering the IlElitary Service, duly came before the Council. After discussion Trustee 17yatt moved that Attorney Karl H. Cave11 be duly appointed Village Attorney for the balance of the cal- ander year 1942, at a salary of $75,00 per manth beginning as of June 1, 194z9 to cover all ordinary routine legal services with Court cases to be charged in addition, seconded by Recorder Home and carried by unaminous vote of all members of the Council Discussion mas had on the matter of the President appointing a Building Committee for the construction of the proposed Village Hall according to plans by Lang and Rauglund, heretofore duly , approved by the Council, whereupon the President appointed Phil W. Smith, Chairman Ben B. Eoore George A. 'Xillson all of whom met with the Comxcil's approval, Application dated June 4, 1942$ by Jo,hn He Person, for position as i7arming House Superdsor at Error Lake Qarmirzg House the corning season mas read. The Recarder was requested to aclcnow- ledge receipt of the application. and to advise same had been placed on file for favorable consideration this Fall. Petition by 'L?r J. R. Arnott sener capacity for the 4600 referred to Engineer Smith, and others for additional storm block of Arden Avenue, read and for investigation and report, Application by Ashley Brooks, accompanied by the required license fee, for license to operate three (3) Taxi-cabs in the Village of Edina for period ending &rch 31, 1943$ vas read. On mation by Trustee Gebo, the application be accepted and licenses issued, seconded by ;rlillson and carried. The Village ahd Road crew pay rolls hairing been noted and found correct, Pere on motion by. they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by , and carried. They are as follows : Ebrl C. Sharpe President June Ben B. Eoore - Recorder George A, VilPson Trustee A. S, Tyatt Truskee E. E. Gebo Trustee ft Phil J. Smith Engineer It John J. Duggan Treasurer '' Dr Lowell E". Campbell Iiealth Officer, June. T, E, Tilly Village LIarshall Eilding Dah1 Police Officer V. 3, Heydt Police Officer John i'J, Lyon Police Officer Re J. Jahnson Street Camissioner S. 3. Raberts Utility man P, Dahlgren Tractor Operator L. Stolman Asst Road foreman John Tracy Truck driver 0. E. Spande Ass t Tractor operat or Ronald Port Asst Truck driver E, Uerfeld 199 hrs Road labor C 60g Sam EcCready 172 hrs Park labor G 50g E, Xnsliey 182 hrs Road labar 0 50p Sixas Herrett 90 hrs meed Inspector @ 50g E, Janas 41 hrs Road labor (2 SO# A. C, Stringer RB-iFJPA. kbor John Tracy Jr, 101-$ hra Road labar 0 50g John Lirtdberry 46 hrs Truck hire Cleo 3, 7helan Office Clerk It n $50 . 00 90 moo 35,Oo 35.00 35.00 300.00 30.00 30.00 160,Oo 160,OO 160 . 00 185 . 00 150000 150.00 140.00 140,OO 135,OO 135 . 00 119,40 86.00 91.00 45 . 00 20 50 25 . 00 50,75 46 00 185,Oo 4 37,50 The Eiscellaneous Bills upon being checked and found correct, aere on motion . they be duly alloved and ordered paid, seconded by . and carried. They are as follows: Phil 8. Smith, City of Kinneapolis J. 11. Johnson Pure Paint hnfg Co i'arnham Stationary Co Janesville Apparel. Go. North Star i7oolen mll Thompson Lumber Go Emmi Tedman Dahlberg Bros, Inc Edina Letter Press Graybar Electric Go S, 5. Fautsch Lake St Sash Q Door Co International Ham, Co E. V, Harris Dale Green J. J. Craig Co H. A. Rogers Co Chas Olson 8: Sans \ He E,, Erickson Go. Auto allorance June 250.00 3elied Bs Gaud Eeedham 52 00 600 ft 1-ktt fire hose 312,OO Ceraent norking tools 3,20 Bloor tile Tool House offices 79.50 Office furniture G equpt. 246,49 12 Fireman's rubber coats 169.45 Bnergency Blankets, Police 9;50 Lumber 52,36 Gas far Road 8 Bridge 7,27 27,40 Bire Dept Report blanks Electrical supplies Toolhouse Zashstand far tool house Drafting table &Plan rack 55.86 Truck parts 2002 Gas B Oil R€B-Police car 167.46 Gravel for R&B 110 0 10 Eioad asphalt 29.75 Village maps for engineer 13 . 26 Repairs to la-mmoner 1.50 mea Ford V8 Police car 1130.0 05 30 29 6e50 I Tlarner Hardware Co Acme Awing Company Eap holders Burroughs Add. Each Co Suburban Hennepin Go, S, 3. PauLcsh Repairs on bulldozer Keys for Toolhouse Service BC supplies Relief Board lby Relief Edilaa Hardware Co RW supplies 2.89 4,75 11.41 390 . 67 .4.20 24,OO 71 a Enrreapolis Gas Light Co Gas for heating 4/22-5/22 $9.98 Hennepin County Reviem Pub. natices & supplies 77.85 H. V. Johnson Culvert Co Road culverts 176 . 49 16.84 Williams firdware Co Steel bars for RB33 21.24 Oscar Roberts & CO Road Gravel &tsop1.'s service Gas for Police Dept 6.24 Clarence 0, Holten Services Village Attarney-&y 75.00 Lynhurat IIursery Parktvay trees 27.50 Arthur Petersen lulay garbage collection 448 . 00 S. J. Pautsch Plumbing Inspector-ky 22.50 Landers-Norbloam-Chkkstson-Ready Xixed concrete for (=&G 616.74 Rural Hennepin County Surplus Corn. Corn. &y services 23.62 Glacier Sznd & Gr. Co Road gravel 22 . 78 E-V Bell Tel Ca Telephone EX 1666-7 38.20 Alex Greighton Building Inspector-&y 2.00 VI, H. Ziegler Co Tract or parts 34.95 Total $la.% 95 The bills and accounts of Sewer District No. 8, were duly examined and found correct, wherein . moved they be duly allowed and ordered paid, seconded by and carried. They are as follows : IEenry It. Bell Village sewer inspectar A. C. Stringer Labos , che cking- r e c e iv ing et c Erwin Pf eiffer Shave1 operator Xidland Bank-Ziegler Rental 1533 Bucyrus-Erie shovel W. H. Ziegler GO Rental Equpt, and supplbs Pratt 's Express Towing service 5. A. Danens & Son Shovel 8c aperator $609.84 Gas 240 . 00 Bulldozer-upekatar 44.00 Hnutsen & Turner Grass seed Uiller-Davis Cct Reeeivkng sltps Worthley Concrete Pro. Manhole blocks Soh X, Barey Kerosene Thompsom Lumber Co Lumber Ed ina Ear dmar e Sewer supplies Edina Garage Supplies Oscar Baberts & Co Sand eC Gravel NQXthWeStern Bell Tel Telephone Galnut 6567 Chas Olson & Son Bulldozer parts S. J. Pautsch Cleaning Storn sever Lynhurst Nursery Replacing Spruce tree VI. H. Ziegler Co Parts & supplies W. E. Ziegler Co Rental Bulldozer W. H, Ziegler Co Rental 15B Bucyrus-Erie shovel Tot a1 $175 .OO 25.00 225.00 437.58 221.43 15.00 893.84 10.55 2.50 57.00 11.30 88 . 20 12 . 05 1.00 113 . 84 8.25 10 . 00 9.00 12 000 121.99 88 . 00 437.58 '-@mXT Ho further business to come before the Council, the President declared the meeting recessed subject to the call of the ,President at the same time and place. I - Village Recorder.